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Everyone had their jaws dropped to the floor. "Mr. 5..." whispered Miss Valentine. "Oye Gohan! Didn't you promise not to interfere? Why do you keep going back on your words?" Zoro said in frustration. "Stop shouting! You can take care of this girl," said Gohan. When she heard that, Miss Valentine started trembling in fear.

 Gohan started walking towards Igaram and the others. "Now, what to do with you guys?" Everyone's faces turned white in fear. 'No! I have to save my country. I can't die here,' Vivi thought in despair.

"Wait! I am a squad captain of the Alabasta Kingdom security. My name is Igaram, and she is Princess Nefertari Vivi. If you save us, that will be a huge favor to our king," said Igaram. "Save you? From who? Myself?" asked Gohan as he continued walking towards them.

 Suddenly, Nami came running from behind a house. "Wait, Gohan! This is a good chance to earn some money," shouted Nami as her eyes turned into berry signs. "Hm? Stop disturbing me, Nami. Can't you see I am busy taking lives?" said Gohan with a smile. Nami froze with an awkward face.

 Gohan continued to walk towards Igaram and Vivi. Suddenly, Igaram charged towards Gohan. "I will not let you harm Princess Vivi." But Gohan disappeared and appeared beside Vivi. He grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up.

"PRINCESS!" Igaram shouted. Vivi started crying and tried hard to get free from Gohan's grip. Seeing that, Mr. 9 and the others started attacking Gohan, but their weapons broke after hitting Gohan's body.

 Gohan looked into Vivi's eyes. "You know, you are quite brave for a princess. You infiltrated a dangerous organization to save your country. But... you are too weak. And weak people can't even save their own lives, let alone a country," he said with a smile.

Vivi's expression changed. "I... am... not... weak!... I... can give my life to save my country," said Vivi with determination. "Oh! Then I will tell them about your sacrifice," said Gohan with a smile.

 "No!!!" shouted Igaram and the others. Vivi closed her eyes in despair. "Forgive me, father. I couldn't save our country."

 Suddenly, Gohan let go of her, and she fell to the ground. "... HAHAHAHA....." He started laughing loudly. "Hehehe.. So much fun.. their faces.. hahah.." Seeing Gohan laughing like that, everyone was dumbfounded. Zoro and Nami were speechless.

 "You.." Nami ran up to him and started attacking. "You keep doing this kind of thing again and again. Do you want us to die from a heart attack?!" she said while continuing to attack him.

 'Is this guy crazy?' thought the bounty hunters. "Princess!! Are you alright?" Igaram ran towards Vivi and asked. "I am fine, Igaram.." said Vivi, feeling downcast.

 Seeing that, Igaram said, "You don't have to care about that man's words.." but Vivi cut him off. "He didn't say anything wrong, Igaram. I am not strong enough to save my country. That's why..." Vivi stood up and started walking towards Gohan.

 She stopped in front of him and bowed down. "Please help me save my country!! People in my country are suffering every day. I know I'm not strong enough to save my country, but you are! So please help me save my home..." said Vivi as her tears dripped on the ground.

 A genuine smile appeared on Gohan's face. "Are you looking at this, Nami? She learns faster than you," he said to Nami without taking his eyes off Vivi. "Huh?!..." Nami looked confused but suddenly remembered their talk at Cocoyashi Village.

 But she suddenly became angry. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? DO YOU THINK I AM STUPID?!" she shouted at him. Gohan ignored her. "If you want our help, you have to ask the captain. It's his decision if he wants to help you or not," said Gohan.

 Vivi looked at him. "Captain? You mean him?" she asked, looking at Luffy's sleeping form. Gohan's face twitched. "Nami, wake up that idiot," he said irritably. "Why should I do that? You do it yourself," said Nami. "Oh! So you don't want to do that. Then do you want to have a spar with me?" said Gohan with a smile.

 Nami ran towards Luffy and hit him on the head with her staff. "WAKE UP!!!!" she shouted. "Hm? Nami? Is it time to eat?" said Luffy while half asleep. Seeing that, Igaram asked Vivi, "Princess, are you sure they are reliable?" "I don't know, but we don't have any choice," replied Vivi.

 "WHAT??? Who did this? Old man with curly hair! Who did? Tell me! I will beat those bastards," said Luffy in full anger after seeing their condition. Everyone looked at Zoro and Gohan.

 "Luffy, you are finally up! You have to avenge these people. Even though they fed us, Zoro has beaten them so badly. I asked him why he was doing it, but he said he wanted to test his new swords. So he cut them up. It was horrifying, their bodies were lying around everywhere," said Gohan dramatically.

 Everyone's jaws dropped again. They looked at Gohan as if he had grown a second head. "Are you really sure, princess?" asked Igaram pleadingly. "I don't know! Stop asking me," replied Vivi in frustration. "You!..." Zoro looked at Gohan speechlessly.

 But before he could say anything more, Luffy shouted, "ZORO!!! HOW COULD YOU???" Luffy was already in DBZ mode. He started attacking Zoro, and their fight caused more destruction to the town. 'Monster! These guys are monsters!!' Igaram thought in shock.

 Gohan was enjoying their fight. Nami looked at him while gritting her teeth. "Gohan, go and stop them." Gohan looked at her and said, "Why?" "Because you are the one who caused this," said Nami in anger. "Not going! If you want to, go stop them yourself," said Gohan.

 Nami left in frustration and stopped their fight with a fist to their heads. Gohan looked shocked by this. "Is it because of the plot armor?" he thought. After that, Nami explained to Luffy about the situation. "Oh? So they were the bad guys! Sorry, Zoro," said Luffy while laughing.

"You bastard! You almost killed me," said the irritated Zoro.

 After that, they started asking Vivi about the boss of Baroque Works. At first, Vivi didn't want to tell them, but she accidentally revealed his name. Nami started to freak out, while Luffy and Zoro were excited to face the powerful enemies.

 "So, are you willing to help us?" asked Vivi nervously. "Of course! I will kick that croc guy's ass," declared Luffy. "Hey, Zoro! What happened to the girl you were fighting?" asked Gohan. "That girl with an umbrella? I knocked her out. She should be sleeping somewhere," replied Zoro.

"Tie her up! We can't let her tell the Crocodile about us," said Gohan. "And wake up Usopp and Sanji. Nami, is the log pose pointing to the next island?" asked Gohan. "Hm? Yes! We can sail now," said Nami after looking at the log pose.

 "Hey, Igaram! Where do you guys store the fruits?" asked Gohan. Igaram told him the spot. "Get ready to sail, I will be right back," said Gohan. "Let's hope that theory is correct," he thought. Gohan returned after a few minutes with a small box. He saw that Igaram was sailing away alone.

 "Why is he going alone?" asked Gohan. "He wants to act as our decoy," replied Nami. The next moment, "Boom...." The whole ship exploded into pieces. "How many kilograms of TNT was that?" muttered Gohan. "Well, it looks like he was successful in being our decoy," said Gohan with a carefree voice.

 Everyone looked at him in anger. "Stop staring like that, he is alive," said Gohan. "What?" Vivi spun around to look at him. Luffy looked towards the direction where the ship was. "Yes! He is alive. Gohan, go save him," he said. "No!" Gohan replied. "What? But why?" asked Nami.

 "Because he will be embarrassed. He wanted to be useful. If I save him now, he will feel useless. Let him be. He will be able to reach Alabasta on his own," said Gohan.

"But what if something happened to him?" asked Nami.

 "No! He is right. Igaram is strong enough to reach Alabasta on his own," said Vivi while wiping her tears.

 Gohan looked at them. "You heard the princess, let's get going." Everyone started to run towards the Merry.

"What happened to those bounty hunters?" asked Gohan.

 "They left before Igaram. They don't want to do this kind of thing anymore," said Vivi.

 When they got next to Merry, Vivi was still looking around for something. "If you are looking for that bird, he is already on the ship," said Gohan while pointing at Caroo. Luffy was dragging Sanji and Usopp while running towards them.

"Are they still alive?" asked Gohan.

"What are you talking about? They are just sleeping," said Luffy.

 "Okay then, let's get on board and get going," said Gohan while jumping towards the deck. The moment they started to sail, Sanji and Usopp woke up. They started protesting against leaving Whiskey Peak.

Nami used her fist to shut them up. "Hey! Explain to them!" said Zoro.

"She already did," said Gohan.

He looked at Nami and they both started grinning. "There's so much fog," said Luffy.

"Yes, it's morning after all," replied Nami.

"It's good that we managed to escape the people chasing us," said a voice.

Gohan smiled after hearing that voice. "That's for sure," replied Nami.

"We need to be careful not to crash the ship into the rocks," said Gohan while looking at Robin with a smile.

"Just leave it to me," replied Nami with confidence.

"Gohan! Your voice sounded weird just now," said Nami.

"This is a nice ship, isn't it, miss?" said Gohan to Robin.

 She looked shocked, as he had said what she wanted to say. Everyone else also looked towards her. "You are..." said Vivi in panic.

"I ran into Mr. 8 a few minutes ago," said Robin with a smile.

 "You tried to kill Igaram!" said Vivi angrily. Robin looked confused by Vivi's response. "Who cares about that! What are you doing on this ship? Who are you?" shouted Luffy. "What are you doing here... Miss All Sunday?" shouted Vivi.

 "Miss All Sunday? What number is she partner to?" asked Nami. "She is the partner of Mr. 0... the boss!" replied Vivi. "Crocodile?" said Nami. "Is she bad?" asked Luffy. "She is the one who knew the boss's identity. We found out about him after following her," said Vivi. "More like, I allowed you to follow me," said Robin. "Oh! Then she's good," said Luffy.

 "But you are also the one who told the boss about me and Igaram," shouted Vivi at Robin. "Correct," said Robin. "So she really is bad," said Luffy. "Oye! Cut it out," said Zoro to Luffy. Robin started mocking Vivi, which angered everyone and they took out their weapons.

 "Don't point such dangerous things at me," said Robin. As all of a sudden, Usopp and Sanji fell down, Zoro's swords dropped on the deck. Robin took Luffy's hat, which angered him, and he started shooting at her. "But suddenly someone took the hat from her.

 Robin turned her head to see that Gohan was sitting next to her. "Sorry! But this hat is very important to our captain. Now, how about we have a conversation like civilized people?" said Gohan with a smile.

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