After I mended fences with Qing Qing, my childhood friend, when we met at the company, she did not turn away from me. Even then, however, I felt that now between the two of us, a division line had emerged. As I did not know who to consult because I was not particularly close with anyone, there was no place for me to vent. My work at this time had suffered many errors due to this issue.
Suddenly, I thought of someone. She was friends with Qing Qing when she was an intern. In addition, she was a friend in whom Qing Qing had often confided. Although she was a girl who wore thick eyeglasses, she was a very pleasant girl. Speaking with her was comforting. Once I had that realisation, I went to see her to vent my troubles to her.
“So, you overthought things? About how when you asked about Qing Qing’s boyfriend, she went quiet and didn’t give any sort of answer?” Pi Xian asked.
“Right. Whenever this issue came up, she always evaded it. Why? I think I’ve been a good friend,” Xi Mo said.
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