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A Beginning

Author's Commentary: This is set 10 years before Canon. And because I wanted to try something new like a slow burn there will be changes in how I write this.

Maybe a lot of changes but my confidence ain't that good, too.

[ ~ Chapter • Start ~ ]

Olga had never been so curious about one person in her entire life. Of course she had been curious about some men like Jonathan, but she never given any romantic gestures to those men.

And if they were humans she would just make them suffer through monsters in spite of the entire human race.

Aside from that, life wasn't good nor it was bad. It was below decent.

"Celestine, why would you protect those humans if they are all lusting for you?" Olga would ask once in a long while, preferably weeks or so.

After all, Olga was becoming increasingly tired, to the point where she would want to just give up and surrender due to her waning powers.

She was losing grip to the Demons that roamed around the Lands of Darkness or even raped, pillaged and burned the human settlements outside the Lands of Darkness.

And due to that, her people had to reluctantly flee from the Lands of Darkness or even fight for their lives against the Demons that turned their backs on them.

It was by sheer luck that she came across a young Dark Elf fighting against the traitorous Demons at the far east of the Lands of Darkness just to allow his fellow to escape their demoralizing grip.

And to her relief, he had woken up after a few days of daily surveillance.

Having nothing to do but minimally manage the lands had done more wonders in making her procrastinate for some reason.

Sometimes she'd pleasure herself, only to find out it bored her, but as she thought about her people more, she began to convince herself to open up her cold heart to the teenager in front of her.

Still, it felt quite awkward that she impulsively asked him why she trespassed her territory when he was one of her own.

"Me? I'm Jonathan Francheska Burksham. A pleasure to meet you."

"I am Olga Discordia, the Queen of these accursed lands. I welcome you as you inhabit my castle, along with me as the only more intelligent people."

Olga stated after her introduction as she began her approach towards Jonathan, who silently stared at her eyes after seeing her beautiful figure.

For once, she felt no fear but only a neutral understanding to his position, as just a random nobody even with his actually above average appearance.

"Can I leave now, or maybe later?" Jonathan asked, curiously thinking about Olga's own answer, and as his memories had slowly resurfaced from his death, he also wondered what should he do.

And seeing Olga sighing and shaking her head, the Queen's answer was obvious.

"I'm afraid I cannot let you leave. Everywhere outside my castle and domain are most dangerous, if you do try, you might die a horrible death. More horrible if you are a woman." Olga had explained, though obviously as this was a world which has people with lower grade morals the last part had to be expected.

So, with a light smirk he wanted to ask something to her, yet it seemed like she wasn't done.

Her expression changed ever slightly, though he knew something was up with her.

"I'm not done, and as I was saying, I cannot let you leave because this lonely Queen required some personal company." Olga had admitted, and sadly that definitely was true.

It did make sense that due to his current physique, and the fact that he had actually lost around 98 percent of his maximum Psychic Energy, he had to bulk up, get stronger, better, and even faster, and....

What's next?

Laying back on the bed, Jonathan took seconds of a breather to immediately know what should he even do next.

"Haaa.... damn, I don't wanna procrastinate too much anymore...." Jonathan silently muttered, admitting his flaws that pulled him down again and again on his past life.

Plus, the body he owns doesn't seem to have any memories, making it a sort of a blank slate that needed to develop.

Glancing once more to Olga, he decided to get his mind's gears moving, and with a gesture of flicking his fingers, he gained a lightbulb above his head.

"You want company? Fine, I've got nothing to do best, anyways. I'll become your butler, assistant, secretary, manager of your monsters, personal assassin, bodyguard, janitor, but the main one will be a Secretary and Assistant since I'm best at those jobs."


Now it was time for Olga to feel flabbergasted.

How was a boy that young so confident in being able to do those jobs? That was just obviously ridiculous!

Still, a spark of interest appeared in her chest. If he was so confident he could, then he should prove that he could, right? If not, it's up to the demons to do mundane jobs like cleaning up her castle while she cuts him some slack like many other Dark Elves like him.

"What is your condition? I'd like to hear it." Olga asked with a knowing smile as she crossed her arms over her bountiful breasts.

"Don't turn me into a dog on a tight leash," he said in a more direct manner. "In other words, don't turn me into a slave who has to follow all your commands, whether I want to or not." Jonathan added, displaying both his confidence, seriousness, and the desire for greater freedom within the castle.

Without hesitation she immediately agreed.

And thus begins his days as Jonathan, the Secretary of Olga Discordia.

[ ~ Line • Break ~ ]

Days passed.

Strangely enough, Olga decided to have several Orcs assist him in rather mundane tasks like cleaning the interiors and the walls of her castle which hasn't been cleaned once for months.

He decided to exercise his Psychic Energy by using it to increase the effectiveness and actually shorten the time of whatever physical job he was about to do.

But.... the Orcs were honestly annoying. Annoying, in a sense that they just won't keep talking about sex, how to have sex with women, and even hardcore sex.

It's as if their entire being revolved around it!

"Hey, lil' Elfie! What sort of position would you like when you dominate a woman? For me it's the ol' classic mating press, I hear it's always effective!" One of the orcs yelled out boisterously just as Jonathan finished cleaning a window.

It was at this moment that he noticed something else.

'Alright, I give up on becoming a janitor.' He convinced himself, before staring at the orcs who were barely even doing anything! 'But.... Psychic Techniques can all be learnt, and I have just the best Technique not just for the Orcs but also for the monsters in these Dark Lands.'

Sighing to himself, he turned around and approached the few Orcs with a smile that hid his intentions.

"Just come closer, and I'll definitely tell you." He said as he gestured the Orcs to approach him.

They did, with curiously dumbfounded expressions naturally found in people with lower intelligence.

Though, when they were close enough, Jonathan proceeded to charge up his Psychic Energy to use a high ranking technique to rewrite their minds and personalities.

"[Personality Shift]!" Was the name of the technique, and thankfully because there were only three mildly dumb Orcs surrounding him and they were caught by surprise, they barely have any mental resistance.

Out of spite, he had intended to shift their common sense and personality into those of more decent people by almost modifying their carnal desires and even turning them a little crazy.

You know, like an internet user that wasn't that cringe.

In short a freaking COOMER.

The side effect is that he's used up 75 percent of his Psychic Energy and that the Orcs are not moving for a long while.

Knowing he's done a great job, he turned around and took his cleaning materials and put them in an Orc's hands.

"Queen Olga's orders are for you three to clean up the prison thoroughly as punishment for lazing around, that place stinks so much that I don't have the guts to ever go there." He lied, just to cut off his time to work since he needed some rest to recover his energy quickly.

After that, he decided to go to where the kitchen of the castle was.

This place looked dirty and unhygienic until recently because of his efforts.

He also knew that all the ingredients here were pillaged from human settlements outside of the Lands of Darkness.

And that there were no refrigerators here.

"Oh well, time to cook dinner."

At least Olga enjoyed whatever dish he made, but it seemed like she was not going to be idle now.....


"Staying in that throne to be idle makes you weaker quicker you know." He spoke the moment he served the meal that was a vegetable soup that has been mixed with pork.

"I was just planning to, Jonathan." Olga sighed out, as she began to take a sip on the soup. "But for now, you've got something to do, right?"

"Many things, actually. It's training my physical body, because after a few months I'll get out of the Lands of Darkness to fetch many Dark Elves that were enslaved. By that I would have already prepared a new settlement on the north." Jonathan explained, nodding his head once before he served his own meal.

A few explanations were given to Olga, such as his intention to "Turn the demons into more educated and more genuinely loyal creatures serving them", which honestly felt like a mad man's dream.

She didn't really even believe his claims, but with a smile, he immediately convinced her that he really could.

"Fine, I shall supervise your progress in training the demons."

If it also meant that she no longer needed to use curses to control them, then the better that definitely is.

It did seem like her mood had began to raise the more she was close to Jonathan. And through that, she felt liberated.

And now....

What's next?

[~ TO • BE • CONTINUED ~ ]

Extra Note: Klaus Levantine does not exist in this fanfiction. Claudia Levantine will be the biological daughter of Grave. .

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