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50% Bleach: Primordial Jaune / Chapter 2: Progression

Chapter 2: Progression

"You can't block forever!" Carrera threw a series of punches at Kisuke.

"Haah...What did I get myself into?" Kisuke kept on blocking Carrera's punches with his sword.

Kisuke stopped blocking and slashed his sword towards Carrera's shoulder.

Carrera, sensing the change in Kisuke. Dodged the slash and kept raining him with punches.

As the fight kept on going, Carrera started to get exhausted. But Kisuke wasn't about to let her rest.

Carrera's punches started to slow down. Taking advantage of this, Kisuke threw his sword towards Carrera.

The sword successfully pierced Carrera's shoulder. Seeing the blade hanging down her shoulder, Carrera took it out and used it as her weapon.

Carrera swinged her new weapon towards Kisuke's head.

Seeing the sword, Kisuke ducked under it and took out another sword. He aimed the sword towards Carrera's abdomen and tried to pierce it.

Having exhausted herself, Carrera tried to think of a solution to get out of her current position.

At this moment, Carrera's thoughts seemed to accelerate and she started to think faster and faster.

'This is? Thought Acceleration?! Finally! One of them has been unsealed!' Carrera thought as she looked at the unmoving sword of Kisuke.

After thinking through her options, she went for a parry. Just as Kisuke's sword was gonna pierce her stomach, Carrera hit Kisuke's sword to change it's direction.

But she forgot to take her strength into account and got pierced by Kisuke's sword.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to parry that." Kisuke said, taking his sword out of Carrera's abdomen.

"Thought Acceleration...It seems like one of my skills got unsealed. My limit is about 100x but that doesn't matter! I finally found a way to unseal my skills!" Carrera started explaining with a happy smile on her face. She didn't mind the hole in her abdomen one bit.

While Carrera was trying to test her new unsealed skill, Kisuke was analysing Carrera's wounds. He found out that her injuries were slowly closing.

'Interesting...A plus can have such power?' Kisuke thought to himself while he kept analysing Carrera.

"Oi! The fight isn't over! Don't get distracted!" Kisuke was forced to stop his thoughts because of a sword that was thrown in his way.

He easily dodged the sword. "Now that I think of it, I have something's to do. So I need to go!" Kisuke prepared to leave.

But Carrera wasn't about to let Kisuke leave until she was satisfied with the fight.

She rushed towards Kisuke and started shaking him.

"What do you mean you have something to do?! You are just lazy! Come fight me!" Carrera continued shaking Kisuke.

"H-hey! Stop shaking me, I really am a bust man y'know!" Kisuke tried to retort.

"Fine, you can go. But just because I need to test my unsealed skills! You will promise me to fight after I sort them out! Also, I am taking this training grounds as my new home!" Carrera stopped shaking Kisuke and laid on the ground.

"Hey! This is my property, you can't just steal it!" Kisuke tried to reason with Carrera, now knowing that she wasn't listening.

"You are still here? You want a fight?" Carrera said while lying down.

"You win this time. Congrats! You finally graduated from being homeless!" Kisuke left the training grounds without waiting for Carrera's reply.

"Tch, he ran away." Carrera stood up and started to play with her new powers.

"Since my wounds closed, I can say that I have a basic regeneration. I can use Thought Acceleration and my strength increased.

If I could destroy a car with one punch before, Now I can easily destroy a house with a punch!"

"I still can't use magic though. Being weak sucks!" Carrera decided to test her resistances. She grabbed a sword that was on the ground and tried to cut her own arm off.

The blade struggled against her arm and after sometime managed to injure her.

"I do have some of my resistances. They're just weaker." Carrera concluded.

"I want more fights! Beh, gotta wait until that Kisuke guy decides to visit me." Carrera laid down again and closed her eyes. Waiting for something interesting to happen.

* * *


Kisuke went back to his shop and started to think about his fight with Carrera.

'She sure is interesting. She beats me when it comes to experience in fighting. Just who was she before she was alive?' Kisuke sat down and dozed off.

"Should I seal the hogyoku in her? Nobody would expect the hogyoku in a Plus." Kisuke wondered.

"Is that really a great idea?" A large, muscular man entered Kisuke's shop.

"Oh? Tessai, where were you?" Kisuke asked while ignoring his question.

"Don't ignore my questions. I was buying those medicines shown in the TV. They said that they were super useful." Tessai said.

"Sigh..." Kisuke sighed as he didn't want to deal with Tessai's issues.

* * *

-Some days later-

"When is he coming?!" Carrera started to leave the training grounds.

"If he doesn't want to come, I will bring him myself!" Carrera went to kidnap Kisuke from his shop.

"Oi Kisuke! You promised to fight me! Now come here." Carrera yelled outside Kisuke's shop.

Carrera waited for a response before she went in the shop.

"Kisuke, Where are you?" She started searching for Kisuke.

"What do you want?" Kisuke came out of his hiding place and asked.

"You promised to fight me!" Carrera said, determined to drag him to the training grounds.

"I'm busy!" Kisuke started to run away from Carrera.

"Hey! Don't run away!" Carrera started to chase the running form of Kisuke.

After a while, Carrera managed to catch Kisuke.

"Offer: I lend you Tessai, and you leave me alone for a month." Kisuke offered the limited time Shinigami edition slave trade.

"Is he strong?" Carrera asked. She could have someone to fight him at all times! This was indeed a good trade!

"Yes, he is. Let me call him." Kisuke took out a phone from nowhere and called Tessai.

"I got a mission for you." Kisuke said and hanged up the phone before waiting for Tessai to reply.

Tessai immediately appeared near them. "What's the mission?" Tessai asked.

"Train her until she has enough of it!" Kisuke, again left before they could speak.

"..." Tessai didn't say anything and turned his gaze towards Carrera.

"Follow me to the training grounds. Our battle will be legendary!" Carrera took Tessai's hand and dragged him to the training grounds.

"Wait...If Tessei is gone...Who will clean my shop?! Shit...I need to find new employees." Kisuke started to search for people to hire.

* * *

"If I am not wrong, you are a Plus. What type of training do you want?" Tessai asked Carrera as they were in the middle of Carrera's lair.

"I prefer fights!" Carrera rushed towards Tessai and threw a bunch of punches.

Tessai, seeing her punches started to block them with his arms.

"Kisuke told me that I could improve by fighting, so we're gonna do exactly that!" Carrera said while still throwing punches.

Tessai took a sword out of the ground and swung it towards Carrera.

Carrera easily dodged the swing and countered with a kick.

Tessai used shunpo and went behind Carrera, kicking her.

'Fast.' Carrera thought as she was sent flying. Tessai didn't give her time as he appeared behind Carrera and slashed at her left arm.

Carrera dodged the slash and put some distance between them.

After some time, Carrera rushed towards Tessai and threw a kick. Tessai went to block her kick but just as he was gonna block it. She threw a punch at his face. Tessai's huge body has slightly moved backwards.

Tessai was caught off guard by this. After the punch, he decided to take Carrera more seriously.

He again, used shunpo to get behind Carrera to kick her. Carrera couldn't react to Tessai's speed and was sent flying towards the wall of the training grounds.

Tessai didn't say a word as she saw Carrera standing up unharmed.

"Is that all you can do?!" Carrera rushed towards Tessai and rained him with punches, constantly feinting.

After some hours of fighting, Carrera tired out. Seeing the tired figure of Carrera, Tessai decided to give her a break.

"You should take a break. We can continue after you replenish your stamina."

"No, I need to huff- push my limits huff- to unseal my skills!" Carrera said with determination.

"Suit yourself." Tessai didn't say more as he started to attack Carrera again.

After some more hours, Carrera couldn't even lift her hand anymore. She was lying on the ground trying to catch her breath. Which is strange since she is a Plus.

"You should take a break." Tessai sat on the ground near her.

"Fine, but we will continue the fight after I recover!" Carrera said and lost consciousness.

After resting for hours. Carrera woke up with a full recovery. She saw Tessai, who was trying to clean the training grounds.

"What are you doing?" Carrera couldn't help but ask.

"I am cleaning." Tessai replied. Still trying to clean the ground with a wet towel.

"But...Why?" Carrera asked. It was really strange, did this guy have a cleaning fetish or something?

"Because I can. It is one of my hobbies." Tessai said, still trying to clean the floor.

"Ok...Let's fight!" Carrera didn't question more and tried to punch Tessai.

Tessai immediately stood up and gave Carrera a punch of his own.

Their fists collided, but Carrera couldn't handle Tessai's strength. So she was again, sent flying to the walls of the training ground.

After a month of constantly fighting, Carrera finally reached a breakthrough.

-A month later-

Carrera and Tessai was fighting as usual. In the last month, they constantly fought. This caused Carrera's strength to increase. She could feel her strength increase everytime she endured a beating.

Tessai got more brutal with time, constantly slashing at Carrera and after learning Carrera's healing abilities. Cutting an arm or two.

And this particular day wasn't anything different. Carrera was trying to punch Tessai, while Tessai was swinging his sword towards Carrera.

Carrera suddenly stopped. Thinking about something. "Kisuke said that you Shinigami's had some styles of fighting. Can you use them to hit me? The more destructive, the better!"

Carrera's sudden request surprised Tessai. "Are you sure? You are currently too weak." Tessai asked.

"Yeah, yeah no need to remind me. Just shoot it." Carrera replied, confident in herself.

"Hadi #1 Shō." Tessai pointed his index finger at Carrera, and a small amount of energy formed. It quickly went towards Carrera to hit her.

Seeing the projectile coming towards her with Thought Acceleration, Carrera only waited for it to hit her. When it hit her, a hole was created in her body as she stumbled a littled.

After some time the hole was successfully healed. "Have another one? This one isn't enough. Make it strong enough to nearly kill me!" Carrera said.

Tessai complied with Carrera's strange request without questioning her.

"Hadi #31 Shakkahō." A pillar of flames was sent towards Carrera, she felt the danger of it as her instincts were screaming for her to dodge it. But she didn't listen to them as she just stood still.

The red pillar of flames hit Carrera, she was sent flying as always and hit the walls.

She was seriously injured with burns visible on her body. She tried to get up but failed, after some struggle she finally fainted.

"Was that too much?" Tessai asked himself. After some thought, he concluded that as long as she didn't get erased. She would be fine.

After that, he went back to cleaning the training grounds. Hoping that someone would thank him for his hard work.

-Meanwhile Kisuke-

'It's been a while since I sold Tessai to Carrera. When they were gone, I was trying to find some new employees. But ended up finding two strange kids. One is able to respond to spiritual energies. And the other one can see them.

Why am I surrounded by strange people?

-Kisuke Urahara


I will try to write 500 words more each chapter. I wonder how long I will be able to keep this.

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