'Man, yesterday was sure tiring' Nawin sigh, walking to the park to meet the blonde nun. Yesterday He and Issei spend a total of 3 hours to put all of those summoning contracts up and passing them to people, although it took Nawin only 1 and a half hour because most of the girl swarmed over him making his job much easier of passing the rest to them as for the pervert was not so lucky and begged the Makasha to helped him which Nawin did reluctantly.
While Nawin continue his way to the park, he suddenly hear his name being call "Naawwwiiin-sannn!" the black-haired turn to see Misako running towards him, wearing a Black T-shirt with a chibi skull on it and a pair of blue jeans.
"Misako what are you doing here?" Nawin ask as the pink haired stop in front of him. "Well I am going to go get some ingredients for my family bakery shop" she replies making Nawin raise his eyebrow "You never told me that you're family owns a bakery shop"
"I didn't? Sorry I must have forgot" Misako reply, blushing slightly "Anyway what about you Nawin-san what are you doing here?" She ask the black-haired "I'm meeting a friend at the park".
Suddenly Nawin's phone rings making him pick it up, answering it "Hello?" "Nawin-niichan it's me Asia" "Oh Asia I'm on my way there" "N-no I'm sorry but I can't be there today" Asia said, Nawin can sense a little fear in her voice.
"Asia are you okay is something wrong?' Nawin ask in a worry tone "No I am fine, I'm just very busy today… I will meet you tomorrow Nii-chan bye" the line drop. Nawin pull his phone down and stare at it a few second, deep in thought.
"Um Nawin-san is everything okay?" Misako ask shyly seeing the black-haired troubled face. Nawin snap out of his thought then turns to the pink haired girl, he nod "Yeah seems like the meeting with my friend is cancelled" he sigh.
"Well then do you want to come with me… I wouldn't mind the company" Misako ask in her usually high pitch child like voice. The Makasha thinks for a few second then shrug "I got nothing else better to do so, sure lead the way" he said making Misako smile, she suddenly takes the black-haired hand and start dragging him to the food store.
Time Skip
After being dragged around the food store for almost an hour the two finally finished shopping and are now currently walking to the Bakery, holding about 6 groceries bags "What the hell did you buy?" Nawin ask holding most of the bag.
"Well my mom says she need these ingredient for her special new bun" Misako reply making Nawin sweat drop 'who the hell need this much ingredient for a new bun' he thought.
As the two arrive at the bakery Nawin looks up at the bakery sign 'The Ichiru Bakery?' Nawin looks at the sign and mentally facepalm at the name. The two walks in the shop and place the bags on the counter "Mom, Dad I'm back!" Misako yell.
"Welcome back honey oh and I see you brought a friend" A woman who looks like an older version of Misako but instead of blue sapphire eyes her was dark green.
"Pleasure meeting you Miss my names is Nawin Makasha" Nawin said while bowing trying to act polite "Oh my what a gentle man, it's nice to finally meet you Makasha-san my daughter talks a lot about you" hearing that make Nawin raise his eyebrow then looks at Misako questionably "Mom!" young girl yell shyly with a blush spreading around her cheek.
"Oh, how rude of me I forget to introduce myself my name is Moka Ichiru" Moka said while Misako left to her room, saying she want to change her clothes. Nawin looks around the bakery to find allot of different type of breads, but one of them catches his attention.
Nawin picks up a pink jelly shape like bun "Oh that my new special called the jelly bun please try it" Moka said looking at the black-haired. Nawin looks at her then shrug and takes a bite.
After a few moments of silence and chewing "Well is it good?" Moka asked eagerly waiting for an answer, while jumping a little "I'm going to have be honest with you Miss Ichiru this is terrible, I mean just the way it looks already show how disgusting it is, same goes with the taste it's just unearthly… I can see why none of them have been sold" Nawin reply, he puts the weird jelly bun down with the rest of the unsold one's.
"I-it's terrible" Moka said in a shaky tone making Nawin turn and he panic seeing the older pink haired start to tear up then run past him and upstairs "Why must all of my special buns be terrible! I wanted to do something new!" she yells.
"Huh like mother like daughter I guess… I hope the father is normal at least" Nawin said, then his instinct kicks in and lift his right hand up to catch a baseball bat. "Hey punk why did my woman just ran out of the store crying? Was it because of you?" a deep voice question while the room is cover in killer intent. Nawin examine the man who looks to be about his early 30's, he also has medium-length wild dark brown hair that stretch on to every direction and sharp sapphire eyes. He's holding a metal baseball bat that he just swung "I just told her that the jelly bun was terrible" Nawin reply bluntly and push the bat away.
The man stumble back, but quickly regains his balance and glare harder at the Makasha "Let me tell you something, punk! All of the neighbors here always say that Moka's breads are perfect! It's a law not to say it's bad, so just take it and accept it… you ungrateful brat!" The man exclaims, making Nawin sweat drop 'Seems like all the family here are crazy bunch'.
Time Skip
"Well, so you're the Makasha boy that our daughter been talking so fondly about, it's great to meet you kid!" Misako dads yelled, now named Akira which Nawin just learned a few second after Misako came down and start calming the situation.
"Sorry for our inappropriate behavior that's no way for us to treat Misako first friend here" Moka apologize as Misako brings a tray fill with tea for everyone, then takes a seat beside her mother while Nawin sat on the other side with Akira. "Well I can say that this family is quite entertaining" the black-haired said bluntly taking a sip of tea.
"It's so nice to have Misako friends come over consider she doesn't have any because she was homeschooled ever since she was young" Moka said making Nawin looks at her "Why doesn't she go to school?" he asks "When Misako was born she has always been a weak child… Then one day she got sicker than usual that the doctor told us that she has to stay in bed for almost half a year to stabilize her sickness" Akira said.
"So that's why she's homeschooled so you can keep a close eye on her condition?" Nawin asked making the two parents nod. "But this year my health have gotten much better so dad and mom allow me to go to school and that's where I met you Nawin-san" Misako said smiling making Nawin's lip twitches upward.
"Yes, we a grateful that you become her first friend considering Misako is kind of shy which makes her hard to make friends" Moka said making the black-haired looks at her weirdly "Shy? Well I guess but she seems more active around me" Nawin said, suddenly Akira grabbed him by the shirt and lift him up "But, let me tell you this now punk if you even think about dating my daughter you got another thing coming so don't jump to conclusion" Akira said in a dark tone while Nawin stare at the older man with blank expression.
"D-dad please stop and put Nawin-san down" Misako said blushing slightly in embarrassment. "Old man, I'm not asking your daughter out or anything" Nawin said making Akira puts him down "Huh, talk about no guts you know what I did when I first met Moka I grab her and we ran away to together! Hahaha, that's how you get your woman, kid" Akira said making Nawin sweat drop while Moka giggles.
"Well anyway you said that your name is Nawin Makasha right?" Akira said sitting back down while Nawin nods "Well I have to say what kind of name is Nawin? Sounds stupid" Akira says making the black-haired eyebrow twitches in annoyance 'Ahahahhahah I like this guy he's hilarious' Tairex laughs making the Makasha even more annoyed "Why don't you change your name into Natsu, Natsu Makasha now that sounds more manly and awesome" Akira said.
"Sorry, but I like my name and if you insult my name one more time I will hurt you" Nawin threatens making Akira laugh "Hahaha I am so scared please don't hurt me" she said in a sarcastic tone.
Nawin stand up and glare at Akira who also stand up and glaring back at the him "You me outside now punk" Akira said smirking while Nawin grin "Sure old man I want to let out some steam anyway"
As the two walks outside Misako is about to say something but Moka put her hand on her daughter shoulder "Misako you know how you're dad is so don't worry and I can see Nawin had some experiences on fighting to probably even give Akira a run for his money and it's seems he needs it Nawin looks like he got something on his mind this might help him out" Moka said making Misako nods.
"Also think of this as a bonding moment for the two of them... for now why don't we prepare lunch I'm sure when those two are done they will be hungry" Moka said smiling making Misako nods back.
Time Skip
Nawin and Akira walks in to the room panting, their cloths have some cuts and bruises were shown on they're face. "Ah I see you two are done with your bonding time" Moka said looking at the two-battered man, they take a seat on the kitchen table chair.
Akira smirk then pats Nawin back "I have to say this kid pack some good punches and have some skill. Misako, I approve if you want to date the punk, he's not a pussy like other kids these days" Akira said as Moka start putting down some food on the table.
"Waahhhh Dad stops it" Misako said walking in the kitchen holding some plate, while blushing cutely, Nawin chuckles 'Huh, I say this family isn't so bad after all' he thought while a small smile form on his lip, he and the Ichiru family start enjoy their lunch together.
Time Skip
"It's nice having you here Nawin-kun and sorry for keeping you here so late" Misako said looking at the dark sky, standing outside of the bakery with Nawin "it's fine, I enjoy it… it's been a while since I have that much fun you're family are sure a strange bunch but fun in a way" He reply making the pink haired giggle 'plus is kind of refreshing since I been dealing with all this devil business lately' Nawin thought.
"…Well Misako, I have to go now" Nawin said then start walking to the school direction "Nawin-san Wait!" Misako yell making the black-haired turn to her "Um well…" the pink haired mumbles a little nervous "Its okay Misako I won't be mad just say it" Nawin reply softly encouraging the shy girl.
"Well I want to know are we friends? Before you just shrug at the question" Misako said nervously, Nawin smile, he walks back and pets Misako head "Well I'm sure the time we spend together today is what friends would do so Misako… we're friends" he says smiling then resume walking away, Misako looks at the black-haired who she can now call her friend and smile happily.
After a half way to the Academy Nawin suddenly sense an dark aura 'Brat you feel that?' Tairex ask turning serious, Nawin nod back 'yeah one of them is here'.
Nawin stop on his track "I know you're out there, reveal yourself Fallen Angel" He said in an emotionless tone, suddenly a barrier starts surrounding the area "Hahaha seems like the little devil is smarter now" A familiar voice said making Nawin turn to see Dohnaseek "Well if it isn't Donutman" Nawin reply ticking Dohnaseek off.
"My name is not Donutman devil! It's Dohnaseek!" The fallen angel yells "Whatever anyway what do you want?" Nawin ask even though he has a clear idea why the fallen angel is here.
"I would like to kill you but I'm here to bring you to Raynare" Dohnaseek said surprising the black-haired that was not what he expected to hear "Does she think I'm stupid enough to go into a fallen angel territory alone… sorry but she fooled me once already with the date, I'm not going to be fooled again. You go tell her that she can suck it" Nawin said then resume walking.
"Looks like I am to use force to bring you, anyway I enjoy it that way more" Dohnaseek grins then summon a light sword and lance, firing it to the Makasha.
Nawin turns and grab the light sword and use it to slice the lance in half surprising Dohnaseek "huh to be honest I don't feel like fighting right now since I'm, already tired after sparing with the old man but if you insist" Nawin crush the light sword and disappear making Dohnaseek look around 'where is he I can't sense him?!" suddenly Nawin appear behind Dohnaseek and kick him in the head sending him crashing into a brick wall.
"Wow if you can't even keep up with my speed then that's just sad" Nawin said appearing in front of the battered fallen angel. Dohnaseek create a light spear in his right hand and attack the black-haired but Nawin grab Dohnaseek right wrist and squeeze it making Dohnaseek dispel the spear "Ahhhhhhh" he scream in pain as Nawin squeeze his right wrist harder then punch him in the stomach making Dohnaseek throw up blood, the Makasha then grab a hold of the fallen angel right wrist tightly and slam him in the ground.
"I have to say that was a disappointed fight… he seriously underestimate me" Nawin said in a boring tone looking at the now unconscious fallen angel 'Yeah I have to agree with you kid that was pathetic even when you haven't use my power that much' Tairex said in a bored tone while Sairex shake his head, the two are so alike.
"I wonder what should I do now? Should I bring him to Rias" Nawin said looking at the fallen angel then shrugs grabbing Dohnaseek leg and start dragging him to the occult club.
Occult Club
"Seems like Nawin-kun is late… again" Rias sigh massage her forehead, Issei stands in the middle of the room with annoy look on his face "The teme think he is so cool that he could just come late, the nerve of that guy" he said "At least his not a pervert" Koneko says emotionlessly making Issei floor palme while crying why must a cute girl hate him because he's a pervert.
Suddenly the door slam open making the other turn to see Nawin dragging something "Issei here catch" the black-haired throw the fallen angel at Issei making him scream and jump out of the way making Dohnaseek slam on the floor.
"Wow he is still unconscious after that I must have beating him hard" Nawin said, taking a seat next to Akeno while the other look at the fallen angel and him in shock.
"Nawin-kun mind telling me why you brought a fallen angel here" Rias ask "I ran into him when I'm heading here so I defeat him and brought him here so you can do whatever you want" Nawin said shocking the other "Nawin-kun you're only just recently become a devil you should called us first before fighting the fallen angel" Rias scold the black-haired, Akeno pinches his cheek "Owh what the hell Akeno" Nawin yell rubbing his red cheek "That is for being reckless" the raven haired scold to.
"Jezz calm down you two I can handle myself" Nawin said making Rias shake her head, she then turns her attention to the fallen angel, her expressing turns serious "Yuuto-kun can you tie the fallen angel up so he will not do anything stupid when he wakes up" Rias said making Yuuto nods, the blond head to the other room and comes back with a rope then ties the fallen angel arms.
"Buchou are you sure that a normal rope will be able to hold the fallen angel" Issei asked a little worry, Rias smile "Don't worry Issei-kun that not a normal type of rope, this rope is made from the underworld material it can hold any supernatural being easily" Rias reassure making Issei sigh in relief, he then turn to the Makasha.
"Teme how did you defeat the fallen angel? I mean you're new at this as I am" Issei ask the black-haired while the other listen to the conversation. "He underestimated me and paid the price for it and also Issei unlike you I've already awakened my sacred gear" he reply.
Issei is about to say something back but is interrupt by a grunting noise making the group turn to the fallen angel is regaining consciousness.
"It seems you have awaken fallen angel" Rias said her face turning a serious, Dohnaseek turn to her and glare then looks at Nawin "I have to say I underestimated you brat" he grunt "No shit that fight was boring as hell… my morning exercise is harder than that" Nawin reply making Akeno pinch him again "Owh okay I'm sorry" the raven haired let's go of his cheek "Please keep quiet for a minute Nawin-kun and let Buchou handle this".
"Now then I want to know why you attack Nawin-kun? I'm sure I warned you what will happen if you did" Rias said darkly, releasing some of her demonic power to Dohnaseek who starts to sweat.
"If you want you can go ahead and kill me" Dohnaseek said in a defeated tone making Rias raise her eyebrow, lowering her power "Sound like you already given up I have to say I'm quite surprise" the red haired said, Dohnaseek start to chuckle "If I go back empty handed I'll be as good as dead anyway" He said "And what is this thing that you have to bring to your leader that's so important?" Rias ask.
Dohnaseek turn to Nawin "I need to bring him to Raynare" He said surprising the other except the Makasha "You told me that before we battled, I like to know why?" Nawin ask looking at the fallen angel. "Huh what I'm about to tell you it's up to you to believe it or not but to put it simple Raynare has gone completely insane ever since she killed you" Dohnaseek said surprising everyone.
"It went so far that she killed her own older sister who ordered her to kill you… after Raynare killed her she become our leader and we couldn't object considering that she can kill us with a flick of her finger" he continue "After she heard that you brought back to life she ordered us to search for you and bring you to her by force if necessary" Dohnaseek finish while Nawin looks at him in shock "Wait so the one that killed me was it Raynare or not" Issei ask "No that was not her it was Ritsu, she and Raynare looks almost identical to each other" Dohnaseek reply then looks at the Makasha.
"I'll be honest with you kid even though I hate devils I have some respect for you since you defeated me, I will give you this advise kid…. Raynare will come after you even if she needs to go to the underworld, when I look in her eyes I see nothing but insanity and obsession… She is more dangerous than before and if you let your guard down just for a second you're finished".
"Why is she doing this?" Nawin ask looking at the fallen angel who chuckles "Believe it or not because she love you" He said shocking the group "When Ritsu ordered her that you have to be killed… I saw her face she looked devastated and began yelling at her sister but Ritsu slap her and told her to do it or She will go do it herself" Dohnaseek said "I find it hard to believe this" Rias said looking at the fallen angel eyes but she couldn't find any lie in them or in his voice.
"Hahahaha believe me I feel the same way at first… But I think that it's more of Ritsu fault that this happened" Dohnaseek says "Explain" Akeno order "As you know we fallen angel used to be angel but we fall from grace because we did evil deeds and such… Raynare could have still been an angel till this day, if it was not for her sister who trick her and make her fall from grace turning her into a Fallen Angel… Ever since than Ritsu would use Raynare like a play thing slapping her ordering her around go so far that it probably damage Raynare mentally" Dohnaseek takes a deep breath.
"I think after she met you brat you actually brought her some happiness in a long time then when she was forced to kill the only thing that holds her together I think she finally snaps turning her into what she is now" he said while the other listen to the story in shock.
Nawin clench his fist in anger 'Sairex is he telling the truth do you sense any lies in his voice' the black-haired ask 'No Nawin-kun his telling the truth'. "Is there any way to helped her?" Nawin ask making the other looked at him shock, Dohnaseek shake his head "No she is far too gone… When you face her and look into her eyes you will see what I mean"
"Kid there is one more thing, the nun that you become friends with she is at our hideout" Dohnaseek said making Nawin look at him 'Is that the reason why she was so afraid on the phone?' he thought
"Raynare is planning on taking her sacred gear by using a special ritual to a make herself even more stronger, after that I'm sure she will come after you" "Where is your hideout and when is this Ritual starting" Nawin ask quickly "It's at the church tomorrow night… seems like my time is up" Dohnaseek said, suddenly a blinding light starts surround him making him scream in pain then he burst into black feathers.
"W-what the hell happened" Issei ask shock, looking at the spot where the fallen angel used to be "I think Raynare have something to do with it" Rias reply, she then looks at Nawin who sit in the couch emotionlessly, with his hair shadowing his eyes.
"Rias what will happen if a sacred gear is removed from its user" Nawin suddenly ask in a dark tone making everyone flinch "… If the sacred gear is taken away from their user it means… death Nawin-kun" she replies.
Nawin stand up and start walking to the door then stop "I'm going to the church tomorrow Rias with or without you… I'm not going to let Asia die even if I have to become a Stray Devil" he said then leaves. Akeno stand up and is about to follow after him "Akeno stop" Rias said making Akeno look back at her "I know you want to help but I think it's best to leave him alone for now… I also need some time to think" Rias said making Akeno let go of the handle and nod.
Rias see the troubled and sad look from her best friend "Don't worry Akeno I'm not going to let him go there alone" Rias said making the raven haired looks at her shock "Even if he is reckless he is still family and as much as I hate to admit it I feel like he's becoming my little brother who always gets into trouble, I'm not going to let him walk into an enemy territory without help" Rias said making Akeno smile in relief and happiness "Thank you Buchou"
"Buchou!" Issei yell making Rias looks at him "I want to train if we are going to fight tomorrow I don't want to be useless…" he said in such determination shocking the group even Koneko look at him in slight shock "The teme is already stronger than me and I want to become as stronger if possible even more stronger than him so I can show him that I am not just a pervert" Issei said making Rias and the other smile.
"Okay then Issei be prepare we only have a day, we are going to train hard to make you awaken your sacred gear and we will not go easy you understand" Issei nod making Rias smile "Good, then let's began training!"
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