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Chapter 5

Rhodes touched his chin.

In this way, he would have no way of finding out who was spying on the princess mansion.

It would be great if I had superpowers like clairvoyance~

"Ding! The host [Rods] has evolved a super power [see-through eyes]!"

Rhodes was born with a thought, and the genes of Silver Superman evolved rapidly, and the voice of the system also sounded.

"This super power is not bad. Let me try it."

A slight smile flickered across the corner of Rhode's mouth, and his eyes suddenly turned laser-like red, shining toward the east.

In an instant, obstacles such as walls, bricks, trees, and crowds are no longer obstacles.

Rhode's gaze went directly over these and arrived at a noisy and lively tavern.

In a room at the end of the second floor of the tavern, two windows were left wide open.

There was a green-skinned and pointed-eared weirdo standing at the window, who was a member of the Skrull tribe, and was looking at the Princess Mansion.

Behind it, there are creatures of several races, all of which are obviously in the same group.

"...When shall we do it?" One of them asked impatiently.

"Don't worry, as a hunter, be patient. Let's do it when that old guy comes out." The green-skinned and pointed-eared Skrull replied.

Rhodes vaguely heard some of these people's conversations.

"It turns out that these people have been monitoring the Princess Mansion."

In the study.

Rhode's eyes returned to normal, and he muttered to himself without any movement.

He didn't intend to pay attention to the other party's lack of action.

And these weirdos don't seem to be threatening.

The brave guards at the Princess Mansion should be able to handle it.

Turning a page of the tome in his hand, Rhodes continued to read.


the next day.

The old butler, Alt, combed his white hair and beard, and made his whole body clean and tidy. After being meticulous, he picked up his wallet and left the room.

The princess's family has a big business, so the consumption of food and clothing is naturally not small.

Therefore, a batch of large purchases are made every month.

As the old butler, Alt is in charge of the mansion's affairs, and is also responsible for purchasing these things.

"Master Butler."

On the way, several servants of God saluted respectfully.

Alt just nodded, and just stepped out of the gate of the Princess Mansion.

Originally, he thought that going shopping this time would be as easy as usual.

Until Aiert came to a remote intersection, he was suddenly enveloped by several huge shadows.

It was four or five burly men who surrounded Aiert.

They were like a wall, pushing and shoving Alt into a dead-end alley.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?!"

Alt yelled in a panic, while combing his messed up hair and clothes.

Soon, he remembered his identity again, calmed down, and shouted to these people: "You lawless lunatics, I am the housekeeper of the Princess Mansion! Before I get mad, you'd better get out of here obediently! If you don't want to die! I promise!"

These strong men whose bodies and faces were covered by cloaks were very calm.

No one spoke.

Ai Erte was a little stunned, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Old butler, of course we know who you are."

A few strong men made way.

A green-skinned man in a cloak appeared in front of Alt.

He grinned, very sinister.

"Skrulls? No!"

Elt seemed to understand something, shivered, turned around and ran away.


A sharp wind came.

Aiert felt a giant impact on the back of his head, before the pain could pass, his eyes went dark, and he passed out.

A few minutes later.

The old butler "Airt" came out again.

Still bright and beautiful, meticulous.

With a faint smile on his face, he left the street.

"Master Butler."

In the Princess Mansion, the two guards guarding the gate saluted the returning old butler again.

Elt nodded slightly, leaving them with a back view.

The two guards were slightly puzzled.

Why is it that the time for the old housekeeper to go out to purchase this time is so short? .

Chapter 6 Stealing the Death Hood

"I am following the princess's order to go to the secret room to get something, and you all should leave first."

In front of the secret room.

Elt was commanding the two guards majestically.

This completely enclosed room is very remote in the mansion, but the most precious thing of the goddess of death Hela is inside.

In the private treasury, there are just a bunch of useless gadgets.

"Yes, Mr. Butler."

The two guards looked at each other and obediently obeyed the order to retreat.

The old butler, Aiert, has followed Princess Hela for many years and is deeply trusted. They dare not question it, and they have no intention of questioning it.

Taking out the key, Alt opened the door of the secret room and walked in.

In the deepest part of the secret room, a cloak with green patterns on a black background is suspended on a beautifully carved stone platform.

The whole exudes a breath of death, which is daunting.

After feeling the hair-raising breath, Alt's facial muscles twitched a few times.

But this cloak is dead after all.

With Hella not here, everything is easy to talk about.

A greedy light appeared in Elt's eyes, he strode forward and took off his cloak.


In the mansion garden.

Rhodes, who was training the protoss fighting skills, suddenly stopped moving.

He sensed a strange aura rising.

Look past with clairvoyant eyes.

Rhodes immediately found the door of the secret room open, and Alt holding the death cloak in his hand.

"Death cloak?"

"What is the old housekeeper doing with this thing?"

Rhodes frowned, put away his moves, sprinted out of the garden, and disappeared in a gust of wind.


——The defense of the princess mansion is surprisingly weak, it is really a bunch of drunks and riches. Unexpectedly, I got the death cloak so easily! hey-hey!

Ai Erte was secretly happy in his heart, but on the surface he still had a majestic expression.

Before this thing was brought out of the Princess Mansion, everything was empty talk.

The most important thing now is to escape from here.

"Put it away, put it away!"

Elt carefully put the death cloak into a silver password suitcase.

"My lord, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, a clear and pleasant voice sounded behind him.

Erte's body shook in fright, and the suitcase almost fell to the ground.

Turning his head to look, he saw a boy with black hair and blue eyes.

Although the dress is a bit rough, it can't hide the heroic spirit between the brows.

Alt recalled and knew who this was.

"Rods, this is the princess's secret room, no one else can enter, you leave immediately! I will punish you later!"

Alter sternly reprimanded.

"Miscellaneous people are not allowed to enter? My lord, why are you here?"

Rhodes didn't continue talking, but frowned and stared at the old butler with scrutiny.

He has found that today's old butler is a little different.

Although he didn't meet the old butler many times, but with his keen insight, he can be sure that the person in front of him must not be the old butler!

"But how can you not see through his disguise?"

"I obviously have clairvoyance."

Rhodes was very strange.

"Ding! The host [Rods] has evolved a superpower [Eye of Reality]!"

At this time, the Silver Superman gene evolved rapidly.

The sound of the system suddenly sounded.

- just in time!

Rhodes immediately activated superpowers.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he saw the gray-haired old housekeeper in front of him.

In an instant, Rhodes' clean blue eyes reflected a green-skinned creature with pointed ears.

This is the same group of people who spy on the princess mansion that Rhodes discovered yesterday with his clairvoyant eyes!


Rhode's heart was shocked, and he remembered the content recorded in a book.

The Skrulls are an alien race with advanced technological civilization.

One of the mutated Skrulls can transform into various creatures at will.

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