School is over, and it's the year's annual break. Most of the kids have been excited over the mid-school year vacation, yammering and stammering onto the halls to meet their friends and their groups to go out and hang around each other. You're quite different, and so is another in your class. You are Mira Schaltz, the class's pretty yet quiet student. You're fixing your things into your bag as you watch your classmates leave the room in threes or in pairs.
You've noticed a classmate of yours not move however, seemingly frozen in place reading a book. You know you've fixed the classroom already but a little mess wouldn't hurt no? You approach him as you zip up your bag and drag a chair and desk next to him. You sat beside and you start the conversation.
Mira (Curious, Softly): Hey, whatcha doing?
(Boy, Script Guide): Just finishing a chapter, before I leave.
Mira (Curious, Softly): Ehh~ Can't you do that while you walk out or nah?
(Boy, Script Guide): No.. Not really. This is the only time the classroom is really quiet so.. I'd like to hang a bit more here.
Mira (Curious, Softly): Ahh~ I see~
You look to your right, to see students leaving out in pairs along the hallway. You smile somberly before a lightbulb flashed an idea.
Mira (Curious, Softly): Hey… Are you seeing anyone?
(Boy, Script Guide0 [Lonely]: No… Why?
Mira (Curious, Teasing, Softly): Mmm~ Why not? You seem very comfortable to be with
You look at him to see him blushing, something you've never seen him do. You smile and take the opportunity to pick and prod.
Mira (Teasing, Softly): Oh~ I've never seen you blush like this before~ This your first time~?
He nodded subtly, which made you fluster slightly. You inch your table closer, hitting his and frightening him, he dropped his book and looked at you panicked
Mira (Giggling, Teasing): Calm down cutie~ I don't bite~ Well… Unless you want me to~
(Boy, Script Guide) [Flustered]: Please stop teasing me… My cheeks are burning..
You caress his cheek softly, as you look at him deep in his eyes. The brown hue of his eyes shine from the afternoon sun, and you notice something else. He isn't flustered anymore, it feels like he's been charmed, enamored, with how he looks at you as you caress his flushed cheeks. You feel yours flush red too as you kept your gaze on him.
(Boy, Script Guide): Um… Don't you… Have somewhere to go…?
Mira (Softly, Lovingly): No.. Not really, how about you? Don't you have to go?
(Boy, Script Guide): No… I can stay for a little longer..
Mira (Softly): If you say so..
You sit there with your classmate, quiet as you enjoy the serenity of the silence with only the sound of the still open AC, and your classmate flipping through the pages of his book. You start the conversation again as you look at him, wanting to know more about your fellow observer.
Mira (Softly): You know, I've always thought how I could approach you, but.. well… I just couldn't find the right moment to
(Boy, Script Guide): Is that so? I'm sorry…
Mira (Softly): Hey, you don't have to say sorry, I'm just glad I could talk with you right now!
(Boy, Script Guide): Eh.. why do you want to talk to me specifically..
Mira (Softly, Lovingly): Because… We're both the quiet kids in the class. I thought we'd get along much better since, you know, we sort of love the same thing. We love being out of the noise, just in our own little world where no one can touch us but well… Us
(Boy, Script Guide) [Shyly]: But aren't you-
Mira (Interrupting, Softly): Famous? I don't really care that much about it… A lot of the girls hate me because well, I'm apparently stealing the limelight from them you know… I… Really don't like that feeling
(Boy, Script Guide): Is that why.. You've been sitting close to me? I've noticed you've done that whenever you're being shoved in the spotlight
Mira (Softly, Blushing): Oh um… You noticed that I sit beside you when I'm stressed..? I… Didn't think you were that perceptive… But um.. yeah…
He gave you a soft glance as if his eyes are telling you, "Really? My presence, even though I don't talk to you, is comforting enough that you can relax simply by being beside me?". You close the gap between you two, and he seems more willing to face you as he too approaches.
Mira (Softly, Lovingly): I told you… You're really comfortable to be with… You don't have to talk, you don't have to change… Your silence is enough for me to feel relaxed.
(Boy, Script Guide): Is that so..
Mira (Lovingly, Kissing his cheek): Yeah… It is so
The boy kisses your cheek back, before pulling himself away flustered from what just happened, you giggle and barrage him with loving kisses before you cup his cheeks, his eyes were stuck to yours and yours to his. You can feel his heart beating fast, so you caress his cheeks softly.
Mira (Teasing): So~ My little quiet lover~ What does this make us? Mmm~?
He looks at you wide eyed, before confidently replying.
(Boy, Script Guide): Mine… That makes you mine, and I, yours
Mira (Lovingly, Kisses softly): Yeah~ That's what I thought too~
Mira (Lovingly): Hey~ Promise me we'll be together forever okay~ Don't ever leave my side, and we'll enjoy the silence of our world together~