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AN: I am doing a mass release, but the Power Stones are too low. Starting next week, only 3 chs/week. 


[30 armed human- Detected]

[15 un-armed human- Detected]

'It seems they got hostages and Sarah was one of their many targets. But why target her?' Travis wondered. 'Should I go in and kill all the kidnappers? But it might cause unnecessary casualties. Then stealth is the only option left or maybe...'

He looked around. It was the outskirts of Gotham City with just a couple of old ruined buildings and a couple of cars parked around the warehouse. There were also a couple of giant trees around the area. And a forest area behind the warehouse with higher grounds.

'First thing first,' He decided to cut off their escape route.

Travis focused on cutting off the potential escape routes for the kidnappers. Using his super speed, he quickly moved to disable the vehicles parked near the warehouse. He punctured their tires and disabled their engines to ensure that they wouldn't be able to flee easily.

With the escape routes blocked, he knew that the kidnappers would be trapped inside the warehouse, increasing the chances of a successful rescue mission without causing unnecessary casualties.

"Hey, go in and pinpoint Sarah's location and see if she is alright," He said to the orb and summoned a high-caliber sniper rifle with a suppressor and heat vision.


The orb turned invisible and went inside the warehouse while he swiftly dashed toward the forest. Having higher grounds and the forest to camouflage him, it's a perfect vantage point he can get in this location.

As Travis positioned himself in the forest, he found a concealed spot with a clear line of sight to the warehouse. The heat vision function of his scope allowed him to see the heat signatures of the individuals inside, even through the walls of the building.

Inside the warehouse, the heat signatures of the armed kidnappers were scattered throughout the space. They seemed to be on high alert, moving cautiously as they guarded the hostages, including Sarah. He counted fifteen unarmed heat signatures, hurdled together in a single place, likely the hostages, and another thirty armed ones.

The orb, meanwhile, stealthily maneuvered through the warehouse, seeking to locate Sarah without alerting the kidnappers.

Travis kept a keen eye on the heat signatures inside the warehouse, ensuring that he had a clear view of both the armed kidnappers and the hostages. He knew that timing was crucial, and he needed to gather as much information as possible before taking any action.

As the orb continued its reconnaissance inside the warehouse, Travis observed the movements of the armed kidnappers. It seemed like they were patrolling the area in a somewhat organized manner, their attention focused on guarding the hostages while keeping an eye around for intruders.

'Looks trained,' He thought, 'Are they spy units? Or, a crime syndicate? Well, not that it matters, I am gonna kill them anyway.'

He couldn't hear their conversation, but he could see that they were periodically glancing at the hostages, likely issuing threats to keep them compliant. He felt a growing sense of anger rising in his heart.

[Target Located]

[Marking the target]

[Scanning condition]


[Traces of drugs detected]

[Severe head injuries detected]

The System's notification popped up before his eyes. He could see a green marker on Sarah with his naked eyes.

"Alright, now listen very carefully," Travis said to the orb, "I want you to mark the patrolling enemies whenever they are outside each other's vision range. Can you do that?"


[Marking target 1] The orb responded, indicating its ability to mark the patrolling enemies discreetly when they moved out of each other's sight.

Travis aiming his rifle pulled the trigger.

With precision and swiftness, He eliminated ten of the armed kidnappers one after the other. Each shot was precise, and the suppressor on his sniper rifle ensured that the noise wouldn't immediately alert the remaining enemies. Panic and confusion spread among the kidnappers as their comrades fell without warning.

Although the orb's calculation was precise, it was inevitable. Sooner or later they would have found out the dead bodies.

The sudden onslaught of violence sent shockwaves through the warehouse. The armed kidnappers, now in disarray, scrambled for cover and tried to locate the source of the threat. They were unaware of Travis's vantage point in the forest, which gave him a distinct advantage.

The orb continued to discreetly mark the patrolling enemies whenever they moved out of each other's sight, allowing Travis to eliminate them one by one without their comrades noticing. As the enemies continued to fall, the remaining kidnappers grew increasingly desperate, their fear mounting.

Travis's calculated shots reduced their numbers significantly, leaving them vulnerable and exposed. Panic and chaos reigned within the warehouse as the kidnappers struggled to comprehend the sudden onslaught.

"SNIPERS!" They screamed.

'Ah! So they think there is a group out there, huh?' Travis thought with a smirk. 'Fifteen to go.'

However, things didn't go as planned. The enemies hurdled behind the hostages, making them meat shields.

"You better get out or we will kill them," one of the kidnappers yelled, pressing his handgun on a hostage's head. "I will count to five."

"Summon: Combat Knife," Travis dashed down the forest using his super speed. Everything seemed so slow before his eyes. He could see everything before him clearly, including the beads of sweat on their faces.  Their breathing was uneven and labored. Adrenaline coursed through their veins, ready to unleash their rage upon anyone who came close to them. Their eyes darted from one side of the room to another, trying to locate the sniper that killed their comrades.


He ran across the open area and approached the warehouse.


He dashed toward the back door.


He kicked the door open.


He dashed into the room and found himself surrounded by fifteen armed kidnappers with the hostages in their midst. They all turned to face him, their guns aimed at him. They were hiding behind the hostages. He pushed his super speed to the limits. Everyone seemed to be standing still before his eyes. He smirked.

'You shouldn't have brought them all in here and gathered like that, fools.'

He dashed with the knife in his grip. Each of the hostages had a kidnapper hiding behind them. He approached each kidnapper one by one and, in an instant, slashed, severing their hands holding the guns. He moved through the kidnappers like lightning, swiftly severing their arms. Even the blood spewing out of their arms seemed frozen in time before his eyes.

"Fuck!" Travis felt a sharp pain in his legs. He nearly fell down but quickly recovered. It seems this body of his is still untrained. Using too much speed is putting strain on his body.

For the victims and kidnappers, what felt like only a few seconds for Travis, felt like an eternity for everyone else. The room was filled with a mixture of terrified screams, and sounds of severed arms hitting the ground as blood flew everywhere. The smell of blood filled the air, stinging his nostrils.

"T-the hostages?"

The kidnappers tried to use their hostages as shields to protect themselves but Travis wasn't about to fall for the same trick again. In his eyes, the scene looked like a gruesome battle was happening at the speed of sound, creating a bizarre and horrifying image.

Each of them was overwhelmed with fear and confusion as he slashed their limbs apart. The victim hostages, once innocent civilians, were drenched in pools of fresh blood, their eyes glazed over, and their bodies stiffened in shock. A wave of nausea and dizziness overwhelmed them. Some even started vomiting. The room filled with the deafening sounds- screams of terror, and sounds of slicing flesh and severed limbs, turning into a cacophony of madness.

In a mere second, all fifteen kidnappers fell to the ground writhing in their pool of blood. All of their severed limbs laying around the room.

'W-what kind of monster did these men piss off to warrant such an excessive punishment?' One of the hostages thought in fright.

"Any doctor here?" Travis asked, wiping the blood off his face, as he looked toward the hostages.

"I- I am," one of the women raised her shaking hands.

'Is he looking for me?' the woman wondered nervously. 'I can't, not now. There is so much blood, and... they don't have arms...!' Her stomach felt queasy just thinking about it, but the man was waiting expectantly for her to approach. 'Come on, Mary, they might die if they're left bleeding like this... But they are bad people... But as a doctor, I need to treat their wounds... It's the right thing to do...But then again...' Her thoughts raced back and forth.

"Check her head injury," Travis pointed his finger at Sarah who was lying unconscious at the corner of the warehouse.

--[Carefully read the chs from here onwards. I have left small clues about something that is related to MC's Summon Quirk.]--


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