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97.32% Becoming Grindelwald's Descendant and The Next Dark Lord / Chapter 364: Chapter 363 "Facing The Coney Tribe"

Chapter 364: Chapter 363 "Facing The Coney Tribe"

In contrast to Headmistress Lopez's anxiety, Wentworth remained resolute. He approached the door, casting a casual glance outside, and remarked with a smile, "Timing seems about right. They should be arriving soon."

Wentworth's calm demeanor had a reassuring effect on Headmistress Lopez, who gradually regained composure and observed, "It appears you're well-prepared, Wentworth."

With a half-smile, Wentworth replied, "Prepared might be an overstatement. I simply anticipated this moment and took some preemptive measures. The wizards of Alliance should be on their way."

Headmistress Lopez furrowed her brow, recalling something, and turned to Emma beside her. Suddenly, she inquired, "Alliance wizards? If they arrive promptly, there should be no cause for concern. While the wizarding world may question the Alliance's actions, they never doubt its strength."

Then, Headmistress Lopez's gaze shifted to Emma, and she asked, "Did you use Emma's dream stone?"

Emma shook her head, withdrawing the stone from his pocket, and replied, "No, I always carry the inscription stone with me."

At that moment, a realization dawned on Wentworth—he had overlooked something crucial. If no one from the Alliance carried the dream stone then they won't be able to set foot inside Uagadou.

Who would have thought the reason the help from Alliance would be hindered by this one crucial step that Wentworth forgot to take into account...

Facing Headmistress Lopez's quizzical expression, he admitted, "You're right. Jimon's inscription stone was indeed borrowed, but I forgot that I needed it to enter Uagadou. My own stone should be with me."

A heavy silence descended upon the room as the implications sank in. Wentworth attempted to lighten the mood with a forced chuckle, "Well, it doesn't matter. I trust my associates. A defensive spell won't hinder them, hahaha!"

However, Headmistress Lopez interjected softly, "Uagadou's protective enchantment is a collective effort, strengthened by the entire school community at least once a year. Even Dumbledore would find breaking it a formidable challenge. Hence, I'll send Akkingbade to escort you when Dumbledore and the others arrive."

Wentworth stood frozen, the weight of the situation settling heavily upon him.

Just as tension peaked outside the door, Joseph's voice cut through the air, his tone eerily composed. "Wentworth, I know you're inside. Come out and face me! Didn't you let Wenna leave to lure me here? Well, here I am! I know you are not a coward, Wentworth! Face me like a man!" With his declaration, the other Coney tribe wizards sprang into action simultaneously, creating a ripple of disturbance outside the Headmistress's room.

Inside, Headmistress Lopez's voice conveyed concern about the ferocity of the impending attack. "With such intensity, our defenses will hold for no more than ten minutes," Headmistress Lopez remarked, her gaze darting around the room. Wentworth could hear the faint mechanical whirring behind him.

"That's all we need, Headmistress... with those amount of times I am pretty sure we will have the wizards of Alliance storm in Uagadou and help us!" Wentworth declared.

Turning to investigate, he discovered a hidden tunnel materializing behind a bookshelf, unveiled by the unseen hands of Headmistress Lopez.

Pointing towards the newly revealed passage, Headmistress Lopez addressed Wentworth urgently. "Go depart immediately! This tunnel leads directly to the foot of Moon Mountain. I'll stall them here. Return to aid me once you rendezvous with the Alliance wizards!"

Upon hearing Headmistress Lopez's instructions, Emma insisted, "I'm not leaving, Headmistress. I'll stay here to help you!" Headmistress Lopez, touched by Emma's determination, gently stroked her hair and replied, "Thank you, Emma, but your presence would distract me. Just follow my instructions. Don't worry, as the Headmistress of Uagadou, I'll manage against them."

As Emma hesitated to comply, Wentworth intervened decisively, asserting, "Emma, you should leave. I'll stay. The Alliance doesn't abandon its members in the face of trials." With confidence, he continued, "My associates should be arriving soon. Guide them into Uagadou and they'll handle the situation."

Emma, determined to assist, turned to leave but was halted by Wentworth's voice.

He reached into his cuff, revealing a slender green creature. With a mischievous glint in its eyes, Wentworth's pet Leafy obediently hopped onto Emma's shoulder.

Wentworth, aware that Emma couldn't see, offered an explanation, "I'll have my Bowtruckle accompany you. It can serve as proof of your identity." Emma, initially bewildered, wrinkled her nose slightly before nodding in understanding.

"Promise me the both of you will be fine before I return… I won't ever forgive you if you let Headmistress Lopez die, Wentworth…" Emma turned her face away, but she faced Wentworth once again before leaving, "Jimon would be sad if he never gets the chance to see you again… make sure to give your best to stay alive!"

"Emma, I don't need you to tell that to me. Even without your words, I would give my best to fight against Joseph!" Wentworth replied, "But, thank you… I will keep your words close to my heart."

Although Wentworth couldn't see it when Emma turned around, Emma's face was blushing upon hearing Wentworth's declaration.

"Oh my, didn't know you had the capability of playing my poor student's heart like that as well… I must say, the leader of the Alliance have quite a formidable ability to sway people's heart." Headmistress Lopez smirked.

Not realizing anything, Wentworth was confused with what Headmistress Lopez just commented. He looked at her perplexedly before shaking his head, "Headmistress, I don't think this is the right time for compliments!"

As Emma departed, Wentworth turned his attention to the shattered defensive spell outside the door. He then turned to Headmistress Lopez and suggested, "Let's go, Headmistress Lopez. We must face this situation head-on and ensure the safety of the Uagadou students."

Meanwhile, two black-robed wizards approached Joseph Coney. Observing their return, Joseph inquired calmly, "Are you both prepared?"

One of the wizards affirmed, "Yes, young master. Our Concealment Charm may not match Uagadou's defense, but from the outside, everything appears calm and peaceful. No matter what occurs here, the Concealment Charm ensures that nothing is discovered outside."

Upon hearing the black-robed wizard's words, Joseph nodded in agreement. He then turned his gaze toward Headmistress Lopez's room and directed his attention to the two wizards behind him. "Quickly locate Wentworth," he commanded loudly.

Before the two wizards could move, however, they witnessed the door of the Headmistress' room slowly opening. Wentworth came out, accompanied by Headmistress Lopez.

"There's no need to barge in; I've come out voluntarily," Wentworth announced with a broad grin, addressing Joseph across the corridor. "I must say you prepared quite a party just to meet me, Joseph. Are there any problems between us that I could help you settle?"


Scaramousse Scaramousse

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