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Chapter 8: The Duos - Day 2

The second phase of the Union Games

The most thrilling battles usually happened during the second day and the finals, everybody around town knew that. Linker was again filled with handmade products resembling the seven winners, from red soaps looking like a woman to merchants offering purple clouds of cotton candy. 

Eleu had a great sleep that day, he went to bed remembering each part of the battle, at least the things he was able to capture since most of the moves were too quick to be seen all at once. It was chaos down there, and unless you would focus on certain parts of the arena or choose a favourite competitor to follow at all costs, seeing it all was a complex task.

The Bruiselet was the best part of it, a silver bracelet embedded with logos and shapes representing all the capitals, everybody with a silver one had their food and drinks around town included with it, and since Eleu got his from Aethernius, he got lucky and didn't get the typical brown bracelet that just included entry to watch the games.  A part of him was still impressed with the Reindeer getting such an item on short notice.

-I heard that Commanders get Golden bracelets yearly but don't like attending. -Said Siam while eating fries from a nearby stand. 

-I think that's not true, my p… -Eleu realised nobody knew who his parents were, so he tried to quickly fix the sentence. -My purpose will be to get one if they actually exist!

The group laughed and kept walking together to the stadium. Plenty of things would change from one day to another, the streets would reassemble to show new products and paintings, and local artists would spread the tales of their favourite fighters, exaggerating their movements and actions the night before. As one of the most profitable events in the city, people would spend their whole night creating merchandise based on the results. 

-Do you think Futura will target your brother? -Asked George looking at Marves. -The whole place laughed at her after that kick.

Marves raised her shoulders with her famous "I don't know, I don't care" face. 

All the city had holidays during the games, and even though they could be a bit controversial due to how violent they could become, some members of the Union would encourage their trainees to attend, hoping it would motivate them towards developing unique techniques.

-I heard one of the contestants was Heimisch. -Said a fan not far from them.

Their attention was instantly picked, and they walked closer to eavesdrop on the conversation.

-He is called Soften. He was a martial artist on the other side by age fourteen. -Kept explaining the fan to his group of friends.

George's eyes lighted up instantly. It was discouraging being a non-gifted in the Union, and even knowing that most non-gifted people could still develop a small skill and become some kind of Sithiar when exposed to the realm of the spirits for a long time, hearing that somebody was at the top without skills, gave him hope.

-We are tightening security today. Please inform the others. -Told a soldier to a spirit as elegant as a crane. The crane nodded and left flying away.

The kids kept walking and chatting about the topic.

-Did you see the Econs yesterday? Last year there was half of the security. -Commented Siam in a low voice.

-Hey losers, are you going to the stadium to learn how to fight? -A male irritating voice said from afar.

Loie, Tedar and some other bullies were near a shop, buying souvenirs and making jokes about people, pretending to punch each other. Testosterone was all over the place.

Siam and Marves rolled their eyes away and grabbed their friends, trying to ignore them so they could get in their seats before the entrance was fully crowded.

Bottle was by the door talking with a woman in a uniform.

-Mom? -Said Eleu, shocked without noticing his friends were still with him.

-Oh, hey son, how are you doing? -She hugged her kid as if nothing was wrong. She did not reprimand him for attending the games, shouting instructions, or sending him home with her frightening look.

Bottle looked at the kids and smiled at them, then kept the conversation with Leora, not letting anybody interrupt them.

-Your mom is the Commander of the Econs!? -They exclaimed at once. -No wonder you had such awesome skills! -Added Siam remembering his first battle with Tedar.

They all sensed how uncomfortable the topic was for him, so instead, they chose to walk in and change the topic quickly. Eleu felt somehow ashamed for not sharing much about his life with them but appreciated how easy was for them to focus on enjoying the games and not ask many questions.

"Hello and welcome!" Introduced the female Shaper. "Today we are having a plot twist!

The crowd was still sitting down, getting drinks and food ready, but expectant of the new change.

-Yesterday, seven brave fighters gave their best for your entertainment. -Added the host with his spiritual microphone walking around the arena.

"But, seven is not an even number, right?". People cheered and replied raising their arms like heart-dying fans. 

-We are going to select one sit, one of you, to join one of the duos. -The crowd gasped, bringing their hands to their mouth in surprise while looking around.

"Because we know, some of you are afraid to join, afraid to battle!" Finished the Shaper while floating over the audience.

-But first, please welcome our Guests of Honour! -Everybody stood up shouting and clapping at them. Once again, as well as the day before, Bottle, Sturb The Barbarian and Viron sat down after giving their praises and waving people with their arms.

-And now, without more delays... the person chosen to represent the eight candidates is sitting on seat number…. Nine D, section two! -Shouted the host spinning around and looking with his finger at the selected one to build tension in the audience.

A whole wave of people turned around, looking at their seat numbers. Some stood up screaming thinking it was them. Even for those in the wrong section, the mental game was on, and people were loving it. The kids all took a big breath of relief. Section two was the one where spirits were seated. A magnifying bubble appeared over the section. This was a whole spectacle. 

A cute Seahorse spirit floated around, looking super stressed and confused.

"Oh, that's a shame, our friend won't be able to participate!" The seahorse seemed offended and relieved at the same time while the Shaper woman passed near him.

-Then, we will have to select another one! What about… One E, Section six!

The laughs and screams of the crowd were wild at this point, people wanted to play the game and not be chosen. It was a mix between fear and desire.

A new bubble appeared over section six. This time, a blue-shaped man was sitting on it, the floating woman quickly sat down near him.

The man stood up and made movements with his arms, letting people know he was a spirit, looking human but unable to hold a popcorn with his hand.

-Oh, what a shame again! Let's do something… -Said the host crossing his arms to think…

This was a prepared spectacle to build up the event and give extra time for those attending late and still finding their seats. 

"Why doesn't he choose his champion?" Interrupted the female Shaper still floating near the spirit.

People clapped and screamed affirmations all over the stadium, a spirit chasing a champion to compete on his behalf. These were absolutely the best games ever.

Both Shapers took flights and scouted around the stadium, stopping at the same time near the centre and moving in the same direction.

"We chose... you", they said pointing at section four, seat seven C. The crowd flipped instantly following the direction of their fingers.

Eleu choked a bit on his sweet and sour lemonade. Thousands of people were looking his way. Why him? Why now? Why the whole mental trick?

Siam, Marves and George stood up and started to shout all the cheers possible, jumping and helping Eleu stand up.

As the crowd cheered, a group of Econs accompanied Eleu around the inner areas of the Stadium to the lower floor where contestants were preparing. Not even his lemonade could go with him. He was still in shock, trying to comprehend the situation.

As they accompanied him downstairs, the cheers from the crowd were fading in the distance.

A whole hidden area of the place was being shown to him, long corridors filled with doors with contestants' names as if it was a type of backstage. His mom stood by the last door, waiting for him.

-I know what you are thinking, I was wrong, I should have let you participate. -She said before he could formulate a word while bringing him into the changing room.

He walked in shaking, concerned about his life and as afraid as ever.

-Mom, I can't fight these people, have you seen the Lithiars? -His voice cracked.

-I did. This wasn't my idea. I promise we'll be watching from a close distance, and I'll pull you out as soon as I sense you are in danger.

The door opened, Ryker rushed in, extremely confused and looking at his wife as if she had lost her judgment. She replied with her eyes, telling him to comfort his son.

-Hey buddy, you got this. You are capable of winning this competition.

Eleu's heart was racing, palpitating so fast that it could jump out of his chest any moment. But all changed when he saw his costume, an embroiled silver, blue and white suit, designed to his size and measure, reinforced with strong materials and decorated with uneven patterns of shiny scales around ankles, wrists and a side of the neck, imitating the body of a dragon.

The costume changed everything for him. He felt supported, he felt ready, he wanted this, and he would figure it out. 

Time was up, and he had to go out into the battle arena with the other seven contestants, each going out by one door and walking to the centre of the stadium to say hi and make teams.

The event organization explained to him the simple protocols, walk, raise your arms, make them love you, typical hero attitude.

As soon as the doors opened the spotlights blinded him, the sensation of walking from below as a contestant was definitely different than he imagined. As he recovered his sight and moved forward, he could recognise some of the contestants walking towards the centre as well.

They all seemed strange, not only because they were humans like him, in the flesh and not under a gigantic screen, but because nobody told them there would be an extra fighter in the Duos.

Cactie looked as worried as never ever before, trying to ask him what he was doing there with his eyes without the audience noticing. "You are not old enough, are you crazy?" Eleu read on his lips.

Eleu knew all that, but it wasn't his choice, and backing down now would be the last option.

As soon as they reached the centre of the arena, they all turned around and let the introductions begin. A bubble began forming above them, partially covering the spotlights and allowing them to see and hear properly within the battlefield instead of the sound coming from the audience.

-Well, well, our fresh contestant is looking more than ready! Everybody join me to introduce our new blood, coming from the city of Linker, from the heart of the Union, he is… Elemental! -Said the host grabbing Eleu's arm and raising it in the air.

Somebody named him without saying a word about it and people were more than eager to love a champion born in Linker. What would his friends and classmates be thinking? It was impossible to find them in the crowd with such strong lights pointing at them. The introduction round continued.

-The first Heimisch champion we ever had, his name might feel delicate, but his punches are not. Please welcome Soften!

Multiple brown flags with the shape of a hand-painted on them were opened, fans loved him, and it made sense since more than half of the population in Linker had no gifts of their own.

-Her touch can reveal all the mysteries, her energy will poison your mind, she is Futura!

This woman had half the population under her charm. Everybody wearing red was jumping and shouting her name as if she was a goddess.

-From a small northern village to the big stage, his energy can heal or destroy you with his sharp kicks… Saguaro! -Exclaimed the host holding Cactie's arm up. Tons of new fans were cheering for him, opening big pieces of cloth with leaves painted on them, representing the healing capital.

-His hand movements can dominate any energy and turn it into a weapon, please welcome, Storm!

The always favourite from those in the Union, he was a legend of Energy Control, and had instructed a couple of times on behalf of Leora.

-Beware of him, he can absorb you into the deepest darkness and break your mind into pieces, he is MindCrawler!

Taentrum's champion was one of the most loved fighters, soon the whole place was filled with purple flags, chantings of his name and cloud symbols.

-She is almost invisible and can deactivate any flow of energy, cancel her enemy's attacks and turn a Lithiar into a useless puppet, give it up for Deflex! 

The crowd looked divided, some loved her, others were not even able to spot her in the arena, a really thin girl dressed in black and masked to the teeth, moving her long fingers and playing with the host as if she was attacking him.

-And last, but not least, his reach will make your days grey, and his power will turn your love into misery, coming from the city of Latenza, he is, MoodRange!

He was the top favourite, the bells rang, the people were shouting for him, and flags filled with yellow squares were all over the place. 

"Now, now..." Descended the Shaper spirit while calming people down. It's time to select the Duos, each of you will grab a painted stone from the bag, and those with the same colour will be partners and battle the opposite chromatic match.

Easy to understand, red would battle blue, and white would battle black.

The human host moved the bag around the circle, making each pick a stone. Upon the last one, they were given the signal to raise the stone and let the colour be seen. 

Eleu looked at the stone in his hand, white. He searched for his match, Storm, the Econs champion had one as well. He nodded with confidence, knowing he had a chance to win.

-The first match, Elemental and Storm against Futura and MindCrawler!

"Damn", thought Eleu, there was no way he could hit Futura or avoid all of MindCrawler's attacks, but he had no choice.

The arena cleared, and the opposite team walked away from them. They had a few seconds to prepare their strategy. Storm took the lead and put a hand on his shoulder.

-We got this. We can defeat both of them. I need you to distract them with your aura. -He said leaning down to talk closer to Eleu's face. -I saw your combat at the trainee program.

Eleu was worried, but he nodded and prepared to assist one of the most talented people he knew.

"It's time, ready, set, go!" Screamed the Shaper initiating the first Duo.

The crowd went wild and Storm ran towards his opponents with ease. Clearly both of them were hoping to defeat Eleu first, as he looked like an easy prey. Futura was heading towards him, calling upon red energy sneaking around the floor in his direction, while, MindCrawler started collecting energy from those with Medium skills in the audience, he would need some time to recharge, it was the perfect strike for Eleu.

He ran towards him, trying not to allow him to charge himself up, but Futura had other plans. Red snakes were approaching Eleu from behind. A loud slash sounded near him, he tilted his eyes to see a blade of energy cutting the snakes right before they touched his feet.

He kept on his pursuit, MindCrawler knew he was coming, but he collected enough to blow a cloud of darkness between them. Eleu knew if it touched him, he would be lost in a nightmare. Without hesitation he threw himself on the floor, sliding below the cloud and kicking MindCrawler in his left ankle. 

His enemy fell instantly, the pain was intense, but his cloud was still expanding, and he grabbed Eleu with his arms so he could breathe the purple cloud. 

As soon as the smoke was about to touch him, a whirl of energy started absorbing the cloud and redirecting it towards Futura, who was avoiding all of Storm's attacks without issues. 

Eleu used the extra surprise to sneak out of his arms and stand up again, this time seeing how MindCrawler went on his knees and pronounced some words while slamming the floor with both open hands. Two giant shadow arms crawled through the ground towards Eleu as if they were an expansion of his enemy's body. Terrified by this, Eleu started running looking for Storm, scared of the effect the expanding shadow could have on him. 

Storm grasped his partner running on the corner of his eye and decided to help, he slapped his hands strongly creating a wave of energy that pushed Futura's red snakes back.

But both their opponents were relentless. A great shadow was covering all the arena floor, with Taentrum's champion still kneeling down, absorbing energy from others while he was painting the floor black. Over the dark omen, red snakes seeking a chance to read the moves of their prey, reaching closer and closer while Futura walked between them.

-If you have any tricks, this would be a great time! - Shouted Storm covering Eleu with his body while pushing an arc of energy away from them.

"The Demon", thought Eleu, quickly placing one hand over his partner's shoulder and reciting the words.

"Hac at me, et ego Eloko!" An explosive pulse of energy coming from both of them was felt through the entire stadium, Storm felt a rush of power and his slice of blue energy shifted into a crystalline white, forming a big wall where the arc ended, a barrier that completely blocked the expansion of the floor shadow and the snakes. It was a solidified formation like nothing he had ever seen before. 

-Did you just crystallise my energy? -Asked Storm looking over his shoulder to see a young kid impressed with his creation.

-Careful! -Yelled Eleu noticing the battle was far from over.

From one of the open sides of the arc barrier, a handful of red snakes was approaching, both tried to avoid it, but Storm was faster and started making movements with his arms while jumping away, Eleu lacked the reflex to avoid it, getting his leg wrapped by one of the snakes.

His body froze, his eyes turned red from within, she could see everything he was going to do, all the possibilities in his head, his options were useless, she took control of his future. 

Thousands of short images were passing through his head, explosions, fires, cities breaking in half, giant forms battling each other, a never seen Ithar, with the body of a clam collecting chaos, people running for their lives, men shotting rifles, kids crying…It was an endless cycle of painful images.

It felt like an hour, but it was merely ten seconds before the snake grabbing him was cut by a slash of energy sent by his partner.

Both Futura and Eleu stopped moving after the connection between them divided, she looked at him as if she never witnessed anything of that magnitude. A quick scream from her partner brought her back.

-Behind you! -Warned MindCrawler. 

Storm used the distraction to run around her and hit her in the neck with his elbow. She fell down, still figuring out what just happened.

-Get back in the game partner! -Screamed Storm, decided to stop a big cloud of smoke heading in their direction.

Storm was right, what he saw was a trick from a Lithiar, nothing else. He came back into himself and joined his Econ partner once again, ready to avoid the incoming attack. 

One more slash of energy did nothing, the cloud kept expanding, and MindCrawler was nowhere to be seen due to it.

-Get down! -Said Storm grabbing Eleu's clothing and pushing him to the floor so the smoke wouldn't touch any of them.

As they were on the ground, Storm felt the rush of power once again through the arm touching Eleu's costume, it was as if the kid could charge him up.

-Repeat with me. -He whispered. -Contego, Servo, Vindico, Protego… -He kept repeating the mantra, but the cloud was upon them and already touching their backs.

Both felt the pain as if a toxin nullified their senses. Eleu tried to join the mantra, but it took a third time to repeat it properly for another explosive blow of energy to occur. This time, a crystal glass dome was protecting them, solidifying from the mix of their energies, the creation of it pushed the cloud away, dissipating it before it reached the audience.

Storm quickly understood how Eleu's powers worked; he could materialise energies, giving them an advantage.

Once the danger eased, the thin dome broke itself like a shattered glass, fading in the air leaving no trace. But time was of the essence, Futura and MindCrawler were slowly walking towards them, determined yet a bit confused about what was actually happening. 

Storm prepared his arms for his next attack, ready to move over his opponents, but something stopped him. From outside, the people in the audience could see the truth. Those two figures were just puppets within their minds, now poisoned by the cloud that touched their backs.

Knowing they succeeded with their illusion, Futura and MindCrawler walked behind them, ready to infect their minds from close distance.

As they stood up to face the illusion, both Eleu and Storm fell to their knees, their heads now grabbed by powerful hands inducing them into multiple terrors.

Storm had Futura's hands over him, slowly consuming his mind with endless visions of possible futures, an infinite pool of despair changing like flashes, his body being climbed and tied by her snakes. The infinite power of a seer would make him lose his senses before he could escape.

Eleu was lost in a dark space inside his mind, dozens of voices and shadows begging him for help. The death, the lost, the ill, and the screams were more than anybody could take. He could feel the two hands from his attacker holding and infecting his head, making him lose control of his body. His consciousness was fading away. MindCrawler appeared in front of him, right inside of his mind, in that dark swamp of horrors, smiling as he knew they won the match. Eleu could see himself kneeling down, his arms trying to fight another illusion.

Their minds were shutting down, Storm could not take more agony, his eyes were already red, pollluted by thousands of visions. Eleu knew he was going to pass out, give up, fall down. His eyes were closing… 

"Hey." Said a warm voice. "Why are you pushing me away?"

Slowly, Eleu opened his eyes. He was in a different place, a room where everything was white and the floor was purely shiny as the refraction of a thousand diamonds. And endless bright space reflecting itself.

"Walk with me." She said calmly. "Have you ever wondered why this world is so unfair?"

An ominous voice kept echoing through the place, but Eleu couldn't see anybody, still, he walked in the direction his soul was bringing him into.

"I was asleep, lost, but still watching… I thought humans would choose fairness, justice, I thought they would do the right thing…"

Eleu kept walking, as he advanced, the floor started reflecting some of his memories.

"I've told myself that I'd never be back, I wanted to let the world balance itself, but it just led  to death and destruction."

Eleu witnessed himself falling from the waterfall, drowning under it, and being dragged by his captor. A light descended in front of him.

"My sister, Deanare…" She said while showing the image of Ms. Bianca exchanging the assassin's life for his.

"Even this competition, it has all been wrong from the beginning."

Under Eleu's feet, the crystal started to show a different image. He could now see from a bird's perspective, right inside the stadium. Huge piles of smoke were coming from it, dozens of soldiers lying down on the floor, others with their arms behind their backs, tied and being aimed with what seemed like Rifles, thousands of people trying to escape, mistreated by black and purple assassins. From one of the entrances, a group of people were walking closer towards him and Storm, a black hat man with the almost invisible fighter called Deflex by his side.

"Eleu, will you help me restore the balance?" Asked the warm and soft female voice.

Eleu looked at the light and knew that he would plea himself completely, no questions asked, to the entity people forgot millions of years ago. As his fingers drew close to the light, more and more information was arriving, he could see the cosmos, the stars, and the light. He felt the embrace of warmth surrounding him and just accepted it. 

-I accept. -He answered, being engulfed in light.

Equa, the Ithar of balance, fairness and equilibrium had chosen to come back to life.

FerRivero FerRivero

Finally, introducing Equa! Can't wait for you guys to read about the mystery behind her and how incredible this whole story is! So many unique powers to explore!

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