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Chapter 2: The doctor

A man wearing a white coat with a stethoscope draped around his neck looked at a man who towered many feet over him even while sitting with an look of intense concern on his face.

"John. With how things are going now you're going to die in the next year." Said the doctor

The death bound man in question was known by the name of John turner. He was a man that had obtained the absolute height of mass. He clocked in at six hundred pounds and had the towering height of seven foot two.

His head was shaved bald and he had a small bit of stubble on his face. Over all he looked gruff and militarstic.

Contrary to his gruff and militaristic look, he was employed as a tax accountant.

He was currently visiting the doctor on company health insurance.

John raised a brow at the doctor.

"But why? I can walk fine. I don't even breath heavily or anything." Said, John

The doctor looked at John with analytical eyes.

"Don't lie to me, John. I'm just trying to do the best thing for you and your health." Said the Doctor.

John only glared.

"I'll go outside right now and prove to you that I can walk." He said

The doctor smirked.

"Go ahead." He said

With a grunt, John stood to his feet. He Turned himself sideways and squeezed himself through the doorway.

The doctor followed after him.

They walked outside to the parking lot of the doctor's office.

"Well. Walk around the lot." Said the doctor with a stern frown on his face.

John nodded and did as the doctor asked.

He spent the next minute walking around the parking lot. He moved much slower than average but he still managed to walk around the parking lot with little effort.

He turned to look at the doctor. A smirk on his face.

"See. I'm perfectly healthy." Said John

The doctor only scowled.

"You may now have the lost mobility that is common for your size. But you still suffer the increased cardio vascular strain and other things from your weight." He said.

John rolled his eyes.

"I thought that would have gotten you to shut up."

"It's not healthy John. Your destroying yourself." Said the doctor.

"I'm not listening to this."

John turned around and started to stomp away.

The doctor could only watch. After all, Regula was a free country. It wasn't his right to to stop a patient from leaving if they wanted to.

John climbed into his semi-truck. It was the only car that could take his weight and be easily modified to fit his size.

He sat himself down in the drivers set and with a scowl drove himself home to the apartment he lived in.

His apartment was ground floor because otherwise his bulk would crush through it.

He shuffled sideways through the doorway. He had a tile floor to allow for further sturdiness. John walked towards his kitchen which had no stove and two fridges.

He opened the door to his fridge and pulled out a flowery cake. As well as a loaf of bread and three cuts of steak.

He then sat on his couch which had been specially designed to have a sturdy steel frame. He placed his cake loaf of bread and steak at his side.

Then he took his remote and flicked through the channels until he found a sitcom. John loved sitcoms. It was the only kind of media he consumed. He would watch the same sitcom over and over again for days.

As John watched his sitcoms he ate his steak and cake and bread.

He did this until his energy began to wave. Then he reclined back on his couch and prepared to go to sleep.

As he did so a thought flickered through his mind.

~What do I live for?~

flickering through his mind after that was the same answer he had given a thousand times before.

~I don't know.~

And with that, he fell asleep.

{Intializing: "To disrespect the golden flesh. This is an issue that must be pressed. For it makes the greatest depressed. What greater press is there than war? For it is the thing with which no sinner can bore. Therefore for the press upon on the sinner I the greatest press war."}

{Glatic war activated: Assigning racial development systems.... Racial variants detected.... Assigning variant development systems...….

Scanning racial knowledge. Assigning additional systems. Attribute system. Society destruction system.



Time passed and John slept.

He awoke to the sound of gunfire.



John pulled himself out of his couch. Confusion weighed upon his mind.

~What's going on? Is it a gang fight?~

John walked towards the curtains of his apartment. He gingerly pushed them to the side.

The sight revealed before him was something that he could on comprehend.

There were many green-skinned creatures that were all clothed in midevil memorbible. The large ones wore leathr armour and had clubs at their sides.

The small ones had purple robes and wore wizard hats on their head.

They were marching towards a group of men kitted out in full swat gear.

The swat men fired assault rifles at the green-skinned creatures but. The bullets were all being reflected off a glowing purple sheild. that was produced by the nearest green-skinned mage.

As the swat men were distracted firing at the green-skinned mage the larger green skinned monster jumped into the air.

"AHHHH!" By time they had a chance to react the green-skinned creatures were already on top of them. In the most literal sense.


There skulls were shattred. Blood spilled out on the ground. John quickly closed the curtains.

~Well shit.~

Immortal_hobbyist Immortal_hobbyist

I’mma make this story batshit. I’m going to mix comedy and horror. Plesure and pain into a witches brew of duel narratives that should never have existed in the first place. And at least two people are going to love it. ;)

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