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Chapter 548: Mass Brawl

However, when Yuga remained still, it was fine. As soon as he moved, with his excellent eyesight, the numerous Mandibuzz noticed him.

Yuga lacked experience in dealing with situations like this and had no idea that fleeing would lead to such a problem. He could only lower his head and rush to escape the area.

"If only I had stayed hidden a bit longer before running!" This was Yuga's thought when he saw the place where he had originally hidden shattered by the Mandibuzz' Air Slash and Gust

As Yuga turned to escape, Chatot unleashed a Hyper Beam. Countless trees and plants were shattered, and the attacks from the Mandibuzz were repelled.

"Good job!" While running, Yuga gave a thumbs-up to Chatot.

Chatot caught up with Yuga rapidly, looking proud. "Of course! You can rely on me in critical moments."

At this moment, the Mandibuzz chasing them were like a squadron of bombers, relentlessly bombarding Yuga as he fled.

While flying, Chatot not only defended against the attacks from the Mandibuzz but also helped Yuga withstand them. Occasionally, Gengar and Chandelure would emerge from Yuga's shadow to assist Chatot.

Yuga had been running for some time, and surprisingly, the Mandibuzz showed no intention of giving up the chase. This frustrated him. "When the Tropius was running, you didn't chase. Why do you hound me like flies as soon as I run?"

Yuga didn't anticipate that the reason the Mandibuzz hadn't pursued the Tropius was because the dragon failed to steal anything, whereas he had successfully stolen something. These situations were fundamentally different, and the Mandibuzz had strong pride. They wouldn't let Yuga off easily, even if he had only stolen decorations for their nests.

After running for an unknown distance, where everything along the way was destroyed, Yuga's patience wore thin. "Damn it, if I don't show my strength, do you think I'm a sick cat?"

Previously, Yuga didn't want to engage in a direct confrontation with the Mandibuzz group, not only because of their large numbers but also because he feared that a fierce battle would attract more powerful predators. However, given the current commotion, he didn't need to worry about such consequences anymore.

Yuga clenched his teeth and released all his Pokémon from their Poké Balls. With his Pokémon out, he pointed towards the Mandibuzz in the sky who were still bombarding them and shouted, "Guys, hit them hard for me!"

Immediately, Absol, Florges, Chimecho, Vivillon, Roserade, Dragonair, Bellossom, Chandelure, Venusaur, Volcarona, and Chatot all began to counterattack the Mandibuzz group. Flames and razor-sharp winds filled the air.

The Elite level Volcarona took on the two pseudo-Elite level leaders and second-in-commans of the Mandibuzz group, and disorienting them.

Florges, accompanied by her Grass-type companions Roserade, Venusaur, and Bellossom, turned the leaves and petals into deadly blades that danced in the air.

Chandelure, Vivillon, and Chatot combined their Flying-type and Fire-type abilities, making it impossible for the Mandibuzz to get close.

Absol displayed incredible strength, it easily handling multiple Mandibuzz that came within range. Those who attacked from a distance were also hit by its Dark Pulse.

It is even easier for Dragonair to fight against Mandibuzz. It is good at electric-type and ice-type skills and can easily deal with several Mandibuzz alone.

Gengar, with his ability to appear and disappear at will, continued to harass the Mandibuzz, often catching them off guard.

Chimecho, staying close to Yuga, provided all-around protection for their team. Its Light Screen and Reflect reached every corner of the battlefield, offering comprehensive defense.

Initially, Yuga's side had the upper hand. However, as more Mandibuzz joined the chase, Yuga's Pokémon began to struggle under the increasing numbers.

"There are too many of them!" Every one of Yuga's Pokémon found themselves surrounded by several, and then dozens, of Mandibuzz. Yuga watched this situation unfold, feeling his forehead break out in a cold sweat.

In the air, Chandelure was becoming increasingly irritated by this situation. As a pseudo-Elite level Pokémon, when had it ever been bullied by Pokémon with lower power levels?

"Chandelure, Chandelure!"

Yuga, release my little brothers!

Chandelure temporarily escaped from the encirclement of the Mandibuzz and shouted at Yuga.

Hearing this, Yuga's eyes lit up. "Right! If it's about quantity, I'm not lacking. I have over a hundred Litwick!"

These little Litwick, although still in their initial forms, didn't have low levels. To evolve into the second stage as Lampent, they needed to reach level 41. Some of the Litwick had already exceeded that level; they just hadn't triggered their evolution yet.

These cute little Litwick possessed significant power.

Yuga immediately opened his Shadow Space. Following Chandelure's call, one Litwick after another happily emerged from his shadow, led by Chandelure. They launched an attack on the Mandibuzz, forming fireballs that shot toward the Mandibuzz surrounding Absol and the others.

The Ghost-type move of the Litwick were not very effective against the Dark-type Mandibuzz, so they all used the Fire-type skill, "Flame Burst."

This move was easy for creatures like Litwick to learn, and all the over one hundred of them could use it. When they unleashed it together, it was truly a spectacular sight.

However, the consequence of using Fire-type skills on such a large scale was the risk of causing a forest fire. Not only did the Mandibuzz scream in agony, but the flowers, grass, and trees in the area also suffered.

Fortunately, Yuga was relieved because the plants here were quite tall, and the environment was humid. The fires caused by the Litwick weren't too fierce and didn't lead to a widespread blaze.

With the Litwick relieving the pressure, Absol and the others could finally go all out. It didn't take long for the Mandibuzz to fall into a state of decline again, especially after the Elite level Volcarona had just dealt with the Mandibuzz leaders and the second-in-command. It was like a wolf in a sheep's pen.

To prevent the situation from worsening, Volcarona refrained from using Fire-type skills and instead opted for Bug-type skills to "slaughter" the Mandibuzz.

The Fire-type abilities of Elite level Pokémon and the Litwick were quite different. If Volcarona had unleashed its Fire-type skills without restraint, the entire forest would have been destroyed.

Yuga was anxious as they battled; large-scale battles like this could easily attract other Pokémon.

Dealing with the Mandibuzz was already quite challenging, and introducing more Pokémon would make things even more complicated.

Fortunately, with the assistance of the Litwick, the Mandibuzz lost two pseudo-Elite level leaders, and their defeat came swiftly.

However, these Mandibuzz were exceptionally fierce. Normally, when Pokémon saw that the battle was lost, they would flee immediately. However, they fought to the end and didn't retreat until only one Mandibuzz remained, lying unconscious on the ground.

Seeing the Mandibuzz strewn across the forest floor, Yuga knew that his Ecopark would have new residents soon.

However, he believed it was essential to discipline these Mandibuzz. Otherwise, they might harm all the babies in his Ecopark.

Yuga captured the high potential Mandibuzz, including the two pseudo-Elite level Mandibuzzs, into Poké Balls and stored them in his system backpack. Yuga quickly left with his own.

Before leaving, Yugaa had Vivillon use its Gust move to toss all the unconscious Mandibuzz into the bushes, preventing them from being eaten by passing predators.

This was the most Yuga could do, and he didn't consider himself particularly kind-hearted. As for the future of these Mandibuzz who had lost their leaders, Yuga couldn't control it.

As for the flames still burning, Dragonair used its Rain Dance skill to extinguish them.

After leaving the battlefield, Yuga returned to the Mandibuzz' territory once more, thoroughly searching their habitat. He collected high potential Pokémon eggs into his system backpack and placed the high potential Vullaby into a Poké Ball, which also went into his system backpack.

As for Mr. Alder's statement about only being able to capture two Pokémon, Yuga pretended not to hear it. He had already noticed that upon entering, his system backpack and shadow space were not detectable by such instruments.

He choose to take advantage this loophole.

Without the protection of their skilled members, the future of the Mandibuzz tribe in this crisis-laden underground world was uncertain. Whether they could continue to exist was an unknown.

Bringing their exceptional offspring with him was a way to provide them with some future, and Yuga didn't deny that this thought felt somewhat hypocritical, but it was the reality.

Mandibuzz typically fed on other Pokémon, as evident from the countless white bones in their nests. So, Yuga didn't consider his actions as particularly cruel towards the Mandibuzz tribe. He merely played his part in this brutal food chain, even though he had inserted himself into it.

Some Mandibuzz were left behind to defend their territory, but dealing with them was a trivial matter for Yuga's group.

Besides the Mandibuzz eggs and subordinates, Yuga's Absol uncovered a black stone from the Mandibuzz leader's nest, a stone that seemed to captivate Absol greatly.

Naturally, Yuga gladly accepted such a valuable item, storing it in his system backpack. He promised Absol that he would return the stone after they left, despite Absol's reluctance.


The Vullabys needed to reach level 54 to evolve into Mandibuzz, but due to plot requirements, the book lowered this to around level 30. The author acknowledges that this deviation from the original may not align with canon and hopes for your understanding.

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