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66.66% Naruto: The forgotten Senju's / Chapter 28: Chapter 28 - Disappearance

Chapter 28: Chapter 28 - Disappearance

[A/N: I might upload another chapter today due to the massive amount of support the FF has been getting. I seriously never expected it so, thank you <3]

''Rin-chan, do you know where he is? He already missed the written exam!'' Akai asked Rin who was clearly in distress and shook her head. 


''He hasn't been home for over a week now, I only saw him when he left last week. When he left, his eyes looked.... scary'' Rin said with a shudder as she remember Sukuna storming out of the house. 


It had been a week since he left, yet nobody had seen him. Even the ANBU was searching for him now. 


''I just hope he is okay'' Rin said with a downcast expression. 


''Don't worry, with his strength, there aren't many people who can hurt him!'' Akai said with confidence, but even she couldn't shake the worry in her heart. 




''Any news yet?'' Hiruzen said with a somber face. 


''No sir, we have searched the entire village but there is no sign'' The ANBU said with an emotionless tone. 


''I see, then I think it's better that we retract Sukuna's participation from the Chuunin Exams'' Hiruzen sighed and leaned back. 


''Absolutely not! He is clearly qualified enough!'' A loud female voice interrupted the silence as two hands hit the table. 


Many people looked at the origin of the voice which made the woman shrink back a little but still held a firm gaze towards the one at the head of the table. 


''Kurenai-san, he was supposed to make the written exam. Yet he failed to show up and is currently missing. If we plan him to be a referee at the Chuunin Finals and he doesn't show up, we will be a laughingstock for the Mizukage and Raikage. Although they aren't here right now, they will be back for the finals...'' Hiruzen said with a sullen voice. 


''I'm against it too'' Hiruzen's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Tsunade who spoke up. 


''You're against his withdrawal as well Tsunade?'' Hiruzen asked again. 


''Yes, I think we should let him remain'' Tsunade said with a nod and impassive face. 


''I see, what do you think Danzo?'' Hiruzen asked as he looked at Danzo who looked dazed. 


''Danzo? DANZO!'' Hiruzen yelled which shook Danzo awake as he mumbled, ''Ah yeah, just go ahead. I have something to do'' 


He got up and left under everyone's shocked gaze, nobody knew what was going on but everyone could tell that it was something that caused Danzo's mind to be absent like they hadn't seen before. 


As Danzo left, he cursed under his breath as he vividly remembered the scene he had seen. 


One of his main guards, Fū Yamanaka's corpse, dismembered into pieces while his head was pierced through his mouth with a metal pipe through his mouth into a tree with a horrified expression on his face. 


'Who has such a grudge against the Yamanaka Clan or Fū alone that they would do something like that?' Danzo shuddered as he remembered how it seemed that Fū had been tortured for hours before he could finally die. 


'Fucking psychopaths in this world' Danzo gritted his teeth and disappeared into the direct of the Root entrance, he needed to find a replacement and quick. 




[Are you sure you want to go through with this?] Isobu asked with worry in his voice. 


''Yes, after I killed my parents, distrust has always been an issue of mine. It will hinder my progress if I don't figure out the truth'' Sukuna said with an emotionless face as he continued walking over the barren road. 


[Are you trying to seek out that snake-like creature?] Isobu asked in confusion. 


''Yes and no, I'm trying to figure out who has had a hand in my 'creation'. Since at this point I'm not even sure 'what' I am'' Sukuna said coldly as he arrived on a mountain cliff, beneath him were small and big houses etched into the cliff's walls that seemed to merge perfectly with the surroundings. 


Many bridges led up to the houses as many people could be seen walking around as if they were living normal lives. 


[But according to your memories, this isn't even where he is located] Isobu said as Sukuna put on a black cloak and wore an eerie looking demonic three-faced mask. 


''Indeed, but all those research labs might have surviving Senju's in them considering many have disappeared over the years. Despite my own problems, I'm still a Clan Leader Isobu.'' Sukuna said as he stood with his feet on the edge of the cliff. 


This was one of the ''villages'' within the Land of Sound. 


Orochimaru had created many villages within the Land of Sound filled with laboratories. Their purpose? To search for eternal life. The best research subjects? The Senju's, his people. 


Sukuna's eyes spun as they turned red through the main face of the mask, one of his feet stepped over the edge which caused his body to fall down to the ground. 


He turned his back towards the ground and enjoyed the wind for a short moment before his eyes shot open. 


''Did you already pass by the orphanage?'' A bald man with several scars on his arms questioned a youth who nodded, 


''They are already in the main house'' 


''Good job! Take a few days off to see your family'' The man patted his shoulders which made the youth's eyes shine. 


''Thank you si-…..'' 


As he wanted to thank the man, a loud impact was heard through the entire village. A massive shockwave ran through the entire village as a cloaked figure landed in the middle of the village. Causing the lights in the village to tremble and shatter, darkening the place. 


It was already dark out, yet the place seemed lit up by the eyes of the figure. 


''E...everyone! Be prepared for battle!'' The bald man said hastily as everyone shook awake and grabbed their weapons. 


Clearly showing that their purpose in this place was never a peaceful one. 


The bald man swallowed as he laid eyes on the mask of the cloaked figure as he got out of the crater he created by the impact. 


The man felt cold sweat on his forehead as he spoke in a cordial way, 


''Sir, wh-...'' 


The man wasn't even half into his sentence before the mask that was previously dozens of meters away, was almost face to face with him. 


He didn't even have time to dodge as a sword severed his head. 


''A...attack!'' Another voice yelled in horror as dozens of attacks flew towards Sukuna who didn't even bat an eye. 


He disappeared once more and many screams followed. The scene that followed could be said to be a scene straight from a Genjutsu about hell. 


Pools of blood covered the ground, dismembered limbs filled the ground, corpses that still had the expression of horror and disbelief on their face as they laid there. 


Sukuna's sword was dripped with blood while his mask and cloak were dropped into red paint as he walked towards the youth that was talking with the man. 


The youth looked at Sukuna with trembling legs as his life flashed before him, 


''P...please, I have a family! I will do anything you say but please spare my life!'' The youth kneeled on the ground with his forehead touching the ground. 


Sukuna's figure appeared before him as his blood red eyes stared at the figure coldly before he opened his mouth, ''You have a family?'' 


The youth saw a small ray of hope and hastily said, ''Y...yes sir! I have a wife and little brother!'' 


''I see, you will see your family soon then'' Sukuna voice entered the youth's ear which made him smile in relief before Sukuna's voice continued, 


''…..In hell ofcourse'' 


The youth's eyes shot open as he realized Sukuna wasn't going to leave it at just this village. 


''You insane bast-!!!….'' 


The youth wanted to yell and pushed his head of the floor. As he raised his head above Sukuna's knees, a sword vertically stabbed into his neck as Sukuna's voice rang through his ears as the footsteps left the place, 


''Just enjoy your alone time, it won't be long'' 


The youth wanted to curse, but no voice came out. His eyes watered as he swore he would never let Sukuna rest, even if he became a ghost. 


As for Sukuna? He didn't care. 


He just continued searching for a short while before finding a cave entrance in one of the bigger houses with a metal gate blocking the way. 


He didn't hesitate and broke the gate forcefully, showing the interior of the dugout cave.... 


It was several times bigger than the village itself that had around one hundred people living in it, yet here, it was filled with dried blood, people crouching in a corner while biting their nails, children killing each other, etc. 


The scene made himself look like a saint despite being covered in blood. 


Sukuna's eyes shot open wide as he looked at one of the children hiding in a corner while scratching his face. 




Sukuna disappeared towards the blue-haired youth and appeared in front of him. The moment he appeared, the youth lunged at him with a frantic expression. 


His previous slightly mature face now covered in cut marks of his own scratching his face while nails were completely bitten off, one of his ears was gone while one eye seemed to be dug out. 


With all the wounds covering his body, it was a surprise he was still alive. 


Sukuna hastily blocked the youth's attacks and looked at him without being able to find the words. 


Eika was 14 years old when he disappeared, he was currently 17 yet his body didn't grow at all. He had spent three years in this forsaken place.... 


Sukuna spoke up several times to him, but it seems that he didn't remember anything. His name, his past, his family.... 


[So it's not just us Tailed Beast who humans use as weapons huh, sometimes you humans really amaze me] Isobu said in a sullen voice, even he felt bad for the child. 


Sukuna gritted his teeth and appeared behind Eika, knocking him out. 


He hastily caught him and carefully put him on the ground, he looked at the youth as his anger flourished to new heights. 


He created several Shadow Clones that knocked everyone out before he moved deeper into the laboratory. 


Sukuna didn't take long before he arrived at which seemed the main 'testing ground' as he found several humans in doctor's clothes as they were experimenting on a middle-aged man. 


He didn't hesitate and didn't even give them the time to respond before he dismembered them, he stood in front of the old man who seemed to be numb from all the experiments and slowly looked looked at him. 


''you don't seem to be one of them'' The old man murmured. 


''Suiren....'' Sukuna said with a sorrowful look which caused the man to tremble and a slight emotion of shock to appear on his face. 


''That voice.... Sukuna-chan?'' Suiren softly said as Sukuna removed the mask of his face, causing Suiren's look to soften, ''You have grown'' 


''Mmm, I will get you out of here...'' Sukuna said as he reached for the restraints on Suiren, but was stopped by Suiren, ''Please don't'' 


''Why?'' Sukuna was taken aback and looked at Suiren. 


''My wife and I were captured, she died in our struggle and I was captured. She was pregnant with our child'' Suiren said as tears fell from his eyes, he turned to Sukuna with a bitter smile, 


''Can you let me join my family?'' 


''Suiren, I created a Jutsu that is similar to bringing back to life, I'm sure I can bring your wife back!'' Sukuna said hastily. 


''Edo Tensei?'' Suiren asked with a bitter smile. 


''No! I modified it into something else but-'' Sukuna frantically replied as Suiren interrupted him, 


''But the basis of it is Edo Tensei, child, listen.... Edo Tensei could bring back my wife, but wouldn't be able to reanimate my child. Without the child, my wife wouldn't want to live regardless'' Suiren said as Sukuna bit his lip. 


Edo Tensei would bring back the soul of the deceased, but a fetus was different.... 


''I'm sure I can figure something out!'' Sukuna said with a serious expression. 


''I'm sorry child'' Suiren just apologized as Sukuna wanted to say something but couldn't. 


His hands trembled as he raised his sword and pointed it at Suiren's heart. 


''Always remember, some of us might be dead, but we are always watching'' Suiren said with a warm smile as he closed his eyes. 


''Just know, if I ever find a way to reanimate your child, I will reanimate you without a second thought. No excuses'' Sukuna said as he closed his eyes with a sorrowful look. 


''I will wait for that day'' Suiren smile brightly as the sword entered his heart. 


Sukuna pulled out his sword and looked at Suiren one last time before he made another Shadow Clone, 


''Bring his corpse back to the village, bury it in the cemetery. All the savable people will be brought back as well, have some people look after them'' Sukuna instructed as the clone spoke up, 


''What about the unsavable ones?'' 


''Kill them'' 


''Understood'' The clone said as it disappeared with Suiren's corpse. 


''Isobu, have you ever wanted to slaughter humans?'' Sukuna asked as he looked at the ceiling as he put his mask back on. 


[I did have that feeling after my previous Jinchuuriki died, I was transplanted into her to destroy your village whether I wanted to or not] Isobu replied with a bitter tone. 


''Well, soon they will call this place the Land of Graveyards. So look forward to that'' 




''Akai! Akai!'' Rin frantically knocked on Akai's door who currently stayed in Sukuna's place. 


''Yes?'' Akai asked with a yawn as she opened the door in her nightgown, it was currently still dark out. 


''Come downstairs! Quick!'' Rin grabbed her arm and pulled her downstairs with a frantic expression. 


Akai raised an eyebrow and followed her downstairs. As she arrived downstairs, she saw Sukuna in his cloak standing as it looked at her. 


''A clone?'' Akai accurately guessed to which the clone nodded. 


''Where is he?'' Akai asked in a worried tone while Rin just looked on with worry as well. 


The clone stayed silent as Akai felt her anger rise, 


''For weeks he has only been having clones deliver instructions! Why the hell did he leave out of nowhere and why does he not tell us anything!'' 


''You will know why after he comes back, it is not my place to tell you anything'' The clone replied to which Akai wanted to curse. 


''So, why are you here?'' Akai asked with a cold tone. 


''To tell you that many... broken people will arrive soon. Please do as he instructed and use the building recently constructed'' 


''Fine....'' Akai sighed as she gave the clone a bitter smile, ''Tell him we're waiting'' 


The clone showed a warm smile and said before disappearing into smoke, ''He knows'' 

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