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75% Transmigration: I transmigrated as Daddy's beloved / Chapter 3: Is Daddy a momma's boy??

Chapter 3: Is Daddy a momma's boy??

Well, a girl had to do what a gotta do, so I took the first step towards the table where all the snacks were placed.

I happily took a cupcake and ate it, it was so delicious. I squinted my eyes happily.

"June!! Alice shouted my name in surprise. Everyone burst out laughing.

"What type of child is this?"

I walked towards Alice and Micheal placing little chocolate in their mouths.

"Why didn't you follow Daddy?" Micheal dragged my nose.

"Ouch." I rubbed my nose. "If I follow Daddy Mummy will be jealous."

I placed another chocolate inside my mouth, "I love both of you equally, that's why I didn't follow anyone."

Alice pinched my cheek laughing, "My baby is now a little adult."

I ate so much food on the birthday, especially chocolate.

We left the birthday party late at night and walked home since the place is not far from our house.

"Daddy" I stopped walking after a while, my little legs were already tired. "Carry me."

One of the advantages of being a baby is that; you have a free human carriage.

"Don't you want Mummy to carry you?" Alice rubbed my head.

"I want Daddy to carry me."

I hugged Micheal's neck tightly, Alice pursed her lips looking aggrieved.

"Don't you love Mummy?"

"I think she loves me more," Micheal said, feeling proud.

"I just don't want Mummy to get tired of carrying me." I pecked Alice on the cheek. "What do we have a bouncer in the house, he had to do a little work."

Alice burst out laughing, she rubbed my hair.

"Wait" Micheal pointed a finger at his nose, "I am a bouncer?"

"June, where did you hear the word bouncer from," Alice asked me.

Oops, looked like I just slipped up.

"A big aunty called someone a bouncer at the birthday party."

"Oookay." Micheal and Alice nod their head.

"That's why I said you should allow her to interact more with other kids."

Alice nodded her head, we walked home laughing and cracking jokes.


"Boss." Adamu opened the gate for us. "Grandma is at home."

"My mom is around." Micheal looked at Adamu surprised. "But she didn't tell me she is coming to visit."

"Micheal." Alice tugged Micheal's shirt. "I don't want to go inside."

I looked at Alice, why is she scared of Micheal's mom?

"Alice, let's go inside, I am here for you."

I looked at the couple, let it better not be what I am thinking.

We walked..... Sorry, they walked because I was carried by Micheal, so I was not walking.

"Mom." Micheal place me on the chair, calling out to an elderly woman who sat on the chair like a queen.

"Good evening ma." Alice knelt on both knees greeting the woman.

If you want to greet an elderly person respectfully in Nigeria, you've got to go down on your knees as a lady or prostrate if you are ba oy.

"Welcome my son." The woman ignored Alice who was still on her knees.

Alice look awkward as she was confused about whether to stand up or remain on her knees.

"Mom" Micheal helped Alice up. "My wife is greeting you."

"Do you have a wife, where is she?" The woman looked around as if searching for the wife Micheal was talking about.

Alice lowered her head, she looked aggrieved not knowing what to say. Looks like the two do not have a good relationship.

"Mom." Micheal called out. " I won't have you come into the house insulting my wife."

"So you mean I shouldn't come to your house again?" The woman stood up retying her loose wrapper.

"Help me!!!! She look like she was ready to fight it out with Micheal. " My son, whom I carried for nine months." She place her hands on her already bulged stomach which was full of fat. "And breastfed for almost three years told me not to come to his house."

She started screaming like a mad woman. "Micheal after all I have done for you."

"Mom" Micheal held the woman who was about to remove her wrappers. " Please stop shouting, you are disturbing the peace of the house."

"Ahhhhhhhh."!!!! The woman sat on the floor crying. "My son called me a mad woman."

Micheal rubbed his temples already annoyed. He looked at the woman who was rolling on the floor speechless.

I looked at the jelly belly who was busy rolling on the floor. Is this woman having problems with words and sentence formation??

How the hell did she get things mixed up?!!

Micheal went down on his knees trying to placate the woman.

"Anita." The woman said as she sat on the chair.

"Did anyone follow you here?" Micheal asked as he sat beside Alice, using his hand to pull her closer to him.

A young lady in her early twenties stepped out of the kitchen, she wore a long gown that accentuated her curves, and her braids were let parked up revealing a round face that looks like it was pulled out of a painting.

Alice looked at the lady and held Micheal's hand as if trying to protect him.

"This is Anita." My supposed grandma said she looked proud of the girl as if she won her in a competition.

"She is my friend's daughter, she is very good at house chores....."

This is not good! I looked at Alice trying to decipher her facial expression. If anything like this happened in a Nigeria home just know that...

"Mom", Micheal said. " What are you trying to say?"

"She has a lot of male children with her, unlike some people who only give birth to girls."

I looked at the idiotic grandma, don't tell me she is part of those who discriminate against girls.

I angrily walked into the kitchen. "Aunty Kafaya can I get popcorn?"

A good drama like this should be watched with popcorn.

Oh, do you think I am going to talk back to the elderly clown.

This is not a fantasy novel where the female lead kicks bad people in the ass.

This is Nigeria, you try talking back to an adult in a disrespectful manner, you will be hanged on the fan upside down and left there with the fan rolling.

Besides, the adult knows how to solve their problem.

I walked back to the sitting room after getting my huge bowl of popcorn.

"Mom, why is she here?"

"I want her to become my daughter-in-law."

Micheal stood up suddenly, "Mom, I am already married."

Micheal lifted his right hand showing his mother his wedding ring.

"Did I support your marriage?"

"Mom, even the pastors will always say that what God has put together let no....."

"Let no man put asunder" Grandma stood up from the chair. " Do you want to quote the bible for me?"

"Look at this idiot you married" Grandma pointed at Alice who had been quiet all through. "What can she do? She can't even boil water talk more of cooking."

I looked at Alice shocked, Alice can't cook?!!!

Alice lowered her head, tears rolling down her cheek.

"Mom, I love my wife regardless of what you say."

"You love the daughter of a pepper seller?" Grandma shouted at Michael. "A woman who sells pepper at the roadside"

"I.....need to go." Alice ran upstairs crying.

"Alice"!!! Micheal ran after Alice.

"Micheal," Grandma shouted. " Come back here."

I looked at the drama while eating my popcorn, and so much information was revealed.

So my Grammy is a pepper... Seller?

"Aunty." Anita gave Grandma a cup of water. " You need to calm down, shouting is not good for your health."

"You are such a darling." Grandma took the glass of water from her and drank it up in one gulp. " You are already Micheal's wife, this is your home."

"Grandma, I don't want to look like a home wrecker." Anita held grandma's hand looking like she was trying to persuade her.

"Don't you love my son?" Grandma asked.

"Anita's fair face had a hint of blush. ""

"As long as you love him, this is your territory, no one will call you a home wrecker."

"I will do as you say."

Wow!!!! This is a typical example of the white lotus web novels always talk about!

"Hey, little princess." Anita, the white lotus sat beside me. "What's your name?"

I looked at the white lotus, what's wrong with this one? Did she she think she can deceive me just like she deceived Grandma?

"My name is June." I looked at Anita. "You are so beautiful, Aunty."

Someone once said, if you know the enemy and yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

"Thank you" she rubbed my head. "June is also a beautiful girl."

I secretly rolled my eyes at her, "Is Aunty my daddy's sister."

" your daddy's friend."

"Okay," I stood up from the chair and climbed the stairs. " Good night Auntie."

"Let me carry you." Anita carried me and head to my parent's bedroom.

Looks like someone is so eager to show herself

"Why don't you call your daddy to open the door for you," Anita said.

"Daddy, open the door." I banged on the door.

Micheal opened the door, there were two bloody marks on his cheek. Looks like Alice used him to vent her anger.

"Are you okay?" Anita asked him, she looked concerned.

"I am fine" Micheal replied, he was about to take me from Anita when Alice walked out of the room, and she forcefully carried me from Anita.

Alice's eyes were red and huge which shows that she had been crying.

"Don't you ever carry my child?" Alice looked at Anita hostility flashed across her eyes.

"Ma, I am not here to wreck your home, it was grandma who...."

"Tell that to who cares to listen to you." Alice walked into the room carrying me in her arms.

"I'm sorry, I need to be with my wife and child." Micheal closed the door.

"You should have gone with her," Alice said when she noticed Micheal walking towards her.

"Alice." Micheal tried Alice but she evaded him. "You are my wife."

"I don't think so, your mom just brought a new wife for you."

"Alice, listen to me." Micheal looked tired. It seems he had been trying to explain things to Alice.

"What do you have to say?" Alice snapped at Micheal. "You always follow your mom's very wish, would you refuse her now?"

Oops looks like Daddy is a mama boy. Hehe, this is another discovery.

"Alice," Micheal called out in a tired voice.

"Don't Alice me." Alice spat.

I have to do something, Micheal look like he was standing on a thin line and like he could faint any moment from now.

"Mommy, daddy" I held their hands. "Stop fighting."

Alice clean her tears, looked at me, and said

"We are not fighting baby."

"Then why are you yelling at Daddy?"

"I am not yelling at him." Alice started crying as she hugged me. " I am sorry for making you witness this baby."

"It's okay mummy." I hugged her back. "Stop crying, mummy."

I beckon on Micheal and asked him to come closer. Micheal hugged Alice gently patting her head,

"It's okay sweetheart."

"Promise me" Alice lifted her head and looked at Micheal. " Promise me that you won't marry another wife."

"I promise."

Alice rested her head on Micheal's firm chest, looking at peace.

The moonlight cast a heavenly light on the couple. I looked at them in awe, when will I have a sweetheart who will hug me?

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