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"Not to worry, Uesugi-san! I've already started!" Yotsuba had already taken her seat at the living room coffee table with her notebook and pencil out.

But when Fuutarou took a look, all the 'studying' she had done was just doodling. Fuutarou raised a brow while looking at her notebook.

"Hehe, this isn't the studying I imagined. But you drew a nice flower Yotsuba." Fuutarou chuckled. Yotsuba blushed in embarrassment for her dumbness. "I'm sorry Uesugi-san! Please forgive my stupidity! I promise I will be better!"

Fuutarou's sweat dropped, "It's fine Yotsuba. No need to make such a big deal out of it." He then looked at the rest of the Quints who were talking with each other while enjoying some cookies.

"Delicious, what flavor is this?" Ichika whispered while munching on a cookie. Itsuki meanwhile had multiple in her hand and was devouring them.

"*Yawn* Eating makes me so sleepy~" Ichika mumbled after yawning cutely. She looked at Fuutarou who was looking at a few sheets of paper in his hand.

"Fuutarou-kun, what are those?" Ichika asked curiously. Fuutarou looked at her.

"Oh, I had made a copy of the last mock exam we had, and I need you guys to answer it. This'll help me figure out what we need to target first. I wanted you guys to do it right now in the first session but eh....." Fuutarou looked at Itsuki and the others.

"They seemed to be focusing on something else right now." Fuutarou whispered while looking at the cookies Nino made. Itsuki looked at him and held out her hand.

"Uesugi-kun, please give me one of the test papers. I'll do it right now. "

" Me too! " Yotsuba held out her hand at Fuutarou who smiled at them and gave them each one of the exam papers. Ichika giggled before taking one for herself.

"Don't be scared of us Fuutarou-kun. We'll do as you say, don't worry okay? Big sis Ichika will always be there if you need her." Ichika winked and smiled warmly at him before taking out her pen.

She much rather be sleeping but she didn't want to disappoint Fuutarou. Ichika slowly started working on the test paper with Itsuki and Yotsuba following her lead.

" How about you Miku? " Fuutarou looked at Miku who looked back at him with an emotionless expression.

"It's not much, it'll only take about thirty to forty five minutes of your time. I promise." Fuutarou added while having a smile on his face. Miku shrugged before holding out her hand, receiving a test paper from Fuutarou. She started working on them a few seconds later.

Nino walked up to Fuutarou with a plate of cookies in her hand. "Don't you like cookies?"

"I love them. But now's not the time, sorry."

" You don't need to be so cautious! I didn't poison the cookies. I wouldn't mind studying if you have some~" Nino said before giving him a cute wink. Fuutarou sighed and grabbed some of the cookies.

"If you say so...." He whispered before eating them. He finished the cookies in his hand within a second. Yes, they were that good.

"Wow, you finished them so quickly! Are they that good?" Nino asked him innocently. Fuutarou resisted side-eyeing her.

'What are you planning, Nino?' Fuutarou thought to himself before nodding at her question.

"They're amazing! I don't think I've ever had cookies as good as these. You're really talented at baking, Nino. " Fuutarou complimented her. He wasn't lying. Due to his Heavenly Restriction, his taste was enhanced, so these were the best cookies he ever tasted.

"Thank you! I put in a lot of effort into making them." Nino then sat down next to Fuutarou. She got close to his ear and began to speak in a quiet tone.

"What kind of promise did you make with our dad?" She asked him quietly. Fuutarou shrugged.

" Nothing much, he expects great things from me. I promised him that I would help you all graduate with smiles on your faces. I will do my absolute best to make that possible, you guys just need to cooperate and trust the process." Fuutarou explained. Nino hummed.

" Is that so?.....To be honest with you.....We don't really need a tutor..... " Nino muttered while grinning evilly and staring at him menacingly with those piercing dark blue eyes of hers. Fuutarou raised a brow at Nino.

"Then prove it to me by passing this test." Fuutarou showed her the mock exam. He looked at Quints.

"The score required to pass this exam is 50 points. If you pass, you guys don't have to see my face again." Fuutarou suddenly had a dark ominous aura coated around him. His face turned from an amused one to a serious one.

"My time is precious, girls. I don't have time to be equal and fair with you all. All I need to do here is to teach those that are most likely to fail the exams." Fuutarou said, making them shiver at his words.

"Y-you got it, Uesugi-kun!" Itsuki stuttered out her reply. Nino laughed nervously and handed Fuutarou a glass of water.

"H-here, drink this to calm your nerves." Nino muttered nervously while holding up a glass of water.

Nino smiled in anticipation. Her plan was set in motion. 'Good, now all he has to do is drink it and he'll be out cold in a matter of moments. That will show you for trying to invade our home and make us study!'

"Thanks...." He whispered before raising the glass to his mouth. He froze when he smelled something.

'Poison? Really Nino? You're a really bad girl. Appearances can be deceiving.' Fuutarou frowned. Thanks to his enhanced sense of smell, he could smell the poison mixed with the water.

'Why is he hesitating—Oh nevermind.' Nino watched as Fuutarou chugged the water all in one go. He sighed in satisfaction before grinning at her.

"That was an amazing glass of water, Nino! What did you put in it? Can I have another? " Fuutarou asked excitedly.

" Eh?!" Nino was confused as to why Fuutarou wasn't in dreamland right now. She was positive that she had put sleeping drugs in that glass. 'Why was he still standing right now?! This doesn't make any sense! He should be knocked out cold!'

"I really don't know how to describe it. That water just tasted so great! Is it too much trouble for you to get me another glass?" Fuutarou asked with a warm smile that made it impossible for anyone to resist his request. Nino blushed lightly when she saw his smile. It was kind of cute. And entrancing.

"N-N-No problem! I'll be right back!" She took the empty class and walked to the kitchen. In her mind she was panicking.

'Damn him for making me blush like that! Who does he think he is? Fine then… if that won't work, I will triple the dosage! He won't wake up until the next day!'

Fuutarou grinned when he saw Nino walking away to get him another glass. 'She's definitely gonna increase the dosage.' Fuutarou thought while taking out something from his backpack. It was a sketchbook and a pencil. He looked at the four girls in front of him who were diligently working on their exam papers. He smiled at the sight.

'All that's missing is that overprotective sis con Nino. Gotta wait for her first.' Fuutarou thought as Nino returned with the glass of water not too long after.

"Here you go! Another glass of delicious water just like you asked~" Nino told Fuutarou sweetly as she handed him the glass. He looked at the water and saw that there was a hint of a strange purple color to it.

"Umm.... Uesugi-kun. Maybe it's best if you don't drink that." Itsuki warned him with her sisters stopping their work and looking at the glass of water. They all frowned in concern as they noticed the weird color in the water.

Miku looked at Nino who was smiling innocently at Fuutarou. She narrowed her eyes. 'What is wrong with you? Are you trying to embarrass us?' She thought while shaking her head and sighing.

'This bitch really increased the dosage. Whatever, it doesn't matter. This'll scare her for sure.' Fuutarou thought before a dark shadow covered his eyes, confusing everyone. He gripped the glass tightly.

"Fuutarou-kun?" Ichika called him but he was unresponsive. A somehow visible menacing aura covered him as Fuutarou started chugging down the water in a menacing way.

Nino was cackling evilly in her head as she watched Fuutarou consume the drugged water.

'I don't know how you survived the first dosage, but you won't this time! You're going to be sleeping like a baby. You better learn your lesson when you wake up, and leave me and my sisters alone!' She shouted in her mind as Fuutarou slammed the empty glass of water onto the rectangular coffee table.

'Why is she trying so hard to get rid of me? I get that I'm an outsider but damn.....' Fuutarou thought before grinning savagely at Nino who had an expression of pure disbelief.

"That tasted even better than the last one! I don't know what you put in it, but it sure hit the spot!" Fuutarou then smirked at her. Nino started scooting away from him, she was starting to get terrified of him.

"Also, are you really sure you don't want me as your tutor? I wouldn't want a girl as gorgeous and talented as you to flunk out of highschool—


Nino rushed to Fuutarou and grabbed her shoulders, attempting to shake him in frustration over her failed attempts to drug him.

"What are you?! Some sort of freak?! How did you survive that dosage?! You should be in dreamland! This isn't possible! You're not human. Are you an alien? An android? ANSWER ME!" Nino began to touch him all over his body, which caused Fuutarou to slightly blush. She was being real handsy with him.

"I'm none of those, Nino. I'm just really really strong. Also..... " Fuutarou then smiled at her while his blush became more visible.

" Don't you think we're moving a little too fast? You haven't even given me an opportunity to take you out to dinner yet." Fuutarou asked her with a teasing grin. It took a second for Nino's brain to register Fuutarou's words. She blinked in confusion before assessing the position that they were in.

Nino was quite literally groping Fuutarou. In her attempt to find out just exactly what he was made of, she failed to realize where exactly she was touching him. She had her hands directly on his muscled and toned chest.

"Try harder, Nino. Did you really think drugging me with sleeping drugs two times with the second one having increased dosages, will work on a guy like me? I've been poisoned by shit much worse than that." Fuutarou told her while grinning at her menacingly. Realizing what she was doing, she immediately blushed in shock and embarrassment as she let go of him.

She then realized what he said before her outburst. He had called her gorgeous and talented.

"Buh buh buh buh buh....." Nino kept on stuttering nonsense as she lost her balance and fell to the ground flat on her ass. The other 4 quintuplets looked on in shock and amusement as seeing their sister just embarrass herself in front of their new tutor.

They then realized what Fuutarou just said and was in shock and disbelief. Itsuki slammed her hands on the coffee table and glared at Nino. She grabbed Nino's shirt and growled at her.

"You tried to drug our tutor?! What is wrong with you?! Are you insane? Do I need to put YOU to sleep?!"

To be continued.....

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