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50% Transmigration: I transmigrated as Daddy's beloved / Chapter 2: The birthday party

Chapter 2: The birthday party

The wind blew gently making the trees dance to their peaceful tune.

I sat in the passenger seat my face still hot from the embarrassment; though I am a three years old child I still have the soul of a fifteen years old child.

Besides... My butt hurts like hell!!

"We need to get some fuel," Micheal said breaking the silence.

He stop the car at a nearby filling station, got down from the car, and greeted the fuel attendant.

"Do you want some ice cream?" Alice asked me.

Ice- cream?!!!

"Yes." I nodded my head happily. I love ice cream, they are my favorite.

"Micheal!! Alice got down from the car excitedly. "June just spoke."

I looked at Alice blankly; was my speech too important to her?

Micheal came inside the car after some minutes with a bowl of chocolate Ice cream.

My eyes shone happily, how the hell do they know that chocolate ice cream is my favorite?

I scoop the ice cream happily, letting it melt in my mouth.

"Thank goodness she said something," Alice said smiling happily. She watches me eat the ice cream.

"I told you nothing will happen to her," Micheal said as he drove the car. He held Alice's hand with one hand and control the steering with the other.

"I was just scared she was still traumatized by that incident."

"The doctor already confirm that she is fine," Micheal reassured Alice.

I looked at the ice cream bowl, my eyes were filled with confusion.

What incident are they talking about? What happened to the former soul of this baby? Besides, if my soul is in the body of this three years old, where is her soul then?


We arrived home so late, Kafaya was outside with the gateman waiting for our arrival.

"Welcome sir." The gateman said. He looked to be in his early thirties with a goatee.

"Thank you Adamu," Micheal said.

"Don't worry Kafaya, I will carry her." Alice stopped Kafaya who wanted to carry me.

I squinted my eyes happily. It feels good to be cared for.

We walked into the house, the ladies we left at home had all gone to their various houses.

"Kafaya" Alice called out. " You can go have some rest."

"You look tired, let me carry June." Micheal tried taking me from Alice, but she refused.

"Let me carry my child," Alice said climbing the stairs,

I looked at Micheal and pursed my lips. Why are they so protective of me?


The bedroom

"You must be tired, let mummy bath for you," Alice said as she place me on the bed.

"Alice." Micheal wrapped his large muscular arms around Alice, pulling her into a hug. "You are tired, besides the doctor said June is fine."

"But she has not spoken a word since morning apart from the yes she uttered." Alice sobbed.

"Micheal, tell me my child is okay."

"Alice, she is fine" Micheal hugged Alice tightly. His white shirt was already stained with tears.

"What about the trauma?" Alice looked at Micheal. " If she is fine, why isn't she saying anything?"

Micheal pursed his lips, looking like he doesn't know what to say.

I looked at the couple, can someone tell me exactly what happens to the owner of this body?!!

Is there any incident that the previous owner of this body has passed through?

Seeing Alice cry breaks my heart. I have to say something.

But how do little children talk?

I looked at the weeping Alice, who cares, I am going to speak anyway.

"Mummy" I called out, I was shocked by my voice, why does it sound so childish?

"My mummy," I said again,

OMG, I am already falling in love with my voice.

Alice looked at me shocked. She laughed happily as she hugged me.

"My baby." She said.

Micheal also smiled in relief. " Do you wanna bathe now?"

Alice ignored him, she looked at me and said. " June, call me mummy."

"Mummy, mummy mummy."

Alice laughed, her laughter resounds through the room tingling my heart.

"Are you happy now?" Micheal asked her.

"Yup." Alice carried me and walked to the bathroom.

Micheal tried to follow us but was stopped by Alice who stood by the door.

"What are you trying to do?"

"Following you guys to the bathroom."


"You are my wife, do I need a reason to bathe with you."

I opened my eyes wide, is there anything I can use to block my ears?

"Do you have b**bs?"


"So who do you think you are?"

"I am your husband."

"Are you my daughter? Who cares if you are my husband there are so many bathrooms in this house, go and lick your wounds elsewhere."

Alice closed the door with a bang. I looked at my newly found mom in shock.

Did she just bang the door in her husband's face??

"Now let's have a nice girls' time." Alice place me inside the bathtub.

She wore a pink shower cap for me and filled the bathtub with water and soap.

Oh, my eyes!!!

I quickly covered my eyes; this is the first time I am seeing another woman's nakedness.

Alice laughed when she saw my reaction, " Are you shy? This is not the first time we would be bathing together."

She removed my hands from my eyes and entered the bathtub.

After the bathing session, we opened the door, only to see a wounded lion softly licking his wounds.

Micheal looked at us and patted the bed, beckoning us to join him.

"Let me take June to her room." Micheal offered.

"No" Alice refused. "She is going to stay with us tonight."

I gave Micheal a knowing look. Looks like I am stopping someone from being lovey-dovey with his wife.

"Alice" Micheal hugged Alice from behind. " I need you."

Oh, my ears!!!!

I quietly place my head on the pillow. Looks like I am going to be a huge light bulb tonight.

Ahhh! This is going to be a long night.

"June is here," Alice whispers as she tucks me in.

"She is already asleep."

"Common Micheal, do we have to do this?"


The night was quiet, I fell into a deep slumber as soon as I rested my head on the pillow.


The morning sun seeped into the room. I slowly opened my eyes

I felt something wet between my nighs, I sat up immediately and looked at the bed.

Did I just pee on the bed?!!

I widen my eyes in shock, what have I done?!!

I place my hands on my forehead groaning. I am fifteen years old, how will I tell people that I pee on the bed?!

"You are awake baby." Micheal came in from the bathroom, looks like he just had a bath. Droplet of water rolled down his muscular chest down to his Adonis belt.

He looks so hot!!!

"Is daddy handsome?" Micheal's voice sounded so husky, making my face turn hot.

"Good morning princess." Alice yearn, and she sat up on the bed.

Alice's face stiffen, she place her hand on the bed and looked at me teasingly.

"Looks like rain fell overnight?"

"Rain, what rain?" Micheal look at her confused. "We are in dry season now, besides rain didn't fall last night."

Alice rolled her eyes, she place Micheal's hand on the spot where I peed.

"Ohhhhh" Micheal smiled. " Did you open the heavenly tap, huh?"

I lowered my head embarrassed, gosh!! This is so embarrassing!!

"Stop teasing her." Alice took me to the bathroom, ordering Micheal to deal with the wet duvet.



I burp loudly, Kafaya knows how to cook, the breakfast was so delicious.

"Are you full?" Alice asked wiping my mouth with a napkin

"Yes, thank you, mummy." I flashed Alice a smile.

"Won't you thank me too?" Micheal gently pinched my chubby cheek.

"Hmmmm" I sniffed around playfully. " Looks like Daddy is jealous."

Alice burst out laughing, Micheal looked at me gently tapping my nose.

"You brat."

I looked at Alice who was laughing happily. It feels good to know that you can make someone laugh so heartily.

"Madam" Kafaya came in, "Aunty Cindy is here."

"Ohh, tell her to come in," Alice said.

Micheal carried me from the chair.

"Daddy," I called out softly. " I want to walk."

"My princess is all grown up now." Micheal pinched my cheek.

We walked hand in hand to the sitting room. Alice was already chatting with Cindy.

"Look who is here," Cindy said she carried, gently placing me on her lap.

"You have to bring June to Daniel's birthday party tomorrow."


"Alice" Cindy held Alice's hand. " You have to let June interact more with children her age, hiding her will make her more withdrawn to her shells."

"I think we should give it a try," Micheal said.

"Besides, the party is just like a parent and child activity, you will be there with your June."

Cindy convinced Alice, and Alice slowly nodded her head.

"It's agreed then, I'll be expecting you tomorrow."

Cindy pecked me on the cheek and walked out of the house.

"Micheal" Alice looked at Micheal. " Why would you agree to such a request?"

"Honey" Micheal sat beside Alice. "We can't hide June forever."

"What if something happened to her just like....." Alice sob.

"Nothing will happen to her."

I scratched my head, Can someone tell me what going on?!

The day flew by quickly, Alice spent the day looking for a suitable birthday gown for tomorrow's party.


"Alice" Cindy ran to us, she was dressed in a purple gown with matching high heels. " I thought you wouldn't come."

The birthday party took place in the event center in the Estate where we live. It was filled with lots of kids and parents.

I tug at the numerous bows on my head. Alice had carefully dressed me up, making me look ridiculously beautiful.

"I already promised you to come," Alice said hugging Cindy. "Where is the birthday boy?"

"He is probably fighting over the snacks with the other kids." Cindy laughed.

"Let's June go and play with the other kids," Micheal whispers into Alice's ears.

Alice pursed her lips, reluctantly letting me down.

I was so happy being left on my own. I held my long princess-like gown up walking to where the other kids are.

"Give me my biscuit." A little girl cried.

I looked over only to see a boy of about four years old snatching another kid's biscuits. He had this kind of a bald shinning head which can be mistaken for a mirror.

"Give her back the biscuits," I said acting like an almighty hero.

"No." The boy turns his nose up holding the biscuit high.

I looked at the spoilt shining head of a child, what's wrong with this human mirror? I smacked his head angrily.

Seems like I used so much force because his shining head make a crisp 'pa' sound.

"Waaaaaaaaaaah" the boy cry out loud. His voice was so loud that I felt my ear drum about to burst.

"What's wrong?" A teenager came closer to us.

"He took her biscuits and wouldn't give them back," I said.

Never thought a day will come when I would have to report to a teenager.

The teenager collected the biscuits and appeased the crying shinning head.

Never would I expect that this shining head would become my best friend in the future.

"Attention parents and children." The MC's voice resounded through the event center. We are here I celebrate.....

The MC's words were so boring to me. How does it feel to attend a kiddie's birthday party as a fifteen years old?

I walked around the center, admiring the decorations when I spotted a handsome... No handsome can't describe him.

A boy of about ten years sat quietly on a chair, he wore a suit which made him look like a young adult. His face look stoic but that couldn't hide his handsomeness.

As if he notices that I was staring at him, he looked in my direction, but that brief look made my legs soft.

What's wrong with me??

Am I falling for a little child?!!!

I looked at the young boy briefly and left.

The parent and children are playing a very interesting game. The parent would be made to run in opposite directions for them to see who the child will follow.

What a childish game. Most of the kids ran after their mama leaving their father embarrassed.

"Let's have the Johnson family come up to the competition arena." The MC announced.

"June, come here." Micheal carried me. " You have to choose Daddy okay."

I looked at him surprised, is he campaigning for me?

Come on, read your manifestos!

"Let me have her." Alice carried me, " June, you have to choose mummy okay."

I looked at the couple in surprise, what type of campaign is this?

We got to the competition arena, and Micheal and Alice stood on both sides with me in the middle.

"Now, tell your child so many promises that will make them love to follow you." The MC said.

"Princess, if you follow me I will take you to see Princess Sofia," Micheal said.

"June, Mummy promises to cook a whole chicken for you."

June, Daddy will buy a bowl of chocolate ice cream for you."

"June, you are mommy's princess, right? If you follow mommy, mommy will make a big chocolate ice cream for you.

"Time up!!" The MC announced.

I looked at the couple who kept on promising me sweet nothings, who should I run after?!!

I looked at Micheal who kept on beckoning to me and also Alice who kept on calling me to follow her.

Who the hell should I follow?!

Should I act like other kids and follow my mother?

Then what about Micheal?

I looked at the two people who had run in opposite directions, I scratched my head in confusion.

Well, a girl gotta do what a girl is supposed to do, so I took the first step towards....

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