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Chapter 3: 3 - clinic

In the beginning business was slow as no one really knew Dante and he wasn't a trusted medical practitioner.. his shop also didn't look the most appetising… some people still came by and Dante greeted them all and some even came in to get treated, seeing as he had prized himself cheaply…

Others came there out of necessity, giving him a reputation of a cheap, but affordable doctor… causing more customers to show up… most of his clientele where the elderly from the surrounding community who didn't normally want to go to the hospital because of the fees associated with those places, but seeing as he was nearby and cheap, they decided to at least try it out…

They asked him about his cybernetics visible on his neck… with Dante shrugging it mostly off, covering it most of the time with a high collar..

This continued for a couple of days, with Dante getting Money together little by little, finding it to be just barely enough for him to life on without worries.

As Dante continued to think about his finances an idea struck… 

"..Special assignments.." he couldn't help but word it aloud… It could also be called VIP work, as Dante was planning to approach the people instead of them coming to him… contacting rich people with problems was a sure way to get money.. 


Dante had finished with the last patient of the day.. it was already turning late but Dante decided to stay open for a while longer as he wasn't tired.. no one would visit if the last couple of weeks were anything to go by but he held hope that as long as he was open customers would arrive…maybe even a hurt vigilantly or mercenary.. 

Back in Cyberpunk ripperdocs were expected to be open twenty-four seven as they were the medical facilities for the normal population, but in this new world.. there were barely any people awake after nightfall and even if they were most weren't looking for a small-time medical shop… 

Dante still had some project that needed finishing but he had all the time he wanted throughout the week.. He was planning on watching some fighting sports on his tv, but Dante couldn't help but be disappointed by the lack of intensity that it had.. so he decided to search for possible clients that needed his expertise while the game was still underway.. 


Sports in Cyberpunk were all improved by cyberware.. improved was a big word but it was certainly more intense as with the introduction of cyberware a fight could go on for a long time.. so most if not all fighters were fighting if their live depended on it.. stamina wasn't a problem as they had improved lungs, so fights would keep going… 

In this new world the fighters didn't have any cyberware that enhanced them, so they were preforming at their human limit, but that was still low for Dante, who could probably knock them out with one of his enhanced punches… 

He also watched some blood ball during the week, but it was just called soccer and didn't have any violence.. no violence was perhaps a mistake as injuries still came about, but no deaths occurred so it was pretty innocent in Dante's eyes…

As Dante was watching tv while searching the web, the door opened and a new person entered the shop.. Dante heard the door and turned towards the entrance while simultaneously closing his tab. in the entrance stood a woman dressed in yellow robe, reminding him of the Buddhist monks that travelled the world and refuses all cyberware that would help them… as he looked he observed a slight shift in his cyberware but didn't pay it any mind.. 

"Good evening.. can I help u with anything?" Dante tried to be respectful as he observed the woman just looking around the room… 

"Yes.. I think you can.." the woman talked slowly getting closer to him with every word until she stood a meter from Dante… 

"Sure… so.. what can I help you with?" Dante propped himself a little up in his seat as he looked at the strange woman who didn't respond immediately… 



"ohh.. I was just curious of this place.. can you tell me who you are and what services you offer?" Dante felled that the situation was quite strange but obliged to the women's request.. 

"I am Dante, a doctor and cybernetic who has opened shop here.. I over all the services a normal doctor gives and more.. if someone loses a limp or other body part I can replace it with cybernetic limps if they are interested.." the woman nodded along with Dante's explanation replying, 

"Ahh. I understand…" the woman seemed to think of how to proceed as she felt silent. 

"Was there anything else I could help you with?" Dante was confused by the woman as she just looked into the air thinking about something… 

"No.. I was just curious.. this was everything for now.. we will meat again, if time calls for it." The woman left, leaving Dante confused by her proclamation. 

The strange feeling went away as she exited the door, as if on cue the tv got louder as a goal was scored by one of the soccer teams.. 

"Always those monks who are the strange ones.." Dante muttered as he turned back to the tv. 

Dante thought he recognised the woman from somewhere, but chalked it up to her looking familiar to the Buddhist monks from cyberpunk…. Now that he thought about it a lot of things reminded him of something ,but how likely was it that he got into a universe he once knew about.. 


As the week went by, Dante received some customers as they had a accident during the day that they wanted to immediately check out.. Dante could repair most damage to tissue but even he could only prescribe medication to those who needed it. 

Most received the medicine with gratitude but also doubtful eyes as most was medicine they weren't familiar with… with the increase in reputation Dante received more visits until eventually a new kind of person arrived.. 

"So you are threatening me?" Dante looked at the group of three that had entered the shop. 

"I wouldn't call it threatening.. it is just friendly advise.." the leader of the group looked at his friends to add on to the topic 

"Right just looking out that you are save from unexpected accidents with our protection." One of the group added while smiling like a sly fox… 

"You Gonks want to get flatlined or something?" Dante looked down on the group of gang members, threatening them to keep out of his business. 

"What did you say?!" the third gonk looked to get ready to fight with Dante, but his friend held him back. 

"I see that you are not.. interested in our over… lets go." The leader of the three turned to leave, exiting the building. 

"You will regret this old man!" the last guy left, insulting Dante on his old age.. 

Just as the three left a old lady entered the shop front after the small gang left looking quite concerned. 

"Did you pay them?" She seemed to be concerned about Dante's well being while she came there for a medical check-up. 

"No and I don't intend to.." Dante looked resolute ready to defend himself with high calibre rounds if he had to.. 

"Others also tried that but all of them were sorry at the end of the week.." The lady looked scared for Dante's safety as others seemed to be injured if not killed for disobeying the gang that ruled the area. 

"What is the name of the gang?" Dante was planning to find them through the web and maybe short circuit their whole building before breaking them one by one. 

"Are you thinking of reporting them to the police? Because it will not work.." 

"Why wouldn't it work?" Dante knew of the corruption plaguing the cyberpunk world but he expected better from the new world. 

"The police mostly tries to stay out of the gangs business, they won't get into conflict for some citizens.. and I think they are being paid off.." The woman whispered the last part as if it could lead to trouble if other caught her saying that. 

"Could you tell me more about them, that I at least know the treat they pose?" 

The lady explained that the gang, named Joy boys was in a dispute with a rivalling Japanese gang named Golden Claws and were collecting more money from within their territory and expanding it outwards.. She also explained that Dante was formerly at the edge of the territory of the joy boys and was in the midst of their expanding area, and that he could get visited by other gangs that could also claim this area. 

With this new information Dante could dig into their online systems and hack into their secure networks. 

After letting the last customer leave Dante turned locked his door to the operation room and entered the net. 

He couldn't find much about the Joy boys or the Golden Claws, just their approximate number and know locations, as those were recorded in police networks and other government agencies. 

It seemed that all gang activity eventually led back to two sources, a mysterious kingpin that ruled New York from the dark, and other smaller gangs including the so called Maggia, a criminal family that mostly ruled in their own territory but were still connected to the kingpin. 

Dante could go for the top but that would just mean more conflict simply making the gangs live a living hell would suit him. 


With the information on the gangs location Dante arrived to a three story office where the gang upper management was mostly located and short circuited all electronics in the area making the office more a disco show and electrocuting any people who were in direct contact with any electronics, making them feel excruciating pain if not outright killing them. 

Dante travelled to other similar locations to the office including a dojo and restaurant and did the same, some of the places didn't have anyone inside but could be used as backup when their main facilities were destroyed. 

In one night almost all of the Joy Boys buildings and infrastructure was rendered useless in addition to some of the high officials getting killed. 

The blame was for the deaths was put on their rivals the golden claws even though there was no proof and no connection. 

Dante could see some discussions online involving the short circuited buildings and even government reports didn't mention him in any way. Thus Dante concluded that he did his job well and didn't leave any traces of his connections. 

The Joy Boys now refocused on the opposing gang, meant that they didn't have time to deal with Dante not paying their protection fee, as they had lost man power and were laying low to keep their strength hidden. 

After a while more people came in for a check-up increasing revenue for his shop. 

Eventually police even came by who were interested in the shop Dante was running, apparently there were reports of a thief running around Chinatown stealing people's wallets and they were there just to investigate, but saw the unique design of Dante's shop and decided to come in… 

Dante decided to report to them that his wallet was also stolen and with it his id and credit card and had yet to renew in hopes of finding them within a weeks time. 

The officers took his statement for their investigation, just to relieve Dante a bit as they didn't seem to want to work. After giving his statement the cops told Dante to try and renew them as finding the thief would be difficult if not impossible for a normal person. 

With some persuasion the officers gave him a recommendation to a place where he could get a new id but said they couldn't help with the bank, as they were just officers and not bank security. 

Before they left they did question Dante's shop commenting on his strange machines, but they left as soon as he said that it was specified equipment that wasn't used in normal hospitals. 


With the recommendation Dante had managed to get a physical ID for himself through dealing with the official sources. With the help of some manufacturing documents and the statement he made of his id being robbed. 

With his id he arrived to the nearest Metrobank to get a new account with his new id.. the clerk said something about cretic score and how he didn't have a history with money, but Dante just wanted to open a account to store his money. 

After a while of filling out paperwork Dante was the proud owner of a new bank account at Metrobank. 

With the transfer of his money from his digital to his newly created account, Dante was ready to see it grow. 

Kingpin looked at the man bowing down before him. The guy had delivered a report on the conflict between the Joy Boys and Golden Claws, but he found it disappointing. 

"So you are telling me that you have no clue who short circuited a entire building without leaving a trace to all of the Joy Boys hideouts?" Kingpin's voice was low, clearly oozing with contempt for the failure to find the perpetrator. 

"We couldn't find anything new.. the Joy Boys are still claiming that it was the Golden Claws but from our contacts no order was made to do such a thing.." The henchman tried to explain but was cut off. 

"I know of the rising clashes between the groups.. but that doesn't explain who attacked them.." Kingpin stood up turning his back on his henchman and looking out on New York. 

"The Joy Boys expanded their territory to prepare for conflict.. they might have stepped on someone's toes.." The henchman looked towards the kingpin and could see his discontent face on the reflection of the window. "It could be a mutant.." 

"You can leave.." The henchman left, leaving kingpin to look out over the city. 

"…. a mutant with the power to control electricity within buildings.." Kingpin pondered the most likely scenario that his henchman had provided. 

".. What could he do for me.." 

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