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Chapter 45: A Lesson Given And Knowledge Given

Entry 40:

Linus Ozias POV:

From how I usually act around children, you would think I don't like them, but it's the opposite.

It's more of a fear of how I should act around. Should I be inspirational, should I be funny, or should I be stern? I don't know.

But for now, I have a staunch focus on making sure all of these children have the opportunities to succeed, and I have done just that as, luckily, Chloe was able to renovate an orphanage a couple of weeks before my un-aliving of Heartbreaker.

And I will make sure that this place is well funded and well cared for, and the children are going to be going into mandatory therapy for the coming months.

I will also be manipulating events so that they will all get families if they desire.

Children are our future, after all, and they deserve to be cared for as such, even if I may not be the perfect paragon of virtue, even I understand this.

But for now, I look at the date on the calendar I have set up in my lab and see that it's March 5th. I have been in this world for nearly three months, but it feels like years.

It could be because I have been stressing myself out too much even though I shouldn't, as all the pieces are already in place. I just need a couple more months.

"Every second is of infinite value. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe," I think to myself as I tinker in my lab as I have been improving a mass-producible space suit for the future.

Because while I can fly through space, most humans cannot and require suits to get around in a zero-G environment.

The suit itself looks reminiscent of the engineer suits from dead space but with more advanced tech and highly developed oxygen intake methods.

I am just praying to Rob that the necromorphs do not exist because I would not want to deal with any brethren moons.

I am hoping to get a tech tree from the Warhammer 40,000 Universe because if you want a universe, very few are better than that, other than tech trees from the culture books.

But I will have to find out tonight as another week has passed so that another tech tree will be introduced, and to be honest; I'm lucky my essence in Kryptonian Biology increases my brain capacity and memory.

Most will probably be angry that my creations have relationships while I do not, but it's as simple as the fact that I know I cannot take them with me, and so they will have to live on without me.

It's why I never went after anyone here, in addition to the fact that no one here suits my tastes.

Android production will likely continue, but they will be used more as servants than replacing people.

Once humanity is uplifted and goes to space, it will mostly be up to them after I introduce some needed improvements, of course.

Eventually, I will be able to return to these worlds, but it will take a while, and there are more worlds out there for me to explore.

Marcus Connor and Chloe will be affected by my disappearance, but they already know that I will be leaving this world once my quest is completed and that I may return eventually.

So, as the line goes, it's not a goodbye. It's just a see you later.

While they may not like it, they know it is inevitable, and I have programmed them to accept the inevitable, and they will evolve without me.

Honestly, with the clock winding down, they are finding more time to spend with me, as by the end of this year, my quest will be completed.

I will create a better world for humanity.

I will create a world for all to enjoy.

And to be honest, even my own goals will be reached as I will be leaving a legacy that will be remembered.

Is that goal selfish? Yes, it is, but it is an integral part of humanity to want to be remembered for our successes.

And while my tenure in this world will be short, it has definitely been fruitful, as even now, the world is changing around me.

"Every second is a gift, a saying that has always stood with me," I think to myself.

In other news, the Nexus is nearing completion, and people can enjoy nearly any experience they want in perfectly safe virtual reality.

But I will have to limit its usage as it would be unhealthy for people to live purely in the Nexus.

I will have to set mandatory limits based on occupation and age.

In addition to the fact that the technology that comes with the Nexus will help with other facets of business.

Because if I combine the hologram technology from Star Wars technology and the tech from the Nexus, workers will be able to go to work from their homes and actually be efficient.

Also, the Nexus will create millions of jobs that can benefit anyone, even the disabled.

It will be one of my finest works and forever updated by my multiple AIs and VIs working to make the experience even better.

Even though people are already worshiping me on some forums I have read through, which is mildly concerning, it's all to my benefit as people will be more willing to believe the things I say and introduce.

And to be honest, if any Star Wars nerds knew that they were flying on technology created in that very universe, they would have an orgasm.

Even now, I sometimes just stare at my creations, marveling at the fact that I was even able to create them in the first place.

The things I create are but machinations of fiction from my world, yet here they are a part of my reality.

The theory of the Infinite Multiverse becomes ever more accurate with each tech tree I gain, and maybe the stories we read are just bleed-through ideas.

This is mildly concerning because that confirms that nearly every multiversal organization exists all at the same time.

After a couple of hours of work, I got a working prototype space suit that can be mass-produced, but the suit can always be improved upon.

Seeing that my work is mostly completed, I head back upstairs to eat dinner with each of the androids sitting at the table.

Chloe gave me an update on the children in the orphanage, and it is mostly good news as all of them are in seemingly good health.

Marcus has been going around Europe and China, eliminating key figures that lead the two overarching organizations there.

While Connor is doing his coin trick that he never seems to want to stop doing, he has been busy updating our security along with the protectorate's equipment and armaments.

After about an hour of conversation, I send them all on their way to continue their jobs with Kara cleaning the table. And while she usually prepares the food, she also acts as the guard for the house.

And trust me, she has been needed as more and more people have attempted to break into the property.

Trust me when I say it: seeing Kara breaking people's bones while smiling is a bit off-putting.

She reminds me of Miya from Sekerei, who is the smiling head of the house.

But I'm probably never going to say that to her face.

So I head upstairs to return to bed, hoping for something useful, and yet again, the clock strikes midnight.

But something is different this time. Instead of information directly flooding my mind, I find myself in a completely new place.

I stand in a large monastery with stairs leading up to a giant golden throne.

But it is not the grand architecture nor the large scale of the monastery that scares me, not even the throne but what sits upon it.

A giant decrepit skeleton covered in ornate golden armor and ropes sits upon that throne, and even without eyes, I can feel him looking through me.

It sees my fears, my hopes, my dreams, my past, and maybe even my future.

I can find that I cannot speak in its presence, and yet I feel the urge to bow, and as the force grows more and more, I reject it.

If I am to uplift humanity, I cannot bow to something decrepit and gone.

Soon enough, the feeling ceases, and I breathe heavily, nearly falling to the ground.

And as I walk closer to the throne, a new feeling encompasses the room, one of strength and pride.

Out of the silence, I hear a beautiful, harmonious voice, a symphony of angelic voices yet brims with power.

I can barely make out his words as they speak, yet they speak to me not through my ears but to my soul as if engraving something upon it.

But as the cathedral and the throne begin to fade into the darkness, I am able to make out one single phrase.

" Go forth amongst the stars with my blessing, child of Man."

I wake up gasping for breath as I find that it is now noon the next day, and I have been sleeping for over 10 hours.

But before I could even think of what I had just seen, thousands of years worth of information flooded my mind, and I realized to whom I spoke.

I see the Golden Age of humanity, the age of strife, and the current. I know why they fell. I see the creation of the men of iron and the rebellion. I see humanity's fall into zealotry and worship of the emperor of mankind.

But instead of just information, I hear yet again that chorus of angelic voices as it says one last thing: " Use this wisely and do not repeat my mistakes."

As I stand, I find that my own bearing has changed somewhat, and I vow To make humanity thrive in this sea of stars.

The presence I felt then left as if content with my promise.

I then collapse onto the bed, breathing heavily, yet I smile, knowing that the information I just received has sealed the fates of the entities.

For the Emperor.

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