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Despite His Nature, He Deals with People Well (2)

Up to 20 advanced chapters on Patreon: Fiction Haven


"Welcome, Miss Laura. It's an honor to meet you. It's been three years since we last met in Germany, isn't it? You don't age a day."

The Chief Operating Officer, Kuwabata-san, talked to Laura like a mere plebeian sucking up to his king. He had always acted so high and mighty around everyone; look at how pathetic he was before her. I barely could back the scoff. It was slightly satisfying that Laura wasn't too pleased by Kuwabata-san's act. Although I didn't like her, I had to compliment her for what she said next.

"I didn't spend twenty years in Japan learning Japanese just to speak in English, Kuwabata-san. My JLPT certificate states that I have the N1 level of proficiency, so feel free to speak to me in Japanese."

"A-Ah, I am sorry, Laura-san. I thought you would be more comfortable speaking English."

"Well, don't assume next time."

I watched in silent amusement as Kuwabata-san was reduced to a nervous wreck. He looked like someone afraid of losing his job. I couldn't help but cackle inwardly. He had always looked so secure in his position. Now that he was nothing before Laura, he looked no different from us, low-level workers.

I stiffened as my eyes somehow met the lady killer's. His face was as stoic as ever, but I could a hint of amusement in his eyes. It seemed he noticed my amusement. His charm didn't work on me this time, but I was nervous. I hoped he didn't snitch on me or blackmail me. Wait, the latter doesn't sound so bad, does it? I won't mind being—what the hell am I thinking about!? I shivered at my thoughts and then noticed that he wasn't looking at me anymore.

"There is no need to be so harsh, Laura. It's a small misunderstanding, after all." He said calmly.

God, even his voice sounds sexy!

"He should've known how I am," Laura countered.

"You don't show yourself often, do you? How do you expect them to know?"

"Touche; but I don't regret it."

Their interaction made me think that I needed to change my view of the lady killer. He might be Laura's future with how easily he reined her. Though, that didn't make sense. Why would someone great enough to marry the multibillionaire Laura Orion work in a branch—as the Chief Human Relationship no less? Another plausible reason I could think of was that their family were close. Still, if they were so close, why would he end up as a mere CHRO?

"How impolite of me. My name is Hikigaya Hachiman."

The lady killer's introduction woke Kuwabata-san from his daze. "A-Ah, I am Kuwabata Takahito, the COO of the company. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Hikigaya-san!"


As the lady killer introduced himself to the higher-ups, I noted how fake all of them were. Of course, the lady killer was an exception as he remained stoic as ever. That was probably the reason why these old people were trembling before his gaze. I didn't want to lie to myself either. He did look intimidating.

"And you will be…"

"Chabashira Sae."

"Oh, so you will be my assistant. It's a pleasure to meet you, Chabashira-san."

"Yes. It's also a pleasure to meet you, Hikigaya-san."

"Please, take care of me."


What the hell, you hung motherfucker!? Don't surprise me like that! My heart beat fast during our interaction with the lady killer. I cursed myself for being so caught up in my thought. Thankfully, my poker face which had been honed for years didn't betray me. If I had faltered, I would end up as his plaything for the whole time he worked here.

Regaining my composure, I walked to the lady killer's side when Laura said it was time for him to meet his subordinates. I immediately assumed my role as a guide and led them to the elevator. Inside the elevator, I idly noted how close the gorgeous duo was. The lady killer didn't seem to be excited by their proximity, but Laura seemed to be enjoying it. It was at this moment that I could finally conclude the nature of their relationship.

Geez. Must be good to be able to attract such eye candy with your wealth.

When the elevator door was opened, I immediately led them to the HR department. Everyone greeted us as soon as we got there, brimming with fake enthusiasm as they looked at the new CHRO and Laura. Everyone calmed down when Laura raised her hand. She turned to the lady killer, prompting him to step forward.

"Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Hikigaya Hachiman, your new CHRO. I may be young and inexperienced, but I will do my best to make it easy for you." Bowing lightly, he continued, "Please, take care of me."

"We got you, chief!" Everyone shouted in response.

With the introduction finished, I led the newly appointed CHRO to his office, which he would share with me. Laura still followed after us, so the present higher-ups also followed suit. Thankfully, the office was big, so it didn't feel crowded at all. The new CHRO looked around the room before settling his eyes on his nameplate. A rather wry smile crept up his face but soon disappeared before properly settling.

"I still have some matters to attend, so I will leave you to your devices," Laura said, causing him to turn around. "Good luck, Hachiman."

"Take care, Laura."

Upon seeing the lady killer wave at her, Laura hesitated a bit. She looked like she was about to do something. In the end, she opted not to and smiled softly at him. Her beauty was amplified a million times with that smile. Why does she have to be beautiful and rich? She exited the room and the higher-ups immediately followed; of course, not before they said good luck to the lady killer. They must be thinking of currying favor to Laura through him.

Ignoring me, the lady killer sat on his chair and immediately accessed his computer. He seemed to know what he should be doing, so I sat on my chair. Accessing my computer, I opened the office's 'complaint box.' As usual, the top complaint was how shitty the food the cafeteria provided. I agreed wholeheartedly, but we couldn't replace the cook for that reason. They had enough money to buy food outside. It was a workplace, not a restaurant, after all. Still, I have to ask for my superior's input on that.

"Sir, the employees are complaining about the cafeteria food. They say it's too bland, so they request to have the cook replaced."

"Why don't you order me the best food the cafeteria has to offer and let me be the judge? Of course, don't say I ordered it as they may cook properly for once."

That was the first instruction that I got from the newly appointed CHRO called Hikigaya Hachiman. He decided that the cook should be replaced and sued—he joked about the latter—right after the first bite. After that, he did things that no CHRO had ever done. Some of them were too trivial and some of them were quite bold. They seemed random, but all of them improved the work environment greatly.

Time flew quickly and it was already ten days since the CHRO was appointed. He rarely showed up and it would always be after lunch if he did, but he was already accepted and known by everyone in the company. Those who had only seen him but not interacted with him knew him as the HR's Cassanova. On the other hand, those who had interacted with him hailed him as the hero of employees with how much he sided with the employees. It varied, but everyone concurred he was the eye candy of the company first and foremost.

As the closest person to him, in the office at least, I no longer viewed him as a mere lady killer. I had hoped to find a perverted psychopath behind his visage, so I was fairly amused when I found an introverted genius who would rather not interact with anyone. He always refused everyone's outing invitation. I asked him once about it and he unhesitatingly said that he wouldn't be able to enjoy himself if he had people vying for attention.


I was woken up from my thoughts by the very man I was thinking about. He called me that way not because he was trying to be flirty but because I demanded him to. I was aware I was playing a risky game given my opponent, but I didn't care. If I succeeded, even if I was fired Hikigaya-san would come to my rescue.

"Yes, Chief?"

"Have you ever caught Tomohiro of the Marketing department doing something suspicious?"

"He is the secretary of the Marketing Chief, right? I am not too sure about that as I rarely visit those rambunctious bunch." I looked at Hikigaya-san curiously. "Is something wrong?"

"It's just weird that almost a third of the female employees who had quit had been assigned to him at some point."

As usual, his analysis prowess was mind-boggling. He could always point out things that normal people wouldn't realize in a second. Before I could respond that he might just be overthinking, the door burst open. Startled, I glared at the culprit murderously. However, my glare soon faltered as I saw the crying visage of a female employee.

I knew her. She was Asahina from the Marketing department.


Honorary Mention:

Venerable Immortal Gwiber

Venerable Immortal P. Felipe

Venerable Immortal W. M. Jones

Venerable Immortal Orion

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