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Chapter 27: "Speech" of the future Pirate King.

While Kaizo was glooming over some unwanted memories, Luffy arrived at the execution stand.

"The Execution Stand." Luffy.

Luffy kept admiring the structure with a blank expression, but underneath it, he was imagining what was it like for the Pirate King to be executed right there and then.

"There it is…the place where the Great Pirate King, was executed. The place where the greatest pirate in history, was executed. And it's also the place, where the pirate era began." Luffy.

Luffy then grins.

"The sight he had before his death, I wanna see it! Alright! Time to go up!" Luffy.

Luffy begins to carefully, which is strange, climb the stand while a group of onlookers begin to gather around the stand.

"Hey, brat."

Luffy looked back and saw a man with two cigarettes in his mouth a jacket and grey hair look at him. He's no other than Smoker, the captain of the Marine branch in Loguetown. He's original intention was to capture the two most wanted pirates in the eastern seas, Luffy and Kaizo.

But due to his impatience, he forgot to see their bounty pictures and had to blindly look out for them. He even helped Luffy by telling him where the stand was.

"What is it? I'm quite busy at the moment." Luffy.

"Are you really the guy? The most wanted pirate in the East Blue?" Smoker.

"I'm Luffy, what's up?" Luffy slips a little but recovers quickly.

"I'm the captain of Loguetown's Navy base, the name's Smoker. I'm here to arrest you." Smoker.

"Arrest me? Heh. I refuse! I'll go to the Grand Line and become King of the Pirates!" Luffy.

"Pirate King?!" Smoker.

"That's why I can't be captured here." Luffy.

"Then, fight and win. If you can't even beat me, you'll have no place in the Grand Line." Smoker.

Luffy smiles.

"So, if I beat you, I can go to the Grand Line, right? I'll kick your ass then!" Luffy.

Luffy was about to engage himself into combat but remembered that his feet are a little tied up.

"Give me just a second, my feet are stuck." Luffy spoke while untying his feet.

After a few seconds, Luffy managed to do that and lunges at Smoker.

[Gomu-Gomu No: Pistol!] Luffy.

Luffy shoots his arm towards Smoker, his arm is so fast that Smoker has no other choice but to elementalize himself to avoid the blow.

"Smoke?!" Luffy.

"Not bad, but not enough!" Smoker grabs Luffy's arm and smacks him against the floor.

Luffy quickly recovers and punches him again but fails once again. Smoker ceases the moment to strike Luffy once more, only that this time was against the execution stand.

"I've got to admit it, you are worthy of the 40 million bounty that's on your head, too bad that I'm your opponent, or else you would've been able to leave this island." Smoker.

Luffy gets up and looks at Smoker.

"That's not for you to decide! How can you say that I've lost just after a few punches? I'll go all out now!" Luffy.

Smoker felt that Luffy's presence had changed and prepares to evade the next attack.

[Gomu-Gomu No: Muchi/Whip!] Luffy.

Luffy now swept his leg and extended it towards Smoker, the captain of the Marines evades the attack and tries to attack Luffy. However, the rubbery captain accidentally latched himself unto a nearby fountain and somehow threw himself out in the skies.

Smoker just sweatdrops at the situation and tells his men to capture the pirate. On a nearby alley, Kaizo saw the whole ordeal and sighed.

'The idiot forgot to use Haki!!! The only drawback of Luffy is how fucking dumb he is! I can see why Nami was so on edge now.' Kaizo.

'Aside from that, everyone's seem to be doing fine. I still have some minutes before having to rescue Luffy's sorry ass, what should I do know?' Kaizo wondered.

'Ah! I know!' Kaizo thought and immediately followed where his compass was pointing.

After some running, Kaizo hid himself on an alley to eavesdrop on Sanji speaking with a pink-haired woman.

The woman begins to spin, flies a little, and then is carried by her henchmen.

'Yep, that's filler episode logic, it doesn't matter what's happening since it's technically not canon.' Kaizo thought as he made his way out of the alley.

"Yo, Sanji!" Kaizo.

Sanji got out from his trance and saw Kaizo walking towards him.

"Oh, weren't you meeting with someone?" Sanji.

"Reunion's over, I was just looking for Luffy but the idiot shoot himself to who-knows-where else." Kaizo.

"That rubber brain may never change." Sanji.

"Oi, don't jinx it." Kaizo.

The two snickered a little and Sanji told Kaizo what had happened.

"I know you're gonna win so, I'm not worried. I just want to eat whatever is being cooked." Kaizo.

"I'm not interested at all but, now that you speak of eating, we must see if there are some of those green plantains you were talking about." Sanji.

"Is it necessary to be specific about the color?" Kaizo.

"Never seen or heard about the ingredient, would be bothersome if we buy a different variant, we didn't know it existed." Sanji.

Kaizo just nodded with an expression of "Alright, valid", and walked alongside Sanji in search of ingredients.

The duo arrived at the port, where all sorts of different types of fish were being sold. Sanji was in his second heaven right now, contemplating the freshness and appearance of the fish.

"This is the best of Loguetown. All the variety and freshness are unrivaled." Sanji.

"You look like a kid in a candy shop." Kaizo.

"Of course, every fish in here is amazing." Sanji.

Sanji then went towards a little stand to compliment the fish and talked with the clerk.

'Now that I think about it, I should buy some equipment to make some clothes. Style has a big role in epic battles after all.' Kaizo.

Kaizo snapped back after hearing the public go crazy over a fish they caught. Kaizo joined the crowd and saw the enticing Elephant Tuna that was in display.

'Yeah, I'll try to prevent Luffy from eating it whole this time, at least until I get one or ten bites off of it.' Kaizo.

Sanji tried to buy the fish but was told that it would be the prize for a cooking competition. Sanji made his way towards the registration table as Kaizo caught up with him.

" gonna enter the cookoff?" Kaizo.

"If I want the fish, I must." Sanji.

"Isn't that pink-haired chick also gonna participate? Will you be alright?" Kaizo.

"Kaizo." Saji stops walking and looks at Kaizo with a serious gaze.

"As a man, I will never harm a lady, but as a chef, I must go all out." Sanji.


"If only you were this serious about fighting instead of flirting." Kaizo.

"STFU!" Sanji.

[A few moments later…]

The crowd had gathered around the competition Sanji was already in his section and Kaizo was eagerly waiting for the "leftovers" with a napkin in his neck.

Suddenly, a certain redhead and long-nose spot him.

"Kaizo?" Nami.

Kaizo looks back and saw Nami and Usopp getting closer at him.

"How was your reunion?" Nami.

"Very...eventful. How about you, guys." Kaizo.

"We were just passing by until we saw this huge crowd." Usopp.

"Yeah, there's a cooking competition and Sanji is playing to get a rare fish." Kaizo points at Sanji who was preparing himself.

Nami and Usopp call him but he begins simping Nami like there's no tomorrow. After a few more chit-chat, the competition finally began.

[A fierce cooking and eating (from Kaizo's side) later]

"And now, for out final match…!" Announcer.

The crowd cheers.

"Everyone's so excited!" Usopp.

"Yeah, they are." Nami.

"Can you blame them? Even I'm getting hyped, and I don't really give a darn about the fish." Kaizo.

The cowardly duo sweatdrops.

"The youngster with unparalleled senses and abilities that made him a rising star towards the top of this competition…Sanji!" Announcer.

"The woman that dances as good and graceful as she cooks, she's also won by quite the large margin in her duels…Carmen!" Announcer.

"Which one of these outstanding chefs will earn the magnificent Elephant Tuna?" Announcer.

"The final match...…Begin!" Announcer.

Both chefs began to cook passionately. But, since I'm no food critic or expert, I'll just pass this whole ordeal describing how they cooked since I got hungry writing it, and so did Kaizo.

"That woman cooks so eccentrically." Kaizo.

"SHHH!" Nami/Usopp, who were concentrated in the competition.

[Kaizo POV]

In the end, the winner was Sanji and he got his precious tuna that Luffy and I will devour in the near future. After the competition, I talked to Nami, Usopp and Sanji about what happened with Luffy.

"So, we need to start packing in case the marines chase us away?" Nami.

"Yes, the three of you will handle the luggage while I search for Zoro and Luffy. Sanji, even if you finish with the supplies, leave the search and "rescue" objective to me, we don't need more members getting lost in the island." Kaizo.

"Wait! Where would you find Luffy? The idiot could be anywhere." Usopp.

"He wanted to go the Execution Stand and see what Roger did when he died, knowing him, he'll try to go there once again." Kaizo.

"But…" Nami tried to talk back but got shh.

"Vice-Captain orders, move out!" Kaizo.

The trio looked at him skeptically and Kaizo sweatdrops. 

"Please." Kaizo.

[Third Person POV]

The trio nod and begin to run towards Merry. Meanwhile, Luffy was having a blast.

"WOAH! So, this is what he saw, eh?! 22 years ago, when the Pirate King was executed. What a nice view!" Luffy.

Luffy's awe, however, was interrupted when a marine yelled at him.

"Hey, you! Get down from there this instant!" Officer.

"Why?" Luffy.

"Because that's a special Historical Execution Stand from the World Government. So, get down there this instant!" Officer.

"Come on! Don't be such a party-pooper, mister officer!" Luffy.

"If you won't get down from there, I'll arrest---" The Officer was struck by a spiked club in his face.

Kaizo blocks his ears and begins to skip the senseless dialogue until Luffy gets a shocked face, implying that he realized that the woman is Alvida.

"You're Alvida?! No, wait, there's something off…" Luffy.

"So, you've noticed, my body has changed since I ate the Sube-Sube No Mi (Slip-Slip Fruit) any attack directed at my body will simple slip away. Unfortunately, this fruit didn't change much my overall appearance, but just as you noticed, I've lost my freckles." Alvida.

"No, no, that's not what I was gonna point out…" Luffy.

'I remember her a lot fattier and uglier, like a sea cow or a walrus.' Luffy.

A little BLABLABLA later.

"It is I, Strawhat! Since the day you blasted me away, I tenaciously fought my way back to my crew in order to have my revenge at you! and after an adventure filled of merriments, hellish dangers, and friendships! I, the great Buggy, have returned stronger than ever!!!" Buggy.

"Oh, it's just Bunge." Luffy.

"Stop being a cheeky brat!!!" Buggy.

"Wait, no, was it Bege? Bonnie? Buchi? B-B-B-B AH! Buffon!" Luffy.

"Buffon?! Don't you dare to mess with me, brat!!! I'll show you what the new and enhanced Buggy Pirates can do!" Buggy.

Just then, the Buggy pirates raided the central square of Loguetown and did their thing while Kaizo observed from afar.

'Almost time for my spotlight.' Kaizo.

"Ah, it's Buggy, right?!" Luffy.



Cabaji jumped from a nearby building and managed to trap Luffy in a scaffold.

"Long time no see, rubber brat." Cabaji.

Luffy tried to force his way through with his strength but he felt weak all of a sudden.

"HAHAHAHA!!! There's no use, that scaffolds made of Sea Prism Stone, you'll be unable to muster any strength in presence of its effects!!!" Buggy.

'How in the hell did Buggy acquired Sea Prism stone?! Isn't that supposed to be rare?!' Kaizo.

"Attention! Today's the day that Monkey D Luffy shall be executed! You should feel honored, brat! You'll have the pleasure to die where the Pirate King himself died, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!" Buggy.

"If Roger could hear your words, he would be both sad and disappointed, Buggy." Kaizo.

Kaizo jumped from a building and kicked Cabaji off the Execution Stand. Everyone saw how the blue-haired teen appeared in a flash of blue, a certain marine captain that was looking from afar was unexpectedly surprised the most.

"K-Kaizo…" Luffy.

"This is why we train, Luffy. Give me a second, I'll free you from there." Kaizo unsheathed Izanagi.


Kaizo Izanagi in Haki and cut the scaffold effortlessly. Everyone had shocked faces as the rubbery captain was unharmed.

"HAHAHAHA!! I feel a lot better now! Thanks, Kaizo!" Luffy.

"No problem, what's a ship without a captain?" Kaizo.

Kaizo then gets an idea as the sky darkens.

"Luffy, how about you yell your goal?" Kaizo.

"Huh?" Luffy.

"This is the place where the Pirate King died, how about you yell all out your dream for a proper adventure setoff? It would be like a promise from the future king to the past king." Kaizo.

Luffy thinks about it and gets stars in his eyes.

"I'll start and then you'll finish, ok?" Kaizo.

Luffy nodded excited. The skies continue to darken and it begins to rain. Zoro, who was lost until now, was observing the scene, waiting for his crewmates, until they finished whatever they were doing.

"22 years ago, a man owned everything the world had to offer, jewels, gold, no one knows what it was but they all knew where it is, on that fated island at the end of the Grand Line, the biggest pirate treasure resides, waiting for a pirate to claim it." Kaizo.

"My captain will be the freest person in the world! He'll defeat the 4 Emperors and reach Laughtale!!" Kaizo.

Luffy then take a few steps forward and inhales air until he releases a powerful scream.


Just as Luffy said those words, Kaizo sneakily flicked his fingers and a powerful yellow Lighting befall the duo. As the crowd was stunned, two silhouettes were seen through the fire.

A young man whose hair moved at the fire's pace and a slightly older youngster with horn in his head, both of them with red and blue eyes respectively.

The Execution Stand had caught fire and everyone was in awe, once the stand fell completely, everyone saw how a straw hat was slowly falling from the sky and was grabbed by a stretching arm.

They all saw Luffy and Kaizo completely fine as they both laughed.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! I thought we were dead, so lucky!" Luffy/Kaizo.

"Come on, Luffy, Zoro is waiting for us right there, let's get out of here and go to the Grand Line." Kaizo.

"Yeah!" Luffy.

They both ran towards Zoro and duo regrouped with the mosshead as they made way towards Merry.


"They're here!" Zoro.

"Run for it!" Kaizo laughed.

"To the Grand Line!!!" Luffy was having a blast.

ZackDKaizo ZackDKaizo

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