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[A few hours earlier]

[Sarah's POV]

Sarah had been going about her work in the logistics department of LexCorps, just like any other day. The bustling office had a sense of controlled chaos, with employees bustling about, coordinating shipments, and managing inventory.

She glanced at the clock on her desk. It was almost time for her lunch break, and she looked forward to her usual routine of grabbing a sandwich from the cafeteria and spending some time in the small courtyard on the building's ground floor. It was a peaceful escape from the office hubbub.

Everything was going as usual until the departure time.

It was 7:30 PM.

The LexCorps building went on a complete lockdown, trapping everyone inside. Panic quickly spread among the employees as the automated announcement system blared through the speakers, instructing them to stay in their offices and await further instructions.

Sarah, along with her coworkers, huddled together in the open area of the logistics department, their expressions a mix of fear and confusion. The office, once bustling with activity, had now turned into a tense and uncertain environment.

As they anxiously awaited updates on the situation, the lights flickered momentarily, causing more distress among the employees. The automated announcement continued to repeat, providing little information about what was happening.

Then, the building's emergency alarms blared, sending an eerie wail echoing through the corridors. It was a signal that something was gravely wrong.

Sarah's heart raced as she exchanged worried glances with her coworkers. The situation had escalated far beyond a normal lockdown. It felt like a nightmare.

Just as fear settled in, a loud crashing sound echoed from a nearby corridor. It was followed by terrified screams from employees who had been caught in the chaos.

Her heart pounded in her chest as the chaos intensified. The crashing sound had sent shockwaves of terror through the employees, but it was what came next that turned the situation into a nightmarish reality.

A worker from a nearby office, panting and wide-eyed, stumbled into their department, yelling frantically, "They're here! They crawled out of the old drainage system behind the building!"

Sarah's blood ran cold as she processed the words. "They?" she whispered to herself, her mind racing to comprehend the situation.

Her coworkers exchanged terrified glances, and the emergency alarms continued to wail, drowning out the panicked voices. In the midst of the chaos, the overhead lights flickered again, casting eerie shadows across the room.

Then, from the darkened corridor, emerged a nightmare come to life. It was a black alien [Xenomorph], its sleek and deadly form glistening with a slimy, otherworldly sheen. Its elongated head and razor-sharp tail were unmistakable.

The employees in the logistics department, already paralyzed by fear, watched in horror as the Xenomorph advanced with deadly grace. Its hissing breath cut through the air, a chilling sound that seemed to freeze their very souls.

The one who was screaming fell dead on the floor as the alien's tail pierced through his chest.

Everyone screamed in fear and tried to run away. But Sarah's eyes fell on the alien's head. She saw that there were no eyes on its head which meant it could not see, but how did it just kill the man before her eyes?

'Sound!? Smell!?' A thought crossed her mind. 'Or does it really have eyes under its glossy black armor?'

The Xenomorph continued its relentless advance, its deadly tail retracting as it hissed and moved with unnatural speed. Panic and chaos reigned in the office as employees scattered, trying to escape the nightmarish creature.

Sarah's mind raced as she observed the unknown alien. It was clear that this creature had a heightened sense of hearing. The sudden and loud screams of the terrified employees had attracted its attention, leading to the brutal demise of the unfortunate worker and those who screamed and tried to run away.

As the alien approached her. She held her mouth tightly with her hands, trembling in fear and horror. Before her, lay the ten dead bodies of her co-workers.

Sarah's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the Xenomorph move closer, leaving a trail of death in its wake. She realized that she had to stay absolutely silent to avoid drawing its attention, but her fear threatened to overwhelm her.

The Xenomorph's hissing breath grew louder as it drew near, and Sarah focused all her willpower on maintaining her silence. She took shallow breaths, trying to calm herself and remain as still as possible.

It stopped before her and opened its hissing mouth, revealing another mouth inside, dripping with fluids.

It passed by her, its sleek, deadly form inches away, and she couldn't help but shudder at the proximity of the creature. It was a harrowing experience, knowing that any noise, any movement, could lead to her own demise.

Then another scream from outside the department caught its attention.

It dashed outside with a blinding speed, leaving behind a bloody room.

Sarah's mind raced as the Xenomorph departed in pursuit of the new noise. She was left in the blood-spattered office, surrounded by the lifeless bodies of her coworkers. The echoes of their screams and the horrific encounter still resonated in her mind.

She knew that she couldn't stay in the logistics department. The alien could return at any moment, and she had to find a way to escape the building. Her heart was heavy with grief for her fallen colleagues, but survival instincts compelled her to act.

This isn't the time to mourn the dead. She must survive at any cost. but with the building in lockdown, there was only one way...

'The garbage disposal tube!' She thought.

She knew her best chance of escape was through the garbage disposal tube, a narrow chute that led from the upper floors of the building to the ground floor. It was used for disposing of waste and recyclables, and while it wasn't meant for human travel, it was her only option.

With a trembling body, she made her way to the nearest disposal chute access point. The hallways were eerily quiet, and she kept her footsteps as soft as possible, mindful of the Xenomorph's presence somewhere in the building.

Sarah's heart pounded in her chest as she navigated the silent hallways of the LexCorps building. The stench of death and blood hung heavy in the air, a sickening reminder of the nightmare she had just witnessed. The walls were stained with splatters of crimson, and the eerie quiet was broken only by the occasional distant scream.

The sight of her fallen coworkers, their lifeless bodies sprawled across the office, weighed heavily on her mind. She couldn't afford to dwell on their deaths, not now. Survival was her top priority.

As she reached the access point for the garbage disposal chute, the ventilation tube broke and two aliens fell down. She quickly crutched down on the floor with her lips shut tight.

Sarah's heart raced as the two Xenomorphs dropped from the ventilation tube above her. She crouched down on the floor, her body trembling with fear. Her lips remained tightly sealed as she tried to control her breathing, desperately hoping that the aliens wouldn't sense her presence.

The aliens landed on the floor with a thud, their sleek, black forms towering over her. Their elongated heads and hissing breath sent shivers down her spine. She could feel their predatory instincts, their hunger for blood, emanating from them.

The aliens hissed and sniffed the air, their elongated jaws opening and closing.

--------[Luthor just couldn't keep his hands off alien tech. Or, did he get a card?]---


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