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85.5% Fate/Juggernaut / Chapter 59: 59. Crystallization Of Ones Death

Chapter 59: 59. Crystallization Of Ones Death

(A/N: in a previous chapter, I wrote that Gilgamesh gave Ivar Gungnir. I had plans to use that, but I decided to take it out. If you go back and read the chapter, he will no longer have it. Instead, it will be a normal spear, and Gilgamesh will explain that he will arm the army with better weapons if they need it, and is just showing Ivar the quality of the spear.

Thank you for understanding! Also, ive gone back and removed most of the A/Ns on most of the earlier chapters, I just felt like that had been there long enough)


A great clash erupted, as Godricks halberd met Ivars ax, creating a massive shockwave that killed more of the Spirits around them. The ground shattered as the two pushed against each other, and to Godricks surprise, Ivar matched him in strength.

"Surprised?" Ivar asked through gritted teeth.

"They're not the only ones that go through a change while inside the Gate of Valhalla." He said, almost sneering as he did.

Undeterred, Godrick slipped his halberds shaft up to be caught by Ivars ax blade, and wrenched it to the right before slamming it back into Ivars face.

Ivars head snapped back, a sickening crunch coming from his nose before the butt end of Godricks halberd clipped him in the jaw, forcing him to step to his left.

Godrick then swung his halberd straight into Ivars right knee, making it hyperextend and breaking it before continuing through with his swing, spinning to his left while bringing his halberd up above his head before bringing it down on Ivars chest.

Ivar gasped in pain as he fell back, trying to place his ax in the halberds way before it descended from the sky to smash into his chest, sending him into the ground, shattering the bedrock beneath him.

Jeanne and the others had taken Godricks place amongst the army, killing and slaughtering the spirits they could while the Juggernaut fought his target.

Artoria had taken the front of the formation, bobbing and weaving through the enemy ranks as she bisected them with her sword.

Jeanne had taken the role of healing who she could, while also killing the spirits in her way. She used her Lance to slay the spirits while also blocking what damage she could for the other servants.

Heracles was ripping through the ranks of spirits with his massive weapon, a grin adorning his face as he did. He had taken some damage from the spirits, but nothing he couldn't shrug off.

The masters, Rin, and Illya, were doing their best to support their Servants, giving as much magical power as they could.

Shirou had taken to the front line as well, but was quickly beaten back. Artoria was forced to disengage from where she was and come to his rescue, eliciting an apology from the young man.

Rin, perceptive as ever, noticed the spirits seemed to have no end in numbers.

"They have to be coming from somewhere!" She shouted, gaining Illya's attention. The two surveyed the reality marble, and saw the massive stone hall at the other side of the valley.

"Saber!" Rin shouted before pointing at the hall.

A stream of blue ethereal Spirits was streaming from the hall, coming to re-enforce the army they were facing.

Artoria, who looked in the direction her master was pointing in, understood what she wanted. She was unsure it would work, but she would never know if she didn't try.

Pushing against the sword she was locked together against, she cut through the blade, and it's wielder before sweeping her sword around her, slaying dozens of her ethereal enemies before taking a step back, and holding her sword to the sky.

"EXCALIBUR!" She screamed, her sword roaring to life as a golden vortex shot into the sky before she brought it down, and pointed it at the far away wood and stone hall.

The spirits in its path were eviscerated as Excaliburs destructive beam smashed into the base of the mountain, shattering it.

The reality marble shuttered, but Ivar didn't seem to care as lightning coursed over his being, letting him disappear from his place in the ground, seeming to teleport a dozen meters away from Godrick.

As he watched the hall collapse, a smile came to Ivars lips before it turned into a grin.

"You think this matters? It only helps!" He shouted before his leg snapped back into place. He raised his head to the sky and roared, clouds gathering above him as he did.

Lighting danced in the sky above the two before it came crashing back down on Ivar, whose body seemed to grow larger.

Jeanne and the others watched as the hall fell, and with it the spirits it held. Surprisingly, the spirits they were fighting also disappeared, turning to blue wisps of smoke that flew to Ivar.

Gilgamesh, who was watching all this from atop his mountain peak, had a look of disdain on his face.

These mongrels had actually made him lower himself to training with the sword. He had seen right through the Juggernauts Noble Phantasm, and understood that the more he hit Godrick with weapons from the Gate Of Babylon, the more he would adapt to them, rendering them ineffective.

Gilgamesh clenched his fist, anger flashing in his eyes at the indignation. His treasures, his most precious things were rendered obsolete by this… this… Juggernaut.

A hint of respect came to his eyes at that moment. It had been so long since he was challenged like this.

But he would suffer this insult no longer. Thousands of Golden ripples appeared around him as weapons of all shapes and sizes peaked through them.

"I suppose I should help. If not a little bit." He said to himself. All at once, his treasures shot themselves towards the battlefield.

Suddenly, the ground around Jeanne and the others shattered as weapons of all makes and sizes slammed into the ground. Jeanne was able to react, and plant her flag into the ground, creating a protective dome, where Artoria and the three masters were.

Heracles however, was too far to make it to the protective bubble, and as a result was pinned to the ground by the rain of weapons.

"Berserker!" Illya screamed as she ran towards him, only to be tackled to the ground by Shirou.

"No, jus- Stop!" He said as she tried to struggle from his embrace.

"He needs me!" She shouted.

"LOOK OUT THERE!" Shirou scream in her face, shocking her from her hysterically actions.

She looked outside of the dome, only to see Heracles doing what he could to make his way to the dome.

"Use a command spell!" Shirou shouted at her.

In her distress she had forgotten the most powerful ability that a master had. Red symbols covered her body before one faded.

Suddenly Berserker roared in rage, shattering the weapons that held him down, and blitzed inside of the protective dome, after which he collapsed to his hands and knees.

Illya ran to her servant and practically tried to tackle him. Their size differences prevented that, as it looked more like her colliding into a wall as she clung to his face.

They all looked outside the protective bubble to see Godrick, who was still locked in combat with Ivar, both of which seemed to not feel the rain of weapons.

Ivar was now head and shoulders taller than the Juggernaut, and his features had completely changed.

His eyes were now pure blue, the same color as the lightning that radiated from his body. His hair, that was usually kept in a long braid, was flowing freely behind him, and his tattoos that covered his body now glowed as power radiated from them.

He held his now massive ax towards the sky as the gathering lightning fell towards it, filling it with power.

"Now, feel the full might of the Gods!" Ivar roared.

"RAGNARÖK!" He screamed, bringing his ax down on Godrick, who was dealing with the rain of weapons from above.

Ivars ax buried itself deep Into Godrick left shoulder, breaking the pauldron and discharging the lightning it held.

Godrick would have screamed if he could as the lightning coursed through his body, causing him to convulse uncontrollably.

Soon, lightning Blasted from his mouth, nose and eyes, making his helmet look like some kind of demon.

"Godrick!" Jeanne screamed as she watched helplessly, her concentration focused on the bubble.

Her scream seemed to refocus the Juggernaut, as he reached up with his left hand that was still convulsing and gripped the ax in his shoulder by its shaft, locking it in place.

His helmet, still pouring lightning, looked back at Ivar, whose face changed from a feral grin, to a visage of confusion.

"How!?!" Ivar roared, pouring more power into his ax, while Godrick brought his halberd up as if he were going to throw it like a spear directly into Ivars face.

Ivar screamed as he poured everything into his ax, while Godrick, still absorbing everything, threw his halberd, right past Ivars head.


The halberd flew towards the mountains, completely Obliterating the peak where Gilgamesh was, causing the rain of weapons to stop.

The weapon shattered the stone under the King of Heroes feet, causing him to leap from his position to what remained of the peak before he prepared to start attacking once more before a voice stopped him.

"That's enough Gilgamesh." Archer said, materializing near him.

"What did you just say to me?" Gilgamesh said, turning to the red clad servant.

"I said that enough." Emiya said.

"So, you finally show your true colors." Gilgamesh retorted, pulling a sword from a golden ripple.

"I still have my own goal to accomplish, but aligning with you served its purpose. Now that that purpose has been fulfilled, it's time to end this." Archer said while getting into a fighting stance.

"Well, I do need a test dummy to see how much I've improved so I can fight the Juggernaut." Gilgamesh said, getting in a stance with his longsword.

"You'll never get the chance." Archer said, suddenly disappearing from his spot.

He appeared behind Gilgamesh, and swiped out with his two short swords.

To his surprise, Gilgamesh spun around and blocked both of them with his sword, shocking Archer.

Pushing his advantage, Gilgamesh pushed the short sword to the side and made quick stabs at Archer, who dodged and counter struck.

After a few exchanges, it was clear that Gilgamesh had improved exponentially, shocking Archer.

"Well, it seems that lowering myself to fight like the plebeians has yielded at least some worth." Gilgamesh said.

"Now, let's see how you fare when I introduce my treasures." He finished before lunging towards Archer with his sword.

Just before their swords met, another blade came from a golden ripple, shooting out at Archer with incredible speed. He was able to knock it aside with one of his short swords, but both blades shattered, taking some of Archer's focus from Gilgamesh, who was able to twist his blade, and run it up the length of Archer's right arm.

Pushing himself to his maximum, Archer dipped and weaved through the hordes of blades that came at him, all the while fighting Gilgamesh, who laughed.

"Come now, show me the skill you've gained from your years of fighting!" He taunted.

Archer grit his teeth, and started materializing his own blades that met the ones from the Gate of Babylon.

The two traded dozens of blows, but nothing could be decided as they fought.

Archer outclassed Gilgamesh in every physical aspect, but the Gate of Babylon more than made up the skill gap.

Every time Archer thought he had an opening, a blade would appear to stop him. And by the time his own shattered against the blade that had blocked him, the opening was gone.

"It seems our little skirmish must come to a close now, Archer Emiya." Gilgamesh said, and Golden Light bloomed from where Godrick and Ivar fought.


Lightning was still pouring from Ivars ax and body, forcing Jeanne to keep her barrier up for the moment.

"GAHHHH!" Ivar screamed, trying to pull his ax from the Juggernaut. But his blade, still buried in the knight's torso, was gripped firmly, not allowing him to remove it.

Godrick raised his right arm, and with lightning still coursing through his body, brought it down on the axes shaft, shattering it.

The energy still stored inside the ax detonated, blinding Jeannes eyes as thunder rocked the reality marble.

After a couple moments Jeannes sight returned, and the sight before her shook her to her core.

Godrick was standing above the withered form of Ivar, who seemed to have had all the energy sucked from him, leaving a corpse. Though, his body started to regenerate slowly as he drew power from the reality marble.

Lightning arced across the Juggernauts white hot armor as he heaved for breath before he reached down and grabbed Ivar by the throat and lifted him into the air.

"You can't kill me." Ivar wheezed his voice a rasp.

"Not in here." He said with a chuckle, his voice growing in strength as his body slowly healed.

"You don't have enough power." He laughed, regaining his feet.

"You're wrong." Godrick's deep voice rang through the reality marble, shocking everyone.

He raised his hand to the sky before a large sword hilt started to materialize in his hand.

His words were followed by a massive golden dome exploding into existence, covering the whole of the reality marble.

As the hilt fully formed in Godricks hand, a vortex of golden energy, much like Excalibur shot into the air, shattering the sky.

"I have all the energy I need. And with it, I will teach you the true meaning of Ruin." Godricks voice echoed through the reality marble before he brought his sword down on Ivars left shoulder, much like what the Berserker did to him.

"CALIBURN!" Godrick shouted as he cut Ivar from shoulder to hip, bathing the world in gold.


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