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Hollow Hunter

In the training grounds below Kisuke's shop, there could be seen the sleeping figure of Carrera.

She was still trying to recover from the damage of the Kido.

Tessai was long gone from the training grounds. He deemed it unnecessary to stay any longer.

After some hours of self-recovery, Carrera finally woke up.

"Geez, that hurt." Carrera inspected her body. She could still see some burns on her body. It seems like her regenerative powers were too weak to heal them.

After standing up, Carrera started to analyse her strength. She swung her fist down to the ground with all the power she could muster.

The fist of Carrera hit the floor as it began to crack, forming a huge crater.

"It seems like my strength has increased!" After witnessing the increase of her strength, Carrera tried to find out if any of her skills were unsealed.

After some experimenting, she found out the unsealed ones.

"Any kind of Haki? No...Some Manipulation skills? No...Barrier's? Not that one either...Oh! I found it! Hmm? A weakened version of Universal Perception. What was it called? Magic sense! Right, Magic sense!

I can now see 360 degrees around myself. It is somewhat useful I guess...But if the only unsealed thing is that, I will be disappointed!"

Carrera started playing with the newly unsealed magic sense, and after a while started searching for more unsealed things.

"Hmm, let's see! Still can't use nuclear magic. Demonic magic is still sealed...Ah! Found it! Magic Manipulation! Finally, a useful skill!"

Carrera was happy that she finally got an useful skill. She immediately started to test it's limits.

"I can control the paths of molecules in the air to manipulate and utilise various elements. Good shit!" Carrera started to rain the training grounds with fire balls. She occasionally changed their size and condensed them. Trying to find their limits.

-Kisuke Urahara-

'Hmm? Oh, Tessai came back. And since he doesn't have that battle maniac with him, she should be unconscious. How should I dump her this time if she comes to ask for a fight?'

Kisuke thought as he saw Tessai entering the shop.

"Tessai! You are back! How are you doing?" Kisuke asked.

"I am fine." Tessai replied. An awkward silence was in place.

"Anyways! In your absent, I hired two more employees! You can meet them while I check on Carrera." Without waiting for Tessai's reply, Kisuke left the shop.

'I have an excellent idea! I am going to tell her to hunt hollows! By doing this, the number of hollows will be going down, and I will save myself from a battle maniac.' Kisuke arrived at the battlegrounds.

But the scene he saw wasn't pleasant. The training grounds seemed to be burning. It took him a second to comprehend what happened in it.

'Did Carrera do this?' He went towards the middle of the burning training grounds. There he saw Carrera's smiling face, throwing balls of fire everywhere.

"Oi! Stop! You're burning everywhere! Even if the training grounds durable enough to handle it, it isn't a pleasant sight!" Kisuke went on to smack Carrera's head.

"Ouch! What the actual fuck are you doing?! You want a fight?!" Carrera couldn't keep up with Kisuke's speed and got smacked in her head.

"What do you think you are doing?!" Kisuke asked.

"What? I am testing my new skills! And why do you care about the training grounds so much! It is my property!" Carrera replied looking at Kisuke's slightly angry face.

"Since when was it your property? Ohhh~ my precious baby burning in flames~." Kisuke crouched down and hugged the ground...somehow?

"Why are you even here?" Carrera asked. Normally, Kisuke wouldn't go near her. Saying that she was "Troublesome". It was strange that Kisuke was checking her.

"Ah, yes...'Cough' I came to tell you that I found a new training partner for you!" Kisuke stopped hugging the ground and stood up.

"Oh? Really?! Are they strong?" Kisuke's words immediately piqued Carrera's interest.

"Well...It differs, I guess?" Kisuke gave a vague answer, which annoyed Carrera.

"Care to elaborate? If they aren't strong, I don't want them!" Carrera's smile turned into a frown.

"You know the Hollows?" Kisuke asked. "Those big and ugly things? What about them?" Carrera replied.

"You can hunt them! They wary in strength but they have some strong ones nonetheless!" Kisuke tried to be seen as convincing as possible. If his plan worked, Carrera would be busy for at least some years and wouldn't bother him!

"I guess I can give a try? But if they are weak, you owe me a fight!" Carrera replied.

"Deal!" Kisuke turned around to leave before he heard Carrera's voice.

"One last thing." Carrera said as she grabbed Kisuke's shoulder.

"What is it?" Kisuke asked without turning around.

"Can you be my test dummy?" Carrera gave an innocent smile which Kisuke couldn't even see.

Without replying to Carrera, Kisuke used shunpo to get out of the training grounds as fast as possible.

"Tch, he got away. Well, now I gotta found those hollows. It should be easy enough with magic sense." Carrera prepared to leave her "home" to hunt some hollows.

* * *

Carrera was wandering the streets of Karakura Town, waiting for a hollow to attack her.

Since her soul is strong, it shouldn't take too long for her to attract the attention of hollows.

She kept walking while looking at the houses of Karakura Town. It gave her a bit of nostalgia, remembering Tempest.

She couldn't help but question. 'Why did Mistress Ciel send me to this world? Is there something special here?'

'No...I must get stronger as Mistress Ciel wanted me to and wait for my vacation to end.' While walking, Carrera saw a restaurant with people eating in it.

'Now that I think about it...Since coming to this world, I still didn't eat anything.' Carrera thought as she started walking towards the restaurant.

As she arrived, she took in the smell of the food. 'Hmm...It smells good.' Carrera went on to steal some food from the kitchen.

She took some Noodles and left the restaurant. Carrera found a park and sat on a bench. Munching on her noodles. 'Tempest's Noodles are better...' She thought to herself.

While she was eating, a young boy came towards her and asked. "Hey miss...Can I have a taste? I didn't eat anything in years..."

"No, this is mine. Go get your own." Carrera refused without batting an eye. Why would she give her food to a stranger? Only Lord Rimuru was worthy of her food!

The boy was saddened by the refusal. "O-ok..." The boy went back to where he came from.

After finishing the food, Carrera was about to leave. As she was standing up from the bench, she heard a roar. She gazed at the location of the roar and saw the boy from before getting chased by a huge black centipede like thing.

"Finally! A hollow!" Carrera sent a fire ball at the hollow. The hollow got burned and winced in pain. After some time it healed and looked at Carrera with rage in it's eyes.

"It would be boring if you instantly died!" Carrera rushed towards the Hollow, punching it's face. The hollow was sent flying backwards as Carrera sent another fire ball towards it's direction.

The hollow let out a roar filled with rage as it once again, rushed towards Carrera. It swung it's blade-like hands to Carrera.

Carrera dodged the swing as she grabbed the hollow's head and started burning it. Seeing the hollow's white mask resisting the fire, she put more power into it as the hollow screamed in pain.

After burning for a while, the Hollows mask broke. It dropped to the ground and started dispersing.

The boy was amazed at Carrera's performance. She quickly went towards Carrera to thank her.

"Thank you for saving me, miss!" Carrera turned towards the boy with a smile. "Do you really want to thank me?" Carrera asked.

"Please tell me what I can do to repay you!" The boy said with determination.

"Sure! Do you have any Plus friends around here?" Carrera put on an innocent smile.

"I know some! Why do you ask?" The boy replied with a confused face.

"Lead me to them!" Carrera ordered the boy. The boy started leading Carrera to the location of other Pluses.

* * *

"Umm...Is this necessary?" The young boy asked. The boy Carrera saved led her to 5 other Pluses. She kidnapped them all and tied them to tree.

"Of course! This will help me attract hollows!" Carrera replied, looking at her victims.

There was a total of 6 baits. One of them was the young boy from before. An ugly old man, a young girl, a middle aged man that can count as handsome, a teenager and a baby.

"Uhm, excuse me but why do you want to attract those monsters?" The middle aged man questioned.

"To fight them!" Carrera answered their questions to pass the time. "Aren't you a Plus like us? How can you even fight them?" The ugly old man asked.

"I don't have skill issue, unlike you lot." Carrera replied. "Miss is strong! She saved me from a hollow single-handedly!" The young boy praised Carrera.

"Really?!" The baby that learned human speech from other Pluses spoke. Carrera didn't question it as she saw weirder things.

"..." The young girl was silent, listening to their conversation. Despite her look, She was quite the elder among the various Pluses. If given more time, she would turn into a hollow. While she was wandering the streets, she was suddenly kidnapped by this weird woman.

After waiting for some time, 3 Hollows appeared as they started rushing towards the pile of Pluses.

One of them was a humanoid green one with yellow eyes. The other one was black and had claws, it also had yellow eyes. The last one was smaller than them with a blue humanoid form with red eyes.

"Finally! Come here!" Carrera sent 2 fire balls to each of them. The green and black one got hit by them while the blue one successfully dodged.

'Interesting!' Carrera thought as she saw the blue hollow dodge her fire balls. Carrera decided to deal with the weak ones first.

The black and green Hollows were burning because of the Fire balls. Carrera decided to put more power into the fire. After Carrera's upgrade, the Hollows roared in pain as they soon vaporised.

While Carrera was dealing with the weaker Hollows, the blue hollow decided to sneak attack.

It quickly went behind Carrera and threw a punch. Just as the hollow's punch was about to hit Carrera, the blue hollow's fist was engulfed in flames.

"Don't get arrogant just because your a tiny bit stronger than the rest!" Carrera appeared behind it and started to barrage it with punches.

The hollow tried to retort to Carrera's punches but couldn't. After some beating, Carrera put her hands on the Hollows mask and ripped it off.

The Pluses that were still tied on the tree were flabbergasted. A Plus like them had such power? How did she obtain such power?!

After confirming their deaths, Carrera started walking towards the tied Pluses.

"How was that?" Carrera put on a smug face as she flexed her power on weaker beings.

"That was so cool!" "Yeah! You just demolished them!" The teenager and the young boy said with sparkling eyes.

"H-how?!" The girl muttered. Not expecting anyone to hear her. But Carrera heard her with her magic sense loud and clear.

"I am strong, and your not. That's about it!" Carrera didn't bother to give them motivation or tips to become strong. They would be saved by a Shinigami or eaten by a hollow eventually. Why bother?

"Can I become as strong as you?" The girl asked with hope. Hope that soon would be crashed.

"No, you can't. You should just focus on your survival." Carrera casually crushed the girl's hopes.

"I see..." The girl felt depressed at how weak she was.

'You're lucky you are useful, or else you wouldn't even exist.' Carrera thought to herself. Even if she has become more merciful under Lord Rimuru's rule, she was still a Primordial Demon.

":O" The baby couldn't speak but only stare at Carrera with a surprised face. His vocabulary was limited and he didn't know how to express his shock.

The ugly old man that you can only see on NTR stories was questioning his life...or death?

After Carrera's talk with the girl, there was just silence. This silence was quite comforting to Carrera. And she waited for more hollows to come with her baits, in silence.

* * *

-Kisuke Urahara-

Kisuke was just chilling in his shop after getting rid of Carrera. Sitting with Ururu and Jinta, his new employees.

'Did I forget to give her something?' Kisuke thought as he was looked at the asauchi on his table.

'Probably nothing~' After finishing his thoughts, Kisuke heard a knock on the door of his shop.

'Don't tell me that Carrera is back?!' Kisuke thought as he prepared to hide.

'Wait, a Shinigami?' Kisuke noticed that whoever was outside his door was a Shinigami.

"Finally, a normal customer." Kisuke voiced his thoughts out loud.

The door to his shop opened as a young girl with black hair and eyes entered.

"I heard that this shop was selling Shinigami utensils." The young girl said.

"Of course! What do you need Miss?" Kisuke asked. The girl was wearing a Shihakushō. Some type of robe that every Shinigami wear.

"My name is Rukia Kuchiki, I was sent here from soul society to hunt hollows." The girl replied, giving her identity.

"Which division are you from?" Kisuke asked, trying to earn more information.

"I am a lieutenant of the 13th Division." Rukia replied without questioning.

"And what might you need from my humble shop?" Kisuke asked.


Rukia was sent to the human world earlier than normal Because of Carrera's baits and more hollows.

Carrera isn't using Magicules anymore because obviously Magicules doesn't exist here. She is using reiryoku, but she doesn't know that. It won't make her skills weaker tho.

Man I'm dead

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