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20% Rise Of The Unremarkable Mage / Chapter 4: ADvance UNDEr the moonlight

Chapter 4: ADvance UNDEr the moonlight

Wherever there is love, there is grief. Life without it is unthinkable.


The moonlight lights up the park.

I watch on as the corpses of the undead hurl themselves at Marko.

"Ugh, they reek," Marko says slashing and dicing away at the corpses.

Marko jumps, slides, dashes, and runs through all the corpses.

Stepping on them, kicking their heads around like soccer, and using their bodies to take out other corpses. He was having a field day with them. 

"Hmph" Deadman lifts his arms as the costumed corpses begin to make their advancement. 

"Oop" Marko catapults himself off an undead shoulders. He easily dodges all the fireballs thrown at him in the sky as lands and defeats one. Gets up and proceeds to rush and slice through each and every one of them not even letting them cast a single fireball. Blitzing through the waves of enemies Marko swings his scythe to the right as it generates a powerful blast that demolishes the rest of the corpses.

I knew Marko was good but THIS good I was shocked at his movements, and reaction time, and everything was flawless. Although moments before I was doing the same seeing someone else do it an even cooler is sick. 

"Mr.Marina you are ver-"


Marko instantly appears in front of Deadman.

"So fast that it I couldn't even see it, a flash step? I have to learn that." I thought to myself.

Marko slices Deadman in half.

"Phew, good workout. Well, let's go home."

"You're not mad at me?"

"No am just wanted to clear up the misunderstanding that you heard. Well, your mother on the other hand" as he scratches his head left hand.

We begin to walk away.


A sharp bone pierces Marko in the arm.

"Father" I yelled.

"It's alright just a little wound just like a scratch" Marko reassures me as he readies for battle again.

"Ah, good reflexes I was aiming for your heart" a soft but chilly voice fills the area.

Deadman has risen as he places his torso back to the rest of his body. 

"I knew I should've diced you up."

"That wouldn't work either but no matter your dead now."

Marko swings his scythe as three blasts get sent hurling towards Deadman.



Marko wastes little time again going straight for Deadman.



A row of bones block the scythe attack.

"Alright how about"

Marko's scythe grows bigger as it can now destroy the bones that were generated.

Deadman gets hit again and goes flying a few feet as he uses bones to tank the attack. He's slow to get to his feet and pulls out a book.

"A book?" myself and Marko both question this. 

A single magic circle appears this time a big one. A corpse emerges as he carries a sword.

"This one feels different from the rest" is what I said to myself. The build, the stance its doing, it's like a real person. Marko is better-.



A gust of air goes through the area.

"It's fast, " I said to myself I missed it because I blinked.

Marko gets caught off guard by this corpse's speed.


The corpse parried all Markos' attacks.

"Undeads Experience" is a useful ability that allows me to summon a skilled warrior that has fallen on the battlefield," Deadman says to Marko as he observes closely from afar.

"I should use this moment to escape" I begin to run in the direction back home.

"Ah no you don't Mr. Valerus" Deadman extends his hand out as he creates a jail cell with the bone magic he has.

Marko turns his head back as he's holding the undead corpse back with his Scythe.


"This ain't going nowhere. "Marko thought to himself after sending Deadman flying a few feet.

Marko takes a deep breath.

{WEAPON ENHANCE: Cronos Scythe}

A surge of mana surrounds Marko as it engulfs him pushing back the undead warrior. Immense pressure fills the air as a new scythe can be seen as the smoke clears up. The scythe changes form as it now resembles a much simpler scythe but something about it feels different.

Markos' appearance changed he now dawned a black and gold slick armor, a half mask with a skeleton jaw engraving, and a hood. He truly became the Grim Reaper himself.

Was this really Marko the same happy loving father that I know? No this is someone different. A man whose sole purpose is to defeat the enemy in front of him. 

"This is the full power of a Weapon Enhance Mage?" I thought to myself as I rooting for Marko to woop this guy's ass so we can go home. 

Marko begins to move as he slowly walks toward the Sword Undead. 

He swings his Cronos Scythe as he slashes the air as if he were going to fire a blast.

Suddenly Marko is up close to the Sword Undead and slashes him and walks away.

"What did he"


Two huge blasts land on the Sword Undead turning it into ash.

"So his ability now is to delay his blasts. By doing that slashing motion in the air he generated two slashes that I delayed the movement of. Then he just used his ability to defeat the Undead."

Marko moves closer to Deadman.

"Mr.Marina am very impressed by your Weapon Enhance"


Deadman blocks it with a giant skeleton arm.

"Did you by any chance study under the Overlord of Weaponry by chance?" Deadman asks as he attempts to grab Marko. He dodges and slides to get more closer to Deadman but he keeps getting more pushed back because of the giant hand. The hand makes Marko jump but as soon as he lands.


Deadman summons another set of giant skeleton hands to Punch Marko but he blocks it and doesn't move an inch. 

Deadman attempts to smash Marko by putting its palms together. He dodges and soars in the air. Once more he slashes the air but this time multiple blasts come raining down on Deadman desamating the whole area. The giant skeleton hands emerge once more as Marko uses the delayed slashes. Running down the hands and using them as a launch to head straight for Deadman.

Deadman expects the attack to come from the front or side so he shields those up but Marko heads behind him simultaneously the giant hands get pinned down by Marko's attack.

"He figured it out but." Deadman thinks to himself as his hood gets taken off to reveal a head with a white mask on. 




I turn around and see a familiar face.

"Vincent," I said aloud.

Stay still Sir Valerus he brings out his Rapier and breaks the Bone Cell.


I break free and give Vincent a hug. "Are you alright Sir Valerus," he asked. "Yes, but Father-"

We both turn at the same time to a shocking revelation.

A sight that I couldn't believe my eyes.

Marko was stabbed in all his limbs suspended in mid-air.

"NOOOOOOOOO" I yelled out.

"Marko!" Vincent yelled.

"You sure are something, Mr.Marina. I did ask you something earlier that I didn't get an answer to. Are you a student of the Overlord of Weaponry?"


"Good grief," Deadman says as he wipes the spite off with one hand and the bones piece more into Marko.

"STOP YOU BASTARD" I screamed.

Vincent readies.


"I would try anything if I were you" Deadman sees as he rolls his head back and rolls back into place in the other direction. As hordes of undead, costumed corpses, and skeletons emerge to block us from going further. 

"Pity I was going to connect to you and have a small conversation about how we're both students of an Overlord. Would you like to take a guess?" Deadman taunts him as he walks closer.


Marko kicks Deadman in the face.

"Wow, you almost shattered my mask there" as Deadman has a crack in his mask.

"Well, this is the end."


Without hesitation, I by accident do a flash step blitzing right over Deadman and Marko.


As I swing my scythe down. Deadman easily catches it.

"Hmm, maybe a little injury wouldn't hurt. "He," said to take you alive so this wouldn't hurt"


I closed my eyes. What just happened did I get stabbed? I reopen them to find Marko getting stabbed in the chest.

Deadman looks on. As he releases the ability. 

Marko drops to his knees and I hold him in my arms.

I feel gasps for air and slowed breathing.

"Are you hurt?"

I was too shocked to speak but I had to muster something up.


"Good. I don't that much time left. Am glad that you got to see me fight."

Marko goes to a lying position as I hunch over him on my knees tryna to stop him from bleeding out. 

"D--Dont say that you'll be fine" I attempt to heal him.

"Stop Valerus."

I look at his body all the wounds he suffered especially the one from earlier all took a toll. 

"Listen to me. T-tell your mom am sorry and I love her. Vincent, you have always been a good friend to me and we had grand adventures together. Tell Elise and Eriko my best wishes. Cough Cough. And to you my son my pride and joy dont let anyone bring you down. You must stay strong. I know you can do it Valerus. Dont let anyone bring you down. Always believe in yourself It's a shame we won't fight side by side with each other but I'll be watching I always will. COUGH. He puts a fist to my chest with a smile on his face. 

Goodbye, my son.

The smile fades. 

His hand drops. Markos goes silent. As he stops breathing. The light reflected in his eyes by the moonlight fades. 

I let out one of the most pain-felt screams I have ever let out as tears obscured my vision.

Marko Marina.

My Father.

Has Died. 

Ilovepsicyahi Ilovepsicyahi

Peep that title;)

Sometimes I'll add little quotes pertaining to the chapter or chapters to come.

Got any questions? Need some clarifications? Comment and let me know. Any feedback will be appreciated. If you do like it add my story to your library.

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