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73.91% Buying skills with real money. Improving my life in the real world. / Chapter 17: The First Round( Part 2)

Chapter 17: The First Round( Part 2)

As they prepare the next round Evan checks a notification he heard from the system during the match between Big Guy and Zoey. he was a little distracted from his worry for her so he didn't pay it any mind back then. Now that they hd a moment he looked at it.

*Zoey has broken through her own limitations with aid from the one who she likes! You have helped push her to the next level! New stat limitations available as she has evolved into an Enhanced Humane race!*

Evan was stunned as he knew this meant her old stat limits had doubled. She could reach the same stat limits he could before now! He thought it over and made a promise to himself that in the next three days he would find a way to learn appraisal or something along those lines as a skill so he can see the names and races of those he fights so he can adjust his abilities appropriately.

He snaps back to the ring as Zara nudges him out of his deep thoughts due to the ring being ready for the next match and the fighters are entering it now.

The next round was entertaining enough for the audience.

The two fighters were just normal members of each gym but they fought hard. In the end it was a double KO. Both people were taken to the infirmary for their injuries from the match and the next was brought up.

The final match for the body builder group and the head man himself of that group called Fuji. (Yes Really)

If the last guy was a mountain then this guy was a continent. He was a solid 6ft 9 inches. And his muscles could match Nappa in size and definition. Evan was to go up against him next and he was sweating slightly. He felt the power coming off of this guy and he wasn't liking it one bit.

This guy felt like he was actually as strong as Hyo or maybe slightly stronger. But this meant a full powered battle right from the start would be best here for Evan to get a win in. He readied his Jeet Kune Do stance. Fuji readied his boxing stance with his fists prepared to deal out some heavy damage.

Evan prepared his signature full body muscle fist to pierce through any defenses this guy had to make sure he won this as quickly as possible. Evan prepared the technique but Fuji seemed like he was preparing something too. His muscles were bulging and his veins were very visible on the muscles by now and Fuji was grinning like crazy as if he had an evil thought and was going to use it on Evan.

The bell rung and Evan rushed in to close the distance. Fuji did the same and reared back a huge over head swing to use a full power hammer strike. Evan dodged to the side with a roll and came up at the now opened up kidney area of Fuji. He went for the full force torque punch and landed it with all the power he had.

Fuji stopped his movement at the hit. The crowd went silent to see what happened. Meanwhile Evan was currently stuck with his fist a good inch in the flesh of Fuji. One thought echoed in Evans mind at this point, 'OOOOOUUUUCH!! He feels like steel! Damn it he doesn't know boxing! He knows karate! He used the Karate style iron body muscle technique!'

He withdrew his hand quickly as he barely dodges a knife hand strike that would have taken out his eye had Evan not been careful. He rolls back and avoids a hammer kick follow up and comes around with a round house kick right into Fuji's knee area.

The giant topples to one knee where he falls right into Evans upcoming a knee kick to his jaw. It rattles his brain a bit making him see stars right before Evan comes around with a spinning hook kick that lands once, twice, and a third time. Evan did this with a spin that followed through with one leg, hops to the next to use the other leg to perform a second kick, then steps and spins once more to hook kick the target a third time.

He spins to a stance meant for counter attacking only for something unexpected to happen. Fuji falls to the ground with his eyes spinning in his head. Evan sweat drops and looks down at Fuji as the ten count sounds out.

He keeps his stance right up until the 9 is called out and begins to back away to his corner accidentally letting his guard down and relaxing his muscles. Right at that moment Fuji suddenly rises quickly into a kneeling knife hand strike that hits home right into the relaxed abdominal muscles of Evan. Evan chokes on his scream of pain as he feels a few of his muscles bruise and be crushed from the power behind that one strike. He even has his skin toughener and his tough body skills working! This guys could probably break through brick walls if this is how he does his training!

Evan falls to his knees only to receive a follow up attack in the form of a front snap kick to the jaw making him bite his lips as his teeth clack together. He falls against the fence from a follow up upper cut punch that has Evan flying into the rings edge. He gets up with a star filled vision and a horrible blood dribble coming out from his mouth as he feels his shredded lips and bleeding gums from the force of the blow he endured. He stumbles to stand on both feet and looks at Fuji who is preparing a long range fore fist punch soon.

Evan knew he needed an edge until he remembered what he had in his skill arsenal. He charged his body with both the ki healing technique and his ki empowering technique splitting the difference between the passive heal for 25 ki and his empowering attack for 50 points. He then let his healing factor play full force to make sure he could pull this technique off without too much recoil.

Fuji came charging at him right as Evan had finished his preparations. He came running right at Fuji full tilt making the giant hesitate in his charge for a moment, but that was all Evan needed to get under the punch and activate his ki once more to add 50 points to agility. He performed something he swore only to use in extreme battles. He performed Jotaro's stand.

Everyone in the bleachers were stunned to see a real life Bizarre adventure scene in real life. Evan had stars in his eyes as he yelled out with each fist he did, "ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA!ORA!ORA!ORA!ORA!ORA!~ (etc.)"

He performed around 50 punches in a row that knocked Fuji on his ass and has his whole body being covered in fist sized dents all over his proud strong body. He was barely conscious at that point before he whimpered out, "I... Love... that... scene."

Then he went fully into dream land. The ref called it as Fuji failed to wake up with the ten count and Evan was proclaimed the winner.

Evan stood tall and proud and had to do one more jojo reference as he took Jotaro's classic win stance and said, "Yare Yare Daze, I didn't hold back enough it seems."

He then stumbles out of the ring into the arms of a very worried Zara as he feels his healing factor still recovering his health and his ki was all but shot at this point. He faded into sleep in the warm embrace of his girlfriend as she got him to the infirmary.

A few hours later he woke up in the infirmary with a few bandages covering him and a warmth on his left side. And strangely his right side as well. He looked down and noticed a wonderful sight to wake up to, he found Zara on his left, and Zoey cuddling his right. Both girls were sound asleep. Zoey had a few bandages on her body but otherwise looked fine. Zara simply looked tired. Evan leaned his head back into the pillow and was about to return to sleep as well but noticed a cheeky faced Miu above him.

She had a Cheshire cat grin on her face as she glanced at the twin beauties on his body cuddling the daylights out of him, then back to him. She then giggled at he turned red at her constant shifting glances. Then she performs the finishing blow of, "Room for one on the middle?"

That made Evan suddenly turn beet red but he simply nodded. Miu gave a little victory giggle and carefully crawled over Zara to not wake her and snuggled into Evans middle torso area. And fell asleep a few minutes later. Evan simply gave up and went back to rest some more.

When the doctor came in he was conflicted in either waking up the group or taking pictures to post on Instagram. After all, you don't see a grown man being hugged by three fit girlfriends all that often. He shrugged and simply let them rest since they won the gym's first round for them all today.

That night after they had napped a good long while the doctor asked them to go back to their rooms for the night and he would perform a check up in the morning.

They all agreed and while Zara and Miu went back to their rooms Zoey stayed by Evans side. He went to ask her what was going on, "Zoey? You okay?"

Zoey nods then asks in a very sheepish and quiet voice, "Can I spend the night at your place tonight? I feel like I want a cuddle buddy right now. And it was your words today that helped me out in that fight."

Evan was stunned by that admittance but smiled gently and happily at Zoey, "Very well, no funny business though. We aren't at that level of our relationship yet... Okay?"

Zoey nods and kisses his cheek quickly before dashing to her room to gather some sleep over gear.

He chuckles and heads back to his room as well to organize it a little and prepare a light dinner for them both. When Zoey came back she was dressed in only a tank top and shorts. Letting Evan see her nipples poking through the shirt fabric. He hides it well but he also has his comforter helping at this point as they sit on his bed and chat about the fights, and what Zoey remembered from him about their training together that helped push her on. Evan then smiles at her and kisses her cheek again making her squeal quietly in happiness.

As the mood shifts they lean in closer a and then finally with both of their eyes closed connect their lips together for a proper full kiss. Zoey hums in delight as her toes rub against each other in happiness and her hands fidget with each others fingers out of excitement. Evan is cupping her face with one hand and holding her shoulders with the other hand. They pull apart with fresh blushes and then cuddle into big and small spoon before they fall asleep happily together.

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