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56.8% Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode / Chapter 113: Hero Saving Princess Holy Fire Edition

Chapter 113: Hero Saving Princess Holy Fire Edition

Entry 99:

Linus Ozias POV:

Do you guys want to know something rather boring about me? I was actually a fan of vampires before the whole fad created from Twilight and the originals.

But I was primarily focused on vampires like Dracula and Alucard, and even though they were the same person, technically, each represented a different extreme, with one being extremely deep character-wise and the other one being blatantly OP.

I mainly refer to the Castlevania version of Dracula, specifically the one I watched on Netflix.

How such a being could fall in love was an interesting topic, and his whole philosophy after her loss, while interesting and compelling, would be torn apart in an instant with enough valid arguments.

But the scene where Dracula yells, "There are no Innocents! Not anymore!" He then goes on a tirade about how any of those people in that crowd, as his wife was burned at the stake, could have stopped it.

Even though it would have led to them being burned at the stake as well, it's more the principle he was focusing on.

It was a standard story of church corruption and misunderstood monsters, which can and will happen without enough supervision and separation between church and state.

Alucard, on the other hand, shows the pure power a primordial vampire could have as one that can be controlled and monstrous in equal measure.

But as I look at the vampires in this universe, I am also disappointed. They do have depth shadow powers and the ability to gain strength from drinking blood. They are mostly corralled into Romania and in a bloody civil war.

And even though they're not able to go out in the Sun directly for long periods, they can give birth to vampires that wield all the benefits and none of the drawbacks, and you know what they do?

They ostracized them like Jinchuriki from Naruto. That's like being able to build the nukes and hating the nukes. 

But flaws and logic come later as I and a team of my Iscariot order float over the Tepes Castle, and using my magic sense, I can map out the entire building's secret rooms concretely, thank you information dimension.

I can also sense Valerie, and more specifically for sacred gear, it calls to me, and luckily, it's still in one piece because the only one she does not have is the one her brother is holding.

To explain, Valerie has the Longinus Sephiroth Grail, which can be used in various ways, but hers is unique as she has developed a subspecies balance breaker that separates her Grail into three distinct cups.

Using them, she can do amazing things like rid others of innate racial weaknesses, create life forms, revive the dead, and so many other things, but the cost is that it harms her soul because she has not become adept at using it yet.

But it matters not as her suffering will come to an end, and once I rid her of her sacred gear and make her forget she ever had one, I will give her to the Gremory family as a peace offering as she has family there in the form of Gasper Vladi.

I can already hear my fellow reincarnators screaming at me for not taking her myself, but knowing her, she would not want to fight, and her recovery would take time. From what I heard, Rias is actively training her peerage and Sona to prepare for the rating games.

It's good to see that this world can evolve past its given script, as it takes only small pushes to get others to move past stagnancy. I've even been invited by myself to come to the Gremory house to help them train.

For now, though, it's time to do some spring cleaning as I gesture to my Iscariots to move out and deal with any rebellious vampires. All the women and children will be spared, along with anyone who surrenders.

It's funny; I can almost hear the theme that played when Anakin attacked the Jedi Temple, but luckily, I am not here to kill children. As I locate Valerie and her brother, I rip apart the wards, which sets off the alarms, but it doesn't matter. We will already be gone before anyone notices.

Marius Tepes is mine.

Valerie Tepes POV:

"It seems we have uninvited guests in our castle tonight, so I will have to leave you now half-breed." My brother says before exiting.

Silence is all that is left to comfort me.

It's funny most would find being blessed with a Longinus as a thing to be praised for, but for me, it is what keeps me locked in hell.

Every day, my brother tortures me as my soul is torn apart, and my mind is left in a fog for weeks on end in hopes that I may help him take the throne by creating a new race of vampires.

It's so cold.

It's so dark.

I miss Gaspi.

It's cold.

So much pain.

It's cold.

Who am I?

Who is Valerie?

What is hope?

What is light?

Can I touch the Sun?

Will I ever leave this place?

It's so cold.

But before the whispers can continue to haunt me, I hear my brother's scream of pain outside the chamber  before the wall is crushed, and out of the hole in the wall comes my brother with his limbs set alight in holy fire but not spreading further.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" His screams make me feel something I have not felt in years.

HAPPINESS floods my being seeing him in pain, and as a new figure enters the room, my soul yearns to be near him as he takes the cup my brother held and gives it back to me as he hugs me.

"Hello, young one. I see you are in pain. Shall I take it from you?" I look at him, and in my muddles state, I say, "Yes, please, bright light." He smiles as I feel the cup leaving me, and in its place, I find a crown that heals my soul, comforting me.

As the angel hugs me, he asks, "Do you wish to leave this place and find your friend?" I nod as I drift off to sleep and find my dreams not filled with endless nightmares.

I feel warm as I lay in a field of flowers with a strange tower overlooking the field of vibrant pink flowers.

"I want to rest for a while, can I?" I ask no one, but something responds by calming me and placing me in a nice, comfortable bed.

So I close my eyes, resting for the first time in years.

Linus Ozias POV:

Well, it seems that my creation is doing its job as I am not a monster to take something from her and not give something back, as within her, I have my own prototype sacred gear that innately connects her to the positive energy I create.

It's probably going to be the only one I will ever need to create for someone else, at least for now. I can see her soul beginning to mend and her mind beginning to heal, and with the sacred gear, she will essentially become the ultimate White Mage.

The gear itself is meant to act as a conduit for the positive energy I create, and using it, one can create a variety of buffs and healing spells in addition to being very effective against corruptive influences.

I shall name it Sanctity's Crown.

It just feels suitable for this girl, and as I look at her failure of a brother, I look him dead in the eye and send him to one of the imaginary numbers spaces I created where Holy Fire will torture him for eternity.

So, as I hold the young vampire princess in my hands, I find that my Iscariots have done their job and pacified all the aggressive vampires, and soon, the Carmilla faction will find this place and take over.

I can already feel a small army of female vampires on their way, and as the captured vampires look at me in fear, I place a finger over my mouth in a silencing gesture, and all of them fall asleep.

I have already sent a message to the Carmilla faction. Knowing what has happened here, they will enter an alliance with Heaven, which all will benefit from.

They will not be able to refuse.

For now, though, this young vampire princess needs rest, and as all of my Iscariots salute me, I send them off back to base, but not before setting the castle with none of its inhabitants inside ablaze.

Anyone who stands in the way of progress will be burned in the Holy Fire of my ascension.

I then teleport back to Kyoto, place the girl in one of the spare beds, and line the room with Angelic runes to aid in her recovery; I've already created holy magic that is not detrimental to corrupt beings.

So, as I pat the girl on the head and she smiles, I whisper, "You may rest now, Young Valerie. Your struggles are over, and your new life begins."

I then leave the room so that she may rest.

Mission accomplished, but there are still some loose ends to deal with. 

But as I walk with Yasaka, she almost makes me trip over as she asks, "My angel, I love you, and you know this, but what is it with you and bringing girls home with you?"

I almost choked on what I had been eating as the nine tails began to laugh, and I, along with her.

I will get her back for that in bed.

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