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94.85% Harry Potter: The New Dark Lord Shelby / Chapter 129: Welcome To... The World Of The Undead

Chapter 129: Welcome To... The World Of The Undead

"What in Merlin's name is that?" Graves, the security director, bellowed in frustration as his spells bounced off the massive behemoth, unaffected by his magic.

Explosion spells, shatter spells, freezing spells – none made a dent in the terrifying creature wreaking havoc in Times Square. The bustling hub was thrown into chaos, with cars crushed, billboards toppled, and buildings reduced to rubble.

With a deafening roar, Tashan, the colossal creature, seemed intent on leaving the scene through the Muggle Shielding Charm.

"Don't let it escape! Tear it apart!" Graves commanded, launching a cutting spell that left only a faint mark on Tashan's skin, barely fazing the creature.

"Target its eyes, Graves!" his companion shouted, urging him to focus their attack.

Graves nodded grimly, positioning himself in front of Tower Mountain, determined to bring the creature down.

"Shatter! Blast!"

The Aurors unleashed a barrage of spells, aiming for Tashan's eyes, but the creature deflected them effortlessly with its snout.

With a thunderous roar, Tashan vented its frustration, sweeping its massive nose to scatter gravel and send the crowd fleeing in terror.

"Deploy all protective measures!" Graves ordered, rallying his team to brace themselves against the relentless onslaught.

Amidst the panicked crowd, a few calm voices emerged, accompanied by the remarkable sight of shattered stones hovering in mid-air before seamlessly rearranging themselves in different positions.

Tashan the war mumak, infuriated by the disturbance, fixed its scarlet gaze upon the group of troublesome onlookers. With a heavy stomp that echoed like thunder, it shattered the ground beneath it, resembling a spider's web.

Rearing its head high, Tashan charged towards the crowd.

"Deploy the Obstruction Charm!"

"We need more barriers!"

A dozen Aurors coordinated their efforts, casting the Obstruction Charm in unison.

Tashan's advance indeed slowed momentarily, but in the brief respite, over a dozen Aurors were left reeling from the strain of their magic, some staggering backward.

The sheer size and strength of Tashan proved overwhelming, even for a collective of Aurors.

As Tashan barreled into the crowd, trampling indiscriminately.

Graves, witnessing his former comrade fall amidst the chaos, erupted in a furious roar. Brandishing his wand, he aimed it squarely at Tashan, his voice a crescendo of rage and madness.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The world seemed to hold its breath as a dark green light erupted from Graves' wand, hurtling towards Tashan's head.

In that moment, Graves unleashed his anger with all his might, believing that even if the spell couldn't slay Tashan outright, it would render the creature incapacitated for a significant duration.

The onlookers watched with bated breath, hoping for a decisive outcome.

"Shield against a hundred curses!"

Just as the life-suppressing spell was about to strike Tashan, an aged voice pierced the air.

A hazy white light materialized before Tashan's colossal head, intercepting the green curse with ease. Graves, despair etched into his features, turned pale and staggered before collapsing to the ground. His companions rushed to his aid, supporting him weakly.

"Go... go..." Graves muttered faintly, drained of strength and mental fortitude by the unexpected protective magic.

"Is that your best?" Artel's form reappeared, hovering mid-air, his gaze scanning the crowd below. "I harbor no ill will toward others, but I am not Gandalf. You've stirred my ire, and now, prepare to face the consequences!"

"The name of Saruman the Wise shall not be tarnished!"

Artel's proclamation echoed through Times Square, eliciting looks of confusion and regret from the gathered Magical Congress staff. It was their leader's words that had provoked this fearsome wizard, and they would pay the price.

Artel descended upon Tower Mountain, attempting to sway Tashan's consciousness with mind control magic. He directed the mammoth toward the Woolworth Building.

As they passed through Times Square, exiting the Aurors' Muggle-shielding enchantment, Tashan's presence sent shockwaves through Muggle society in the Beautiful Country. A creature believed extinct, parading through downtown New York with a wizard atop its back.

Without a plausible explanation, the world teetered on the brink of chaos, with the wizarding world at risk of exposure.

Under Artel's command, Tashan marched purposefully. The extent of destruction left in their wake unknown, they finally arrived outside the Woolworth Building.

The Congress President, forewarned of the situation, had evacuated nearby Muggles.

"Mr. Saruman... I am the President of the Congress..."

"Your title means nothing to me," Artel interjected, standing atop Tashan, his gaze piercing down at the President. "I am here to pronounce your punishment to the world in the name of Saruman, of the Holy White Council!"

Raising his wand high, Artel's Ring of Air emitted a mesmerizing azure glow, captivating all who beheld it. The once-clear sky darkened, streaks of purple lightning illuminating the heavens with deafening thunder.

Artel's demeanor underwent a profound transformation—sinister yet regal, radiating divine authority.

"God favors his people, and I speak truth of Sauron... I have no need for deception, for the gods do not deceive mortals!"

"Welcome... to the realm of the undead!"


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