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Black out

Ethan woke up with a feeling of confusion that numbed his mind. Around him, the white lights bathed the room in an impersonal glow. He blinked to adjust to the brightness, wondering where he was and how he had ended up here.

His memory was fuzzy, a series of fragmented images that seemed to float out of his mind. The steady beeps of the heart monitors and the muffled sounds of footsteps in the hallway were the only tangible evidence of his situation. He turned his head and spotted a nurse tending to another patient nearby. The sounds and sensations seemed strangely distant, as if filtered through a thick veil.

- Ethan, you're awake, the nurse said with a warm smile as she approached him

- Yes… where am I? Ethan asked hoarsely, his throat dry from the sand.

- You are in the hospital. You had an accident, she explained softly, checking her vital signs.

Ethan blinked, trying to remember. The images seemed to float beyond his reach, elusive.

- An accident…I…I don't remember, he whispered, feeling a shiver of worry run through him .

The nurse seemed reassured. – it's normal to be disoriented after a shock. Your memory should gradually return.

As she continued to talk to him, Ethan searched his foggy memories for guidance. Then suddenly, like a clearing in the fog, a clear image appeared. Papers everywhere, glasses of alcohol, a letter, the familiar feeling of alcohol in his throat. He remembered an evening with friends… no, more of a celebration of his retirement. The smiling faces, the bursts of laughter, it had all turned into a wave of blur and confusion. He had drunk too much, lost control.

- Ethan, are you okay? the nurse asked, seeing his expression change.

- There was a celebration... I went home. I think I drank too much when I got home, he said, shame mixed with the realization of his own negligence.

The nurse placed a soothing hand on his arm. – the most important thing is that you are safe. Accidents happen, but you are here now.

Ethan nodded slowly, fighting the emotions welling up inside him. He remembered now why he was in the hospital, why he had lost control of the evening that should have been a joyful celebration. However, there was still one piece of information that was unknown to him.

Ethan lay in his hospital bed, lost in his thoughts and memories. The room was quiet, the distant murmur of medical machines filling the air. Suddenly, the rustle of footsteps and the soft click of a necklace pulled him from his reverie.

- Honey, how are you feeling? her mother's soft voice entered the room, accompanied by a familiar scent.

Ethan turned his head to look at her, his eyes lighting up at the sight of his mother. She stood by his bed, her eyes full of motherly concern, a pearl necklace that had been given to her years ago around her neck. His comforting presence evoked memories of childhood and unconditional love.

- I'm fine, mom, he replied with a smile, despite the conflicting emotions running through him.

She sat on the edge of the bed and took his hand in hers. – I was so scared when I found out about the accident. I'm so relieved that you're alive and safe.

Ethan let the words wash over him, comforted by his mother's affection and unconditional support. They exchanged reassuring words, evoking memories of his childhood and sharing words of tenderness.

Shortly after her mother left, Rachel entered the room. Ethan felt a complex mix of emotions at the sight of her. Memories of their last interaction floated through his mind, making the situation all the more tense.

- Hello Ethan, she said softly as she approached him.

- Rachel, he replied, trying to hide the torments

She sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes showing genuine concern. - how do you feel ? I learned what happened and came as soon as I could. Ethan nodded. - How's it going. It was a… complicated night. Ethan felt a wave

Rachel let out a sigh.

- Look, Ethan, I know things have been complicated right now. But I'm always here for you, no matter what happens.

Ethan felt a wave of gratitude towards Rachel for her sincerity, despite the cracks in his life. As Rachel prepared to leave, the familiar faces of her colleagues entered the room. Donovan, the detective in charge of investigating his sister's accident, and other members of the team stood in the doorway.

- Ethan, we learned what happened. How do you feel ? Donovan asked, his tone serious but laced with a certain sympathy.

Ethan felt the looks of his colleagues, the multiple emotions dancing in their eyes. He realized that his reputation, his choices and his actions were under the microscope, even beyond the investigations

- I'm fine, thank you, he replied soberly.

- If you need anything, don't hesitate to tell us, said one of his colleagues with a comforting smile.

Once they had all taken their leave, Ethan alone with his thoughts. The faces of his mother, Rachel and his colleagues blended together in his mind. He was surrounded by people who cared about him, despite the mistakes he had made. Yet the mystery of the maestro persisted, a dark cloud that threatened to overwhelm him at every moment.

As he gazed up at the ceiling of the hospital, Ethan couldn't help but wonder if Maestro's challenge was real or if it was a disastrous consequence of alcohol. The answers seemed to float out of reach, as did the fragments of his shaken memory.

Ethan lost himself in thought, letting memories and emotions mingle in a whirlwind of confusion. His mind was like a delicate spider's web, capturing every thought, every fragment of reality. Then a thought arose, a thought that had been carefully pushed out of his consciousness, a thought that he had avoided confronting.

He remembered the maestro's letter, the warnings and challenges issued. It all seemed almost unreal, a plot worthy of a detective novel. But, at the same time, he knew that something dark and sinister lurked in the shadows.

Pushed by an impulse he turned to the nurse who was passing in the corridor. - excuse me can you tell me if my sister has returned from her trip. He seemed to be speaking under the influence of sedatives.

The nurse stared at him, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, - your sister? I'm sorry, but I don't know. Incomprehension veiled Ethan's gaze.

My sister... she's always traveling, isn't she? he asks quietly, anxiety evident in his voice.

The nurse slowly shook her head. – I am not aware of such information. Maybe you should tell your family or someone close to you.

The nurse's words ring in Ethan's mind like an icy echo. He remembered the times when he avoided asking questions, when he ignored warning signs, preferring to stay in his own world of denial. The veil of illusion began to tear, revealing a reality he had carefully avoided. His heart pounded harder in his chest as he felt the weight of the truth bearing down on him. His sister was not traveling, the maestro's threats were not illusions. It was all real

Realization washed over him, mixing regret, guilt and fear into a whirlwind of emotions. The maestro's letter, the clue he had to find, it all suddenly took on meaning. He had ignored the warnings, had dismissed the fact that his family might be in danger.

As the nurse walked away to attend to her duties, Ethan was left alone with his tormented thoughts. The white walls of the hospital seemed to close in on him, silent witnesses to the reality that he could no longer ignore. The maestro was no longer just an enigma, but a dark, personal threat that had taken root in his own life.

This realization hit him like a punch to the stomach. Everything he had avoided confronting, everything he had dismissed as a figment of his imagination, now took on a painful and unrelenting meaning. He realized that to end this dangerous game, he will have to dive into the depths of the unknown, face his fears and mistakes.

All his thoughts were pushing him to leave this hospital. He was determined to put distance between himself and this hospital, even if his weak body protested his choice. With a determination he didn't know he had, he slipped out of bed, ignoring the pain coursing through his body. He was barely on his feet when two nurses entered the room, their expressions laced with surprise and concern. "Sir, you shouldn't get up!" you need rest

Ethan looked away from the nurses, his thoughts all focused outside the room. He needed space, freedom, even if it meant fighting against his own weakened body. However, these efforts were short-lived. The nurses, with their voices full of authority, quickly caught up with him. – Sir, you are putting your health in danger by getting up. You must remain lying down.

The nurses carefully guided him to his bed, insisting that he lie down again. Ethan felt constrained, rage boiling inside him as he collapsed onto the mattress. The nurses looked at each other visibly relieved that their patient was finally obeying.

Meanwhile, news of his attempt to leave had reached his family. His mother, who was near the hospital, was called urgently. She appeared in the room, her face a mix of worry and relief. – Ethan, what were you doing? why did you try to leave?

Ethan felt like a child caught at fault, his impulsive actions now exposed under the worried gazes of his mother and the nurses. He looked down, feeling shame washing over him as he tried to find words to explain his decision. Meanwhile, Donovan enters the room, looking surprised and concerned.

- Ethan, what's wrong with you?

Ethan met Donovan's gaze, his expression reflecting the concern everyone felt towards him. He realized that his actions had had a much greater impact than he thought. His mother sat on the edge of the bed, placing her soft hand on his. – Ethan, we are all here because we are worried about you. You can't just get up and leave without permission from the nurses.

Ethan closed his eyes for a moment, feeling tiredness overwhelm him. He couldn't continue to deny what was obvious, to ignore the warnings that came his way. The maestro left him no choice. The shadows of his past and current threats overlapped. His mother's gaze, full of love and concern, comforted him and supported him in his thinking. It was time for him to face reality, the Maestro had issued his challenge, and it was time for him to accept it whatever the consequences.

Donovan and the nurses had left the room, their presence having left a sense of urgency and tension behind them.

Ethan looked at his mother, his voice thick with emotion. – Mom, how is my sister? can you give me some news?

His mother's face darkened slightly, a glimmer of sadness passing through her eyes. – Ethan… your sister is in a coma, the doctor says she should wake up shortly, we hope she gets better. The emotion she instilled in her words was palpable and Ethan felt a tightness in his chest, relieved but saddened at the same time. He stared at his mother, eyes desperately searching for answers.

His mother's words rang like a clap of thunder in Ethan's mind. Shock and pain rushed through him, a wave of emotions he had ignored until now. The memories began to flow in, piece by piece, like pieces of a puzzle he had refused to put together.

The lights of the night. The glasses piling up. The intoxication that blurs meaning. The car in motion. And then… black.

Ethan clenched his fists, reality forcing its way through the mists of his mind. He remembered now, remembered the events that preceded the accident. He had drunk much more than reason, had taken the wheel of his car, perhaps to forget, to evacuate the anger that he had in him, the guilt for having left what had happened to his sister.

Ethan felt tears streaming down his cheeks, his heart heavy with remorse and sorrow. He knew he couldn't run away, that he had to put an end to all of this. His mother will be held in his arms, and Ethan will feel surrounded by love and support. In that painful moment, he knew he could find the strength to overcome the obstacles that stood before him. It was the start of a difficult path, but he was not alone.

He left the hospital, the weight of the morning's events still very present on his shoulders. Night had fallen and the city lights created an almost unreal atmosphere. He felt exhausted, but also determined to act.

Rachel was waiting for him outside, her face a mix of worry and relief as she saw him come out. She approached him, her eyes fixed on his face.

- How are you feeling, Ethan? she asked in a soft voice.

- Better now that I'm out, the hospital is not my favorite place. He gave a slight smile

Rachel smiled – I hear you. I'm relieved to see you out and in better shape. We're going to go home, okay?

He nodded, feeling tired as they walked towards the car. He settled into the passenger seat, letting out a sigh of relief as he leaned back.

Rachel got behind the wheel and started the car. The street was quiet at this late hour, and the silence was almost soothing. Ethan looked out the window, lost in thought.

- I don't know how to thank you, he said suddenly

She turned her head slightly towards him, a slight smile on her lips. – no need to do this. It's okay to be there for a friend, especially during difficult times.

- You're much more than a friend you know, said Ethan with a little smile on his lips.

- Rachel gave him a warm look, I'm here for you, no matter what role I play in your life.

They continued to ride in silence, each moment spent between them strengthening their already strong bond. Arriving in front of Ethan's house, Rachel parked and turned off the engine. They sat there for a moment, observing the tranquility of the moment.

- Thanks for bringing me back, Rachel.

She smiled softly at him. – Remember that you are not alone. If you need to talk or help, I'm here. Ethan nodded, feeling a mix of emotion towards Rachel. She was the constant in his tumultuous life at the moment, a comforting and motivating presence.

- Take care, Ethan. Above all, rest well

He gave her a sincere smile. – you too Rachel takes care of you

They exchanged one last look, then Rachel got out of the car to join him. They gave each other a brief hug, a silent way of supporting each other. Then, Ethan headed towards his front door.

They stood behind each other and when Rachel wanted to open the car door, Ethan felt the need to tell her everything. He turned around abruptly with a calm heart.

- Rachel is waiting! Ethan exclaimed.

- What is it Ethan, the expression on his face showed like fear

- I need to talk to you, can you come in?

Rachel accepted with slight hesitation

Ethan was now in the living room of his house, the dim lights creating a calming atmosphere. Rachel sat across from him, intently, her face awash with curiosity. He had waited for this moment to tell her about the letter and everything that had happened in the past few days.

- Rachel, there's something I need to tell you, he started, his tone serious.

- She tilted her head slightly, fixing her eyes on him. What's going on, Ethan?

He took a deep breath, searching for the right words to explain what was happening to him. – I received a letter, a letter, a threat and it was the same person who hurt Lily

- And who is this Letter from? picked up Rachel

- The MAESTRO replied

There was a moment of silence, suddenly Rachel let out a giggle followed by a sigh, her serious face turned towards Ethan.

- What did you drink Ethan, did you do drugs. Knowing he's never done it before

- No Rachel, it's true!

Rachel knew that the state her sister was in was difficult for her to accept, which had caused this accident. However, she gave him the benefit of the doubt, because lying was not Ethan's strong point and especially on a matter as serious as his sister.

- Are you sure of what you're saying? Do you have at least some proof?

Ethan, with a panicked look, ran towards his office, where there was an unspeakable mess. He found the two letters and gave the first to Rachel. - that's it. Read it

Rachel took the letter cautiously, her gaze wandering quickly over the written words. As she read, her expression changed, going from doubt to incomprehension and from incomprehension to surprise.

- What is that ? a joke in bad taste?

- No Rachel. He replied with a nervous laugh. Its a threat.

- The MAESTRO? Who is it, exactly? why you,

Ethan sighed, his nervous laughter still present. – he… he brags about having invented the perfect crime and he asks me to solve it

- Why didn't you inform me

- I thought it came from you, that's why I arranged to meet you at the café

Rachel looked incredulous. - It's incredible. But why you? why send you this letter?

Ethan looked down, a mixture of frustration and determination in his eyes.

- I don't know. Maybe it's someone from the past who wishes me harm. But whatever it is, I can't ignore this.

Rachel gave him a resolute smile. – Then you will not be alone in this quest. I'm here for you

- Thank you Rachel, it means a lot to me. Ethan told him

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