'He's so strong,' thought Meng Qing Qing.
"L...let go, Bai Zhe," Meng Qing Qing stuttered. She felt her heart beat fast like when she had kissed him for the first time. She was losing her self-control.
"We're already dating. I'm an actor. We barely have time to do things together, just the two of us. And from now on, it will get busier. I want to make the most of the moments we have now," said Bai Zhe. He gently pressed his lips onto Meng Qing Qing's forehead.
"Ahh, if you won't let go of me, I might lose it." Meng Qing Qing panted more heavily. Being close to Bai Zhe like this made her want more.
"I want to know what you will do to me when you lose control." Bai Zhe smiled, his eyes teasing her to see what she would do to him. He would have avoided being this close if it was other girls.
Meng Qing Qing adjusted Bai Zhe's seat before she got up and straddled his lap, pushing him into a supine position the seat.
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