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Chapter 23: Fantasy

"Wait hold on! What's your name, Mr. Tutor?" Ichika got out of her bed, throwing her blanket away at the same time.

"Uesugi Fuutarou. I had blonde hair but I dyed it so that I could 'blend in'. " Fuutarou explained, making Ichika widen her eyes even more.

" What else do you remember about this girl, Fuutarou-kun?" Ichika asked desperately. Her eyes had a look of pleading. As if she desperately wanted it to be true.

Fuutarou stared at Ichika's dark blue eyes and smiled. "What do I remember? Well after I left Kyoto, I realized that I like her a lot, more than anything in this world!" Fuutarou replied before looking towards Yotsuba.

" The same goes for you too. " He whispered to her, making Yotsuba widen her eyes once more and blushed vividly. Ichika was too shocked to even hear what he said to Yotsuba.

Their hearts skipped multiple beats. There was no mistaking it, he is the one. Ichika snapped out of her musings as she felt Fuutarou tap her shoulders.

She looked up to see that Fuutarou had a massive blush on his face. "I like the view and all, but you shouldn't be naked in front of a guy you reunited with." Fuutarou pointed at her body. Ichika looked down and froze, she forgot that she was naked this whole time.

Her breasts and private parts were out for Fuutarou to marvel at. Her three sizes are B88-W50-H159, with her four sisters being at the same sizes too, being identical quintuplets and all.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!~~~~" Ichika squealed loudly with a blush the same color as her hair. She quickly grabbed her blanket and covered herself with it.

Fuutarou wiped away the blood flowing out his nose before walking towards the exit of the room.

"Yotsuba! Get my clothes! Quick!"

"You got it!"

" I'll be outside gathering the rest. You two take your time. Be quick, the tutoring session is starting soon." Fuutarou reminded them before exiting the room and shutting the door behind him. He also heard the door locking.

" Damn!" Fuutarou muttered to himself while looking at his pants. He cursed as his dick was making a tent.

"Stay still, little bro!" Fuutarou growled angrily before composing himself as he saw one of the sisters approaching him.

"Oh.... so you're our tutor..." She mumbled gloomily, making Fuutarou raise a brow at her comment.

She is Miku, the third eldest of the Nakano quintuplets. Miku is an emotionless looking girl with medium-length red hair that has strands of hair hanging over the right side of her face.

Her notable accessory is a set of wireless headphones that have a triangle-shaped logo on the ear cups (Audio-Technica). Her headphones are a design mix of the Audio-Technica M50x and AR3bt SE.

Like her sisters, she has dark blue eyes, an average height, a well-endowed figure and large breasts.

Miku usually wears a long-sleeved sweater that covers her uniform. She also wears black tights and puts on her headphones around her neck. Most of the time, she has part of her bangs cover her right eye.

Miku eyed him up and down, taking every little detail. She didn't expect the top student of the grade to be so normal looking. She was more or less expecting the typical nerd look. But even though it is unexpected, that doesn't mean it is unwelcome.

Miku couldn't help but gaze into Fuutarou's piercing yellow eyes. She felt scared a little as she felt like his eyes could kill a person if you stare at it long enough.

"The name's Uesugi Fuutarou. I will be your tutor from now until graduation. I look forward to teaching you and your sisters! Please take care of me." Fuutarou introduced himself with a confident smile on his face. Miku was confused.

'Did Father not tell him who he's going to be dealing with? He's going to be in for a rude awakening. I'll give him a maximum of one week before he quits.' Miku thought. didn't think Fuutarou was going to last long if he was honest.

She and her sisters were way too much of a handful. If he didn't know that now, he was certainly going to figure that out soon.

"Fuutarou huh? Well my name is Miku Nakano. I'm the third sister. And I need to ask you something." Miku took a couple steps toward Fuutarou, causing him to step back a little.

'Personal space doesn't exist in this house does it?' Fuutarou thought sarcastically. Miku stared at him with an emotionless gaze.

"My PE uniform is gone, the red ones. It was here a minute ago, right before Fuutarou came." Miku accused while staring at him accusingly. Fuutarou felt like anything he said, she would not believe him.

"I'm gonna ask you this, what use would I have with a girl's PE uniform that wouldn't even fit me?" Fuutarou asked her while crossing his arms.

"I didn't say that you took it...." Miku calmly retorted

"You implied it!"

"Implying and saying something directly are two different things."

Fuutarou sighed." That's true, but wouldn't it make more sense to ask your sisters. Since they live here, they would have most likely seen it. It would make more sense for them to wear it. I have no use for your gym clothes while one of your sisters probably would. " Fuutarou replied confidently. It was the most logical answer his brain can think of.

'It does make sense.' Miku realized, but as she was about to respond they heard a call from downstairs.

"Hey! What are you people doing there? I made too many cookies. Want some?"

" Nino, now's not the time for—" Miku widened her eyes and stopped finishing her sentence as she saw Nino wearing a red sweatshirt which had the name 'Nakano Mi' on it.

Fuutarou chuckled and grinned at Miku. "You see? What did I say?" Fuutarou told her confidently. Miku blushed in embarrassment. She tried to hide her embarrassment by pouting. She looked exactly like Itsuki and Yotsuba.

'Cute.' Fuutarou thought.

"Yeah, I guess you were right. Sorry for not giving you the benefit of the doubt." Miku whispered. Fuutarou shrugged in response.

"Eh, it's alright. No harm done right? Just try not to immediately jump to conclusions and analyze the situation at hand before making any assumptions. Alright?"

"A-Alright...." Miku turned her head to avoid looking Fuutarou in the eye. She was just too flustered from being embarrassed. She suddenly widened her eyes.

'Wait a minute. It hasn't even been 10 minutes since meeting him and he's already taught me something! Unbelievable! I don't think anyone has ever accomplished that. This guy... There's something different about him. I don't know how to describe it.

I definitely underestimated home, thinking that he won't even survive a week tutoring us and he has already taught me a lesson when we just met. Just where did Father find this guy?.... '

As Miku was having second thoughts about Fuutarou's potential as a tutor, Nino couldn't help but frown at seeing a stranger in her and her sisters' home.

"Hey, who are you? What are you doing here?!"

Fuutarou looked down at Nino with a curious gaze. Nino is a cute and cold-looking girl with hip-length straight hair that has square bangs hanging over her eyebrows. She has reddish-pink hair, ranging from light pink to telemagenta.

Her notable accessories are twin butterfly-shaped ribbons on both sides of her head. Like her sisters, she has dark blue eyes, an average height, a well-endowed figure and large breasts. She is noted to be the more fashionable girl among the sisters, as she has various cute accessories and takes care of her nails.

'Why do I get the feeling she's a sis con and a massive tsundere?' Fuutarou wondered before waving at her.

"Hello! My name is Uesugi Fuutarou, and I'm going to be your tutor from now until graduation! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Fuutarou introduced himself cheerfully.

Nino squinted her eyes at him. He looked much better than what she expected him to look like. He was actually pretty attractive if she was being honest with herself.

His yellow eyes were very scary to her. They were narrowed and piercing, almost like he thought she was his enemy or something.

"Ah, so Papa was really serious about a tutor coming over here? I thought that was just a joke!"

Nino's comment made Miku's sweat drop. "You know that our father isn't the joking type, Nino. And even if he was, why would he joke about something as serious as our horrendous grades?" It's true, their grades really did suck. Maruo wasn't going to allow them to flunk out of high school. So it made sense why he had hired a tutor for them.

And the tutor was the number 1 student in the whole school, maybe even Japan. Nino scoffed.

"Yeah, but why do we need a tutor? Does he have no faith in us?"

"You.... can't be serious right now..." Miku muttered to herself. Even though Miku has a pessimistic pessimistic way of thinking, even someone like her knows when to accept help when offered it.

Was her sister living in an alternate reality? They literally have zero chance of passing on their own if they continue going at this rate.

"Whatever! Go and get the other three to eat some cookies." Nino said as she went to prepare the table.

"Why do you have on my sweatshirt?!"

"I didn't want to get dirty while baking!"

"You could have at least asked first!"

Miku ran downstairs to chase after Nino to get her red sweatshirt. Fuutarou laughed to himself at their antics.

'That's all of them. Thankfully it's a good start. Not so sure about Nino though.' Fuutarou thought as he looked at Yotsuba and Ichika exiting the latter's room.

Thankfully Ichika was fully clothed. Fuutarou noticed that they were giving each other the stink eye. One could tell that they had some sort of discourse.

"Hey, you two. Everything alright? You're giving each other the stink eye. Is the argument about me? " Fuutarou asked them.

"Everything's fine, Uesugi-san! There's nothing wrong! Right Ichika~" Yotsuba nudged Ichika with her elbow, as if to say 'you better keep your mouth shut and not make Uesugi-san feel bad!'

Ichika got the message and gave Fuutarou a fake smile, "Of course, everything is fine! Sorry it took us a while. It was difficult to find some clothes in my mess of a room, Ufufufu~"

Fuutarou resisted calling them out on their lies. He sighed and nodded. "Alrighty then. Nino said she made cookies. Come and have some. Then we can start the study session."

" Study this, study that.....You're in the home of five beautiful high school girls. Is studying really all you can think about doing~" Ichika asked Fuutarou with a tone that had naughty implications.

Fuutarou chuckled while having a small blush on his face, he liked that teasing tone of hers more than he should've.

"Sorry Ichika but making sure you all graduate comes first. Who knows? Maybe I'll ask your pretty self out after that. Depends on how you treat me." He grinned savagely at her. Ichika blushed, not expecting Fuutarou to flirt back.

"Hey, I'm pretty too Uesugi-san!" Yotsuba pouted at him. Fuutarou chuckled a little.

" Of course you are! You and Ichika are the most beautiful girls ever. The same goes for your sisters. There's something about you guys' beauty that bewitches me. " Fuutarou smiled at their blushing expressions.

" Alright girls, that's enough compliments for now. Let's go down and eat some cookies and study. "

" Alright, Fuutarou-kun! "

" Okie dokie! Uesugi-san! "

To be continued...

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