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25.75% Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic / Chapter 17: I wish we had those 10 years together

Chapter 17: I wish we had those 10 years together




Clark opened his eyes and was greeted by the night sky, and to the left of him was Bruce in a heavily armoured version of his costume "Bruce... what happened" he asked but as he did he felt a wave of nausea overcome him, his body felt heavy and his chest was in a lot of pain. He looked down and saw blood covering the 'S' symbol on his chest, and a small hole in the centre "Clark stay calm it seems Nolan had kept a piece of Kryptonite in his mouth and he shot it inside you, we need to take you to Star labs so they can remove it" Bruce stated calmly though Clark could hear a hint of desperation in his voice.

Clark felt his eyes start to close and he was about to drift off when Bruce slapped his face "Stay awake, we need you, Clark, if you die then we won't be able to stop Nolan" he stated. This sobered Clark up enough to stay awake as Bruce carried him to his jet.

Clark tried to stay awake but his eyes shut and he drifted off into the void maybe never to wake up again.


Mark stood tall in front of Nolan with electricity dancing around his form, he shot towards Nolan a lot faster than he was before grabbing him by the face and flying him through the building and then onto the streets where he dragged his face along the ground, he then lifted him and threw him to the sky where he shot a bolt of lighting at him sending him further away.

Nolan growled and righted himself before flying at Mark and throwing a punch that he avoided and quickly returned one of his own which caught Nolan in the jaw. Nolan blocked the next punch Mark threw and sent one directly into his stomach sending him hurtling through the air, Mark grunted but it didn't hurt as much as it did before, he smiled manically as he charged lightning throughout his body and shot it towards Nolan in a continuous beam which Nolan struggled to block as he held his hand out in front of him. Mark flew towards him as he shot the beam and when he got close he stopped and instead launched a left hook at Nolan followed by a uppercut.

Mark slammed his fists into him one after the other, he had the satisfaction of watching blood spray out of Nolan's mouth letting him know that his punches were doing a bit more than tickling him. These abilities were amazing not only the strength, speed and endurance but the wisdom and power that came with it, he had so many crazy insights into how to use his powers both the new electrical ones and his gravity ones.

Mark leaned back avoiding a swing from Nolan before bringing his foot up and kicking under his chin sending him spinning 'This isn't just lightning' he thought to himself as he led up his palm with blue electricity dancing over it 'Its power' he thought before creating a red sphere in his hand the size of a fist, but then all of a sudden lightning ran through it and it expanded growing even larger almost to the size of a boulder. He then threw it towards Nolan who was still spinning, after righting himself he looked at the approaching red sphere and spits before crossing his arms together taking on the challenge.

"AHHHHHHH" He screamed as a large explosion occurred at the point of impact, he was forced back through the skies as he struggled against the ball, his arms started to ache and creek before it finally disappeared. He floated high in the sky looking down at where Mark was in absolute rage, while he was proud of his son he was using his power for all the wrong reasons. He zoomed back down with a sonic boom, flying straight towards Mark who was still floating mid the air, Nolan knew they were about even for power and speed now but his other powers put him at a disadvantage 'Time to brush off my old fighting skills' he thought to himself as he avoided bolts of lighting being shot at him. He drew his fist back into a punch which made Mark get ready to block it but Nolan threw the punch early and used the momentum to roll and deliver a nasty kick to the side of Mark's head sending him flying towards the ground. He shot after him pushing himself to go beyond his top speed and collided with him they both slammed into the ground creating a massive shockwave.

Nolan who was on top of Mark started punching Mark in the face, pounding him into the ground, when Mark tried to hold his hand up to shoot a bolt at him Nolan grabbed it and moved it away so he'd missed before sending a devastating punch to Marks face which sent rock and dirt exploding outwards "You think your little tricks can beat thousands of years of pure evolution!" Nolan shouted as slammed his fist down once again sending another shockwave "That it can beat thousands of years of battle experience! You are merely an infant compared to me!" He shouted as he grabbed him by the head and slammed him on the ground again and again.

Mark was blinded by his own blood squirting onto his face though he couldn't wipe it away as Nolan was relentless in slamming him into the ground, however he managed to get his feet in front of him and stop being slammed he then twisted around and sent a quick punch to his stomach. Nolan took the punch only letting out a grunt and in return, he threw a punch connecting under Mark's chin and sending him skidding across the ground. He flipped around midair and shot several bolts of lightning as Nolan flew after him, as Nolan reached him he drew back his fist and sent a punch that Mark turned into and then flipped Nolan over his shoulder and to the ground, he followed up by kicking him in the stomach launching him further.

They both flew back at each other and collided causing a massive shockwave as they grappled each other's hands trying to overpower one another. The ground started to crack at the strength they were exuding, Mark leaned back allowing Nolan to overpower him but as Nolan did he overextended his body and Mark took advantage of this by sending a knee straight to his chin, he then and then bringing his other leg up and altering its weight before slamming it down on his head bringing him to the ground and removing his grip from him. Mark breathed heavily as he grabbed Nolan by the neck and held him up above himself.


A large bolt of lightning descended from the sky and hit Nolan causing him to growl in pain.


Another bolt descends hitting Nolan right in the chest, but before Mark can do it again Nolan twists and elbows him in the face sending him back. Nolan then charges at Mark grabbing him and shooting him off the ground into the air. They quickly reach the city where Mark is flown through multiple buildings, he brings his hands up together and uses his powers to increase the weight before smashing Nolan's upper back and removing Mark from his grasp.

They both crash through the building and into the streets once more where they both stand side by side "You look like you're slowing down there Dad" Mark said as he turned his head to look at him, Nolan chuckles slightly "You must be imagining it" he replied. They both swung at each other and their fists clashed shattering the glass around them and cracking the ground beneath their feet "You won't win Mark! Viltrumites get stronger as they age and I am thousands of years older than you!" He said as he gritted his teeth.

Mark who was also struggling smirked "I will win, and it won't be because of my Viltrumite powers" He said resolutely before electricity ignited around his body, he then grabbed Nolan's hand inadvertently shocking him and punched him in the face with his other lightning infused fist again and again, the sound of thunder cracked with every punch and he ended it by launching a powerful kick sending him bouncing back down the street.

Mark zoomed ahead of Nolan and clotheslined him before pulling him back with his power and throwing a rapid combo of punches and elbows that Nolan was too stunned to react to fast enough. Nolan eventually regained control and sent even stronger punches back at Mark who attempted to go blow for blow with him. The shockwaves from their punches were shattering the ground around them and making the buildings rumble and glass shatter, Mark avoided a punch and slipped inside Nolan's guard before getting him with a vicious elbow, he then pivoted around him and kicked his knees out from him while grabbing his neck and holding him up.


Once again a bolt of lightning is called down and strikes Nolan making him grit his teeth as the lightning flowed through him.


Nolan twists out of his grip before punching Mark in the stomach and then holding him up to intercept the bolt, the bolt hits Mark and he suddenly feels his strength drain and turn back to normal, he also couldn't feel the other powers he had either. He swings his fist backwards impacting Nolan's nose and gets himself loose from his grip.



Before he can transform again Nolan punches him full force in the throat rendering him unable to speak as he spits out blood and his muscles spasm "Now what will you do Mark?" Nolan said as he floated in front of him, he then sped forward and booted him through multiple buildings and into Wayne Tower. Mark who still couldn't speak stood up and found himself in some sort of lab. The people working in there started to panic as they saw Mark crash in through the window and they all started to run out 'I meant what I said Dad, I will beat you without my Viltrumite powers' he said telepathically to Nolan who was floating in through the hole Mark had made.

Nolan looked at Mark in amusement "Oh and what do you think your puny meta powers can do to me" he said arrogantly before appearing in front of him and grabbing him by the throat. Mark tries to break the grip but Nolan isn't playing around anymore and so he lacks the strength to do it 'This is gonna hurt' Mark thought to himself as he sent a widespread field of repelling force blasting out of his body, it blasts Nolan away but as his grip was so solid he took a chunk of Mark's throat with him.

Mark had also inadvertently destroyed a large part of the floor they were on and it was starting to crumble, grabbing his throat he flew out of the building quickly he hoped that no one else was there but even that was unlikely. He landed back down on the street and at the end he saw his father who was up and ready to fight 'Dad' Mark said telepathically towards Nolan.


'I wish I could've had those ten years with you... even if it all led to this in the end


'I do too...'

Nolan charges forward towards Mark, who holds his hand up and sends another powerful wave sending him back 'Now let's see if Solomon's wisdom was onto something' he thinks to himself as he moves his hands and holds them out to his sides summoning two spheres, one red and one blue. He drains himself making them as big as he can but can only make them to around half the size of the one he made earlier, Mark looks ahead and sees Nolan getting up and flying back towards him.

'Two concentrated spheres of pure attraction and repel, it should be impossible to combine them but it wouldn't be the weirdest thing that's happened'

'When combined, the struggle for dominance in the centre pulls the atoms apart creating pure energy and ripping a hole in reality'

Mark looks in front of him at the now purple sphere in front of him, he hesitates for a second but when he thinks back to the damage that has been done by his father he can't let him go free "AHHHHHH' Nolan shouted as he charged towards Mark shattering the glass as be zooms past.

'I wish things could be different... I love you, dad'

Mark sent the sphere shooting ahead with a shockwave and a small blast of repel to make it faster. Nolan smiles arrogantly as he holds his hand in front to smack the sphere away, but he suddenly gets a chill down his spine as the sphere gets closer, he looks at the ground and sees the concrete disappearing as it makes contact with the sphere, he finally realises his mistake but he's too late.


Mark breathed heavily as Nolan is now right in front of him, his father is also tired and breathing heavily "Looks like you were right..." Nolan breathes out before coughing up blood, he looks down to his right side and sees his left arm and shoulder are completely gone, his rib cage at the side of his body is completely exposed and blood is pouring out "Tell your Mom I missed her..." he said before falling to the ground.

Mark feels his cheeks become wet with tears as he sees his dad dying on the ground, he wants to help but as he takes a step forward he falls to the ground and finds his vision fading too. Both Mark and Nolan pass out next to each other on the destroyed street of Gotham.


Diana woke up gasping for breath, she looked around and saw her heart immediately fell as what she was experiencing wasn't a dream, the last thing she remembers was Mark and Nolan embracing before she passed out once again. She pushed herself to her feet feeling slightly recovered, her eyes drifted and landed on Shazam or Billy as he was known in this form. She stumbled over to him and fell to her knees next to his body, she didn't even need to check his pulse to see he was dead, his eyes were lifeless but he did die with a smile on his face "I am so sorry..." she said with a voice full of pain as she cradled his body, but she couldn't think of him now. She stood up and floated upwards she was shocked to see the devastation that had been brought upon Gotham 'Did Kal come back?' She thought to herself as she slowly flew through the city.

She flew to Wayne Tower as it seemed like a large explosion had taken off a chunk of the tower. Once she got there she could see one of the streets had a large grove going down the centre of it, all the way across the city and to the harbour. She looked down and her eyes widened as she saw two bloodied and battered people, she flew down as quickly as she could believing one of them to be Superman.

However she was shocked when she saw that it was Mark and not Kal, she knelt by him and moved him onto her back almost gasping at the damage he'd sustained, she placed her head against his chest, and she sighed in relief when she heard a slow heartbeat. She cupped his face with her hand as she felt the overwhelming guilt crashing down, they'd been hunting Mark relentlessly out of fear that he'd help his father take the planet, yet they neglected to consider that he might've actually helped them "M-Move..." she heard from beside her, she looked up and saw Nolan stumbling to his feet, blood spewed out of his empty socket as he lumbered towards them.

Diana stood up too standing between them "I won't let you hurt him!" She said as she crouched protectively over him "H-He's coming with me, he doesn't belong with you people" he stated.

Diana clenched her fists "I won't let you..." she said weakly, Nolan chuckled weakly "Even as I am now I could crush you" he said with venom in his voice. Diana knew he was right but she wouldn't give up, she struggled slightly but stood up straight ready to face him. However before Nolan could take another step the loud sound of a jet flying in above sounded around them, out of the bottom of the jet came Batman followed by Cyborg.

"Stand down Nolan" Batman said as he walked in his heavy armour next to Diana, Cyborg walked to her other side forming a large canon on his arm "Agree to be taken into custody and you'll be treated" Batman growled out as he palmed a sonic disrupter in his hand.

Nolan laughed and spat on the floor "I could take all three of you with one hand" he said before looking at Batman "You barely even count as a threat"

Batman looks at him stoically "Maybe, but what about them" he said gesturing behind Nolan with his head. Hovering there were both Supergirl and Starfire looking very much angry and unimpressed. Supergirls eyes were glowing red with anger as she saw how hurt Mark was.

Nolan realised the predicament he was in and scowled "This isn't over..." he growled out before shooting off the ground and into the sky, Kara went to follow but was grabbed by Starfire "Baby" she simply said but it was enough to get Kara to calm down as she rubbed her stomach. She instead flew down to Mark and cradled his head as tears began to flow from her face "Supergirl, he's still alive but we need to get him to the Watchtower for treatment" Batman said as he approached her, but as soon as he got close he felt his armour start to heat up and she glared at him. However when Kori placed a hand on her shoulder she relented and they took Mark to the jet to get him some medical attention.



Harley stretched as she woke up on the bus station bench, she was quite dazed as she didn't remember when she fell asleep, though when she finally did start to remember she scowled "Damn Marky, he knows vodka and juice makes me tired" she said before standing up and looking around, the station was empty not Mark or anyone else was present "That damn stupid face better not have left me again" she thought before walking to the wall mounted TV and seeing the news coverage of what was happening in Gotham city.

She snorted "Place is a shithole anyway, a few dead bodies might actually cheer the place up a bit" she thought before walking off, she looked outside to see none of the buses were there "What the hell! Well what am I supposed to do now!" She complained.

"Oh don't worry, you won't need to take the bus I'll give you a ride"

She heard a voice behind her say, she tried to turn quickly while withdrawing her gun but as she did it was quickly knocked out of her hand and she was grabbed by the hair and slammed through the glass window into the bus terminal waiting room. She groaned as she got up "Alrighty mister imma fuck you up" she said before silently cursing at the person in front of her. In orange and black armour sporting a sword on his back it was clear who this was.


Harley grinned "So Mr Baldy finally splashing out the big dollars on getting the package" she asked.

Deathstroke chuckled and shook his head "Luthor isn't the one who hired me, the one who did wants both the package and you, thinks you'd both make quite a profit on the audition"

Harleys eyes widen before she glares at him "Yeah! Well I ain't down yet buster! So don't th-" Harley is hit from behind in the back of her head and she hits the floor.

Deathstroke chuckles before hogtying Harley and lifting her up "Sloppy, you let her talk too much, do better next time" he said directed to the person who had knocked Harley out.

"Yes father..." the person simply replied.

(AN: So the Arc is over hope you enjoyed it, didn't expect it to go on for so long tbh but why can ya do 🤷‍♂️ . Anyway next arc will be the underground auction Arc I doubt it'll be as long. Tbh I'm not too happy with this fight scene I don't think it's that good but I hope you guys at least enjoy it)

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