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58.54% Multiverse Stories (Multicross: DC, DXD, Marvel, ETC,) / Chapter 98: It’s Not Personal, It’s Just Buisness Essences

Chapter 98: It’s Not Personal, It’s Just Buisness Essences

Essence of the Bazaar Elder God-King

Tastes like heavenly exotic spices from far distant realities.

You gain a large self contained Plane outside of time and space roughly the surface size of Jupiter.

You can forever shape and modify this place at will with no limit.

Has its own Afterlife of your design. That you rule if desired, and may step in and out of with others at will.

While here you cannot be trapped, harmed, depowered or overthrown in any way shape or form.

Here All are capable of understanding each other. As well as crossbreeding no matter how biology or reason might say differently.

You may, at will choose and change how the sky looks.

This place is a vast market that you rule over and the merchants here know that they survive and ply their trades at your whim.

All from the Arch Deity of Eternity on down agree that this is a neutral territory and that those they empower must abide by your rules.

You may decide who trades and what and you get whatever kind of tribute you desire.

Anything can be bought and sold anything, souls, characteristics, youth, ability to wield various magics, copies of a person's abilities/powers ect., worlds, dimensions even godhood.

You may choose what qualifications people must meet to buy or sell such things.

If you desire a store that sells a certain product or service, merely make a note of it and sometime soon someone will approach you or your factors to open one up.

This includes shops selling the granting of magic systems

Once here you may open portals to wherever you desire in the Omniverse

Only limitation is that none can enter a specific timeline before the last time you left it.

Should you enter a reality that has powers/magic/psionics/gamer systems you will always find yourself gaining such abilities at a level with the top 0.01% and a cheat ability to help learn.

These powers will never conflict with any of your other powers, nor will they ever cause you harm directly or indirectly.

The size and shape of these can be as you desire even connecting 3-7 different places. Yes, that means you can weaponize them.

Besides your own personal ability to open portals you may choose how easy it is to reach your plane on an at will basis.

Should you ever become disabled, permanently trapped, die or otherwise become incapacited you may choose to reform here instead.

Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

Now for the God-King Parts:

Now First off those things that attack gods such as specific wards/barriers or weapons you do not count as one. Or if you wish you may Seal that specific targeted part away.

You gain 11 Domains these can be anything from Fire to Gaming.

Within your domains your power is absolute and your domain cannot hurt you.

You are Immortal, can choose and your looks and age as desired.

While worshipers can enhance your power you do not need them.

Those who have pledged themselves to you their souls come to you when they die and nothing can prevent this. You also gain a small afterlife that grows as needed.

You can easily empower your followers besides things to do with your Domains, longer life and

Can grant others temporary or permanent Blessings and powers that fall under your Domain.

Think comic Cosmic level Marvel Odin without the need for Odin-Sleep.

Destroying Galaxies in a 1v1 fight could be considered average collateral damage.

Creating solar systems at will complete with the Cycle of life is something you can do on your first day and only grows from there.

You can raise up others as gods into your Pantheon, granting them domains.

They will never betray you, and you can remove or bind their powers at will.

These can even be wholly or partly people we would consider fictional.

A pocket Plane for your Pantheon, think Olympus or Asgard

A shifting Weapon or item that can store without limit the power you generate as well as enhancing your own powers.

Can absorb other items

This can kill anything even abstract concepts such as Death and if that something was needed to keep the metaphysics of where you are at the time running they will continue on as normal.

What you kill with this makes you stronger, granting you the knowledge, and everything about what you killed.

These stolen powersabilites/skills/knowledge/memories will never conflict with any of your other powers, nor will they ever cause you harm directly or indirectly.

(By the way, this essence has been slightly Nnerfed so he's not automatically in league with Odin in terms of power.)

Essence of the Multiversal Shopkeeper

Drinking this essence that tastes like spicy vanilla gives you the following:

You have become the Multiversal Shopkeeper.

You gain a one-time body remake. It is the peak of whatever species you choose to be remade as. If you desire, you may be a custom.

As part of the body remake, you may give yourself whatever skills you desire, such as combat training or farming or animal husbandry.

You gain your own Shop. This Shop' is not located in any reality – it is unanchored from all worlds/realities/multiverses. It exists in the Spaces Between, in the Sea of Infinites, at the Void amongst all Voids, between the End of the Beginning and the Beginning of the End.

This Shop is alive and tied to you, the Shopkeeper. While the Shop does not communicate directly, you will be able to sense its feelings. The Shop is inviolable. As such, until you so choose to retire from being the Shopkeeper, you are effectively immortal. No matter where you are, the Shop will always and completely protect your mind and soul, making you immune to all forms of corruption, manipulation, mind control, etc. You are the Shop's partner, and it has your best interests at heart.

It can take whatever form or design you want or need. It will create whatever sections/shopping areas, and can accommodate wares of any shape and size, from a shelf to store magical potions to stables for animals to garages for terrestrial vehicles to landing pads for spaceships. Any wares you trade in, the Shop can accommodate.

Violence is not allowed in the Shop. The Shop will expel any patrons attempting to commit an act of violence. While the Shopkeeper and Employees (explained further below) are exempt from this rule, the Shop frowns upon this and expects there to be a valid reason for violence to be enacted.

Theft is not allowed in the Shop. The Shop will enforce this rule before any acts of theft take place. The Shopkeeper and Employees are not exempt from this rule.

The wares in the Shop (while in the Shop) will never break/expire/rot/etc.

The Shop can form a link with any reality. This link generally forms between the Shop's Door and a Door in the targeted reality. You can choose to target a specific reality, or you can allow the Shop to pick one at random. The Shop can maintain a limited number of connections. Should you desire it, you can cancel a link, though doing so will prevent you from reforming a link to that reality for at least a week. If you direct where the link will form, you can also choose the time period. If you later wish to form a link with a different time period of a linked reality, that first link must be canceled (and reforming it under the new time period falls under the 'one week' rule). Please note that actions taken in one time period can/will affect the future. Due to the nature of the multiverse, the Shop considers 'alternate universes' of a reality as separate reality, though it will keep inhabitants from these alternates from meeting (to protect the customer's sanity). For example, the Shop can connect to the canon Harry Potter universe in his fifth year, and can also connect to an alternate 'WBWL' universe during the third year.

Deals in the Shop are done on a conceptual level, so sales can take form in any manner of currency from any reality. As the Shopkeeper, you have full control over the prices, or what to accept to complete a sale. The currency you use is fiat backed by the Shop, and is thus conceptual in nature, and will automatically be converted to a native currency.

The Shop comes with the ability to purchase bulk 'default' items. You have the ability to choose the theme of these items (such as item type and genre). When you first become the Shopkeeper, you are provided with several small bundles of various items (of your choice) to help you get started. You are free to determine how 'responsible' you wish to be with the starter bundles. This ability can be used to purchase higher tier/end items, though the cost is extremely high. The Shop expects the Shopkeeper to put in the work.

The Shop has the ability to reproduce wares and resources ex nihilo, once they have been procured and brought into the Shop. The greater the quantity the Shop has to work with, the greater the amount it can reproduce. For example, the Shop may be able to take a single ingot of a rare metal and provide stack. If the Shop had a stack, it may be able to provide a crate. The Shop is your partner and does not wish to be a bottleneck for your deals.

The Shop will provide all the essentials you need to survive, from food to clothes. These items cannot be traded/sold. The Shop will not allow this to be exploited.

You gain an instinctual knowledge of all your wares. You can use, repair, maintain, and modify any of your wares. The Shop will provide a manual to be provided to any customers for any sold item if desired. The Shopkeeper does not need to be in the Shop to use this ability. The Shop will provide basic tools and raw materials to maintain your wares, though these items cannot be treated/sold as wares. The Shop will not allow this to be exploited.

The Shop can provide functionality to assist when necessary (such as producing a engineering bay/shipyard to repair larger vehicles or items.

With the correct/appropriate materials, you can reproduce any of your wares.

Any wares can be sold/traded, as all transactions are fiat backed by the Shop. The Shop prefers moral Shopkeepers, but will always defer to you.

You have the ability to control the flow of time while in the Shop. This allows you 'quickly' repair an item or readjust your wares or redesign the Shop.

This ability is not available while there are Shoppers in the Shop.

If there are Shoppers from differing realities that flow at different rates of time, the Shop will 'normalize' it.

All items sold by the Shopkeeper are fiat backed by the Shop. Items that are dependent on ambient energies (such as mana), differing spatial physics, etc., will work in any reality as intended (if not better).

You gain the ability to Appraise any item. It will provide all pertinent/needed details of the item.

You gain the ability to leave the Shop and become a Traveling Shopkeeper.

You may leave your Shop through your Door to any linked location/reality. You may also create a Portal that can accommodate any vehicle/vessel you travel in. The exit for this Portal is in an appropriate and safe location. This Portal acts in a similar fashion to a Door, though only you can access it. You can create a Portal in any reality that does not have one to allow passage for any vehicles you acquire.

Any deals completed while Traveling are fiat backed by the Shop, and gain the protections/perks as if they were sold in the Shop.

While Traveling, you gain the ability to instantly move a single item you legally acquired (of any size) to the Shop. This can only be done once per visit. You may also, once per visit, move a single item from the Shop to the reality you are Travelling to.

While Traveling, time stops in the Shop (unless you wish it otherwise).

As the Shopkeeper, you can use anything that can be used as a Door to enter your Shop. These Doors only link to the Shop while you allow it. While others can see you use these Doors, unless you allow it, they cannot. A Travelling Shopkeeper needs to always have a way back to the Shop. Should a situation arise where the Shopkeeper is prevented access from a Door, the Shop can forcefully return the Shopkeeper, though this puts a large strain on the Shop and should only be used in the most direst of situations.

As the Shopkeeper, communication is no barrier to you. All will understand you in the manner most comfortable with them, as you will understand all, even when it doesn't seem physically possible.

As the Shopkeeper, you acquire skills and knowledge at an vastly accelerated rate, and will never lose them.

You can hire Employees, and the Shop will accommodate them based on their hired positions. While only you can be a Shopkeeper, you can hire an Assistant. What this means and the powers/responsibilities the Assistant have in the Shop are for you to decide.

You have the ability to mark three items as Soul Bound.

Items that are Soul Bound are not wares to be sold. They are, in essence, part of you. They are stored in a 'soul space' and can be summoned at any time.

You can change which items are Soul Bound at your leisure.

Soul Bound items are fiat backed by the Shop, like any wares.

If you die while Traveling, you will be resurrected at the Shop.

You will lose any items you had with you at the time of death, unless they are Soul Bound.

If any Employees die while Traveling, it is up to you to decide if the Shop will resurrect them.

While in the Shop, the Shop will heal any of your and your Employees wounds/injuries/illnesses/genetic disorders/etc. at a massively accelerated rate. It can also restore lost limbs or body parts.

For your Employees, the Shop will slowly move their bodies to the peak of their species.

The Shop will accommodate other Essences you may have, though it prefers if it takes precedent/highest priority and are related in functionality to this one.

This Essence is inspired by various shopkeeper CYOAs, merchant/trader Essences, and shopkeeper stories, though most heavily by "Shopkeep (Multiversal Shop)" by Arimane. Please fanwank responsibly.

Essence of the Blank

By taking this essence, you gain but one benefit:

Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skill set, even if you aren't capable of it, without forgetting it and practicing it into mastery, no matter how much you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes.

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