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Chapter 69: Chapter 68: Bonding Over Business

[Yachiru POV]

The day after my… misunderstanding, I found myself lightly sparring with Fu-nee. She'd recovered enough energy to exercise in short intervals. Although she is incapable of utilizing her utmost capabilities, I have been soundly defeated by a recurring trend. 

Despite her visual impediment, Fu-nee's instincts remain unrivaled. My attacks were easily predicted and handily dealt with. Her shifting body resembled flowing wind. Loosely veering about the breeze, her sword flickered like a fallen petal. Amazement would not properly describe how I felt when I faced her. Incredulity might be more appropriate, considering Fu-nee's nimble evasions. 

Not once did I land a strike on her. Disregarding her replenishing Reiatsu reserves, Fu-nee's fundamental movements absolutely outclassed my meager development. From slash to parry, I had been placed on the back foot for a large majority of our spar. In light of my lack of skill, there were critical details to glean from our non-lethal contest. 

I am rather orthodox as opposed to Fu-nee. Shishō insists that I sport an honest style of swordsmanship. I've come to understand his words now. Versus Fu-nee's portrayal of destructive independence, I'm inclined to greet the challenge, opting for a balanced offensive. This balanced approach has interfered with the creativity that Shishō referred to.

There is an appeal in adding acrobatic movements to my repertoire. If not for the requirement of genius-level coordination and instincts, perhaps I would emulate aspects of her free-floating style. I suppose this is worth considering in the future. 

After sparring with Fu-nee, I faced Batsu-nee. Her style also intrigued me. The inexhaustible feints and subterfuge she employed clouded the profile I had constructed of her. Numerous traps were laid before my assault, some of which had caught me. Had we wielded real weapons with the intent of murder, I would've been slaughtered rather handily. 

If there is a field Batsu-nee is extraordinary in, it would be acumen. As opposed to Fu-nee's spontaneous bouts, Batsu-nee remains poised, whittling at her opponent's minor flaws. It wouldn't be incorrect to describe her as a vicious woman who takes pleasure in watching her victims flail as they near despair. I'm convinced she would vehemently disagree with this sentiment, simply for the fact that she refuses to believe it or simply because she doesn't know herself fully. 

That aside, I had asked Shishō to spar which he casually rejected. His… informal attitude may have upset me. I must've displayed the discontent on my face. I'm sure of this due to his consolatory explanation and firm compromise. 

"We'll spar when Fu-chan recovers. You need to learn your Shikai as well. Then we'll spar."

"Is that so? I assume there's a good reason for these prerequisites."

"Is this impatience speaking or insolence? Will you treat all my teaching in this manner? Last I remember, you pleaded for my tutelage. Is the arrangement still valid? Or would you like to depart on a journey of… self-discovery?"

'I didn't… mean…'

His piercing eyes and partial frown eliminated the excuse I devised.

It was true.

I tarnished the standing trust he desired of me. This was his realm, his sworn vow to support me. The realization set in, grinding down my useless ego with immense shame. I quickly lowered my head in reflection.

"I'm sorry for showing you something unsightly, Shishō. It won't happen again."

He flippantly waved off my repentant gesture. Crossing his arms, Shishō encouraged my wishes and rebuked my recklessness. 

"It's good to be motivated. But in your case, it's more important to recognize when your desires are consuming you. Regret is a multifaceted emotion. You may regret being too weak… or you may eventually regret having bullied the weak. It's imperative that you identify when you're losing or have already lost control. Having people look out for you is a good way to restrain yourself, even idiots are good enough. Otherwise… you'll be left holding only ashes in your hands…"

Shishō's face softened. From his eyebrows to his lips, every feature relaxed. Haziness leaked from his dark pupils. Silence had concluded our discussion. We observed Fu-nee and Batsu-nee exchange blows. 

Lost in reflection, I thought over the proposition Shishō suggested the day before. Fuu-nee and Batsu-nee could act as restraints. I had permission to grab on. 

But my fingers feel too weak as if they would slip off at the critical moment. 


Warmth emanated from my scar when Shishō's mentioned my name. I turned my head from the ongoing struggle to look at my master. His black eyes had restored their light, reflecting my visage. 

His beliefs instilled the guidance he bestowed. 

"You don't know it now, but you need them. It's hard, trying to make sense of the relationship you have with them. Set it aside and involve yourself. It's been a week. Believe me, I know how it all feels like… a dream. But if it's a sweet dream, why not hold onto it for a little longer? Tonight, I want you to take a break from your weekly routine. No sword meditation. I have something special ready after dinner. Alright?"

I slightly dreaded the circumstances. My accommodations had been comfortable up until now. In truth, they always cared for my condition, never imposing any excessive rules during my stay. Now, I'm not so sure. 

Nonetheless, I acquiesced to Shishō's instruction. 

"Of course, Shishō."


[Later That Day]

After a lavish, greasy dinner of Chicken Katsu, I remained seated as asked. Fu-nee and Batsu-nee sat on opposite sides of our round table. They were fidgeting with what appeared to be excitement. Their fingers were fiddling with their mugs. Curiosity had me engrossed. Both of them would rarely show such liveliness. 

Pushing her glasses up, Batsu-nee probed Shishō for more details.

"So Tenchō, what is it that's so special?"

"I decided to introduce a really old game I know."

While Shishō was rummaging through a drawer for cloth bags, Fu-nee stuck her tongue out in mock nausea. 

"Old? Bleghh!"

"Well, you have to try it first. Who knows, you might become addicted."

Shishō's ominous voice carried a melodic attraction. No doubt he was manipulating our mounting interest. Upon finding his items, Shishō placed a large cloth bag on a rectangular wooden board. With a calm expression, he walked up to the table…

*SLAM* *Clatter*

For dramatic effect, Shishō slammed the board on the table. I could hear breaths hitch in anticipation. He slowly dragged his eyes over each of us. A strange tension descended inside the kitchen. 

Wearing a smug grin, Shishō unveiled the occult wooden board. He soon heralded the death of peaceful days.


""Mo. No. Po. Ri?"" [モノポリー]

A wry smile filled Shishō's face upon seeing our perplexity. He scratched his hair and mumbled to himself.

'Err~. Maybe I should've picked a different game.'

"Can we at least hear about it Tenchō?"

Batsu-nee swooped in, effectively rescuing Shishō from his budding gloominess. Recollecting himself, he cleared his throat and divulged the essentials. 

"Ahem. Monopoly is a game about financial domination. You win by being the last player with money."

*flash* "Money you say?"

Batsu-nee's eyes had mysteriously vanished behind glinting panes of glass.

Shishō ignored the startling comment, yet the bead of sweat trailing down his cheek indicated his apprehension. Just as I had initially speculated, Batsu-nee suppresses her ruthless character. She is positively keen on playing this bizarre game.

Shishō shook his head, slouching in a depressed aura. Before he could continue, Fu-nee sighed in disappointment. A small frown paired with her snide remark.

"*sigh* Money? That sounds boring as hell-"

"In the game, you can own the Spiritual Arts Academy…"

*squeak~* "Own you say?"

Fu-nee leaned forward in her seat, propping her elbows on the creaking table.

Her hands folded together, blocking all but her avaricious eye. A predatory gleam shot through her penetrating violet pupil.

She too had been hooked. 

Seeing her domineering behavior, Shishō shook his head… likely in depression again. He returned to explaining the rules. 

"We'll do a walkthrough game first. That way I can demonstrate in real time and answer questions. For now, the Bank will give each of us 150,000 Kan, then-"

"The hell is a bank?"

Fu-nee's utter confusion transmitted to Batsu-nee and myself. 

Shishō pursed his lips, deliberating on the definition. Suddenly, his eyes illuminated. He barked in realization before speaking. 

"Ahh! Think of banks as big-shot loan sharks!"

"Ahh~! So, they're swindling scummy shit-stains!"

Fu-nee rapidly nodded her head as she gave her own interpretation.

Shishō's face froze, his mouth still ajar. After a few seconds of mental exercise, he restarted his tutorial. 

"Uhh~, I wouldn't put it that way. Anyway, we'll all start with 150,000 from the Bank's treasury and then-"

"But they're thugs, I don't want some filthy pigs asking me to pay them back…"

*flash* "I believe Nee-san is right, it seems like a risky venture. Hmm~. What are their interest rates? Is there a clause for selling my organs? If there is, I refuse on principle."

Asserting her stance on the matter, Batsu-nee's glasses reflected a pensive glint. 

Should I add my opinion as well? Shishō said I should involve myself. 

Okay, here goes…

"We could assassinate them and seize their assets."

"OHH~! Not a bad idea Yacchan! We could rob the robbers! Why didn't I think of that?"

"We'd need a well-thought-out plan. We might even be able to obtain their records and collect debts in their stead. This idea has potential. Well done, Yacchan, well done. We'll have those insects right where we want them. Hehe~."

I felt pleased with their favorable reception to the scheme. Unfortunately, a heavy sigh wrecked the lively atmosphere. Shishō held his face in his hands. From what I could tell, his aura was sinking back into deep depression. 

His miserable grumbles were barely audible. 

'*sigh* You're gonna assassinate the Monopoly Man? Haah~. Where did it all go wrong? I need… I need a drink.'

I couldn't help but wonder who this 'Monopori Manu' was. Such a person must be a lethal threat. Is it a moniker? I'll have to check with our customer base-

"Guys… it's a game…"


I forgot…

By the looks of things, we all did…


[Neutral POV]

"Pay up Nee-san."

"You… scammin'… I fucking live here! WHY DO I HAVE TO PAY?!"

"Give it up Fu-chan. Batsu owns it. Souls know she'll own everything soon. Rents going up these days…*sigh*… I need a drink."

"Can you please move your piece Fu-nee? I would like to roll."

"Oh. Sorry bout that Yacchan. Here you go."

"Thank you. Now…"

*tutt* *tutt* *tutt* *trrrt~*


"Ahhh~, some rent. Finally, I can eat without having to worry about freeloaders. It's okay Yachiru. A disciple should provide for their master. Caring for your elders is being thoughtful."

"You look quite young in my eyes, Shishō."

"Why thank you! I appreciate-"

"You shouldn't lie to him Yacchan. The fucker smells like an old man. It hurts their pride when you lie to them."

"I see. I'll be sure to remember that. Thank you Fu-nee."


"Who's turn is it now?"

"It would be Batsu-nee's turn now."

"Lucky bitch's been gettin' doubles all night."

"Nee-san, business is business. May I have the dice Yacchan? I have a deadline for my expansion."

"Of course. Here you are."

"Thanks. Alright… time to collect."

*tutt* *tutt* *tutt* *trrrt~*


*tutt* *tutt* *tutt* *trrrt~*

"Double… come on, one more, one more…"

*tutt* *tutt* *tutt* *trrrt~*

"Ohh! Thank you, Lady Luck! I'll pay you back in the future! Now, one more time-"

"Did you get another double?"

"Yes. I. Did. It's okay Tenchō. Haah~. You know, there's always winners and losers in life. You're just one of the unlucky ones-"

"Jail. Now."

"W-what? What're you talking about Tenchō? H-Haha~."

"You gotta go to the Senzaikyū, Batsu. You rolled three consecutive doubles."





'Who's the thick-headed fuck thinking they can throw me in jail? Huh? Hahahaha~… I earned it fair and square. It's not my fault these insects can't do business.'




"Batsu-nee. It's just a game…" 

[A/N: You may ask where Soul Society's currency comes from. I wanted to explain that the Central 46 has a hand in the process. But it didn't seem too organic for the chapter. Maybe at a different point in the story, I'll try to depict it. But just know my economic know-how is pretty sad so don't expect much.]

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