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Breaking through as a fighter brings forth rewards of achievement

Coincidentally, despite their initial confrontational meeting, Haibodong and Lu Yunxiao seemed to have an unexplainable connection.

Though Haibodong possessed a cruel and eccentric nature, he strangely held a positive impression of Lu Yunxiao upon their first encounter. On the other hand, Lu Yunxiao, who had just departed from the ancient clan, was at the peak of his defensiveness. Yet, an unexplainable fondness for Haibodong emerged as soon as they met.

Despite Haibodong's rather grumpy demeanor, he was surprisingly not irksome. This shared affinity brought them closer, allowing them to bicker endlessly while maintaining a strong bond.

Although they exchanged playful insults, their bond was undeniable, and their connection only grew stronger over the years.

In words, they claimed not to care much, but in truth, both held a special place for the other in their hearts.

For Haibodong, Lu Yunxiao was like family.

In Lu Yunxiao's perspective, Haibodong played the roles of a mentor, a father figure, and a friend. Their relationship was unique and multifaceted.

Both men were quite sentimental, and as time passed, their interactions became more natural. Their significance to each other only deepened.

Haibodong meticulously crafted a map, stroke by stroke. It was a delicate task, demanding precision, as even a slight error could compromise the map's accuracy.

While other shops might overlook minor inaccuracies, Haibodong pursued perfection and would not tolerate the slightest deviation in his creations.

After about two cups of tea, Haibodong put down his pen, finishing another intricate map.

"Finished drawing? Come eat, the barbecue gets cold quickly," Lu Yunxiao said softly from the entrance of the inner room, carrying a tray filled with barbecue and fruit.

"Alright!" Hai Bodong responded, turning to walk towards the inner room.


In the afternoon, Lu Yunxiao sat silently within a dim secret chamber.

These underground chambers were slightly chilly, specially designed by Haibodong for cultivation. The temperature inside was extremely low, the environment in his favored cultivation chamber was ice-cold.

Although Lu Yunxiao's chamber was somewhat removed from Haibodong's, it still felt the influence. However, such conditions were inconsequential to Lu Yunxiao, given his robust physique.

Furthermore, these underground chambers were ideal for breakthroughs. The solitude ensured no disturbances would interrupt his progress.

Sitting cross-legged, hands forming seals, Lu Yunxiao initiated the circulation of his internal fighting energy. From outside, a pale white fighting spirit converged towards him like a flowing river, endlessly.

While he could have become a fighter earlier, he had held back to refine his skills. Now, he unleashed his potential, allowing the fighting energy to surge wildly.

He acted as a funnel, consuming the fighting energy surrounding him voraciously.

The most crucial aspect of advancing from the ninth stage of fighting spirit to a fighter was the formation of a fighting cyclone. With the shackles released, the fighting spirit galloped like an untamed steed.

Lu Yunxiao's body transformed into a vessel, consuming the fighting energy voraciously.

Douqi expanded and soon filled a significant portion of Lu Yunxiao's meridians, nearing their capacity.

"It's almost time," Lu Yunxiao thought, fingers weaving intricate patterns as he prepared for the final steps.

As his hand seals shifted, his internal fighting energy surged towards his lower abdomen in response.

A milky white fighting spirit condensed within, growing thick and substantial.

Lu Yunxiao concentrated his mind and perception, forcefully compressing the milky white fighting energy in his lower abdomen.

The resistant energy struggled, but Lu Yunxiao remained steadfast, forcing it to compress.

When the energy reduced to the size of a palm, it solidified and began moving as planned.

Simultaneously, an overwhelming energy burst forth from Lu Yunxiao's body. His white robe vanished into thin air, a clattering sound resonating.

He had successfully advanced to the fighter realm.

As Lu Yunxiao achieved the status of a fighter, the system's voice echoed within his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the fighter realm, completing the 'Fighter' achievement, and earning the reward of the 'Flying Rainbow Sword' and the sword technique 'Heavenly Soaring Immortals.'

"The 'Flying Rainbow Sword,' a fourth-level elementary weapon, is forged from thousand-year-old deep-sea cold iron and weighs six pounds and four taels."

"'Heavenly Soaring Immortals,' an advanced level sword technique created by Sword Fairy Ye Gucheng. It exudes an ethereal beauty, its movements traceless and immaculate. This technique is the epitome of elegance and is considered one of the most exquisite sword techniques. Though it is an advanced level of profoundness, when mastered, its power rivals even earth-ranked techniques."

With the system's voice faded, a sheathed sword appeared in Lu Yunxiao's hand. Simultaneously, information on the technique flowed into his mind.

Closing his eyes, Lu Yunxiao meditated. In mere moments, he grasped the intricacies of the 'Heavenly Soaring Immortals' technique.

His remarkable talent enabled swift comprehension. The technique, while originating from a martial world, demonstrated that its elegance surpassed limitations.

Despite Ye Gucheng's moderate strength, his natural aptitude for swordsmanship excelled. This 'Heavenly Soaring Immortals' represented the pinnacle of his skills, among the top even below the mastery level.

What Lu Yunxiao most admired wasn't solely its strength but also its aesthetic beauty.

After all, strength is transient, but aesthetics endures forever.

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