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33.33% It CAN be that bad / Chapter 2: Chapter two

Chapter 2: Chapter two

Peter came back to consciousness at the vague sound of someone calling his name, but he couldn't make out the owner of the voice because of an annoying ringing in his ears.

Peter couldn't see. Why couldn't he see? Oh, he still had his eyes closed. Peter tried to open his eyes, but the light was too bright. The voice noticed and they got him something to cover his eyes. A blindfold?

No, sunglasses. They gave him sunglasses. Light cancelling sunglasses, huh. The calling continued, and he could see a bit better. He saw a man, with brown medium long hair and a forming beard. He looked awfully similar. Realisation dawned on him.

Peter frowned and spoke. "Jesus?" That earned a snort from another person in the room, and the man hanging above him gave him a blank stare.

"Ha ha. Ha ha ha. So funny." The man, Bucky Barnes, - Oh God, Peter called him Jesus -, laughed sarcastically. That seemed to fully wake him. "I am so sorry Mr. Barnes sir!" Peter tried to sit up, only to feel two hands on his shoulders pushing him down.

"Not so fast, Pete" The other man - Mr. Stark - spoke. "You've had a big blast there, just try to lie down and get back to your senses. FRI, babygirl, dim the lights to fifty percent please."

F.R.I.D.A.Y dimmed the lights, and Peter could finally fully open his eyes this time. Making use of that, he scanned his surroundings. He looked at his mentor first. The man looked tense, but he wasn't sure what exactly the cause was. Probably because Peter blew his lab up. Details, details. He made sure not to look Barnes in the eye; he was too embarrassed for that. Peter turned his attention to the rest of the room.

To say the room he was located in was a mess was an understatement. It was an absolute warzone. Papers laying everywhere, tables on the floor in a way they shouldn't, a hole in the door, broken glass, - and is that a small fire? Yeah, Peter was very confused.

Mr. Stark noticed the confusion and began speaking. "Yeah, quite a mess. You were working on something and it exploded. No one got seriously injured, since you were the only one in this lab, it's just one hell of a mess." Stark sighed. "Anyway, how are you? You received quite a hit there. FRI checked for any injuries and luckily you have nothing serious."

Oh, so that's what happened. Peter has been working on the explosive webs. Not the kind to blow a whole building up, but to cause a distraction of some sort. He recalled being so excited about them, that he forgot to ask Mr. Stark to look it over. He'll make sure to actually ask it next time.

Realising he never answered said man's question, he quickly answered. "Yeah yeah, I'm okay. Just a little bit overstimulated, but that's it." Tony gave a quick sigh of relief and wanted to speak, but Peter beat him to it. "Also Mr. Barnes, I'm sorry for calling you Jesus.

It's just the way that the light shone on you, and your hair and beard - I'm not saying that you look like Jesus, it's just that... Yeah..." Peter trailed off, noticing he was rambling. Mr Stark laughed, although it looked fake, and Bucky simply blinked at him.

"Anyway, let's get out of here, so the janitors can do their job now." Peter got up and the three of them walked out of the lab.


"Hey, FRI? Can you let Mr Stark know that I'm going on patrol?" Peter was now in his room, dinner already eaten, and suited up.

"Boss said that you need to be back at half past eleven. And, he said," F.R.I.D.A.Y played a recorded message, "'Stop calling me Mr Stark, you heathen.'" Peter laughed at that. At first, he called him Mr. Stark, simply because he didn't know the man. But said man adopted him recently, and he has been nagging Peter to stop calling him that. Peter, the little shit, never stopped calling him that purely to mess with the older man.

Peter jumped out of the window, getting ready to beat up some bad guys. And maybe, meet up with a certain guy in a fetish suit.


It was currently ten past nine, and Peter was sitting on the roof with Daredevil. At first, he found the man terrifying. But after a while, the man warmed up to him and he was a pretty nice guy. Double D, - as Peter called him - offered to help Peter with Spanish when he was complaining about how hard it was. Daredevil figured out that Peter was a kid, ("Almost eighteen!" "Still a kid.") and also offered to help Peter with patrol whenever he could. It seems to be the right decision, as Double D revealed his identity to Peter.

Really, the guy was great. Peter never regretted saying yes to his offer. Except for today.

Daredevil was laughing. Daredevil, laughing. Well, not full-on laughing, since the guy is as serious as what, but he was trying to suppress a laugh. "Okay so-" he started speaking, only to stop to try and suppress a laugh again. "You're saying that - that your class is going on a field trip."

"Yes." Peter deadpanned. "And the field trip is to Stark Industries?" He sighed. "Yup" Peter replied, popping the 'p'.

Daredevil let out a snort, and Peter gave an offended look. "Hey, it's not that funny! You have no idea how bad my luck is, Matt. The worst thing is, I'll have to demonstrate. I'm terrible at presenting, let alone demonstrating! Also, everything I've made in SI is classified! On top of that, I'm not an actual intern. No one there knows me, and I'm pretty sure that Flash will make use of that. He'd do anything to prove that my internship is fake. Of course, it's fake, but not because of the reasons he thinks it is." Peter was pouting by now.

Daredevil was silent for a second.

"Who is Flash?"

Right, Peter had been keeping that part a secret. He could lie, but Daredevil is a living lie detector. Peter still doesn't know how. But that's not the point. Now, he has to tell the truth. "He's just some guy at my school that has been nagging at me. He never really liked me, dunno why, and now he's been trying to prove that my internship is fake. It's not a big deal." Peter shrugged.

Turns out, it was to Matt. "I'm sorry, are you saying that he's been picking on you?" Matt said, looking tense. Peter put his hands up in a panicked 'calm down' gesture and started speaking. "It's just some teasing and calling names. And well, trying to prove that my 'internship,-'" Peter made quotation marks, "-is fake. Which I kind of understand, to be fair. It's a really unlikely story. But. It's nothing I can handle. He has never taken it as far as going physical or anything like that. Just leave it."

That seemed to ease Daredevil for a little bit. Peter could tell that he wanted to say something, but Matt knew when he was crossing a line.

It was silent for a little while longer when Daredevil spoke. "So, do you still need help with Spanish or are we finishing up? I still have a place I need to check out."

Augustic Augustic

I'd like to point a few things out about this timeline so you won't have to be wondering about that throughout the whole story.

-This fic takes place one year after CW, so in 2017. The Rogue Avengers had been on the run, but Tony got them pardoned.

-Most of the Avengers stay over at the Compound, but they come over to the Tower from time to time.

-Clint's and Scott's house arrest is over, but they're still mostly at their own house. Clint is only at the Tower or Compound when there is a special occasion.

-Bucky has been healed but still lives in Wakanda for supervision. He just visits regularly and still has bad days.

-Due to unknown circumstances is May not available to take care of Peter, so Tony and May are having shared custody over Peter in order for him to stay at the Tower. (We all know that it's not the only reason)

-All CW events and the events before that still happened!

I think that's it!

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