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58.33% New Worlds' Extra: Dream Forge Legacy / Chapter 14: someone, from far away.

Chapter 14: someone, from far away.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep." The noisy alarm broke the silence in my room, reminding me to wake up. I groaned and looked at the screen – it was 5 am, and it felt like the numbers were teasing me. With a deep sigh, I got out of bed and felt the cold floor beneath me. I headed to the bathroom, where the cold water woke me up quickly. After brushing my teeth, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My body looked strong from all the training, but that didn't matter much in the face of my challenges.

Leaving my room, I walked through the dimly lit hallway on my way to the training room. I was alone, unlike most people who had a more normal schedule. Unlike them, I didn't have friends to share feelings with or a family to rely on. I felt like an outsider in this world, far from where I belonged. My only reason for being here was to defeat an unknown enemy and save Nexoria. Failure was not an option; I couldn't bear to see the one thing that mattered to me crumble. Fate seemed to be against me at every turn.

As I entered the training room again, the quiet welcomed me. This was my place to focus, away from the outside world. The upcoming fight with Jab was more than just physical – it was a test of who I was. The holographic martial icon offered some comfort, a familiar choice in a confusing world. I picked Level 1 tank without hesitation, a reminder of the challenges I was ready to face.

I started the simulation, and suddenly I was on a battlefield facing a blue figure – my opponent, Jab. This wasn't just practice; it was like looking at my own doubts and dreams.

As I got closer to Jab, I carefully studied their armor. Each piece seemed important, a clue to beating them in this virtual battle. I moved cautiously, trying to surprise them with sudden lunges and retreats. I whispered "Mesmerize," hoping to distract them. Being adaptable was my best strategy in a fight like this.

I focused my power into my right hand and struck at Jab's neck, but they moved quickly, surprising me with their agility. They countered, hitting my ribs hard. It was a reminder of their strength.

Despite the setbacks, I kept going. Breakfast – just four scrambled eggs – gave me the energy I needed. The hunger to win was stronger than any other hunger I felt.

The battle continued, each move a choice, each reaction showing how much I'd grown. It mirrored my life – isolated, lacking connections that others took for granted. I was an outsider, alone in a complex world. The fight was personal; it was me against the challenges life threw at me.

As the battle got intense, doubt and determination fought inside me. The arena was a smaller version of my life – fighting against problems, proving my worth in a world that didn't always care. Punch after punch, dodge after dodge, I showed that I could overcome any obstacle.

In that moment, the fight represented my journey – facing odds, proving my value in a world that gave me few chances. Every move had a piece of my past, shaping me into the fighter I was. And so, as sweat fell and the fight raged on, I kept going, driven by my determination that just wouldn't quit.

"Finally!" I exhaled in triumphant relief, my eyes fixed on the victorious blue screen that proudly displayed the words 'You Won.' An instinctual surge of happiness erupted from deep within me, prompting an unabashed shout of joy. I had done it – triumphing over that unyielding adversary after what felt like a dozen defeats. But the question lingered: was this enough? Could this victory truly stand up against the looming challenges? I harbored doubt, suspecting that Jab – that formidable opponent – wouldn't prove to be so easily subdued. Memories of his unyielding resilience flooded my mind; his tank-like endurance had rendered my blows ineffective. Yet, there was something more to him than just raw power; I recalled his sluggishness, a strange dichotomy of power and ponderousness. I couldn't shake the feeling that he had something more in store, a hidden strength that I had yet to witness.

With these thoughts swirling, I glanced at my phone. It was now 6 am, and I still had ample time to push my limits further. The martial manual that had been my guiding light began to unveil a new training regimen. This time, it wasn't the familiar dance moves; instead, I was instructed to imbue my mana into my own body and execute jumps while maintaining a certain rhythm. It was an odd sensation, even weirder than the dance routine from before. Mana flowed through me, intertwining with my movements, and I executed each jump as dictated by the guide.

I chuckled to myself, wondering if anyone else in the world was engaged in such peculiar training. It was a reminder of how my path diverged from the norm – while others led lives full of predictable routines, I was here, imbuing mana into my jumps before the sun had even fully risen.

As I carried out the training, a peculiar serenity enveloped me. The blue silhouettes danced around, a surreal spectacle that seemed like a fragment from a dream. I marveled at the way magic had interwoven itself into my daily existence, shaping even the simplest of actions. Each jump felt like a miniature surge of power, a reminder of the unique abilities I possessed.

During these moments of practice, my mind was focused solely on the rhythmic coordination of mana and movement. It was a welcome respite from the complexities of life, a chance to momentarily shed the burden of my responsibilities. My thoughts wandered, pondering the battles that lay ahead. If triumph over the simulated opponent was any indication, then surely my resolve would see me through future challenges. I was not just the sum of my losses; I was the embodiment of persistence.

As the sun began to cast its gentle light, I knew that my training session was far from over. The peculiar routine continued, each jump an echo of my determination. The manual remained my steadfast companion, guiding me through the intricacies of harnessing mana and incorporating it into my actions. Despite the unconventional nature of my training, I found solace in the knowledge that this was what I needed to become stronger – to stand a chance against foes like Jab, who defied easy classification.

And so, amidst the quiet of the early morning, I trained. My jumps infused with mana became a symbolic assertion of my determination. Each leap was a testament to my unwavering commitment to becoming more than just an extra from a distant world. The world might have its normalcy, its routines, and its camaraderie, but I was forging my own path, embracing the peculiar and the extraordinary. With every leap, I embraced my uniqueness, a resolute step toward mastering my abilities and confronting the challenges that awaited me.

I was so engrossed in the flow of my training routine that I remained oblivious to the fact that Kean, Adrien, and a couple of other students had joined me in the training room. My focus was so unwavering that I hadn't registered a single person entering the room. But their presence, or lack thereof, was of little consequence to me; my determination to train was unshaken. I had been considering purchasing some weights to enhance the effectiveness of my training. While some individuals might cast bewildered glances my way, I had grown accustomed to such reactions.

As I wiped the sweat from my brow, I glanced at my mobile phone – 6:30 am. It was time for me to conclude my session. After a refreshing shower and a necessary intake of additional protein, I made my way to the classroom. It was time for the magical theory class, a subject that felt almost redundant to me. I had already accumulated a considerable knowledge base, rendering this class somewhat superfluous. Upon entering the classroom, I observed that nearly everyone was present. I opted for a seat at the back, my weariness evident. Fatigue coursed through me, and feigning attention was an insurmountable task. Succumbing to the exhaustion, I rested my head for a brief moment.

Yet, the abrupt interruption came in the form of the professor's stern voice – "Cian Eldwood, why do I find you succumbing to slumber in my classroom?" Professor Oval stood before me, her expression etched with annoyance. Caught off-guard, I mentally rallied to devise a fitting explanation. Meeting her gaze squarely, I responded with an air of nonchalance, "Professor Oval, I'm already well-acquainted with the depths of the subject currently under discussion. It was merely the relentless weight of physical fatigue that momentarily overpowered my determination to remain upright." My words flowed forth with an unspoken certainty, reflective of a mind exhausted from rigorous training and a scant seven hours of sleep.

Her skepticism hung in the air, mirrored by the furrowed brows of my peers. Refusing to allow doubt to erode my composure, I engaged the challenge presented. "The intricate impasse barring the harmonious confluence of mana and energy resides within their very essence – their composition and inherent properties," I began. "Mana, an ethereal force that encapsulates magic, operates within the esoteric confines of the arcane domain. Its existence is irrevocably linked to our innate connection to the mystical fabric of the world nexus, a dimension that bestowed upon us rules absolute. Energy, on the converse, abides in the palpable realm, adhering to the unyielding laws that govern our universe. Attempting to meld these two incongruent entities is tantamount to attempting to merge water and oil – an endeavor countered by the immutable nature of their being, dictated by the world nexus' unfaltering decrees." My response carried the imprint of my distinctive vantage point, a perspective shaped by relentless contemplation of the rules woven into the intricate tapestry of the mystical world we inhabited.

The countenances of both the teacher and my fellow students registered bewilderment and surprise, their expressions reflecting the unexpected nature of my response. The professor's expression bore a distinctive hue of astonishment – a reaction stemming from the recognition of the complexity inherent in my answer. It wasn't just a matter of formulating an intricate response; the complexity lay in the subject matter itself. The challenge I had addressed delved into a realm that required an intimate familiarity with the world nexus, an intricate tapestry of rules meticulously woven to maintain equilibrium across the dimensions. These weren't just a handful of rules; there were more than a thousand of them, each serving as a unique strand to shape and uphold the delicate balance within our world.

The professor's reaction was a tacit acknowledgment of the profound insight necessary to navigate the labyrinthine intricacies of the world nexus. These rules were more than mere theoretical constructs; they were the unspoken architects of the very universe we inhabited. They orchestrated the intricate symphony of magic and energy, of the seen and the unseen. Yet, a thorough exploration of these rules was a rarity. Few ventured to delve into the labyrinthine depths of the world nexus, as such detailed knowledge was rarely necessary for daily existence. The majority contented themselves with a grasp of the overarching principles that governed their reality. Against this backdrop, my response resonated as a testament to a specialized understanding, a reflection of my unyielding pursuit of the arcane and enigmatic.

The reactions of the students were equally revealing. Their expressions echoed their difficulty in grappling with the nature of the question itself. To them, the query likely appeared as an inscrutable enigma, a puzzle with no apparent solution. The very idea of untangling the intricacies of the question seemed a daunting feat, let alone comprehending why such a question was posed in the first place. In their eyes, the subject matter existed within the realm of the unfathomable, an elusive domain beyond their immediate understanding.

Seeking a respite from the mental exertion, I found myself yearning for a moment of rest. The teacher, seemingly recognizing my fatigue, departed the scene, leaving me to my own devices. With her departure, I succumbed to the allure of slumber once more, my consciousness gradually slipping into the realm of dreams.

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