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35.57% Sign-In in Douluo Dalu. / Chapter 90: Chapter 89.

Chapter 90: Chapter 89.

"We'll talk about it later when we're back at the academy." Wang Feng replied with a grin. 

'Teacher Zhao seemed quite observant', he mused to himself.

The group slowly made their way out of the Star Dou Great Forest. As they approached its edge, Wang Feng cast one last glance back at the great forest. He made a silent vow to return for another expedition when he reached level 40. This trip had marked his first adventure into this great forest with countless mystery.

Wang Feng hoped that on his next trip into the forest, he would be able to find those three young cubs. This time, he had made significant gains and seen substantial improvements in his strength. He had gone in and out of the forest, gaining more strength in the process.

His physical fitness had improved and he had learned to harness the power of Pangu Axe more effectively. He had also refined his use of the Black Lotus, acquired a third soul ring and its accompanying soul ability and even acquired an external soul bone to his arsenal.

In a similar way, the battles had honed the group's teamwork and coordination, making their interactions more seamless. The constant combat over the past few days had left everyone mentally exhausted, so on their way back to the academy, they refrained from provoking any more soul beasts and simply enjoyed their journey back. Even as soul masters, they recognized the importance of balancing work and relaxation, as prolonged combat could have a significant impact on their mental state.

Wang Feng, too, took a break from training, opting to relax a bit. Even when they engaged in leisure activities, he couldn't help but reflect on their adventure in the Star Dou Great Forest, recalling the details and practicing control over his soul power for the Black Thorns Armor. It was like constant exercise for him.

The Black Thorns Armor weighed several thousand kilograms and without soul power control to mitigate the weight, it would place immense strain on his still developing body.

Two days later, they returned to the Shrek Academy.

In the office, Flender was puzzled by their encounters, "A Titan Giant Ape? Encounter with Sword Douluo? That strange beam of light? A Sky Azure Bull Python? It all sounds incredibly dangerous. Next time, you must not go alone, I'l also go with you all."

Zhao Wuji recounted their adventures in the Star Dou Great Forest, emphasizing Wang Feng's contribution.

Flender was left stunned by the revelation that a twelve-year-old child had managed to confront, that's an overstatement, even then managed to defend against a Titan Giant Ape's attack. He couldn't believe it. 

"How could a child stop a Titan Giant Ape?"

"This kid, Xiao Feng, has an extraordinary martial soul. Among all the martial souls I've ever encountered in my life, its uniqueness is unmatched." Zhao Wuji commented.

At that moment, the door opened and a middle-aged man entered. He appeared unassuming at first glance but had shrewd eyes. It was none other than the Grandmaster.

"Hahaha, allow me to introduce you, Old Zhao, this is the Grandmaster, that kid Tang San teacher." Flender said with a smile.

"Grandmaster?" Zhao Wuji exclaimed, surprised, as he looked at the middle-aged man before him. "So you're the Grandmaster I've heard so much about?"

Zhao Wuji was aware of the Grandmaster's name, as his reputation was widely known in the world of soul masters. However, very few had ever met him in person.

"Motionless Bright King, Zhao Wuji, I've also heard a lot about you from Flender," the Grandmaster said with a smile as he entered the room. 

"Let's discuss what happened earlier. Xiao Feng's martial soul is even exceptional among the eight of them. In fact, I believe it may be the most unique and extraordinary martial soul on the entire continent!"

This revelation left both Zhao Wuji and Flender utterly astonished. The most unique martial soul on the entire continent?

"Based on what Tang San has told me over the years, as well as recent information I've gathered since arriving at the academy, I have a theory about Xiao Feng's martial soul." the Grandmaster continued. 

"It appears to be a super-mutated martial soul, as he mentioned. His martial soul transforms into different forms at different times, each with its own unique abilities."

The Grandmaster's eyes gleamed with insight as he went on, "Furthermore, I suspect that every tenth level, he attains a new special form. I first encountered his martial soul as a Golden Lotus, then heard about his ownership of a Red Lotus when he came to Shrek Academy. Now, you've mentioned that he even possesses a Black Lotus. Moreover, he had just reached level 30."

Zhao Wuji and Flander exchanged glances, both impressed by the Grandmaster's profound understanding of martial souls and his deductions. The Grandmaster insights were unparalleled.

The Grandmaster seemed to have a reasonable guess about Wang Feng's Chaos Green Lotus but it wasn't entirely accurate. At the time, Wang Feng had fabricated the idea that his martial soul would change into different forms at different times.

"Both of you, remember this." the Grandmaster whispered, "We must not reveal the true nature of Xiao Feng's martial soul to anyone else. If outsiders inquire, we'll simply attribute it to a mutation in his twin martial souls."

Zhao Wuji and Flender nodded in agreement. They understood that if the Grandmaster's suspicions were correct, Xiao Feng's martial soul was indeed extraordinary and could attract unwanted attention from other forces.

The notion of such an exceptional martial soul left them all in awe. The idea of Xiao Feng having different forms and abilities every ten levels was deemed far too unique and dangerous. Such a rumor, even if false, could attract countless forces and potentially lead to bloodshed.

The Grandmaster mentioned that there were more secrets to Xiao Feng than just his martial soul. He reminisced about an incident six years ago when he had asked Flender for assistance in suppressing a child's soul ring.

Flender recalled the incident, acknowledging that the Grandmaster had sought his help in dealing with a child who had forcibly absorbed a soul ring much older than he could handle, putting his life at risk. However, Wang Feng had not been in mortal danger but instead had grown stronger. This outcome had defied the Grandmaster's theories.

The Grandmaster revealed that he had asked Wang Feng to become Flender's disciple, thinking that he might not survive without Flender's help. However, Wang Feng had refused and not only survived but had also become much stronger.

The Grandmaster then shifted the conversation to the recent journey to the Star Dou Great Forest, discussing the encounters and gains of the young disciples. He expressed his intrigue about the mysterious light beam and the incredible artifact that had triggered it, speculating about the possibility of divine intervention.

As the evening approached, the Grandmaster departed to find Tang San, likely to help him digest the knowledge from their recent trip and provide guidance on the external soul bone, the Eight Spider Lances. The attached soul bone was highly coveted by any soul masters and its mysteries were boundless.

In the meantime, outside Shrek Academy, Wang Feng was experimenting with the external soul bone, the Black Thorns Armor. He believed that the Grandmaster would soon arrive to help Tang San understand the knowledge and capabilities acquired during their expedition, including the use of the Eight Spider Lances, the external soul bone.

Wang Feng was keenly aware of the significance of attached external soul bones and their allure to soul masters across the continent. The mysteries and potential of this rare treasure were a subject of great fascination.

Wang Feng realized that the Grandmaster had likely deduced some of the mysteries surrounding his Chaos Green Lotus, but he was hesitant to seek guidance from the Grandmaster. There were aspects of his abilities and knowledge that Wang Feng preferred to keep hidden.

Contemplating the external soul bone he possessed, Wang Feng wondered if it had more potential than what had been revealed so far. He was convinced that a soul bone with a history of thirty thousand years must have more to offer.

With that thought in mind, Wang Feng activated his soul power and extended the bone spurs that covered his body. He believed that these bone spurs could serve different functions based on how they were controlled using soul power.

Recalling the Mysterious Thorns Black Turtle attack method, Wang Feng sent his soul power into the Black Thorns Armor and focused on the bone spurs. To his amazement, one of the bone spurs moved in response to his commands.

Realizing that the size and subtlety of his soul power might be key, Wang Feng attempted to manipulate the bone spurs further. He recognized that controlling these bone spurs required precise soul power control, with the amount of soul power playing a crucial role in their movements.

Wang Feng understood that achieving mastery over these bone spurs would require him to divide his soul power into extremely thin and subtle portions, almost thinner than a strand of hair. It was a challenging task that demanded absolute precision.

He hypothesized that these bone spurs possessed extraordinary power and sharpness, potentially surpassing even Tang San's hidden weapons like the Dragon's Beard Needles.

Wang Feng was excited to explore the full potential of his Black Thorns Armor, external spirit bone, unlocking its various abilities and applications. He knew that mastering this power could significantly enhance his combat capabilities.


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