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50% Rising from Ashes: A Phoenix's Dying Will DxD / Chapter 8: Unexpected Encounter

Chapter 8: Unexpected Encounter

Omni Pov

Dressed in a flowing navy blue gown that exuded elegance and poise, a young Sona Sitri traversed the intricate corridors of the Phoenix Mansion. The gown's rich hue complemented her demeanor, resonating with her composed and regal presence. The soft rustle of the fabric echoed faintly in the air as she walked, the gown's intricate design a testament to her family's attention to detail.

The mansion's corridors sprawled before her, adorned with opulent tapestries and the flicker of candlelight. The gentle glow illuminated her path, casting intricate patterns on the polished marble floors. As she moved with grace, her every step seemed to reflect the sophistication that came naturally to her.

Amid the soft echoes of her footsteps, an unexpected sound danced on the edge of her awareness. Her keen senses caught the faintest whisper, a murmur of voices that stirred her curiosity. Pausing in her journey, Sona's deep brown eyes glinted with intrigue. Her poised demeanor shifted subtly, a testament to her curiosity getting the better of her.

Sona's hand, adorned with delicate jewelry, reached out to trace the elaborate carvings on the wall as if seeking an anchor amidst the intrigue. Her attention honed in on the source of the sound, her thoughts intertwining with the whispers. The corridor, once a passageway of grandeur, now held secrets that beckoned to her.

The more she listen the more she realice that this weren`t sounds of whispers , instead they were sounds of someone taking a shower.

She follow the sound and arrive at a room.

She open the door and was baffled of what she encounter , she in no way was prepared to what she was about to see.

As she entered the training room, the air seemed to change subtly, acknowledging the potential that walked within its confines. The room itself was a mix of functionality and elegance, equipped with state-of-the-art training equipment and enchantments that catered to her development as a young devil.

She was inspecting the training room that was filled with the scent of blood and sweat.

She look at the training room that was white but had a lot of scratches and there were some broken parts as well that were being repaired due to the enchantments.

Suddenly a door was opened and a young boy came in.

The boy was dress in black as if he wants to imitate with his outfit the night itself, he has red hair , not like rias and the gremory family that appear to be a kind of red that is similar to the blood , no, he has the hair similar to a concentrate fire , a flame that has at the point of extintion , the last flame before the whole fire subdue, but due to this the intensity of the fire is very potent.

He also has bandages in his hands and cures in his face that were like scars , she estimate this is the room he trains and she sees that he trains with passion.

'Perhaps to prove something or most likely due to something'Thought Sona as she continue to inspect him.

And she come to the most important thing of him.

His Eyes.

They were like the hours where the sun was the most potent thing , the heat and intensity that those rays represent were magnificent to her.

But with all the good comes the bad.

Those eyes also scared her a little as they were truly like the dark aspect of the sun , being in the sky looking at everybody while having that much of indiference toward anyone.

'Truly ... Lord Phoenix words were correct' Thought Sona and she couldn`t help it, but she was lost on those eyes.

"Can i help you with something ?" Ask with a tired/bored and indiferent tone.

" I am heir of the Sitri family , Sona Sitri"

"Oh ... my bad , hello Heir Sitri , i am the Twin of Raiser , Regis Phoenix" Said a voice that although it didn`t had any interest he was still formal.

"So, heir Sitri what are you doing here?"

"Please, call me Sona"

"Mhm , So Sona , i will ask again , what are you doing here?"

"If i may recall the party is down stairs , and in case you hadn`t notice , this is a private training room that belongs to the Phoenix clan , in which case , you as the heir of the Sitri family wouldn`t be looking for trouble right?" And as soon as he finish the sentence he look at Sona with his dead eyes.

Sona would be lying if she said she hasn`t felt any fear, but she quickly tried to regain his composture.

"No , an aquintance of mine had a situation at the party and left me alone so i endure till Lord Phoenix come and told me that someone interesting was in the castle and that i should meet him.." Sona replied without blinking.

'*tch* So this is your plan old man , well play* 'Thought Regis.

"If i am correctly this 'Aquintance' of yours is your friend Rias Gremory , heir to the Gremory house and she should have lost her composture as the notice of her engagement with my twin brother.

You should lie better, it`s actually kind of adorable that you even try" Said Regis as he was turning his back to go for a walk , leaving a petrified girl in the training room.

"Huh? Wait!!!" Said Sona as she ran towards Regis.

As he was walking towards other stairs that led to the garden.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing , just to establish a conversation"

"So basically you are bored and you need someone to entretain you"

"Well..., you don`t have to put him like that"

" Can i ask you something?"

"Mhm?" hummed Regis.

"Why didn`t you come at the party of your brother?" Ask Sona curiously.

"Why are you asking me that?"

" I was ... just curious"

"Why would i go to the party? It could bring harm to my family and it could get a target on my back"

"Why is that?"

"I have a condition ..."

"Let´s leave it at that"


The silence reign as Regis seems to be lost while looking at the garden that many times served him as a therapeutic method to relieve stress.

"The medic also suspect that there is something wrong with my soul so i don`t know whether i can have devil pieces or not"

Sona didn`t know what to say or feel at this moment.

She can`t imagine the amount of suffering that Regis must have felt because of this condition.

She has her family and she notice he has his family on his back too.

But she couldn`t help but feel sorry for him.

She is sad too.

Not because of this , but because she thinks about what she will have to face in the future , as a heir her responsabilities lay in her family.

She knows that she will be in the same situation as Rias , so she is still thinking about how to create a way out or pospone the situation.

But she is not as irresponsable as Rias so she will accept what will come.

After all she is the heir of the Noble devil family The sitri family.

"You know..."


"This is a nice silence"

"Yes" Answer sona while pushing a little her glasses.

She look adorable.

But he was not interested in little girls.


"Let´s go back to the hall , the party must have ended by now"

"Yes, it seems that is correct" Said Sona as she look at the light that were little by little going dimishing.

Regis and Sona go to the hall were they were surprise to find that it was empty.

They were looking at the nice ballroom when a voice sounded behind them that scared the hell out of Sona but not Regis.

"SOOOOOO WHEREEE WEREEE YOUUU!!!" Exclaimed Lord Phoenix.

"HAAAAAA" Exclaimed a very scared Sona as she jumped from her place.

Regis just glanced plainly at his father.

"Father "


"You should Smile more Regis" Said Lord Phoenix a little concerned about his son  cold facial expression.

"I will smile when there would be something to smile for"


"Hush darling, don´t force little Regis to do something he doesn´t want to do" Said an unknown voice that it was revealed to be Lady Phoenix accompanied by Lord and Lady Sitri and Raiser.


"Lord and Lady Phoenix"


"Greetings heir phoenix " Said Lord Sitri

"We have heard about your condition and we want to express our most sincere condolence"

Regis took a look at Lord and lady sitri and said

"It´s fine , though i am glad that my family can accompany in my time of grivances"

"Yeah , the family is very important"

As they both speak they look into each other eyes.

For Lord Sitri he look at a young heir who because of a "special" condition couldn´t even be a proper heir.

'A pity really'

For Regis though...

'He is my father ally and friend adding to the fact that Seraphall is not present here , indicates that he doesn´t want for his daughter to know due to the connection with Sirzchez.'

'My father must also have talked to Lord and Lady Gremory as both of them are their friends.'

'So my father even protect me from Sirzchez knowing and now due to Raiser engagement things will be Spicy for him and the current Maou'

Regis smirk a little under the attonish gaze of his family as it were rare the times he smile.

'What a carrerist'

'But this is exactly one of the things i like about him' 


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