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100% It CAN be that bad / Chapter 6: Chapter six

Chapter 6: Chapter six


"I need pancakes. Please tell me you still have pancakes." Peter strolled into the communal kitchen, sitting down behind the bar table, half asleep. Tony raised his eyebrows. "Good morning Tony. How was your night Tony? It was fine, I slept for once. Thank you for asking Peter!" Tony said, imitating a high-pitched voice for Peter's part.

Peter narrowed his eyes. "I don't sound like that." Stark snorted and made his way to the coffee machine. "You do."

"I don't."

"You do."

"Do not."

Before the two could continue bickering, Clint came into the communal kitchen. He let out a huge groan and hit his head against the bar table, startling Stark.

The man in question perked up from the coffee machine and frowned. "What's up with you?" The archer didn't give out a response.

"We were up for three days doing a stake-out, and Clint had a migraine during the whole thing. Wearing his hearing aids is hurting, so it's sign language, lip reading and writing for now." Natasha appeared out of nowhere, and Stark spilt some of his coffee next to the machine. He muttered something about "stupid spies can't give me a damn break" while cleaning the spilt liquid, rolling his eyes when Peter snorted at him.

Natasha looked back at her best friend and gave a light snort. "Now he's just asleep." Then to Peter, "Good Morning Peter." Peter gave a small wave and a smug smile.

Stark jumped again when he heard another voice pop out of nowhere. "Он похож на ребенка, у которого отняли конфету." Bucky Barnes said. (He looks like a child who has been robbed of candy.) Natasha snorted at Barnes and replied. "Он делает." (He does.)

"You know that I can understand you, right?" Stark deadpanned, pointedly not looking at the newly joined person.

"Я в курсе." (I'm aware.) Barnes turned to Tony. The genius seemed like he wanted to remark something snarky but refrained from doing so. So he went for a safer option instead. "Is it one of those days?" Bucky shook his head. Nat replied for him. "We just converse in Russian."

Peter nodded absently at the newfound information, filed it away, and turned to his mentor. He noticed how tense he looked. Peter frowned. He knew that something happened between those two and Captain America, but he never knew the full story. Peter sighed. He'd figure that out later. Now he needed his pancakes. "Mr Stark?" He spoke, and the three adults turned their attention to him. Peter blushed a little at the unexpected eyes prying him.

Peter noticed that now Bucky's eyes weren't on Tony anymore, however, the man visibly relaxed a little. It seemed like he wasn't the only one that noticed. Natasha gave the both of them an assessing look. Bucky saw it too, and his stance tensed after the small realisation. Peter felt a little bad. Only a little.

"Are there pancakes?" Stark sighed, clearly happy with the topic change. "Yes, there are still pancakes from yesterday. I'll set up a plate for you. Barnes, Romanoff, pancakes?" Bucky gave a slight doubtful nod and sat behind the counter with calculated steps. Natasha spoke up. "Sure. Can you make a plate for Clint too? He has to wake up." Stark nodded affirm and got to work, making Clint's plate first so the spy could wake up.

Natasha made a bee-line to the tea kettle and started brewing a strong scenting tea. She noticed Peter's gagging and Barnes' slightly horrified look at the scent and spoke up. "If the scent of pancakes won't wake him up, I'll use this tea. I learned after trying to touch him." Stark visibly snorted at that, while Bucky and Peter looked in confusion. Well, Peter did. Barnes managed to hide it fairly well. Natasha sighed and turned to the engineer, raising her eyebrow in a warning manner. The genius didn't notice and spoke either way. "Barton fell asleep on the couch during movie night. When we were done, Mrs Gingerhead over here tried to wake him up. She touched his shoulder, and Blondie had her on the ground in a few seconds. It was hilarious."

Peter laughed and tried to cover it up in a poorly made-up cough. Natasha turned to him, one eyebrow raised. Peter shut up immediately.

Tony set a plate full of pancakes in front of the sleeping archer for him to wake up to. Then he got to work on Peter's scale. "How many plates Underoos?" Bucky's eyes squinted. It looked like he was about to say something, but Peter unknowingly interrupted him. "Five are good." Tony nodded.

Bucky turned his attention to the redhead instead. "Наталья?" (Natalia?) The spy perked up at her name and Bucky took that as his cue to continue. "Это все еще происходит сегодня?" (Is it still happening today?). "I think so. Stark?" Natasha replied. She looked at the older man. He sat Peter's plate down and handed one to the spy. He then grabbed another plate and handed it to Bucky. His plate also had grapes.

Both nodded in thanks and Tony replied. "I think so. Almost everyone said yes, so I don't see a reason to cancel." Natasha and Bucky nodded, the former seeming to realise that Clint wasn't waking up soon. She took a last bite from her first pancake, grabbed the disgusting tea, and put it down in front of Clint. She then went back to her seat and started on her second pancake.

Peter frowned in confusion. "What's going on?" Stark blinked at him, but it was Natasha who spoke. "We're doing some team bonding later on. We haven't been in one room together since everyone got pardoned. Barnes has been going from and to Wakanda, Clint and I have missions and Sam and Steve are doing whatever. Wanda and Vision aren't coming though. They're somewhere in Scotland and said they wanted some time alone. That, and everyone wants to meet Spider-Man. Stark asked him to come."

"I did?" Tony replied, sitting down next to Peter. "Yeah, he did?" Peter echoed, his frown slightly deepening. He seemed to be frowning a lot today, and he just woke up.

Natasha gave the genius a dangerous look. "Yes, he did. And if Tony didn't, which would be weird since he promised to do so, he'd make sure that Spider-Man was coming. Right, Tony?" The woman gave Tony a predatory smile. The man gulped and nodded. Peter pitied him.

"What the fuck is going on?" All eyes turned to the just woken-up archer. Stark was startled and dropped the pancake he was about to stuff into his mouth onto the floor and yelped. "Figlio di puttana! I wanted to eat that!" The brunette bent down to clean the mess up.

Barton frowned and turned to his best friend. "What did he say? I couldn't catch that."

Natasha gave the man quick and precise signs to explain the situation, which caused him to snort. The engineer frowned and signed to Clint. I'd be careful before I take one of yours. The signs were a little sloppy, but he understood nonetheless.

Clint grabbed his plate full of pancakes and quite literally hissed out the word "mine" before angrily munching on a pancake. Peter laughed at him and received the finger from the spy which made him laugh harder. Natasha took a picture while he wasn't looking.

"Who the fuck?"

Five heads turned around to the new voice. There stood Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers looking at the scene ahead of them in confusion. Tony perked up, pointing at Sam, looking tense again. "Cap, he said a bad word." Sam looked at the two in confusion and opened his mouth to say something but got interrupted by Steve's groan. "That was two years ago. Can we please let that go?" Stark attempted a grin, but it looked more like a grimace. "Never. Pancakes?" The pair reluctantly nodded and sat down, Steve to Bucky's right and Sam to Natasha's left.

Tony took a quick bite from his pancakes before preparing two more plates. Sam spoke up. "I think that an introduction would be in order." Tony gave a confusing hum in reply and looked back at Sam. The veteran gave a nod towards Peter, who seemed to have a staring contest with a fly while eating his fourth pancake, the syrup somehow ended up on his forehead.

Tony blinked. "Right. Yeah. That's Peter." The engineer gave a tight smile. Peter perked up at the mention of his name and seemed to have broken out of his trance. He looked around in confusion and noticed the prying eyes of Wilson and Rogers. He gave a small wave to Sam before returning to his staring competition with the fly. Yeah, it was losing if you asked Peter. Sam frowned and whispered something to Steve. Barnes overheard and choked on his pancake. Clint gave a pitying look and clapped on the man's back to help him with his choking fit.

Tony grabbed the two plates and put them in front of Sam and Steve, frowning again. "What?" Steve cleared his throat, a slight blush from whatever Sam whispered to him creeping up his cheeks. "We uh, we didn't know you had a son, Stark." Natasha snorted, causing the three war veterans to stare at her in confusion. Natasha's lip perked up slightly. "What?" Then, to Barnes - but in English, so all of them could understand, "Was that one of your theories?" Bucky grunted in response and crossed his arms. "It's not a bad one, since I'm not the only one that seemed to have the same idea. Though it makes me feel stupid given the fact that one of the other two people is Sam." Bucky's face made a nasty look mentioning his name, and he made a show of trying to fake gagging. Sam gave an offended "Hey!" which was answered with a sarcastic smile. Sam narrowed his eyes at Bucky and flashed him the middle finger. Steve looked at the both of them and sighed in disappointment.

Clint finished his plate and put it in the sink, stretching his arms. "I'm going to my room, I'll see you when we're starting the training." He left the communal kitchen followed by a chorus of "See you later".

When Clint left the kitchen they fell into a semi-comfortable silence. Peter finished his pancakes as well as his staring contest with the fly. He grabbed a glass from the table and the fresh orange juice next to it, pouring the liquid in. He slowly drank, planning in his head. Tony put a plate with stacks of pancakes on the counter in case anyone wanted seconds.

He noticed Steve's glances that sometimes got cast his way. It made Peter a little uncomfortable. Sam grabbed a pancake from the stack. "So, Peter." Peter turned his head to Sam. The man took that as his cue to continue, "I was wondering how you and Tony met?"

Peter blinked a few times, processing the question. He turned his head to Tony and waited for his go-ahead. A small nudge to the shoulder was good enough. "Pretty simple. Mr Stark one day just showed up in my living room, trying to pull my aunt - which he failed, by the way. Anyway, he kidnapped me as his intern." Sam nodded thoughtfully before questioning Peter again. "Did you sleep here last night?" Peter answered. "Yeah. I have my room here. Sometimes I stay over because my aunt is away, so I'm stuck with him until I die, which sucks."

After seeing Tony's pointed stare, Sam laughed and tried to play it off as a cough. That made Peter laugh too. Stark elected to ignore Sam's snickers. He picked up an unpeeled banana from the table and tried to throw it to the side of Peter's head, but barely missed.

Peter turned his head around immediately and shot his mentor a betrayed look. "Mr Stark!" The engineer gave him a shit-eating grin before returning to his plate. Peter narrowed his eyes at the older man and slowly but surely reached out for a napkin off the bar table. He crumpled the napkin, turning it into a misformed ball. Having his ammo ready, he prepared to throw his deadly napkin at the genius when Captain Righteousness interrupted him.

"So, Stark. I'm assuming Spider-Man is coming today?" Peter froze. He suddenly didn't want to be here anymore. Tony gave the older man a response, but Peter didn't register what he said. He entirely focused on trying to remain unnoticed. Peter slowly dropped the napkin he still had in his hand on the bar table and tried to stay as still as possible, hoping that he would somehow become invisible.

And it worked, for a while. Peter was sitting completely still until he felt the vibration of his phone in his pocket. Peter blinked and looked around first, hoping that no one noticed it. Once Peter confirmed he was in the clear, he slowly reached for his pocket and grabbed his phone, looking at the notification.

It was from Sam. Peter smiled and opened the notification.


Samwhich: Hi!

Peter smiled at his phone and typed his reply out.

You: hey! hru?

Three dots appeared on the screen, indicating that Sam was typing. Peter decided to risk a look around the room while waiting for Sam to answer. Luckily, none of them paid attention to him yet. He was still safe. Peter returned his attention to his screen. The three dots on his screen were still being displayed. Sam was either a slow typer, multitasking, or had much to say. Peter inwardly snorted at the thought of an intern of Stark Industries being a slow typer.

The three dots disappeared and got replaced by a message.

Samwhich: I'm doing good. Sorry for the weird question, but I was wondering if you are at the Tower?

Peter raised an eyebrow. Why would they want to know that?

You: yeah im at the Tower

You: but not for long

You: i js had to turn someone in

Sam couldn't know he lived there of course.

You: y?

The three dots on the screen appeared again. Peter silently hoped that Sam would be the key to Peter's escape.

Samwhich: Thank god. Can you please do me a favour?

Samwhich: I think that I left my sister's phone charger at the receptionist's desk. Can you check it out for me? Please? I prefer not to face her being angry😭

Peter inwardly sighed in triumph. He had a chance to escape!

You: sure ill check it out. what color is it?

While waiting for Sam's reply, Peter thought of a way to escape the bar table.

Samwhich: Uh

Samwhich: It was white if I remember it right

Samwhich: And the adapter has a sticker of a flower

Peter looked back at the screen.

You: alr ill check it out!

Peter grinned at his phone. Now he could finally escape this awkward conversation.

"Who are you grinning at, Underoos?"

Peter perked up from his phone at the nickname. Everyone was staring at him, all having various emotions on their faces. Or none (Note: Natasha and Bucky). Peter could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks.

He turned to Mr Stark. The genius was leaning his head on his left hand and was grinning at Peter. Peter started sputtering when he came to a realisation. "It's, it's not like that!" Mr Stark raised an eyebrow in innocence, but the smirk plastered on his face made it anything but. "It isn't like what, kid?"

Peter narrowed his eyes, the colour in his cheeks deepening. "I know what you're doing, and it won't work." Peter took this as his chance to escape. "I'm gonna leave now. Bye." He got off the bar stool and walked backwards away from them, pointedly ignoring the teasing and confusing stares of the adults in the room, until he got into the - thank God for F.R.I.D.A.Y - lift. While the lift doors were closing, Peter eyed Mr Stark one more time, narrowed his eyes even further and said "No one." while crossing his arms. The lift doors closed and Peter sighed in relief. Now he just needs to find that charger.


Peter sat at his desk making homework while listening to music when F.R.I.D.A.Y chirped up. "Boss is requesting to enter. He wishes to speak with you." Peter removed his earphones. "Sure! Let him in. Thanks, F.R.Y."

The door of Peter's room opened and Mr Stark came into his room.

He walked to Peter's desk and leaned on the surface, absently tapping the wood with his finger pads in a familiar rhythm. The engineer then turned his focus to the teenager and grinned at him, raising a teasing eyebrow. Peter wished that he just ignored F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"So, kiddo. I didn't know you had a girlfriend." Peter ran a hand over his face and whined. "Mr Stark, just because I was grinning at my phone didn't mean I was talking to my girlfriend!"

Mr Stark's eyebrow raised higher, his fingers changing rhythm. "So you do have a girlfriend," Peter whined and started twirling with the pencil he still had in his hand, a pout on his lip showing up. "Mr Stark!"

The engineer's lips perked up slightly. The tapping stopped, and he put his right hand on his thigh, the left one drumming against his knee. "I'm just messing with you, kiddo. Anyway, that's not why I came here. I need to know if you're up for the whole team bonding thing." Mr Stark's right hand shot up and made a vague gesture.

Peter contemplated the idea. He already knew most of the Avengers, hell, he's had breakfast with them. But that was all Peter and not Spider-Man.

Spider-Man hasn't seen any of them since the fight at the airport.

The Avengers, bar the scary spies, haven't had any proper chance to talk to Spider-Man, meaning that they don't know what he's like outside of a fight.

Peter could mislead them.

And they were expecting him anyway, so.

He turned back to his mentor and nodded. "Yeah, I don't see why not." Mr Stark narrowed his eyes slightly but still agreed. "Alright." He got off the desk and placed an awkward hand on Peter's shoulder. He let it linger for a moment before he squeezed it. "Just be at floor seventy-three in an hour." With that, the genius left.

Peter turned back to his desk and sighed. He still had a lot of homework.


"Are you sure he's coming?" Steve asked, stretching his arms. Tony rolled his eyes and decided to ignore him. The captain has asked him five times in the past two minutes. He hasn't changed one bit.

"I'm sure he'll come, Steve. Just wait a little longer." Hawkeye replied. He was sitting high up on a trapeze, using it like a swing. No one had a clue how he got up there.

Natasha grabbed a juggling ball out of the archer's bag and threw it at him. Clint caught it without looking. "You didn't tell me you put your hearing aids in again." Not satisfied that the ball didn't hit the spy, she grabbed a second ball and threw it. He caught it without a struggle. Clint decided to juggle the balls to tease Natasha.

He looked down at his best friend and deadpanned, "I put my hearing aids in again." He got answered with a third juggling ball, but this time to his face.

Sam looked at the digital clock on the wall and spoke up. "I agree with Clint. It's two minutes before the time we all agreed on, it'll be fine"

As if on cue, the door of the gym opened. Six heads turned to the door, seeing Spider-Man. Tony walked up to him and draped an arm around his shoulder. "Welcome to hell." Spider-Man snorted and leaned into his mentor's touch. The older man guided him to the centre where now everyone has gathered up. Clint was still on the trapeze while juggling, but now he was observing the scene.

Spider-Man awkwardly waved. "Hi everyone. I'm glad that we're not fighting over who's the prettiest anymore."

Sam choked on the water he was drinking and mumbled out a "This kid" before aggressively getting hit on the back by Bucky, pretending to help him. Sam turned to the man and gave a deadpan look which was met by a sarcastic smile.

Steve reached his hand out to Spider-Man who instantly took it. Like Peter expected he had a firm grip. "It's nice to properly meet you, Queens."

Spider-Man laughed at the nickname. "I agree, it's nice not to be the meal being served on your giant dinner plate."

A snort appeared behind him, startling Mr Stark. The man turned around and faced Barton. "How and when the living fuck did you get there?" The archer grinned and rolled his shoulder. "Doesn't matter. Are we going to get started or what? I'm getting sore over here."

Peter fully turned around. "Maybe that's because you're getting old." The spy abruptly stopped rolling his shoulders and looked at the vigilante. "You are so gonna pay for that." Peter grinned under his mask. "We'll have to see."

Natasha clapped her hands and everyone turned to her. "Now that we're all here, let's get started alright?" The Black Widow nodded at Steve. The older man cleared his throat. "Right. Today we'll be going to spar. Getting to know each other also means getting to know your strengths and weaknesses." The captain stepped to the side, and a substantial sparring mat was revealed. "We'll be going to spar on this mat. Whoever taps out or falls off the mat loses. You're allowed to do anything, as long as it's still hand-to-hand combat, which means no super suit or wings. And don't kill each other."

Peter nodded excitedly. He got to fight the Avengers! Well, he had before. But this time they didn't have the intention of squishing him like a real spider.

Sam spoke up. "Alright, who's first?"

An awkward silence filled the air.

Sam looked around and raised both of his eyebrows. "Somebody has to go first." Spider-Man awkwardly raised his hand and spoke up, gathering the attention of the adults. "I don't mind going first."

Tony snorted. "You know you don't have to raise your hand, right? This isn't kindergarten, Underoos." The vigilante blushed under his mask, happy that the others couldn't see. "I knew that..." He slowly lowered his hand and coughed awkwardly.

Steve decided at that moment to take the initiative again. "Alright, thank you, Spider-Man, for volunteering. Who wants to spar against him?" He raised an eyebrow and looked around.

Bucky, who has been silent during the whole interaction, replied. "What about Barton?

The main in question raised his head at the mention of his name. He caught the balls that were in the air - he somehow gained two extra while they were talking - and held them in his hands. "What about me?" He narrowed his eyebrows a little.

Natasha snorted. "You need to stop juggling while we're discussing something. You can't focus at all." Clint mocked a scoff and threw the five balls in his open gym back. He then turned to his best friend. "I can perfectly focus on both juggling and listening to a conversation, and you know it. I just wasn't interested."

The ginger raised an eyebrow before slinging her arm around the man, Clint immediately learning to the touch. "Well then, oh mighty juggler, do you want to spar against the молодой паук here? She said, nodding her head to the vigilante.

The Archer opened his mouth to reply but got interrupted. "You already have a nickname for him? Nope, nuh uh. I am absolutely not approving of this." Mr Stark said. He looked between the two spider-themeds heroes in dismay.

Spider-Man wormed away from his mentor's arms and leaned closer to the spy duo, crossing his own. "Can't two spiders have a little bonding, Mr Stark?" The engineer shot his mentee a betrayed look. His mouth was comedically wide, gaping like a fish.

Spider-Man felt like teasing a little bit further but also got interrupted. "You know what? I like this kid. We're sparring right now." All heads turned back to the Archer. Barton got away from his best friend's arm. "Are we doing this or what?"

Steve cleared his throat. "Alright. The floor is yours."

Spider-Man and Barton both walked to the sparring mat and got into position. "You know, I'm not a kid, old man." The vigilante teased. The Archer scoffed. "Yeah, well. I'm not old either." He went for a punch to the face. Luckily, Spider-Man dodged it right in time.

He jumped back and got himself at a safe distance from the spy. It was a close call, the man was fast. "Wow, starting already? I thought that you liked me!" He quipped. Just stay calm, Peter. Hawkeye wouldn't seriously harm him.

Barton quickly glanced at the vigilante before charging in again. The spy was fast, but Peter was a master at evading. Thank God for the sixth sense.

Clint noticed this fairly quickly and spoke up between the blows he was trying - but not always failing - to make.

"Lesson number one. You rely on that sixth sense too much." That comment suddenly rose an idea out of Spider-Man. He smirked under his mask, amusement fueling his adrenaline.

Peter didn't wait for another blow to dodge. Instead, he jumped farther away from the Archer right away. The spy may be fast, but it would still take a few seconds before he could reach the teen.

Clint's face stayed neutral, but it had a calculating edge to it. The corner of his mouth slightly perked up. So, he noticed the amusement of Peter.

He still didn't know why he was amused though.

The vigilante raised his right hand and aimed at the older man's face. The spy's eyes widened slightly with realisation. He made a move to get away, but before he got the chance to do so Peter fired his web shooter. The silk material hit the spy directly in the face, disabling the older man of his sight.

Spider-Man charged forward and used his momentum to push the spy off balance. He fell to the ground, a small groan escaping his muffled lips. Peter's smirk only widened. "Not only my sixth sense. There's a reason why I'm a Spider-themed hero, you know. Also, don't worry. This webbing dissolves fast"

Peter watched as the silk material dissolved, an unamused face revealing. The teen walked up to the spy and reached his hand out for the older man to grab. But right when Barton was about to grab his hand, his sixth sense went off, telling him to back away.

Peter acted on instinct and slightly jumped away. His eyes widened when he realised the spy almost got to him. Clint smirked a little and quickly got up. "A small tip. Never offer your opponent a hand, especially when they haven't surrendered." He went for a punch to the face which Peter dodged. When he thought he got to safety, however, his Spidey sense abruptly rang again.

Peter felt his slips slip away. He looked down, seeing the legs of the spy kicking his own. Before the teen realised it, he was on the ground being held in a chokehold by the spy.

The vigilante tried to worm his way out, but the Archer tightened his grip whenever he did so. Peter groaned. He normally could worm his way out with his strength, but the chance that the spy would have him down in seconds was against him. He sighed and tapped on the mat. "Alright. You win."

The grip that Barton had on him instantly loosened. The vigilante sat up when the touch completely vanished and lowered his head in defeat.

"Could an old man pull something like that?" Spider-Man looked up at the sound and saw the spy looking at him, an arm outstretched and a smirk plastered on his face. Peter rolled his eyes but took the hand nonetheless.

"Nah, you just got lucky." The Archer smirked in response and gave Peter a firm pat on the shoulder. "In your dreams."


"Nat, your right hooks are mean." Clint walked into the kitchen, going straight for the freezer. He rummaged around with a pained look on his face until his face cleared up when he found what he was looking for.

His best friend raised an accusatory eyebrow at him. "Shouldn't have bruised my ribs then."

The Archer snorted at her and put the ice he obtained in a kitchen towel before holding it against his cheek. "Yeah, well, you deserved it for almost knocking me off that trapeze."

The ex-assassin rolled her eyes at him before addressing Peter. "Your fighting stance has improved since we've last trained, молодой паук."

Spider-Man was slightly startled at the sudden attention but quickly recovered. "Well, why thank you, Master Yoda." That comment earned a groan from his mentor.

Peter snickered at the older man's reaction and looked around, his eyes landing on the former Winter Soldier. The man was staring daggers into him, making the teen slightly uncomfortable.

He awkwardly cleared his throat and addressed him. "Is there something on my face, Mr Barnes?"

All heads turned to the man who was sitting in the dark corner. He looked slightly startled that Peter noticed him in the first place, but he never broke eye contact. Instead, his stare seemed to deepen. "How old are you exactly?"

Peter froze on the spot. He tried to think of an answer, without any luck. Fortunately, his mentor was quick. "Old enough to know that the PCB software can't be used on its own. Now, if you'll excuse us." Stark walked towards his mentee and put a hand on his shoulder, guiding him away from the prying eyes of a certain brunette. They made a beeline to the lift, the doors thankfully already open.

As soon as the lift doors closed Peter took his mask off and gave his mentor a confused look. "I thought we already designed the circuit layout?"

Tony squeezed the teen's shoulder. "Yeah, well, Barnes doesn't need to know."

Peter snorted. "I'm pretty sure that no one in that room knew what PCB software is."

The older man just snorted.

Augustic Augustic

Any mistakes are because I wrote this in the hospital while being high on medication.

I would like to mention that I am not a deaf person and that everything that covers the topic is something I've found in some basic research. If you're a deaf person or have any experience with the topic, please correct me accordingly if it's necessary.

I know that Peter is a huge fan of Captain America, but I feel like Tony's judgement influenced Peter's. On top of that, Peter knows something happened in Siberia, just not all of the details.

Also, I feel like Peter would act more mature when he's in the mask to give him that extra layer of protection. And to mess with Steve, Bucky and Sam, of course.

So if you were wondering why Peter was acting differently towards them, that's why.

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