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AN: As mentioned before. She is the second woman, MC will have fun with without any romantic relationship. 


[Location: Metropolis]

Travis found himself standing in front of a nondescript apartment building in Metropolis. The city's skyline towered in the distance, a mix of sleek modernity and classic architecture. He took a deep breath, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.

Aunt Alison's apartment was on the fifth floor, and as he rode the elevator up, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of person she had become. His father's description of her as a nymphomaniac had left him intrigued and somewhat amused, but he knew that there was much more to her than just that label.

The elevator dinged, signaling his arrival on the fifth floor. Travis stepped out and walked down the hallway, stopping in front of a door with the number 504. He hesitated for a moment before raising his hand to knock.

The door swung open, revealing a woman who looked to be in her early thirties. Her striking green eyes and vibrant red hair cascaded down her shoulders in waves. Her appearance was a mix of edgy and alluring, with a hint of mystery in her demeanor.

'Dang! She's hot!' Travis thought. "Wtf, am I thinking? She is my aunt for fuck's sake! That is so wrong... But, damn, she is fit for a milf..."

Alison Evans, age 37, nymphomaniac and is wearing black short jeans, showing off her legs, and a crop top, revealing her slim stomach. She has an hourglass body with round and plump breasts that are contained by her shirt but still noticeable, and her ass looks perfect, bouncing around with every step she takes.

Alison smiled at him, her eyes twinkling with excitement. She quickly ran and hugged him tightly, burying his face in her chest.

"Oh my God! Travis! I can't believe it's really you. Oh, you are alive. I didn't believe it when Andy said you came back to life, but you really came back to life. This is just wonderful," she said excitedly while moving her chest on his face, making his mind go crazy.

"Mummm~" Travis muffled something, trying to get some air to breathe.

"What?" Alison asked, confused.

"I... I can't breathe!" He managed to say between his words.

"Oops. Sorry." She loosened her hold on him and apologized.

"It's okay." Travis took a deep breath, filling his lungs with air. He couldn't help but notice the way she smelled, a mix of lavender and vanilla. It was intoxicating.

"Come on in. I was just doing my regular yoga," She said as she pulled him in by his arms.

Travis couldn't help but notice the way her ass jiggled as she walked. He felt his cock twitch in his pants. He wanted to slap her ass so bad, but he held back.

He looked around the apartment and noticed how neat and tidy everything was. There wasn't a single item out of place. The walls were decorated with various pictures, and they really looked expensive just like the internal structure of the apartment.

"You live here alone?" Travis asked, looking around the place.

"Why? Wanna shift in?" She teased while walking up to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and took out a can of orange soda. "Here catch," she said as she threw him a can of coke.

Travis caught it and popped open the can, taking a sip. "And what are you planning to do if I say yes?"

"Then," She walked up to him, getting closer than what he was comfortable with. "We would have to share the bed," she whispered seductively, her warm breath tickling his ear. "You see I have a big royal bed, but it is really lonely, so I will be really grateful if you keep me company."

Travis felt his cock growing hard at her words. He swallowed nervously, trying to think of something to say.

Alison took a step back and looked at him, a smirk on her lips. "What is it? Cat got your tongue?"

"Um... No. I just don't know what to say," he mumbled, averting his eyes.

"Oh, my adorable nephew," She said as she put her hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss, her lips pressing against his cheek, "I am really glad to see you."

Travis couldn't help but notice how soft her lips were. He could feel his cock growing harder in his pants, straining against the fabric.

Alison pulled back from the kiss and smiled at him.

"Now, why don't you make yourself at home while I finish my yoga?" She said as she turned around and walked toward the living room. She stopped and glanced back, "Or maybe you would like to watch or join me?" she asked with a wink.

"Um... No. I am good," He said nervously as he tried to hide his growing erection. "I will just watch if you don't mind."

'Control! You got Sarah, and those girls from the other world. Don't lust over your sexy milfy aunt... FUCK! She's hot!' He thought.

"Okay," She said as she proceeded to lay down on the mat, getting in position for her yoga.

Travis sat down on the couch and watched as she started to do her yoga, her body moving gracefully. She was flexible and in shape, and he couldn't help but admire her form.

Alison continued doing her yoga, seemingly oblivious to the way Travis was looking at her. As she stretched, her shirt rose up, revealing the white sports bra she wore underneath. The way her butt stretched and clenched with her moves was driving him crazy, and he wondered if she was doing it intentionally.

"I haven't been able to relax after knowing that my nephew is finally back," she said while doing some movements to stretch her hips.

'She's not even hiding it,' he thought to himself, but couldn't bring himself to look away. He could see her camel toe through the yoga pants, and his cock throbbed in his pants.

"You don't look that surprised to see a dead man coming back to life," Travis said, watching his aunt closely.

"To be honest, when I heard the news of you being alive... I was surprised. But then again with all the weird things happening around the world, I am not too surprised by it anymore," She said as her eyes flicked to him, watching him as his eyes roved over her body.

"Really?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Hummff!" She held her leg in the air, arching her back. "With all the freaky powers that some people have and are surfacing, and these human-like aliens living among us, a resurrected person is not too unbelievable," she said.

"Fair point," Travis acknowledged with an agreeing tone. "So how is life treating you these past few years?" He changed the topic, not wanting to give more reasons to fuel his imagination.

'Focus, goddammit! But she is a nymphomaniac no doubt—definitely the prime fodder for an erotic story. Aaargh, I wonder what she looks like under that shirt, and what are those underneath her shorts... Snap it out, Travis. She is your aunt. Damn this woman!' He shook his head mentally and closed his eyes.

Alison's body was covered in a thin layer of sweat, and her face was slightly red from the strain. She glanced at him, a faint smile on her lips. "So, how are things with Sarah?"

"Good... We are doing pretty well."

"Well, you better treat her well. That girl had shut off her heart after you died, but once again, love opens the locked doors of one's emotions."

"I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe and loved."

"Just keep her happy, and you should be fine. Women are fragile creatures. They may be stronger and more powerful in their own ways, but they can be broken. And that broken heart can't be repaired the same way, so make sure you don't do anything stupid and get yourself killed again," She said, smiling at him.

"I will do my best, and I ain't planning on dying again anytime soon," Travis said. "I am quite happy where I am... Alive..."

"Well, that's good," she replied, as she split her legs in a full stretch, pressing her palms on the mat.

Her position revealed her camel toe even better now and, his hands trembled at the sight, eager to do some touching. Travis couldn't help but imagine his cock going in and out of those sweet, supple butt cheeks... He was tempted.

"So, what do you think?" Alison suddenly asked.

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