While a snowstorm was raging, Ping Hu practiced his qi. This place was very suitable for practicing because the yin power was thick. The reason why no one came to practice their qi here was that its coldness could chill people's bones.
'I would have died in minutes if I didn’t use qi characters to adjust the temperature.' Ping Hu thought.
After the storm calmed down
Ping Hu used qi to destroy the snow blocking the entrance before he flew off to explore the area he’d made plans about. Finally, he found something.
"It's beneath my feet. I have to get down there, don’t I?" said Ping Hu before using his soul power to make himself release heat as if he were the summer sun. The snow melted shortly after that, revealing the melting ice which was not just normal ice. It was ice that was filled with dense yin power.
"It must be here." Ping Hu was more confident that the place underneath his feet must be the Qinglong Trial.
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