"We have the first 4 places. The first place is Bai Zhe, who ate 40 bowls. Second place is Ping Hua, the girl with an iron stomach. She ate 38 bowls. Third place is...." The host announced the names of the competitors who ranked in the first 4 places.
"Now, we have to say goodbye to the competitors who got eliminated. Thank you so much. For the competitors who pass, our bus will take you to the hotel we have booked for you. We will continue the competition tomorrow to select just 1 person as the representative of the capital city to join the final round of the competition," said the host before everyone got on the bus.
"My, this is tiring, isn't it?" Bai Zhe said after they got on the bus.
"Competitions are never easy," the host replied.
"Don't complain. Do you have a black hole in your stomach? How can you not feel nauseous after eating that much food?" Ping Hua teased.
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