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42.1% Yu-Gi-Oh GX: It's Time to DUEL! / Chapter 8: CHAPTER 8

Chapter 8: CHAPTER 8

Opening his eyes, he blinks as he looked around.

He was in some sort of void, with nothing to boot. His clothes, his physical body, nothing. He was just there.

Suddenly, a screen appeared in front of him.





Y / N


So they wanted him to make a Nexus account? Alright then...

He started to type using a holographic keyboard that appeared.




PASSWORD: ********

[Y] / N


The words disappeared upon pressing Y, before suddenly a flash of blinding light shone, causing Ken to cover his eyes as everything went white.

A few seconds later, the light finally dissipated. Uncovering his eyes, he sees that he was in a dark and ominous castle hallway at what seemed to be midnight.

He looked down to see that he was wearing his Duel Disk, along with his clothes prior to the transfer.


A sudden beep alarmed him, causing him to raise his guard of his surroundings when his eyes noticed something.

Below his eyesight on the bottom left was a HUD. There were three displays, a mail icon, a person icon, a shop icon, and the current time. Currently, the mail icon had a red dot on the top right of it.

Now, how to access it...

He started to word the icons out in hopes that it was voice activated, when he finally got it.


A black screen with white wording appeared, with a notification that someone sent him a message.


Muto_Yugi: Come to the throne room of the castle. It's just around the corner of the Spawn.


Closing the messages prompt, he quickly checked his deck when another prompt appeared when he touched his Duel Disk.



[Friend Duel]

[Ranked Duel]


Tapping on [Cards], he was met with an editing screen that looked very familiar. It looked almost identical to Master Duel's deck editor page.

Checking each one to make sure that the transfer of his deck was perfect, he closed the page before walking to the throne room, following Yugi's instructions as he turned the corner to find a large double door.

Pushing it and realizing that it was surprisingly light, he entered the throne room to reveal Yugi waiting for him.

Along with his normal clothing, he now was wearing an indigo jacket. Upon arrival, Yugi smiled.

"I see that the transfer went well. That's a relief."

A notification just came in. Yugi had requested to be his friend. Accepting it, a prompt immediately appeared.



Y / N


"Are you ready, Yusou-kun?"

Nodding, he breathed deeply before accepting the duel.

The moment he pressed Y, his Duel Disk came alive and started to unfold itself from its compact mode.

Yugi takes a breath before his eyes changed. His kind demeanor instantly did a 180° and became serious.

It was cringe, but he could feel the aura of Yugi shift to a more dangerous feeling. More menacing. That made his arms grow goosebumps at the sudden change.

It was like he was fighting against a different person.

Raising his arm, Yugi's Duel Disk starts to expand before it grew to its duel form.

"Let's go, Yusou-kun!"

His voice changed to, from the soft and gentle tone to a more confident and hard tone.

This wasn't Muto Yugi anymore, this was the King of Games, the companion and reincarnation of the Pharaoh.

Pointing his Duel Disk at Yugi, who does the same, they use voice-command to initiate the duel.





Ken's LP: 4000

Yugi's LP: 4000

A holographic coin appeared in his vision with the options of heads or tails. He tapped on heads. It then started spinning before stopping on tails, so that meant Yugi is going first.

"My turn, I draw!"

He drew his card anime style with his right hand extended all the way with his turn 1 draw card. Adding it to his hand, he strategizes before starting his turn.

"I start by playing the continuous spell card, Dark Magical Circle! I can look at the top 3 cards of my deck, then I can reveal 1 of them that is a Dark Magician or a spell or trap that mentions Dark Magician, and add it to my hand"

That caused Ken's eyes to widen in confusion. Dark Magical Circle? This is a Dark Magician deck! He honestly thought that it was going to be a weird Magnet Warrior deck with Silent cards.

"Also, I can place the remaining cards on top of my deck in any order!"

The Duel Disk in Yugi's hand automatically pushed out 3 card on the top of the deck for Yugi to grab. Taking it, he shows it to Ken, who got the visuals from a holographic prompt in his vision.

"I add Dark Magic Expanded into my hand!

Now, I activate, from my hand, Magicians' Soul! If this card is in my hand, I can send 1 Level 6 or higher spellcaster monster from my deck to the Graveyard, then activate 1 of its effects"

I send Dark Magician to the Graveyard and choose his second effect!"

The deck automatically slightly pushed out a card from the middle of his deck. Taking it, he puts it into his GY.

"His second effect lets me send this card to the Graveyard, then, I can special summon 1 Dark Magician or 1 Dark Magician Girl from my Graveyard!"

Raising his hand, he starts to chant as his monster appeared in the middle of his field.

"Come to my side, my ever faithful companion! Dark Magician!"

Kneeling before Yugi, Dark Magician appeared and starts to float with magic before pointing its scepter at Ken.

Its animations were spotless, from the breathing of the monster to the tense yet confident posture, this was clearly the Dark Magician that Yu-Gi-Oh was famed for.

"Now, I then play the field spell, Magician's Salvation!"

Suddenly, a dark magic circle appeared beneath them both.

"When this card is active, I can set 1 Eternal Soul directly from my deck!"

Taking the card from his deck, he sets it in the middle of his spell/trap zone.

"Seeing as I don't have any more moves, I will now play the spell card, Pot of Greed! It allows me to draw two cards from my deck!"

Drawing two, he looks at his hand before setting a card face down.

"I'll end my turn, Yusou-kun."


Nodding, Ken starts his turn by drawing. Looking at his cards, he winces at the unfortunate hand. He could still something with this hand, but 3 traps, 2 monsters, and only 1 spell cards?

"... I'll start by summoning Indulged Darklord to the field."

She appears in a black shine, floating with only one wing as she winked at Ken, who was surprised at the animation. Yugi muttered something that he couldn't hear as Ken continued.

"I'll activate her effect. When she is summoned onto the field, I can take 2 Darklord monsters with different levels, other than Indulged, and then special summon one of them onto your field in Defense Position while I add the other to my hand.

I choose Darklord Morningstar and Capricious Darklord, the latter going to your field while the former goes to my hand."

Taking the cards from his deck with the help of the Duel Disk, he was about to walk over to give Capricious to Yugi when the card automatically flew to his Duel Disk and special summoned itself.

Huh, that was very convenient.

"I'll then use the spell card from my hand, Banishment of the Darklords, to add a Darklord card other than Banishment of the Darklords from my deck to my hand. I choose Darklord Superbia."

Taking the card, he looked at his hand before hoping this worked.

"I then use the effect of Darklord Ixchel on my hand. I can send both her and a Darklord monster to the GY, and then I can draw 2 cards. I'll send Superbia with her to the GY."

Sending them into the GY, he drew another two.

"... I'll set two cards face down before ending my turn."

"Before you end your turn, I reveal my face down, the continuous trap card, Eternal Soul!"

Yugi quickly activates his set trap card. A stone tablet appeared in front of the continuous trap card, covering Dark Magician in a translucent aura.

"Every Dark Magician in my monster zone is unaffected by your card effects. And even though I must destroy all monsters that I control if this card is sent to the Graveyard, it still has a few effects that are useful!

Once per turn, I can activate 1 of these effects:

● Special Summon 1 Dark Magician from my hand or Graveyard.

● Add 1 Dark Magic Attack or Thousand Knives from my deck to my hand.

I choose to add a Dark Magic Attack to my hand!"

Shit, this was bad.

Adding the card to his hand, he starts his turn by drawing.

"My turn, I draw!"

Looking at the card that he just drew, he activates it.

"I activate Pot of Greed! I draw two cards!"

Oh my god...

Yugi adds another two cards into his hand before starting his turn.

"I activate Eternal Soul's first ability to special summon a Dark Magician from my hand!"

In a white flash, another Dark Magician appeared on the field.

"I'll then play the spell card, Dark Magic Attack! All your set cards are destroyed!"

The first Dark Magician that Yugi summoned started to focus a blast of darkness when Ken quickly activates one of his set cards.

"I flip over my trap card, Darklord Uprising! I can send 1 Darklord monster from my hand or face-up field to the GY, and then fusion summon 1 DARK fusion monster from my extra deck, using monsters from my hand or field as material.

Then, I can gain LP equal to the original ATK of the monster sent to the GY to activate this card.

I send my other Darklord Ixchel as cost to the GY, and then I use Darklord Ukoback and Darklord Morningstar that are on my hand, along with Indulged Darklord from my field to fusion summon The First Darklord!"

Sending all the material for The First Darklord to the GY, before he fusion summons him, Yugi suddenly flips one of his trap cards.

"Before you do anything, I reveal my face down! The trap, Magicians' Combination activates!

Once per turn, I can tribute 1 Dark Magician or 1 Dark Magician Girl, and then special summon 1 Dark Magician or 1 Dark Magician Girl from my hand or Graveyard, with a different name from the tributed monster, and if I do, I can negate that activated effect!"

He takes out the second Dark Magician from his monster zone to tribute a cute face.

"I tribute summon Dark Magician Girl! Because of that, The First Darklord's summoning and LP gain is negated!"

As he said that, his spell card suddenly shot out static shocks before automatically flying into the GY. Reacting to it, Ken quickly flips his remaining face down.

"I chain with my other face down, Darklord Enchantment! By discarding one Darklord monster from my hand or field, I can take control of one monster you own until the end phase!

Since Eternal Soul is currently protecting your Dark Magician, I will take your Dark Magician Girl instead, with Darklord Marie as cost!"

A purple glow of mist appeared from the trap card and started to surround Dark Magician Girl whose eyes suddenly shifted to a heart shape iris. Hypnotically, she floated to his board as her card rested in Defense Position on his monster zone.

Fuck, Yugi broke his board so fast with just a card! At least he had so many monster cards, or else he would have been fucked.

"Since you used a Dark Magician as tribute, your GY has a Dark Magician, meaning Dark Magician Girl gains 300 ATK, but since she's in Defense Position, it doesn't do a thing at all."

Dark Magician deck monsters were mostly below 3000 ATK, that meant that he could survive one more turn at least with Dark Magician Girl guarding him for now.

"Very well. I'll play the magic card, Soul Servant! It allows me to place 1 card on top of the deck, from my hand, deck, or Graveyard, that is a Dark Magician or a card that mentions a Dark Magician.

I shall add Palladium Oracle Mahad to the top of my deck!"

Ken froze as the card appeared in his vision. That card... How in the hell does Yugi even have this? He thought it was a one-time thing by the Pharaoh.

"Battle! I attack Dark Magician Girl with Dark Magician!"

Dark Magician charged up a ball of darkness before hurling it, exploding upon impact as Dark Magician Girl shattered into light with a cry.

"I end my turn. It's your move, Yusou-kun."

Palladium Oracle Mahad has the ability to be summoned upon a draw, and then if it battles a DARK monster, it doubles in ATK.

He was so fucked. Morningstar was a 1 in his deck, meaning he can't play The First Darklord's board wipe effect. And even if he somehow did have it, he needed a Mystical Space Typhoon to get rid of Eternal Soul to get rid of Dark Magician.

Reaching out for his deck, he hesitates on the draw. If he doesn't draw something useful, he's fucked. He needs a Pot of Greed, ironic as it sounds after complaining about it so much.

This was truly becoming a need for the Heart of the Cards moment.

Praying that he draws it, he mutters in sheer desperation. He doesn't want to lose this!

"Heart of the Cards, guide me."

He drew.


"Holy fuck."

Staring at him was the iconic creepy smiling jar. He immediately played it.

"Standby phase, Marie lets me heal 200 LP when she's in the GY."

Ken's LP: 4000 → 4200

"On your main phase, I activate Eternal Soul's first ability to special summon Dark Magician from my Graveyard!"

In a flash, a Dark Magician appeared and floated beside its copy. Here goes...

"I play the spell card, Pot of Greed, from my hand!"

Drawing the two cards, he mentally thanked his deck at the draws. He drew into another Pot of Greed. The chances of it...

"I then play the spell card, Pot of Greed again!"

Drawing the last card after, he started his turn. He was starting to feel the adrenaline kicking in.

"Now, I activate the spell card, Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your Eternal Soul!"

The typhoon instantly appeared under Eternal Soul as it sucked the tablet into itself before fading into nothing.

"Because of that, the monsters you control are destroyed!"

Dark Magician yells in agony while Capricious just had a disturbing grin as she too shatters into light.

"Finally, with nothing standing in my way, I activate Monster Reborn to bring back Darklord Morningstar from the GY!"

Summoning him, Morningstar arrived after a bunch of black feathers burst from a zone, appearing kneeling down with his sword and shield in hand.

"I then use the spell card, Darklord Contact to bring back Darklord Superbia from the GY in Defense Position!"

Arriving in black light, a winged being appeared.

"Using Superbia's effect! When it is special summoned from the GY, I can target 1 Fairy-Type monster in my GY, except Darklord Superbia and special summon that target. I choose Darklord Ixchel!"

With that, the bird started to hawk as with another black light, a woman with two pairs of winged feathers appeared.

"I will now use a spell card from my hand, Polymerization! I use Superbia, Ixchel, and Morningstar to fusion summon The First Darklord!"

The air suddenly went cold as a portal behind Ken opens, revealing The First Darklord. Descending from the skies with his 6 pair of wings, he brandishes his sword towards Yugi.

"Another one..."

Yugi mutters before Ken activates The First Darklord's effect without hearing what Yugi said as he was too far away.

"His effect activates! If Morningstar was used as material for fusion summoning him, he destroys your whole board! Go!"

Obeying his master's command, The First Darklord raised his sword up high, countless black magic aura swords materialized before they struck at every card on Yugi's field.

"Battle! The First Darklord attacks you directly!"

The First Darklord immediately soared into the sky, crashing and breaking the roof of the castle. After a second, a purple flash of light illuminated the sky before crashing down on Yugi.


The impact caused an explosion, as Yugi skids to the floor from the blast.

Yugi's LP: 4000 → 0


Winner: Yusou_Ken

BP Earned: 5000

EXP Earned: 1000


Flaunting his school jacket, Ken raised his hair using his right hand before gesturing a finger gun at Yugi.

"The show's over!"




The moment Ken said the catchphrase again, he slapped his hand across his face.

"Not again..."

"Wow, that was a good duel, Yusou-kun!"

Yugi's voice caused him to look at his direction.

Yugi now returned to his normal look, with his eyes showing surprise and satisfaction.

"Pegasus-san gave you much credit, that was amazing."

He said as he raised his hand. Ken met it as they gave a firm handshake.

"That was a fantastic duel too, Yugi-san. I almost lost if it weren't for the Pot of Greeds."

He would admit it, that was purely luck. Two Pots in a row was a record for him.

"Your connection with your deck is much deeper than you'd expect, Yusou-kun. I would love to see you grow to become the best."

Noting the first sentence that Yugi gave him, he thanked Yugi before he was instructed to leave the virtual world. Following his instructions, Ken logged out, and faded into blue motes. 

Yugi was about to log off as well when he saw that The First Darklord was still materialized, even after the duel.

He met the monster eyes, when suddenly The First Darklord tilted his head, as if signalling him to get going, confirming his suspicions. 

A Duel Spirit. And from what he seen from their duel, all of his monsters were Spirits as well.

"Protect your friend, I can sense that he will shine bright."

The First Darklord stared at him coldly for a moment before nodding, disappearing in white particles. Yugi stayed there for a little while longer, feeling the bond with his cards on his finger as he took his deck out of the Duel Disk before voicing out. 

"[System Call: Log Out]."


Logging Out...


Yusou Ken, what an interesting duelist...


Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.

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