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23.52% Overlord : God of Darkness / Chapter 4: Beginning after the end

Chapter 4: Beginning after the end

The vampire deity, a being of immeasurable strength and power, stood amidst an array of divine class items, each radiating an aura of unparalleled magnificence. His form, a blend of regal elegance and ethereal mystique, was anointed with the essence of ancient authority. One by one, with meticulous deliberation, he adorned himself in an ensemble that mirrored his divine stature.

Upon his fingers, he layered intricate rings, each a manifestation of a unique dominion: mastery over time, dominion over shadows, dominion over the elements, a symphony of dominions interwoven into an intricate tapestry of sovereignty. A necklace, its gem pulsating with arcane energy, encircled his neck, granting him dominion over life and death. Gauntleted hands gripped gloves that harnessed the force of the cosmos, while a cape, dark as the abyss, enveloped his form, its edges trailing like the trails of falling stars.

His attire, crafted from the essence of stars and abyssal darkness, bestowed upon him the aura of a god. With a flourish, he summoned forth the Aura of Cursed Emansion, a shroud that twisted reality around him, accentuating his godly presence with an aura of dread and majesty. Shadows clung to him as loyal attendants, and spectral flames danced along the edges of his robe, giving form to his whispered commands.

The vampire god strode through the hallowed halls, a silent echo of power reverberating with every step. His destination: the throne room of Ainz Ooal Gown, the guild that had borne witness to their epic journey. Invoking his mastery

"Yo, Momonga, Before the server calls it quits, let's hit up our guild's throne room. Remember all the crazy times we've had on this digital adventure? Let's soak up this last moment, standing as legends in Ainz Ooal Gown's tale!"

As the throne room's colossal doors swung open before him, the god's voice echoed, reverberating through the chamber as he extended his hand toward the exalted seat.

Upon his friend's suggestion, Momonga resolved to cast aside his melancholy and embrace a final moment of joy reminiscent of their shared past. With renewed determination, he grasped the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, its weight familiar and comforting in his hand. With a commanding presence, he beckoned the loyal NPCs at his side, issuing a directive for them to accompany him and his friend to the illustrious Throne Room.

As they embarked on this journey, Momonga's gaze carried a mixture of nostalgia and determination. The corridors of the Great Tomb of Nazarick echoed with their footsteps, a testament to the history they had forged within its hallowed halls. The NPCs, ever faithful to their master's wishes, followed in disciplined formation, a silent show of respect and allegiance.

Finally arriving at the grand entrance of the Throne Room, Momonga pushed open the ornate doors, revealing the majestic expanse within. Illuminated by the soft glow of magical braziers, the room radiated an aura of authority and power. Momonga's and his friend's footsteps echoed through the chamber as they made their way to the twin thrones that awaited them.

Taking his seat upon the Guild Master's throne, Momonga looked at his friend with a heartfelt smile, a silent acknowledgment of their unbreakable bond. Beside him, his friend settled into the other resplendent throne, and together, they basked in the ambiance of the room, sharing stories, laughter, and the warmth of camaraderie.

The NPCs, positioned with precision around the thrones, watched over the scene with deference, embodying the legacy and loyalty of Ainz Ooal Gown. As the moments passed, it became a time of remembrance, a celebration of the history they had woven together. In this last embrace of their shared memories, Momonga found solace, knowing that the essence of their adventures would forever endure within the heart of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

As the two friends indulged in a cascade of cherished memories, the gradual approach of their appointed moment's end became palpable, gently tugging at their awareness. In the Throne Room's serene ambiance, their eyes met in a shared exchange, a wordless acknowledgment of the profound significance of their encounter. Once more, they sought to etch the view from the thrones into their minds, to weave the experience into the fabric of their beings.

Seated upon their respective thrones, they observed the NPCs assembled before them. The first to catch Momonga's attention was a distinguished elderly gentleman dressed in a butler's attire. His hair, as white as snow, extended even to his beard and mustache. Despite his advanced age, the man stood upright with a posture as rigid as a finely forged sword. His face bore deep wrinkles, giving the impression of kindness and gentleness, yet his keen eyes held the intensity of an eagle sizing up its prey.

Six maids stood in the wake of the butler. Unlike the maid Momonga had encountered earlier, these maids differed in both appearance and equipment. Clad in gauntlets and greaves crafted from various metals—gold, silver, black, and more—their armor mimicked the style of manga maid outfits. Their heads were adorned with white headdresses instead of helmets. Furthermore, each girl wielded a distinct weapon, embodying the essence of battle-ready maids.

Their hairstyles exhibited a variety of forms—buns, ponytails, straight and flowing, French curls, and others. Yet a shared trait among them was their allure; every single maid possessed an undeniable attractiveness. This allure, however, manifested in different ways within each of them: sporty and athletic in one, a demure Japanese maiden in another, and a seductive charm in yet another.

Momonga POV

"Umu," I murmured.

Placing my thumb on my chin, Hyper Index and I observed the butler and maids as they bowed before us. We rarely traversed this path, relying instead on teleportation magic to move between rooms. The sight of the staff filled us with a sense of nostalgia.

Extending my hand, I touched an invisible menu, revealing a page accessible only to guild members. From the various options presented, we made a selection. As we did, the names of the butler and maids materialized above their heads.

"I understand now. So that's what they're called," Hyper Index remarked.

A soft laugh escaped us, both at our forgetfulness of their names and the fond memories they evoked. The process of assigning names to the NPCs sparked numerous debates among our colleagues.

The butler, named Sebas, had been fashioned to resemble a house steward.

Standing beside him were six combat maids, each loyal to Sebas. Collectively, they were known as the "Pleiades." In addition to these maids, Sebas oversaw the mansion's male staff.

While the text box for Sebas contained more intricate information, we chose not to peruse it. The servers were scheduled to shut down soon, and we had an obligation to attend to them before then.

On a side note, all NPCs, not just the maids, were meticulously crafted. The guild members, comprised of artists and programmers, reveled in crafting intricate backstories and details. This game, which prioritized appearance customization, allowed them to indulge their creative and design-oriented aspirations.

Originally, Sebas and the combat maids had been designated as a final line of defense against intruders. However, given that opposing players capable of reaching this deep within the tomb could easily overpower Sebas and his maids, they served primarily as temporary obstacles to buy time. Yet, no player had ever breached this far, resulting in their prolonged state of readiness.

Lacking specific orders, they remained poised for an opportunity to contribute.

Firmly gripping the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, my thoughts wandered.

We recognized the folly in feeling compassion for NPCs. Mere collections of electronic data, they possessed a sophisticated range of AI routines as their closest approximation to genuine emotion.

Although these girls were indeed NPCs, they stood apart from the other maids whose purpose was solely for entertainment. These battle maids were designed with a distinct objective—to safeguard against invaders.

As the NPCs, who had never quite captured our interest before and were relatively non-interactive, suddenly distanced themselves from us, an odd sense of unease crept over Hyper Index and me. This abrupt shift prompted us to delve into the lore surrounding these NPCs. Each and every NPC, meticulously crafted by our guild, possessed its own backstory. Although I couldn't bring myself to read through all of them, Hyper Index and I decided to focus on some of the special ones.

These particular NPCs held distinction due to their high levels and crucial roles within the realm. Safeguarding every floor of the Tomb of Nazarick, these NPCs carried significant responsibilities. Sebas, standing at my side, was a level 100 NPC with the dual roles of head butler and guardian of the throne room. A dragonoid in form, his lore was lengthy, yet notably unremarkable – a creation of Touchme.

Next to Hyper Index stood Albedo, a level 100 succubus and the Overseer of the Guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Her duty encompassed the management and supervision of the seven Floor Guardians. Elevated in rank above the other Nazarick NPCs, she held a pivotal position. Among siblings Nigredo and Rubedo, she was the middle sister, all fashioned by Tabula Smaragdina.

Lastly, Hyper Index's creation, a level 100 angel fox, was responsible for Nazarick's financial matters. This trio of NPCs was where our genuine intrigue lay. I knew that my sentiment aligned with Hyper Index's. Together, we embarked on an exploration of their individual stories.

Sebastian's lore was comprehensive, devoid of oddities – a fitting testament to the fact that he was crafted by Touch me Albedo's history unveiled her status as a level 100 succubus, the central overseer of guardianship in Nazarick, and her origins as the creation of Tabula Smaragdina. As for the angelic fox named Sariel beside Hyper Index, she managed the tomb's finances, an essential role within our world.

This newfound fascination with the lore of these three NPCs illuminated the undeniable connection Hyper Index and I shared. Our joint decision to delve into their histories underscored their significance to us. Despite our initial lack of interest in the majority of the NPCs, the lore of these key figures had managed to captivate our attention and bridge the gap that had unexpectedly formed between us and the others.

As Hyper Index and I reached the end of Albedo's lore, a slight unease settled in as we encountered an unexpected revelation. It was written that she had a certain unpleasant trait, described as being a "bitch." This revelation was connected to the fact that Albedo was created by Tabula, known for her peculiar preferences. This revelation left a sense of discomfort lingering in my mind. Hyper Index caught sight of my expression, his deep understanding of my feelings evident. He truly was my greatest companion, and I couldn't imagine navigating this solitary world without him.

In his easygoing manner, Hyper Index suggested that we change the lore. Being the guild master and wielding the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, I possessed the authority to make such changes. However, a twinge of guilt settled in. The lore had been crafted by another companion of mine, and the thought of altering it without their consent weighed on me. Would it be seen as an abuse of my authority as the guild leader?

Hyper Index, however, adopted a pragmatic stance. He reminded me that the server was about to shut down in mere minutes, making any alterations inconsequential. His reasoning convinced me, gradually easing my guilt. I resolved to change the part of the lore that was bothering me. With a determination fueled by the desire to rectify the discomfort, I made the alteration. As I made the change, a fleeting moment of forgetfulness overtook me. It was only later that I realized Hyper Index was right beside me, observing the floating window with mounting excitement.

It was then that I realized I had committed an unexpected blunder. In my haste to amend the lore, I inadvertently altered it to state that Albedo was deeply in love with me. The changes were saved, and it was at this moment that I became aware of Hyper Index's amused gaze. Laughter escaped him, and I found myself thoroughly embarrassed by the situation. For a brief moment, I had forgotten that Hyper Index was seated right next to me, witnessing the entire episode.

In the midst of my embarrassment, I unintentionally opened another lore entry — Sariel, the NPC created by Hyper Index. The opening sentence revealed that Sariel was the wife of Hyper Index. Her backstory was entwined with her escape from the clutches of the Eater of Worlds, Garliock, where she had been enslaved as a sacrificial pawn. The tale continued like a fairy tale, describing how Hyper Index valiantly fought to save her. Moreover, it was clear that she held a deep affection for Hyper Index, a sentiment that could only be described as genuine love. Reading this, I couldn't help but burst into genuine laughter, and Hyper Index followed suit. We found ourselves sharing hearty laughter over the quirks and twists of our own narratives.

As we continued chatting about these surprising revelations, time flowed swiftly, bringing us to the final minute before the server shutdown. In that shared moment, we exchanged a look, a silent acknowledgment of the unique bond we shared. The countdown reached its end, and with one last shared smile, we bid farewell to the virtual world that had brought us together.

Yet, as the grains of time continued to trickle, the anticipated forced logout, which should have severed the connection between our avatars and the virtual realm, inexplicably eluded them. Restive energy stirred within Hyper Index, prompting him to break the weighty silence that had enveloped them. With a furrowed brow and an air of puzzled curiosity, he voiced the question that had nestled in the back of their minds, "Why hasn't the server closed? Is this some new development by the Yggdrasil developers?"

General POV

His companion's gaze mirrored his astonishment, a mix of surprise and intrigue washing over their features. A collective unease mingled with their shared bewilderment, as both minds grappled with the uncharted territory they found themselves in. As if to unravel the mystery, they exchanged fragments of information, each piece contributing to their mutual understanding.

Hyper Index's words were laden with uncertainty, "I scoured the forums earlier today, and there was no mention of any updates or changes to the game's mechanics." Their exchange carried a sense of camaraderie even as it underscored the unprecedented nature of their current circumstances.

In the face of the unknown, their bond remained steadfast, a connection that transcended the boundaries of both the virtual and the real. As the digital world around them defied its predetermined script, they stood united, ready to unravel the enigma that had unfolded before them. The weight of curiosity hung in the air, a thread that connected their experiences and propelled them into a new chapter of their shared journey.

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