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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The 1 LUK Stat Was Not a Fake!

Consciousness slowly returned to Min as he heard the muffled voices of two people. Upon remembering what led to his passing out, his eyes jolted open and he tried to move, but ropes restrained him.

In front of him was the chick who kidnapped him, who had removed her mask, along with an ugly, muscular man. Though they were previously arguing, they now had their attention on Min. 

The woman sashayed over and squatted down to meet Min's face. She was a pretty woman of primarily Eastern descent wearing a pile of make-up. Her hair was a light brown, and her eyes the same color.

With an amused purse of her lips, she spoke to Min, "You finally woke up, cutie. You must be curious about what we're going to do with you but just sit tight while I negotiate your price. I'm Fae Mae, by the way. Fae's my given-"

The ugly man interrupted her.

"Stop talking to the Elf, bastard. Get back here and negotiate! I don't have all day."

The ugly man pointed in front of himself with an exasperated expression. Fae rolled her eyes and returned to the man before continuing negotiations.

"Just because I only got one doesn't mean I shouldn't be paid the normal rate! 500 Enas for a cutie is a great price! Plus, he's a Halmet!"

The ugly man crossed his arms.

"I don't need looks in an arena! I just need muscle, and he looks weak. 50 Enas."

Fae groaned with annoyance.

"50 would be a loss for me! How about 59 Enas? I'm sure that works for you, rich bastard!"

Fae crossed her arms and looked away with disdain. The ugly man contemplated the offer before groaning in response.

"Fine. 55. If I transfer the amount now, will you scram?"

"You rat… Okay. I just need one more moment with the Elf. It'll be short, I promise~"

Fae put her hands together and made a pleading face. The ugly man only recoiled in disgust at her look.


Fae giggled to herself before returning to the captive elf. Min knew the implications of what they were talking about- he had been kidnapped and enslaved! What a terrible start for transmigration! That 1 LUK stat wasn't a fake!

"Hey, Mr. Elf~ I would have *loved* to play with you more than I did, but I was so surprised by your beauty that I was almost late for this meeting! I'm sorry!~"

Fae put her hands together with an apologetic tone. With a short giggle, she looked off to the side, seeming to recall something with a lascivious expression. A shiver ran down his spine as his frown dived deeper.

'Is this what sexual harassment feels like? She should know that I'm a min- wait, no I'm not. I turned 18 recently. Actually, that doesn't matter! The implied sexual assault does!'

Min squinted at Fae, his frown expressing discontent. Fae only giggled at Min's reaction before leaving the room with a skip. The ugly man watched Fae leave before approaching Min and grabbing his arm, forcing him to his feet.

"My name is Gin. Follow me."

Min's attempted response was interrupted by Gin's harsh grab. Gin dragged him into a room decorated with beautiful weapons and armor. The room itself was quite large and there were multiple entrances. However, Gin didn't stop dragging Min. He continued to the other side of the room, where there were two different doors.

On the left was a pristine door with a golden outline and on the right was just a regular door. The regular door had a label that read "Arming room". They entered the Arming room, which was a far shabbier version of the previous room. Instead of weapons mounted on the wall, there were two barrels filled to the brim with arms.

The walls weren't empty, though- they were filled with large, wooden cabinets. Many different types of weapons could be seen in the barrels, though they were all of clearly shabby craftsmanship. Gin threw Min toward the barrels, with Min face-planting on the ground.

"Pick one."

Min looked back at Gin and, using aggression notice, inspected Gin with the Interface.


Name: Gin Maldiv

Level: ?

Main Class: ?

Subclass: ?

Race: ?

Attributes: ? STR, ? DEX, ? END, ? INT, ? MYS, ? CHA, ? LUK

Health: ?/?

Stamina: ?/?

[Fatally Dangerous]


Min got up while thinking about the evaluation. This guy was at least a Grade E Super since all question marks meant he was at least 20 levels higher than Min. Min looked over the weapons, and upon seeing a longsword, extended his joint trembling hands to point at it.

"T-That one, Gin. Please."

Min glanced back at Gin, who wore a neutral expression. 


Gin unwrapped Min's binds before giving him the weapon. Gin grabbed Min once again, leading him to another room. In the face of overwhelming power, and Min himself basically a normal person, he could only follow along.

The room he was led to looked like a cage- similar to the holding area from a gladiator scene in a movie. Gin dropped Min off before wiping his hands and leaving the room.

'This is what I think it is, right? They're using me as a combat slave for entertainment… but they haven't even taught me anything yet! They don't know about my childhood in a dojo since that happened in my old life, so it has to be on purpose. Maybe they haven't taught me anything because they're going to sacrifice me to some big monster. I can't go like this! I've got such a bright future!'

Min held his sword with a trembling grip. Why did this have to happen to him? He's not ready for this! Even Han Xiao, with his decades of experience in Galaxy and unique temperament, got easier circumstances! This start is too damn unfair!

Before Min could mentally complain further, the gate creaked open. He stepped out into the open arena as an announcer began commentating.

"Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to the Underground Arena! Today we have two privileged Halmet Elves from the Capital of the Halmetistan Civilization, Kaibent!"

The diverse crowd booed as they threw things into the arena. The arena was decently high-tech, with massive screens above each gate. The screens displayed footage captured by cameras, giving the audience and those not physically attending a good view with many angles.

If not for the brutal battle that was about to occur, the arena would seem like a typical small sports stadium. Looking across the arena, Min spotted another elf of his kind. The elf wore some nice-looking clothing, though his black hair was unkempt and his expression even more pitiful than Min's. The elf held a small dagger close to his body, the handle digging into his stomach. Though similar in age to Min, the elf looked a lot younger.

'So this is my opponent. At least it's probably not a guaranteed death…'

Min looked forward grimly as he continued walking, and the announcer continued commentating.

"From the south gate, we have Meng Min, the nephew of a wealthy Halmet who left a massive inheritance of 400,000 Enas to him. But what did this brat do with that money? He used all of it on useless luxuries and quickly went broke! He could have used it to better his society, but he only indulged in his fantasies! Since he has no family left, no one will care that he dies!"

The crowd's boos increased as they threw many alien insults at Min. He took a deep, shaky breath at their reactions.

'How did this body waste 400k on hookers and blow? That's like 10s of millions of USD! I could have used it to jumpstart my cultivation so I wouldn't be in this mess!'

Min suppressed his anger as the announcer continued.

"And from the north gate, we have Hei Mao! He is an even bigger loser than Min! Not only was he born into a wealthy, intact family, but he was thrown out because of his indulgences! We captured him by enticing him on the street with one of our agents. This bastard, forsaken by his family, will soon be killed for our entertainment. Only then can he pay back even a fraction of what he took!"

The crowd cheered loudly, pumping their fists into the air. More alien insults were directed at Hei Mao, who shivered from the attention.

"We won't add to your anticipation, so the battle must begin! Fight, you maggots!"

A notification popped up in the Interface.


You have triggered a Class-F Mission!


Mission introduction: You were kidnapped and sold into slavery. Now, you must fight to secure your life- at the cost of an innocent.

Mission requirement: Kill Hei Mao.

Reward: 200 Exp.

Fail condition: Death.


Min frowned while he accepted the mission. He focused on Hei Mao and clenched his sword. With quick breaths, Min reassured himself.

'I can't die here. I have to live, and this Exp will help. I can get a level with the mission reward and the kid's Exp…'

Min took a deep breath before charging at the frozen Hei. Uncertain if Hei was pretending to be stunned by fear, Min cautiously swung toward Hei, leaving room to block any attack Hei might throw. But Hei only stood there, letting his wrist get cut.

He screamed in agony and flailed as he fell to the ground, his dagger falling to the side. Min stopped and stared down at Hei with horror.

'Do I… really have to kill him? Is he going to be this helpless? Don't do this to me, man…' 

Min's eyelashes trembled as he took a step toward Hei. The boy screamed as he used his uninjured hand to move away from Min, but he wasn't going anywhere.


Tears flowed down Hei's cheeks. This kid was too pitiful, and it gave Min pause. He was battling his own emotions, after all. Why did Hei have to make it harder by giving his honest, genuine reaction? 

'I don't want to kill him, but…'

Min closed his eyes, memories flashing by. While trying to find justification for taking this life, he realized something.

'The only justification I need is self-preservation! Dying sounds like it sucks! I know living rocks! While I don't want to kill him, I've been left no choice. Put these feelings away! I'll deal with them later.'

The thrill of transmigration had already worn off and he knew this was what he had to do. Min opened his eyes with a fierce look as he gripped his sword and raised it. Pointing the edge down, Min thrust the sword into Hei like stabbing a sword into stone.

Both Hei and Min screamed as the sword embedded itself in Hei's chest. Blood gushed out of the wound, splashing onto the ground. Hei grabbed the sword's blade and weakly tried to pull it out of himself while opening his mouth.

He tried to plead, but only short, sharp gasps came out. Min put his foot on Hei's stomach and twisted the sword as more blood splashed onto the ground beneath them. Hei's hands lifelessly fell to the ground as his eyes slowly shut. 


You have dealt a blow!

You have dealt a fatal blow!

"-7 damage"

"-15 damage"

You have killed Hei Mao, gaining 30 experience!

You have completed the F-class mission, [Survive], earning 200 experience.


Min heaved heavily as he yanked the sword out of Hei's body. The sword came out of Hei's chest, but the required force surprised Min, making him fall on his butt. The announcer's voice bellowed across the arena:

"A sloppy performance, but it looks like we have a winner! Meng Min wins another few hours at life! That's more than he deserves, though!"

The crowd laughed with the announcer as the gates reopened. Min glanced back at the gate he came from and picked up Hei's dagger. He stood up and returned to the south gate with a listless gaze, exhausted.

Poils Poils

Hey, gang! Since you're here reading this, you must be slightly more interested than those who stopped at chapter 1. I'm so proud of you!

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