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75.82% Naruto : Gold List Exposes Me / Chapter 227: Chapter 122.1 : Akainu?

Chapter 227: Chapter 122.1 : Akainu?

"What happened to Hawkeye?"

Whitebeard and the others were shocked.

It was evident that Hawkeye had the upper hand; Hidan seemed too weak. So why was Hawkeye suddenly injured?

However, among them, there was no shortage of intelligent individuals. Hidan had stabbed himself with a pitch-black spear. Such suicidal behavior was far from normal.

It was likely another form of attack.

"My heart has been pierced!" Hawkeye Mihawk exclaimed in despair.

He was human, not an undead monster. If his heart was pierced, he would also perish.

In that moment, he struggled to suppress the flow of blood, but it seemed futile.

"He pierced his own heart, and if mine is pierced too, what kind of sorcery is this?" Hawkeye swiftly contemplated countermeasures. Time was of the essence; failure to act swiftly would mean certain death.

Firstly, the assailant's ability likely had ties to their blood, serving as a conduit to activate it.

"If I kill him, will I also die?"

"No, he possesses the body of immortality. Severing his body wouldn't kill him. Attacking him now, however, would make me the one to die!"

At that moment, Hawkeye felt sheer despair.

Meanwhile, Hidan continued to drive the jet-black spear into his heart, further draining Hawkeye's life force.

Of course, Hidan himself was also suffering, vomiting blood from his injuries.

His undead body was merely a rudimentary form of immortality, incapable of swift healing.

With desperation gripping him, Hawkeye unleashed an attack, manifesting Conqueror's Haki.


Under the oppressive force of Conqueror's Haki, Hidan seemed paralyzed.

Seizing the opportunity, Hawkeye struck from above, aiming to sever Hidan's other arm. Without both arms, Hidan would be unable to pierce him further, giving him a chance at survival.

Despite his severe injuries, Hawkeye's strike lacked full force, yet Hidan made no attempt to evade.

Unable to dodge due to the suppression of Conqueror's Haki and his own injuries, Hidan's arm was severed.

Simultaneously, Hawkeye's own arm was shattered.

Nevertheless, he had succeeded in halting Hidan's self-harm.


Amidst spitting blood, Hidan chuckled, "Hahaha, do you think losing my arms stops me from harming myself?"

Grabbing the jet-black spear with his teeth, he flung it into the air, then directed its fall vertically.

With determination, Hidan aimed directly for the spear with his head.


The pitch-black spear pierced through Hidan's skull.

Hawkeye Mihawk was in dire straits.

Before he could react, a mysterious orifice materialized between his brows, his consciousness waning as he collapsed to the ground.

Mihawk, the renowned swordsman, had fallen!

"Hahaha! Victory is mine! I've vanquished a fearsome foe, far mightier than I!" Hidan exclaimed, his jubilation palpable.

Yet, despite his triumph, Hidan found himself in a precarious predicament. Even with his immortality, it would take at least a month of recuperation before he could fully restore himself.

Meanwhile, the denizens of the Pirate World were left dumbfounded. The world's No. 1 swordsman, Mihawk, a stalwart among the Seven Warlords of the Sea, had met his demise at the hands of one so seemingly feeble. And to perish in such an enigmatic manner!

Such a demise was utterly vexing!

Many were incensed, feeling a sense of powerlessness and frustration.

But alas, this was the outcome, unalterable and final.

[Hidan emerges victorious, seizing Mihawk's Conqueror's Haki]

A beam of light emanated from Mihawk's form, descending upon Hidan.

Even Mihawk, well-versed in the potency of Conqueror's Haki, felt a shiver down his spine at its release. Had it not been for his iron will, he might have succumbed outright.

"Hahaha! With this Conqueror's Haki, I can render my foes motionless, making it effortless to draw their blood!" Hidan gloated, aware of the tremendous boon to his strength. Even the most formidable of Kage-level ninjas, if cognizant of his ritual's flaw, might struggle to thwart him.

Of course, beings possessing immortal body were an exception; those he dared not provoke.

Intent on paying homage to his malevolent deity, Jashin-sama, Hidan sought to recline in ceremony for a brief respite. Yet, the arena forcibly ejected him, much to his chagrin, leaving him naught but curses.

Undeterred, he promptly resumed his ritual, using the blood of his fallen enemy to inscribe the sacred symbols once more, demonstrating his reverence.

[Kakuzu: That Conqueror's Haki is truly formidable, yet Mihawk's arrogance led to his downfall!]

[Hidan: Kakuzu, dare you call my methods sinister? He was the fool to underestimate me. Had he fought earnestly, he would't have been reduced to naught, denying me his lifeblood!]

[Kakashi: Mihawk's prowess rivals that of a Six Paths class, a pity indeed. With greater caution, he might have survived!]

[Third Hokage: Miscalculations cost Mihawk dearly. Hidan's power in combat may be middling, but his curses are potent, akin to law itself, defying disparities in strength. However, once understood, countering him becomes feasible!]

[Third Tsuchikage: Formidable foe indeed. Hidan's acquisition of Conqueror's Haki signals a substantial escalation in his might.]

[Gaara: Hidan warrants our heightened vigilance; he poses a significant threat to us all!]

[ Hidan; Thank you for your attention, I am honored! ]

"Master, it's a shame about Hawkeye. His strength was formidable, and I believe he still had plenty of tricks up his sleeve. His true power exceeds what he displayed, yet he fell to Hidan's curse. Truly unfortunate!" Kumoko murmured.

"Indeed, when facing any enemy, one must exercise caution. Underestimate even the seemingly weakest, and you might meet an untimely demise," Yasao advised.

Kumoko and the other women nodded in agreement.

Hawkeye's defeat weighed heavily on the hearts of the other seven powerhouses in the Pirate World. Losing fair and square was one thing, but witnessing Hawkeye, whose strength clearly surpassed Hidan's, meet his end was infuriating and unjust.

Amidst their sorrow and frustration, a simmering resolve ignited within them.

After a brief discussion, they unanimously decided on the sixth contender.

"For the sixth match, allow me to step forward!" declared Marine Admiral Akainu.



"No objections!"

Akainu's formidable strength and renowned reputation instilled confidence in the group. With him in the arena, victory seemed within reach, provided they didn't repeat Hawkeye's mistake.

Without delay, Akainu took the stage and was introduced in the Golden List live room.

[Sakazuki, also known as Akainu, Marine Admiral, possesses the Logia Lava-Lava Fruit ability]

[Great Toad Sage: Lava-Lava Fruit, much like the one consumed by Gamanemu. Its power is truly formidable!]

[Kakashi: Another Devil Fruit user, a Marine Admiral at that. This should be quite the challenge.]

[Tsunade: Doesn't seem weak, but actions speak louder than words!]

[Hyuga Hiashi: Any volunteers for the next round?]

[Hoshigaki Kisame: I'll take the stage this time! With my Water Style·Blast Wave, I can create a vast lake. And being a Devil Fruit user, the opponent's weakness to seawater might work in my favor, especially if I utilize this technique early in the match!]

Hoshigaki Kisame, confident in his abilities, stepped forward, eager for his chance at victory.

Hyuga Hiashi extended the invitation to Hoshigaki Kisame.

"Hyuga Hiashi: Hoshigaki Kisame, if you're willing, I'll invite you," he said.


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