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68.42% Marvels Ripperdoc / Chapter 13: 13 - turning inwards

Chapter 13: 13 - turning inwards

Looking at the x-gene that was dormant, was a somewhat of a surprise to him.. Because while it lay dormant it had already gotten a form.. All x-gene's seemed to be a little different from another,, so he could differentiate between genes from one person to another..

"What is?" Mystique came up behind him while moving her arm to get the blood pumping.

"Well.. the x-gene seems to be somewhat unique, maybe someone who has yet to become a mutant will have something different.. the cure, just suppresses the x-gene with another x-gene.."

"I already knew that the cure was made through some other mutant, but how will I be able to get my powers back then?"

"Gene's don't life forever, so if I were to remove all of your blood replace it with that of a different person with the same blood type, then you could, hypothetically gain your powers back faster.."

"Wont I just die, doing something like that.."

"Depends on how long you are willing to get treated.. you can die, but I will bring you back no problem.."

"No thank you.. can you just do it a little slower.."

"Sure.. if you are willing to start now then we will be done within before the end of tomorrow.." Dante set his machines ready to separate the blood and cells to capture most of the x-genes…

"Lets do it.." she sat back onto the operating chair getting convertible as Dante got a tube connected to her arm..

"This will suck your blood.. while this one.." Dante grabbed a tube from another machine.. "Gets new blood into your system.."

"Don't you need my blood type?"

"Don't worry about it.. do you want anything while you wait?"

"No thank you.. not interested.." Dante started both of the machines in succession.. beginning to analyse how well the machine worked with these new types of genes..

Sadly the machine couldn't separate the different types of x-gene resulting in both hers and the cures being mixed together in a separate tank…

"Mhh.. well that sucks..

"What does?" Dante looked at Raven who had a concerned look on her face..

"Its going to take a little longer then expected.. so I am going to put you under for a while.. see you tomorrow.." Dante picked up something that looked like a gun placing it on Raven's neck..

"What are yo.." she was interrupted by the sound of the anastatic being fired into her veins, making her lose focus and drift off..

"Now back to this shit.." getting a program up and running to separate the genes even further caused hours to be waisted, because nothing seemed to really work.. getting errors every couple of minutes..

Dante could eventually get everything running, enjoying the job that he had done, while drinking out of his cup..

Eventually the process was done.. all of her blood had been replaced by his replacement blood.. she had likely still some x-gene in her system but those would be fought away by her immune system in no time, only weakening her for a while..

The x-gene's were still being separated, but Dante could begin working on them with all of his attention..

He looked into the compatibility of the two types mixed with his blood, seeing that the cure had more compatibility with him..

Walking to the back he cleared the research machines with the old x-gene blood storing them all into a crate for future use.. and replacing them with the new x-gene from the cure along with getting one open for Raven's x-gene…

They would work with seeing his blood combine with them and adjusting them by mixing the genes and removing DNA from them.. the introduction of three different types of x-gene would allow Dante to further modify the gene until he had one that suited him…

Getting back to the operating room, he reversed the flow of the pumps, getting her blood with her own x-gene back into her body while, the surgery blood was thrown out.. he only used it because it suited everyone, once it entered a body it couldn't be properly used on another patient thus becoming useless…

He was done with his preparations, everything would run its course, he would only need to wake up Raven once everything was done.. Dante thought of dealing with Trask in the meantime, as far as he knew the only big operation was in new York, where they build and experimented on the robots, the other facilities experimented on mutants, and didn't have much data containing to the robot program..

Looking at the Raven who lay on the operating chair he thought it best to insure nothing would go wrong, redirecting the vision of his left eye to the camara in the room to keep her under supervision..

Getting onto his Motor as he didn't think it wise to use his car on something like this, he got the garage door open, speeding to the robotic lab of Trask industries..

It had already turned dark even before Dante left, it was favourable to him as he could see the road just as clear as during the day time, plus there were less cars to evade..

In just halve a hour, Dante had managed to come in front of the Trask industries lab..

Gaining access to the security network he found where the prototypes were, and also where the gene's of Raven were stored.. seeing on the camara's that they had working models, Dante couldn't help himself but to activate them and turn them hostile to everyone around them, except for those unaffiliated with Trask industries….

He entered the building, simultaneously preventing the alarm from being send out, while the robots rampaged the lower floors of the facility..

Coming to the floor just above the storage room, full of the gene's, Dante readied a grenade.. placing it down and walking a couple steps back..

The explosion shot some debris at Dante, but he knew he could go unscathed.. as only one of his arm was vulnerable now that he hadn't had time to repair it… jumping down, he collected some of the genomes, simultaneously letting the alarm sound and deleting all the files online.. he dropped another couple of grenades before jumping out of the hole with a powerful jump, aided by his cyberware…

Dante decided to call the number for Charles Xavier school of gifted youngsters..

The one to pick up the phone was, judging by the voice and name a lady he knew..

"Hello you are speaking with Ororo Munroe, currently acting as principle of Charles Xavier school of gifted youngsters.." She sounded pretty tired, but the news he was about to say would surely wake you up..

"Hi Storm.. I just wanted to call because of something happening just a bit south of your school.."

"Who is this?"

"Ohh right, I never properly introduced myself.. I am the doctor Charles talked to when you were searching for that boy, the one with acid like powers?" Dante wasn't to sure himself.. he had been focussing to much on other things to keep track of the boys name..

"Why did you call?"

"Like I said, a facility just south of the school is currently in crisis… from the looks of things there are even captured mutants in there.. I just wanted to inform you before anyone else might call for you..." Dante noticed some movements with his left eye, Raven seemed to be waking up earlier then expected..

"Well that was everything.. do expect a fight before you go though.. these robots seem pretty murderous.." Dante noticed the destruction that had already happened in the moments they were talking.. the whole facility would likely be in shambles the moment the x-men would arrive..

Getting back on his bike, he raced back to his clinic, while he viewed Mystique waking up..

He noticed that her skin hadn't turned into anything yet, but he didn't know if that was permanent or not… She originally had blue scaly skin, that changed colour when she wanted it, but now she had a normal human appearance.. Maybe having her gene's removed had caused her to adopt a new base form…

For all Dante knew this was her real form.. behind her Mystique appearance.. still he didn't care much.. as long as everything worked she would get her powers back and he would gain the opportunity to gain powers himself..

He didn't know what powers he would gain, he had a mix of three x-gene that didn't suit him that well, the best match was with the cancellation powers, but that wasn't particularly useful to anyone that wasn't a mutant.. he would look into mixing mystiques powers with them, but the results could vary..

Nothing even guaranteed him of getting the mutant powers in the first place, but trying never hurt him.. well except for the times his lab blew up.. but those were rare instances that only happened a couple of times..

As he drove he could see Raven, trying to experiment with her body, turning her hands into another skin colour at will.. analysing the change, resulted in him seeing that the change in colour wasn't her scales turning over, but cells reconnecting within her body… it resulted in a more seamless transformation…


Raven was looking at her hand, the scales she had since young hadn't returned but she could feel something within her.. trying to change her whole body to one of someone she saw on the street a day ago she only managed to get her hand to change immediately.. she still felt somewhat weak, but she thought that was normal after a operation like that..

Looking around she saw that the room had been cleaned up some more, the dust that was precent the moment she had arrived had cleared up, but the owner was nowhere to be seen.. he had left his cup of alcohol near her.. looking in she confirmed that it was empty..

'Has he gotten drunk?' She doubted the professionalism of the doctor that had operated on her.. but knew he was skilled enough to at least give her back some of her powers..

Her skin hadn't returned to blue, but was that something she even wanted.. furthermore she wasn't quite sure if she needed to feel happy, her body had gained her powers back, but now she was just another mutant.. She could go to the x-men, but would they accept her after everything that had happened.

Maybe returning to normal life was the best for her..

As she was contemplating life she heard the doors open, coming from the back Dante was there, in the same outfit he wore when he started..

"So.. you are awake.. much earlier than I expected.." He moved around the room, grabbing somethings from every corner he went, placing them down before her..

"So.. can you just open your mouth for me please?" In his hand was a strange device that he seemed to want to use..

"What…" Raven was immediately interrupted by Dante, who began explaining the devise.

"Ohh this thing.. it is just to analyse if your cells are producing saliva and other substances as they should.. I understand if the appearance is a bit.. unsettling.." the description along with the shape of the device alluded to the possible other uses of something like that..

"Yeah.. I am not doing that.." She flatly refused..

"I completely understand.. now.." Dante looked at the devices he had picked up, thinking that all will be likely to be rejected..

Returning to some less explicit thing, Dante simply analysed her body with his cybernetic eyes..

Seeing Dante's eye's glow as he looked her up and down caused Raven to get somewhat uncomfortable..

"I think I will be leaving.." She got up from the chair, wobbling a bit as the blood flow was interrupted by her sudden movements, she almost tripped on her first step but was caught by Dante..

"You sure.. there are still so many things we could learn about your body?" His question just threw her off more.. not being sure on what kind of learning he meant..

Raven was beginning to blush quickly getting back on her own feet and asking for context. "Learn about my body?" Dante nodded… Raven was a mutant that knew how to control her powers, so observing the changes with her old and new body could be important to him..

"Yes experiment, try new things.. I have never done anything with a mutant such as yourself.." Dante believed flattery to be one of his strong suits.. he wasn't to good at picking up clues, but could gain favour by many means..

"Oh.. another time perhaps.." another time.. it could work, but wouldn't he have gotten his own powers by then..

"You can visit whenever you want.." in the end losing someone who was willing to operate wasn't something he would do without thinking it through..

Dante waved as Raven left his sights, getting back inside to get back to work on deciphering the x-gene..

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