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1.04% Marvel: A New God's Reign / System Status Info
Marvel: A New God's Reign Marvel: A New God's Reign original

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Author: God_Doom

© WebNovel

System Status Info

This is a compiled list of all MC's, stats, perks, powers, abilities & skills he receives from his system. I'll update this whenever there are changes in his status/system with new chapters.




||Name: Atem||

||Titles: 'First of his Kind', 'New God Progenitor', 'A God of Culture', 'A Budding God Emperor', 'A King in Making', 'Secret Pervert', 'Harem Lover', Voidmancer||

||Race: New God (Alpha)||

||Gender: Male||

||Divinity: Domination, Void, [locked]||

||Faith points: locked||



||Transcendent New God Physiology: You have surpassed the restraints of material existence and transcended the physical limitations to achieve a higher level of status, power, and/or state of being. You are now a being of evolutionary perfection and genetic stability composed of mostly energy connected to the concept of life. You are unageing and immortal. Only exceptionally powerful conceptual attacks or equal divine/demonic might can hope to kill you. However, normal attacks if powerful enough can still hurt you. Also, you can now properly draw power from your worship and your divine authorities. 

You have boundless potential with no foreseeable limit and your body can hold as much power as you need. Even devouring a universe won't stretch you thin. The only hope is that you can realize this unlimited potential. You have beyond superhuman physiques, and to a lesser extent, mental capabilities including Super Strength, Invulnerability, Super Stamina, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Speed, and Superhuman Healing||

||Alpha physiology: The user is vastly superior to any member of their species, learning and achieving quickly and effortlessly what takes years of hard work for others and growing substantially stronger and better with each challenge|| > [Evolution to Omega physiology frozen due to unmet condition]

||Incomprehensible mind: The user is immune to memory manipulation, and any/all mental intrusion including psychic or empathic powers, mental hallucination, hypnosis, deception, etc. Mind readers will only hear static while mind controllers will have extreme difficulty in controlling those with the perk. However, you can let people sense your thoughts, and feelings or let them see your memories if you choose it yourself||

||Anchored soul: The user is immune to all soul-based powers, meaning their souls cannot be manipulated in any way, including being observed, absorbed, destroyed, trapped/sealed, or converted into another type of soul||

||Allspeak: With the help of this perk user can communicate in all of the languages of the Ten Realms, Earth's dialects, and various other alien languages||

||Golden Rule of the Stars: The user has the skill Golden Rule, being fated to a life that is filled with riches. It does not measure the percentage of gold in one's body, but the chance of attracting riches in one's life. The amount of riches provided by the perk will make the user incredibly wealthy to the point where money trouble will be unknown.

The user has the highest rank of Charisma with the influence to build a grand empire on a global scale. He is often praised as the greatest king or emperor, so his ability to command and lead great armies or organizations is excellent. Being such a rare talent, the perk makes it no longer a matter of popularity or skill for the user to influence people, but closer to something like sorcery.

It also acts as the "perk" to collect high-quality goods—a "luck" that draws rare & valuable items into the possession of the user.||

||Low Cosmic awareness: The user can sense any big changes happening in the world on a lower scale. It can act both passively warning the user like a sixth sense or actively where the user can sense everything happening around him||

||Astral Manipulation: The user can create, shape, and manipulate astral energy, allowing them to project their astral form on the physical plane and to the astral plane and interact there, see spirits, making spirits visible to others, astral trapping and potentially harming the dead.||

||Immortality: The New Gods are functionally and virtually immortal; they cease aging physically at their peak age. Unless they fall in battle, they are immune to the ravages of time, and diseases and could easily live for billions upon billions of years.||

||Divine healing: The power to heal using the user's own divine energy. It can heal the wounds of humans, animals, and other 'alive' natural or supernatural beings. Due to its divine nature, it can influence life itself. Its healing powers even extend to resurrection, regeneration, and immortality bestowal at the expense of the user's divine energy. Divine energy consumed may vary on the targets themselves.||

||Divine Energy Manipulation: The user can manipulate divine energy, which is especially harmful to non-divine entities. The user can absorb divine energy from other beings (not divinity itself) to enhance himself temporarily. The user can change divine energy into different forms and objects of varying detail according to the user's imagination.||

||Ruler: The user is a Ruler, a person who holds sovereignty over a specific dominion (no matter how large or small) and their people, making political or non-political decisions to maintain, advance, and aid their lands and people as their ruler. Whatever means they have been supernatural, mundane, or otherwise, they use it to aid in their sovereignty for themselves and/or their people it fundamentally depends on intentions, motives, and character be it ruling fair and just or cruel and immoral both having their own set of consequences depending on the choices they make do to the responsibilities for them, their lands and their people.

It will help the user in doing all the above activities and enable the user to take all diplomatic, economic, and political decisions more efficiently while also increasing the chances of those decisions being successful.

The perk will increase the user's power while in his dominion while also increasing the loyalty of the residents to the holder of this perk. This specific perk may complement other perks and skills that the user might possess. It also increases the rate of overall growth of the nation as well as increasing talents being born in the country.||

||Divine psionics: The user is a divine being that possesses divine powers that grant them immense amounts of psychic power, tapping into absolute, divine psionic might, achieving an unimaginable power, capabilities, and precision beyond mundane by an outstanding margin namely Astral Projection, Omega level Telekinesis, Omega level Telepathy, and Prayer Tracking

1) Omega-level Telepathy

2) Omega-level Telekinesis

3) Prayer Tracking||

||Ryujin Jakka (ability): You can generate, manipulate, and control flames with great precision like to attack only the targets you choose, and can also form a barrier around a large area to prevent enemies from escaping. The flames themselves are near-impossible to cut through or divert and will quickly reform if damaged or somehow opposed. Due to its spiritual nature, the flames can also burn souls or anything supernatural, divine, or even cosmic in nature. These flames are powered either by your magical reserves, your divine energies, or the life force generated by your soul.

At its highest, it burns at the same temperature in the sun's core, 15 million °C (or 27 million °F) at which point it can become invisible if willed. Its strongest ability is that when commanded, whatever the flame touches is neither burnt nor exploded but completely eradicated to nothingness. You can also call upon the burnt corpses of the dead who were killed by your flames to rise from the Earth and fight on your behalf.||

||Perfected Rinnegan:

1) Optical Abilities- Your vision processes the entire electromagnetic spectrum as well as allows vast control over selective perception and focus as well as microscopic and telescopic vision. Can see different types of energy and their flow. Can predict, mimic, and copy any technique of the opponent through observation. Can take partial or complete control of the target's body and mind temporarily through eye contact, control duration depends on the user's energy and mental power and the target's mental strength. Can also recognize patterns as well as analyze and decipher codes.

2) Deva Path- Controlling attractive and repulsive forces using the user's energy.

3) Asura Path- Mechanically altering one's body while keeping unique abilities of the body intact. Users can control them like puppets or take over them directly.

4) Human Path- Extracting souls from living beings. The probability of the extraction being possible depends on the user's power level and energy.

5) Animal Path- Summoning various monstrous creatures. All summoned creatures would only be loyal to a user. They are semi-sentient and only act according to their beastly instincts and users' commands. User can also take over their minds directly.

6) Preta Path- Absorbing life force from targets to heal yourself or increase your own divine energies temporarily.

7) Naraka Path- Summoning a large demonic statue-like puppet called King of Hell with enormous physical strength and durability that can seal spectral or energy-type beings in itself and increase its own power. It emanates a tremendous life force, launches bolts of energy, and can emit phantom dragons and chains to absorb the life force and energy of other creatures.

A smaller version can also be summoned which can pass judgment on target by either letting them live or devouring their souls according to if they are lying or speaking the truth to a particular question. It can also repair the mechanical bodies of the asura path as well as store the bodies and souls of people to transport them and revive them at a later time.

8) Outer Path- Allows the user to preside over life and death, granting them the ability to revive the dead. The Outer Path also allows the user to transmit their energy into black receivers, manifest energy chains to bind targets, and create the Six Paths of Pain: six bodies controlled through the use of black receivers/rods, which can each utilize one aspect of the Six Paths Technique. The black rods can be shaped into more elaborate forms and can prevent regeneration of the target as well as transmit the target's life force to the user and vice versa.

9) Unique Abilities- Able to absorb any energy attack and subsequently release it in an amplified form, as well as transform life force, and living individuals into edible fruits that can give the user the powers and vitality of the target who was converted into the fruit.

10) Susanoo- Able to construct a gigantic, humanoid avatar made of the user's divine energy which surrounds and protects them as well as fights on their behalf. It can also manifest armor and weapons with enough training. Combining other different techniques and skills with it is also possible.||

||Pantheon Creation: The user can assemble a pantheon, by creating their own sets of unique gods and goddesses from normal mortals. Created gods and goddesses will have similar powers and abilities to their creator but on a smaller scale and their own conscience. Core divinity may vary according to the individual mortal converted. All created deities once converted to godhood cannot betray or harm the user in any way possible.||

||Harry Potter Wizarding World spell code (complete): You get access to the entire magical system of the Wizarding World and can analyze, modify, or create spells using the framework of its magic system. You also get access to knowledge of all spells (light and dark), potions, alchemy, arithmancy, runes, enchantments, herbology, Beastology, apparitions, astronomy, and divination of the Harry Potter world magic system, all of which will be automatically adjusted for them to suit and work in your current verse. You can also acquire an Animagus form but you will have to train to achieve it, unless you are a genius of course. 

Any magic from any other magic system can also be converted into the magic of the Wizarding world with enough research. You will develop a separate metaphysical magic core that will purify and convert all sorts of cosmic and divine energies into mana and store them. This core will increase with usage, time, and overall strength of the user. This magic system can be shared with others in which case they will also develop their own magic cores. This gift can be taken back whenever desired. The usage of a wand or any other artificial magical foci is optional. They can help focus spells or maybe enhance them in certain cases but are not at all necessary to perform magic.||



||Dancing||, ||Seduction Arts||, ||Massaging||, ||Teaching||, ...


[{(Divinity Perks)}]

||Divine Authority: The user now has limited authority over two divine concepts. As long as those concepts (Domination & Void) exist, the user will be able to derive and recharge his divine energies through them. Cosmic, Universal, and Dimensional energies are no longer required by the user to recharge his powers. The more the concept exists around the user, the stronger the user becomes||

||Divine Domain (Domination & Void): The user has command over a certain domain, a sphere of influence. Within this domain, the user's powers and level of existence are enhanced by fifty percent of what it was before while all enemies' powers and levels of existence will be decreased by fifty percent. In this domain, the user can even erase concepts and fixed laws of reality. The stronger the power, the more laws and concepts the user can obliterate||

||Divine presence 1 (Aura of Domination): The user can surround themselves in a divine aura, which can cause others to submit to them. Weak-willed enemies will lose their will to fight just being in the presence of the user's aura||

||Divine presence 2 (Aura of Oblivion): The user can release and surround themselves in/with null elements for defensive and/or offensive purposes. The auras may also give the user enhanced physical capabilities and cause genuine fear in targets. The aura can also protect the user from being affected by the domain of other beings||

||Divine Boost (Domination): It doubles the user's powers every 10 seconds until the user reaches his limit, letting him rival beings of a much higher power, holding the potential to kill even elder gods if mastered. It also gives the ability to Transfer the multiplied power into a person or item, even parts like the user's eyes for enhanced vision.||

||Absolute Dominance: It is the power to physically dominate any target. It can give the highest and most addicting of pleasures or the most twisted of pain with just a single touch. With this, the user can dominate all, be it in bed or the battlefield, nobody is safe from the user's hands and other equally dangerous body parts.||

||Nothingness Manipulation: The user can create, shape, and manipulate nothingness, the absence of entities or substances. With this the user can remove energy and matter from existence, by simply making things disappear, preventing energy from ever being conceived or via varied other means. They can control the essence of oblivion, allowing them to delete an eternity, even remove targets from all timelines in every dimension with enough practice, alter, reverse, or negate energy; etc. This could also lead to an ultimate goal of "destroying matter and energy" as in bringing it out of existence. The user can break any attack and defense since anything that comes into contact with it disappears irremediably without leaving any trace behind especially when it's the user's own void||

||Silence of the Abyss: The user has limited authority and duty over the void of the omniverse and its eldritch residents. They can trap targets in this void to destroy them, imprison them, or use these eldritch horrors to attack them. The lower tier of these monsters will even do your bidding. But always remember, the more you stare into the abyss, the more the abyss stares into you||

God_Doom God_Doom

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