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87.34% Reincarnated Into The World of Pokémon / Chapter 65: Ch.65

Chapter 65: Ch.65

Spiritomb used Substitute once again as soon as the battle started, then began preparing a Shadow Ball. Slowbro used Rain Dance and then prepared a Water Type move. The Shadow Ball flew out of the clone toward Slowbro, just as Slowbro released a Surf which exploded outward covering the entire arena. 

The Shadow Ball hit the Surf exploding a small area, but the Surf combined with the Rain Dance easily overpowered the move. The Surf smashed the entire arena, with Slowbro swimming in the water. The water then finally was drained after a few seconds. As the water drained we all saw an unconscious Spiritomb who appeared to be critically hit by the Surf. 

Cynthia then sent out her Milotic, who appeared in the arena looking regal as ever. My Milotic was waving ecstatically at her friend who couldn't see her from this distance. The battle began with Milotic using Attract and Aqua Ring. Slowbro used Iron Defense and Calm Mind, while the Attract seemed to have no effect. 

Milotic then used Dragon Pulse which quickly headed to Slowbro. Slowbro used Psychic at the same time. Both moves hit the other Pokémon at the same time, with both crying out in pain. Milotic then quickly used Hydro Pump which flew out toward Slowbro, as Slowbro used Future Sight. 

The Hydro Pump slammed into Slowbro sending him flying back into the invisible barrier. Slowbro slowly picked himself up, then fell asleep using Rest. Milotic then charged up a Hyper Beam releasing it at the now half-healed Slowbro. Slowbro has slammed into the invisible barrier once again. 

Then the Future Sight struck Milotic who cried out in pain as her body was seizing up in pain. Slowbro then used Sleep Talk and in turn, used another Psychic making Milotic collapse on the ground. Milotic then picked herself up looking worse for wear, even with her Aqua Ring slowly healing her. 

Milotic then released an Ice Beam at Slowbro who woke up right as the beam struck him. Slowbro then cried out before falling still as a thin layer of ice was seen covering his body, keeping him frozen for now. Milotic then used another Dragon Pulse finishing off Slowbro who couldn't move as he fell unconscious. 

Luckily for Cynthia, Milotic's Aqua Ring was now recovering Milotic's injuries slowly but surely. Then Lucian sent out his next Pokémon, Espeon, the small pink cat-like Pokémon. 

Milotic then immediately used another Aqua Ring, and then Rain Dance. Espeon quickly used Baby-Doll Eyes and Charm, which harshly lowered Milotic's attack stat. Milotic then used a Water Pulse sending it flying toward Espeon. 

Espeon dodged the attack which exploded the ground behind them. Espeon then released their attack of Swift which, like homing missiles flew toward Milotic. Milotic cried out in pain as the three star-shaped energies slammed into her body. 

Espeon then charged up thier next move of Psybeam, while Milotic charged up a Surf. Espeon finished first. The Psybeam flew out toward Milotic who released Surf which like Slowbro, overpowered Espeon's attack. The move crashed into Espeon breaking them under the thousands of gallons of water. 

The water drained from the arena, with Espeon barely standing. Then before Milotic could finish the match, Lucian withdrew Espeon to prevent permanent damage. Milotic danced around showing off and happy with her two victories. Lucian then sent out his Pokémon, Alakazam. 

Milotic once again reused its Aqua Ring right away, now looking almost like she was never injured. Then she used Rain Dance again keeping the water coming. While Alakazam used Light Screen and Calm Mind. 

Milotic then quickly used an Attract right as Alakazam used Future Sight. Alakazam then looked like he fell in love with Milotic as he ran over to her trying to hug her. However, Milotic used Aqua Tail smashing into Alakazam sending him flying back into the invisible barrier. 

Alakazam picked himself up and gave a small confused look toward Milotic, but then ran toward her again still infatuated with her. Milotic then used Ice Beam which struck Alakazam in the stomach forcing making him grunt in pain and slow down. 

Alakazam still looked in love with Milotic, who now cried out in pain as the Future Sight struck her once again. As the move was hurting her, Alakazam reached her and grabbed her body tightly hugging her like she would leave him any minute. 

Milotic gave a disgusted look at Alakazam before using a Hydro Pump point blank on his face. The attack sent him flying back and crashing into the ground, where he remained lying down. Alakazam was then made unconscious by Hydro Pump, Lucian was looking very annoyed now that he only had one Pokémon left, while Cynthia still had five including Milotic. 

Lucian then sent out his last Pokémon, Gallade, which unlike the anime or games is the final male-only evolution of the Ralts line while Gardevoir is the female only. Gallade is a white, bipedal, bishōnen-like Pokémon. Its lower body consists of rounded hips with strong legs. It has a thin green torso with sharp, red horns sticking out of its chest and back. Its arms resemble tonfas with extendable, blade-like elbows. Its head resembles a gladiator's helmet with a white face, red eyes, and a teal head crest. It has spikes on the sides of its face.

Milotic like usual used Aqua Ring and Rain Dance, just as Gallade used Sword Dance and Double Team. Seeing the multiple copies, Milotic used Surf, as all of the Gallades charged her. 

The Surf exploded outward of her, while the copies were destroyed with the real Gallade used Protect. Then launched himself at Milotic once the water died down, using Sacred Sword cutting into Milotic who cried out in pain. 

Milotic then used Aqua Tail, but Gallade jumped over her tail dodging it. Then he used Leaf Blade making Milotic fall to the ground unconscious from the critical hit he landed. Gallade landed on the ground and gave a respectful bow before walking back to his starting area. 

Cynthia withdrew Milotic before sending out her next Pokémon, Togekiss. Lucian glared harshly at Cynthia and Togekiss, as she was the perfect counter to his Gallade. Togekiss immediately used Charm and Baby-Doll Eyes cutting Gallade's attack harshly. 

Gallade used another Sword Dance to counter the moves used by Togekiss and then attempted to use Poison Jab. However, Togekiss flew up just dodging the strike and then sending Air Slash at Gallade. Gallade like Neo from The Matrix, dodges all the slashes twisting his body at impossible angles. 

Gallade then jumped up toward Togekiss, using Stone Edge successfully striking Togekiss who tried to dodge. Togekiss fell to the ground crying out in pain from the strike, with Gallade falling next to them. Gallade then capitalized on the grounded Togekiss, using Thunder Punch. 

Togekiss cried out in pain, while Lucian looked on with a happy expression. Before Gallade could strike again Togekiss used Extreme Speed to escape flying as high as she could. Togekiss looked down at Gallade with a very angry expression while sporting heavy wounds on her body. 

Togekiss was then charging up her next move as Gallade was watching from below waiting for her. Togekiss then flew toward Gallade using Sky Attack, as amence Flying Type energy was being emitted from her. Just as Togekiss landed on Gallade, they used another Protect blocking the attack perfectly. 

Gallade then dropped the Protect before landing a Poison Jab knocking out Togekiss who collapsed unconscious on the ground. Cynthia looked annoyed now, while Lucian seemed to be holding back a cheer. Cynthia then sent out her ace Garchomp. 

Garchomp is a bipedal, draconian Pokémon that is primarily dark blue. It has red on its underbelly from the lower jaw to the middle of the abdomen, including the undersides of its arms. A patch of gold comes to a point below the red on its belly, and a golden star shape adorns the tip of its snout. Garchomp has horn-like appendages that resemble a jet or plane's engines, giving it an appearance similar to a hammerhead shark. Its large mouth features razor-sharp teeth. The feet have three white talons, and each arm has a single large, white claw for a hand. Curved fins sprout from the arms, creating wings that allow Garchomp to fly. Garchomp also has a large dorsal fin and another on its tail that resembles a shark tailfin. Pairs of small, white spikes protrude from its upper arms and legs, and there are gill-like slits on the sides of the neck. The eyes are intense, with black sclerae and gold-colored irises.

Garchomp let out a roar at her appearance while staring down Gallade who was watching the larger Pokémon. Garchomp then immediately used Sandstorm and Dragon Dance. While Gallade used Sword Dance and Double Team again. 

All the clones charged Garchomp with the Sandstorm raging on. Garchomp then waited until all the clones reached her before releasing an Earthquake. All the clones were destroyed by the move as the real Gallade jumped up dodging the attack. Gallade then used Sacred Sword strike at Garchomp.

Garchomp side-stepped the strike just dodging it, as Gallade turned to continue the strike. Garchomp used Dragon Claw catching the move as Gallade's sword-like appendages were caught by Garchomp's clawed hands. The two Pokémon stared at one another before Gallade disengaged jumping away. 

Garchomp then used Dragon Rush charging at Gallade who charged at Garchomp with a Close Combat ready. The two struck one another at the same time, with a small explosion occurring with a could of dust forming from it. Flying out of the dust was Gallade who lost the small bout. 

Garchomp then continued to charge at Gallade with another Dragon Rush. As Gallade landed then used Protect which blocked Garchomp's strike. Gallade then dropped the Protect using another Sacred Sword strike which this time hit Garchomp making her grunt in pain. 

Garchomp then used Outrage smashing Gallade in the chest with her tail sending him flying back into the invisible barrier. Gallade landed and charged toward the angered Garchomp. Gallade ducked under the next tail swing of Garchomp landing a Close Combat, striking Garchomp in the back of her knee. 

Garchomp cried out in pain falling to one knee, but pushed through it and swung her tail back around striking Gallade. Gallade flew back a few feet before catching himself as he landed, but now we can see one of his arms is limp possibly broken. 

Gallade then charged Garchomp again, who was now slowed down due to her injured leg. Gallade jumped over the low swing from her tail and landed behind Garchomp, he then used a Focus Punch striking her in the center of the back. Garchomp stumbled forward and fell to her knees in pain. 

Garchomp then picked herself up, turning to Gallade who was catching his breath. Garchomp flew up and then back down just as quickly using Draco Meteor. Gallade jumped back just missing a direct hit, but the was caught in the explosion being tossed back once again crashing into the ground this time. 

Gallade then slowly picked himself up staring at a now too-exhausted Garchomp, both Pokémon staring at one another with respect and annoyance. Then the two charged one another one last bout. With Garchomp using Dragon Rush and Gallade using Close Combat. 

Gallade jumped over Garchomp's tail swing, however, Garchomp used that to catch Gallade mid-air and slam him to the ground. Gallade lay there looking like the air was knocked out of his lungs. Garchomp then slammed down using Earthquake which struck Gallade making him cry out before passing out. 

Garcomp let out a victory cry while Lucian withdrew Gallade. Cynthia and him then shared a handshake before he left. Cynthia then had her team healed up, before meeting back up with us. We all had a celebratory dinner since tomorrow was Cynthia's last battle against the current champion to determine if she would become the new one.

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