The auction continued. It was time for the earth qi sword to be auctioned off, which made the bidders excited again.
This was because the auction had become quite boring after the first 5 qi medicines had been auctioned off, and the other items' auctions were not as exciting as the medicines’ auctions, so the host tried to coax the bidders.
"The next item is an earth qi sword. The sword was discovered at an abandoned shrine in the middle of a valley. It is about 2,000 years old, which was the period after the Dark Ages. At that time, there was still a craftsman who was able to create it by using basic qi iron. However, using certain methods, the sword's power is higher than the swords we are able to manufacture nowadays. Although it looks old, with a little repair, it will turn into a beautiful and powerful sword. Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready?" The female host explained the value of the sword.
"Ready!" the bidders shouted together.
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